Berlin 1961 (89 page)

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Authors: Frederick Kempe

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Tellingly, Kennedy rejected the dovish:
May and Zelikow,
The Kennedy Tapes
, 256, 283–286, 388–389.
General Clay suggested to diplomat:
Kennedy and the Berlin Wall
, 203, citing Smyser’s conversation with General Clay, Links Club, New York City, November 1962.
Perhaps another million Berliners:
Kennedy: Profile of Power
, 537;
New York Times
, 06/26/1963, 06/27/1963.
some in the Kennedy:
O’Donnell and Powers, with McCarthy,
“Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye,”
360; Dallek,
An Unfinished Life
, 624; Robert G. Torricelli and Andrew Carroll, eds.,
In Our Own Words: Extraordinary Speeches of the American Century
. New York: Kodansha America, 1999, 232.
“There are many people”:
JFKL, Kennedy Speech to Berliners, Rudolph Wilde Platz, West Berlin, June 26, 1963:
Years later, amateur linguists:
Kennedy and the Berlin Wall
, 217, 221, from conversation with Heinz Weber, July 10, 2006; and Andreas W. Daum,
Kennedy in Berlin
. Washington, D.C.: German Historical Institute and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008, 133–135.
As Kennedy told Ted Sorensen:
, 601.



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