Before the Storm (133 page)

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Authors: Rick Perlstein

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in Texas; (Clif)
White and; Willkie and,
during World War I; in
Wyoming; youth and
(see also
Young Republicans)
Republican Party, The
Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC)
“Responsible Republicans”
Reston, James “Scotty”
Reuther, Victor
Reuther, Walter
Rexall Drug and Chemical Company
Reynolds, John
Rhee, Syngman
Rhode Island Republican Party
Rhodes, James
Rhodes, John J.
Ribicoff, Abraham
Richardson Foundation
Richfield Oil Corporation
Richmond News Leader
Rickenbacker, Eddie
Riesman, David
Ripon Society
Road to Salesmanship, The
Road to Serfdom, The
Roberts Dairy
Robert's Rules of Order
Robinson, Jackie
Rockefeller, David
Rockefeller, John D., Jr.
Rockefeller, John D., Sr.
Rockefeller, Laurance
Rockefeller, Margaretta Fitler Murphy
Rockefeller, Mary Todhunter Clark “Tod”
Rockefeller, Nelson A. ,
announcement of Goldwater's
candidacy; Bastille Day
declaration of; birth and
childhood of; breakfasts with
Goldwater; in
California primary,
Rockefeller, Nelson A. (cont.)
and civil rights,
divorce and remarriage of,
governor of New York,
in Illinois primary; in
Indiana primary; Kansas
delegates for; and Lodge
candidacy; and Newburgh
welfare controversy; in New
Hampshire primary,
in New York primary,
and 1960 election,
1962 election; at 1964
Republican Convention,
in Oregon primary,
positioning for 1964
nomination by; and
Scranton candidacy;
and “stop Goldwater” movement;
and Young Republicans,
Rockefeller, Nelson A., Jr.
Rockefeller, Winthrop
Rockefeller Brothers Special Study Fund
Rockefeller Foundation
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research
Rockwell Manufacturing
Rogers, Roy
Rohrabacher, Dana
Roll Call
Romero, Cesar
Romerstein, Herb
Romney, George ; elected
governor of Michigan; at
governors' convention; and
New Hampshire primary; at 1964
Republican Convention,
in Oregon primary;
Rockefeller and
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano ; campaigns of ; Goldwater's 1938
open letter to; unions and,
during World War II,
Roosevelt, James
Roosevelt, Theodore
Roosevelt Dam
Roper, Elmo
Rosenberg, Anna
Rosenberg, Julius
Rosenthal, Frank “Lefty”
Rosenzweig, Harry
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
Rostow, Walt Whitman
Rousselot, John
Rovere, Richard
Rowe, Jim
Rubel, Cy
Rural Electrification Administration
Rusher, William
Rusk, Dean
Russell, Herb
Russell, Richard
Rustin, Bayard
Rutgers University
Ryan, William D.
St. Anselm's College
St. John's Mission Indian Dancers
St. Louis Cardinals
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
St. Louis Press Club
St. Paul Pioneer Press
Salinger, Pierre
Saltonstall, Leverett
Salvatori, Henry
Sam Rayburn Foundation
Sanders, Carl
San Diego Gas & Electric Company
SANE (National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy)
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Examiner
Santa Ana College
Santa Ana Register
Sarnoff, David
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Satterfield, John C.
Saturday Evening Post
Saunders, Blanche
Savio, Mario
Scaife, Richard Mellon
Schick Safety Razor
Schlafly, Phyllis
Schlamm, Willi
Schlatter, Richard
Schlesinger, Arthur
Schmitz, John G.
Schorr, Daniel
Schuchman, Bob
Schulz, William
Schwartz, Tony
Schwarz, Fred C.
Schweitzer, Albert
Scopes “monkey trial”
Scott, Hugh
Scott, R. K.
Scott Paper Company
Scranton, Marion Margery Warren
Scranton, William ,
announcement of
candidacy of; background of,
campaigning for nomination
by; Eisenhower
and; in House of
Representatives; inauguration
of, as governor of Pennsylvania;
and Kennedy's strategy for 1964
campaign; and New Hampshire
primary; at 1964
Republican Convention,
money” support for candidacy of,
in Oregon primary,
reluctance to run of,
Rockefeller and
television appearances of,
Screen Actors Guild (SAG)
Scribner, Fred
Scripps-Howard newspaper chain
Sears, Roebuck & Company
Secret Service
Seeger, Pete
Semple, Effie B.
Senate, U.S. ,
Services Committee; Army-McCarthy
hearings in; civil rights
legislation in,
Civil Service Committee;
Commerce Committee;
Democratic control of; Dirksen as
Republican leader in; Foreign
Relations Committee;
Goldwater in,
Goldwater denounced on floor of,
Goldwater's campaigns for,
Intelligence Committee;
