Before I Let You Go (8 page)

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Authors: Angie Daniels

BOOK: Before I Let You Go
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Chapter 9

iamere helped Kelly into his Navigator, and as soon as their seat belts were safely in place he pulled away from the curb and headed toward the highway.

“You smell good,” he told her.

Kelly turned her head toward him and smiled. “Thanks. It’s called Pearls. It’s one of my favorite scents.”

“I can see why.” He gave her a smile that intensified the ache in her body.

She giggled to herself. The compliment was exactly what she had hoped for. Tonight she wanted to make sure she had his undivided attention. She had noticed his appreciative stare at the door and knew his eyes had been on her backside as she sashayed to her room to finish getting ready. Everything was going according to plan, and if things continued, before the night was over she would finally find out, after years of wishing
and wondering, what it was like to be made love to by Diamere Redmond. A nervous shiver of anticipation traveled right down to her core, and she squeezed her legs tightly together.

“You okay?”

“What?” Her head snapped to the left. “I’m fine. Why do you ask?”

“Because you just moaned.”

Oh, no! Did I really do that out loud?
“Oh, no. I…I was humming a tune I heard earlier,” she said, pleased at how fast she could think under pressure.

“Then I guess I should have asked why were you crying, because you’ve never been able to carry a tune.”

Kelly playfully slugged him in the arm. “I can too carry a tune.”

“Ow!” he cried, trying to keep the laughter out of his voice. He rubbed his arm as if she had actually hurt him. “The Kelly Saunders I remember tried to sing Mariah Carey at one of her family reunions and got gonged after the first minute.”

It only took a few seconds for her to remember the exact summer he was talking about. Kelly exploded with laughter at the reminder. She had been seventeen at the time and thought she was going to be the next worldwide singing sensation. At every Saunders family reunion they held a talent night and she had been determined to show her parents how well she could sing. It wasn’t long before one of her cousins tossed a deviled egg at her head.

“Okay, I have to agree I sounded awful,” she said with a hearty chuckle at the memories.

“Awful? You had the neighbor’s dog howling at the
moon!” Diamere tore his eyes away from the road long enough to meet her gaze, and as soon as he did they exploded with even more laughter.

“You’re right. After that night I decided that maybe I better become a teacher instead.”

“I think you made the right choice,” he replied with a playful glint in his eyes.

Diamere maneuvered the sleek vehicle onto the highway, heading toward Philadelphia. “I hope you don’t mind going to see that new horror movie. I know movies aren’t considered good choices for first dates.”

“You know I love a good scary movie as much as you do. Besides, that rule applies to people who are just getting to know each other. I think I already know everything I need to know about you.”

Diamere glanced at her out the corner of his eye. “You think you know me, huh?”

“Of course,” she replied with a playful smirk. “At least what I need to know.”

Diamere focused on the road as he slowly nodded his head and said, “Okay, we’ll see about that.”

Kelly didn’t miss the hint of a challenge in his voice, and the possibility excited her. The night was filled with possibilities.


The movie was just what she needed. They shared a bucket of popcorn, an extra-large cola and chocolate-covered raisins. By the middle of the film, Kelly was jumping out of her seat. Diamere reached over and laced his fingers with hers and she relaxed, leaning her head on his shoulder.

After the movie, Diamere took her hand as they
walked to his car side by side, neither saying anything, just enjoying the other’s company.

“Anything you would like to do before we go to dinner?”

She looked up at him for a moment and then a big smile spread across her face. “How about a carriage ride? I haven’t done that in years.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

He drove to the historical district and parked his SUV in a garage and got out. Extending a hand, he helped her down from her side.

Kelly climbed out and glanced at her feet. “I forgot to consider that these probably aren’t the best walking shoes.”

“I’ve got a solution.” With that, Diamere swung her up into his arms and carried her across the parking lot while she struggled to get free.

“Diamere, put me down!” she cried as she tightened her grip on his neck.

“I’m trying to help you,” he answered, ignoring her request.

Kelly felt the power of his body as he shifted her comfortably in his arms. She felt the heat emanating from him and needed some distance before she got too excited. “My feet will be fine,” she protested.

Stopping, Diamere stared at her, unblinking. His mouth was only inches from hers. Desire stirred, causing her heart to pound heavily as they looked at each other, tension shimmering between them.

“If you insist.” His gaze lingered on her mouth before moving up to her eyes.

“Yes, I do,” she whispered.

Diamere possessed a sexy, animal-like magnetism
she had never been so conscious of before. He stared at her and she held her breath, wondering what he was planning to do next. She released it silently when he obediently lowered her to the ground.

“Trust me, women learn how to walk in stilettos.” She didn’t bother to tell him that women went through a lot to look good even if they got an occasional blister from it.

“I don’t know how you do it, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say how sexy you look in those shoes,” he said.

A smile curved her mouth. “Thank you.” She didn’t know what it was about Diamere that made her think such wicked thoughts. She couldn’t help imagining wearing those shoes to bed…his bed.

“Well, we’d better get walking.”

The sound of his low voice brought her back to the present. Curving a protective arm around her waist, Diamere led her up the block to Fourth and Chestnut, where there were carriages lined up along the street.

Kelly carefully chose what she thought looked like the friendliest horse. Diamere stood by, trying to suppress his laughter. When she finally decided on a horse named Charlie, they boarded the carriage.

The temperature had dropped to about seventy-eight degrees and it was slightly humid, yet Kelly still found herself shivering from nerves and anticipation. Once they were both comfortably seated, the horse backed away from the curb and began a slow trot. Kelly glanced around. She had taken this tour in the past and loved hearing the driver narrate the history of the area.

“You look like you’re enjoying yourself tonight,” Diamere whispered.

She turned her head to meet his stare and her eyes
widened. She was at a loss for words. She shivered as if a cool breeze had swept the back of her neck. There was something about the way he looked at her that made her want to tell him she’d feel even better if he took her back to his condo and made love to her. A smile played at the corners of his mouth as if he knew what she was thinking. “I am having a great time,” she finally answered.

He looked pleased by her response. “Good. If you weren’t I’d be afraid I’m losing my touch.”

She shook her head and shifted on the carriage seat. “Heaven forbid anyone would say Diamere Redmond doesn’t know how to treat a lady.”

He gave a hearty chuckle. “Absolutely. We definitely can’t have that.”

As the carriage turned onto the next street, the guide’s robust voice drew their attention. Kelly only half listened. Her mind was on Diamere. She remembered he’d once had quite the reputation for being a ladies’ man. That was before he finally decided to marry. Now that he was single again, she was certain it would be hard for a woman to ever penetrate the wall he’d erected after the way Ryan had betrayed him.

From the beginning he’d been up-front about not looking for anything serious. And that was a good thing, because as long as they both knew where the other stood, Kelly wouldn’t be in jeopardy of losing her heart to him again. Despite knowing this, she still responded to his nearness. She shifted her weight and thought about the attraction that exploded between them each and every time she looked his way. Her pulse was racing. She didn’t want to stop looking at him. In fact, she wanted him to kiss her again.

As if he knew she was watching him out of the corner of her eye, Diamere reached over and took her hand in his. A shiver of anticipation raced through her.

“Are you cold?” he asked, in a tone she found both comforting and unsettling.

She took a deep breath and finally shook her head.

Diamere studied her intently before he leaned over and whispered in her ear, “Don’t worry. I don’t bite.”

Kelly saw the heat in his eyes, the glint of arousal. She could feel the intensity overwhelming her.
, she commanded herself.

Diamere draped an arm across her shoulders, which she found quite comforting. As the guide took them along one cobblestone street after the next, she found herself relaxing, and without realizing it nestled her head against Diamere’s shoulder as they listened to the driver’s narration. By the time she realized what she was doing, she had to admit it felt quite natural. Diamere was large and solid, just right for resting her head. She inhaled his masculine scent.

“Are you falling asleep?” he asked quietly.

Kelly tilted her head and looked up at him. “Of course not. I’m just listening.”