Internal Security Committee,
Johnson in,
Knowland in; Labor
Committee; Lodge in;
McCarthy censured by; McClellan
“Rackets” Committee,
Nixon in;
Partial Test Ban Treaty in; party-line
votes in; Permanent Sub-Senate,
U.S. (
committee on Investigations;
Post Office Committee; Rules
Committee; (Margaret Chase)
Smith elected to; Southern
Republican candidates for;
tax legislation in; unions
and; and Vietnam War; Ways
and Means Committee
Senate Republican Campaign Committee
Serling, Rod
Seven Days in May
(Knebel); film version of
Seymour, Thaddeus
Shadegg, Stephen
Shakespeare, William
Shank, Captain Edward G., Jr.
Shell, Joe
Sherman, General William Tecumseh
(television show)
Shorey, Gregory D.
Shriver, R. Sargent
Shuttlesworth, Fred
Silent Spring
Simon, Frank
Sinatra, Frank
Sinclair, Upton
Skousen, W. Cleon
Sloan, Alfred P.
Smathers, George
Smith, Adam
Smith, Al
Smith, Ellison D. “Cotton Ed”
Smith, Gerald L. K.
Smith, Howard
Smith, Howard K.
Smith, Margaret Chase
Smith, Marshall L.
Smith, Tony
Smith College
Smoki Clan
Smoot, Dan
Smylie, Bob
Snowden, Robert
Socialistic Sixteenth, The
Social Security
South Carolina: Democratic Party of ; Republican Party of
Southern, Terry
Southern Baptist Convention
Southern California, University of
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
South Korea
Southwick, Paul
Soviet Union;
and Berlin crisis; and CIA-led
coup in Congo; Conscience
of a Conservative
on; and
Cuban missile crisis; and
doctrine of “deterrence”
under Goldwater during World War II
indoctrination of U.S. military
personnel against; Nixon in,
Oswald in; slave labor camps
in; space program of;
surplus wheat sales to; in
United Nations;
Vietnam and
Spellman, Francis Cardinal
Spencer, Stu
Spencer-Roberts & Associates
Spiegel, Der
Spivak, Lawrence
Spock, Benjamin
Stagg, Tom
Stalin, Joseph
Standard Oil
Stanford University
Stanley, Scott
Stassen, Harold
State Department, U.S.
Steel, Jack
Steelworkers Union
Steers, Milton
Steffens, Lincoln
Stennis, John
Stephens, Tom
Stevenson, Adlai
Stewart, Jimmy
Stewart, Potter
Stoddard, Robert W.
Stone, Walker
Stormer, John
Strategic Air Command
Strategic Air Command
Strausz-Hupé, Robert
Student Committee for the Loyalty Oath
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
Students for Civil Liberties
Suez crisis
New York Times
Sulzberger. L.
Summerfield, Arthur
Support Your Local Police
Supreme Court, U.S. ;
ban on
Tropic of Cancer
by; civil rights decisions of,
see also Brown
Board of Education, Plessy
denounced by Goldwater,
labor law decisions of
libel standard set by;
reapportionment decisions of;
rights of accused affirmed by;
school prayer decision of
Taft, Robert A. ; coalition of
Dixiecrats and supporters of;
and 1952 Republican nomination,
Taft, William Howard
Taft-Hartley Act (1947)
Talmadge, Mrs. Eugene
Taylor, Elizabeth
Taylor, General Maxwell
Taylor, Zachary
Teamsters Union
Teheran Conference (1943)
Teller, Edward
Temporary Commission on Civil Rights
Tennessee Republican Party
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Texan Looks at Lyndon, A
Texas: Repubican Party of ; right wing in; Senate
Texas & Pacific Railroad
That Was the Week That Was
(television show)
Thayer, Walter
This Is Your Life
(television show)
Thompson, Hunter S.
Thompson, William S. “Turk”
Thone, Charlie
Thousand Days,
A (film)
3M Corporation
Thurmond, Strom
Tillich, Paul
Time, Inc.
Time for Choosing, A
Times-Mirror Syndicate
Tito (Josip Broz)
Toffler, Alvin
Toledano, Ralph de
Toledo, University of
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
Tope, John
Tower, John
Training You to Train Your Dog
Trans World Airlines (TWA)
Treasury Department, U.S.
Trilling, Lionel
Tropic of Cancer
Trotsky, Leon
Truax, Craig
Truman, Harry S.
Trumbo, Dalton
Tshombe, Moise
Tuttle, Holmes
TV for Goldwater-Miller
20th Century Reformation Hour
(radio show)
Twilight Zone, The
(television show)
Tyler, Gus
Udall, Nicholas
Uncle Johnny Mills
Union of American Hebrew Congregations
Union Oil
United Automobile Workers (UAW)
United Elastic
United Nations ; anti-U.S.
youth protest march on; far-right
rumors about; founding
of; Genocide Convention of;
Goldwater on; John
Birch Society leaflets against,
Kennedy at; Khrushchev at,
Lodge as U.S. ambassador to,
Security Council of;
Soviet delegation to; and
Tshombe affair

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