A slow, sexy smile flattened his upper lip against the ridge of his teeth. “It sounded like you were snoring.”

“Snoring? Diamere, quit pulling my leg!”

He barked with laughter as she playfully swatted his arm. They shared a laugh, then resumed listening to the rest of the tour so as not to be rude. As the carriage traveled along the quiet streets, Diamere continued to drape his arm across Kelly’s shoulders, holding her hand and grazing his thumb across her knuckles. She felt the slow, sensual strokes clear down to her toes. When the
carriage moved down South Street, the street that never sleeps, Diamere pressed his lips against the top of her head for a brief moment.


As her eyes locked upon his, the rest of the world seemed to fade away. “What?”

“Thanks for coming out with me tonight.” Her breath caught in her chest as she remembered the last time she’d seen that strange simmering quality. It was right before he had kissed her.

“I’m having a wonderful time just being here with you,” she admitted with a smile. Then, just as she’d anticipated, his head came down and his lips covered hers.

Kelly didn’t resist. She gave in to temptation. There was no denying it; she had been waiting all night for this moment. Now she didn’t want it to stop. Any apprehensions of where the evening might end just faded away. She wanted nothing more than for Diamere to make love to her.

As his lips parted hers, she eagerly opened her mouth. When his tongue thrust forward, she touched it with the tip of hers. All she thought about was what she felt, and what she was feeling was spontaneous and free. She felt young and new to the sensation, although she had certainly been kissed before. She felt alive in ways she hadn’t in years. He finally ended the kiss, and gave her a look that said he understood exactly how she was feeling.

“I think that will last me for a little while.”

He then tightened the arm around her shoulders and drew her near again. She lowered her head to his
chest and her eyes slowly shut as she succumbed to his spell.

Even though she had made the decision to sleep with him, things were spiraling out of control. She was supposed to dictate the night’s events, not him. She wanted to lead, to make sure her heart didn’t become involved. Right now her body was throbbing so hard she could hardly think straight. They were not only sitting close and holding hands, but taking a romantic ride around the city. Inhaling deeply, she forced herself to get a grip. For the duration of the ride she tried to regain control of her emotions by taking a stab at casual conversation about their surroundings. But it didn’t work. Her body and heart were at war. Finally, exactly one hour from the time they’d departed, the carriage came full circle and pulled back into its original spot.

“Stay right there,” Diamere said quietly. He got down from the carriage, thanked and tipped the driver, then returned and held out his arms to her. Seconds later, Kelly jumped into them. Instead of lowering her to her feet, he held her effortlessly, her shoes dangling several inches from the ground. Her arms circled his neck as she attempted to maintain her balance. His fingers tightened around her waist, bringing her breasts into contact with the solid wall of his chest. She felt the heat of his flesh through the layers of clothing. Her head, level with his, eased forward until she felt the whisper of his moist breath as it swept over her mouth. Desire burned in his eyes.

Kelly smothered a groan. She was certain Diamere could feel her sensitive nipples hardened like tiny pebbles. Passion had her pulse pumping, and she had
to struggled to maintain what little was left of her composure.

Diamere slowly lowered her to her feet. “You hungry yet?” he finally asked.

She playfully nodded her head. If he only knew how hungry she truly was, he would have scooped her into his arms and had carried her back to his SUV. She wanted him and she knew he wanted her, as well. The sooner she got him out of her system the better. But she was starting to have a sinking feeling that the evening wasn’t going to be quite as simple as she had originally thought.

They walked back to the car and drove in silence the few blocks to the restaurant. As soon as they entered they were escorted to a small table close to the window. They looked over the menus and ordered quickly. After their waiter left, Kelly excused herself and disappeared into the ladies’ room. She washed her hands, then looked in the mirror and took a deep breath. So far the night was everything she had hoped for. Now it was time to turn things up a notch.

The second she walked back out the door, there would be no turning back. Either she was going home with him or returning to her condo with her virginity still intact. This was her last chance to run. She gazed at the woman in front of her and knew from the color of her cheeks that she wanted nothing as much as she wanted to spend the night in Diamere’s arms.

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