Read Between Hope & the Highway Online

Authors: Charissa Stastny

Between Hope & the Highway (34 page)

BOOK: Between Hope & the Highway
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Rawson massaged my head.

“My parents and I drove down Bonanza until traffic stopped. I jumped out and ran to the police barricade. That’s when I saw his car—what was left of it. A truck had run a red light. The driver was stoned and walked around while Justin was mangled inside a prison of twisted, jagged metal.” I gulped. “I tried to get to him, but the police and my dad held me back.”

Rawson cradled my head into his neck. “That must’ve been awful.”

“It was. I never got to say goodbye. His body was too…” I stopped, too upset to describe the nightmare.

As I emptied grief into his silky shirt, I realized that he shook with silent sobs as well. His compassion surprised me…and healed me. In sermons, I’d heard about mourning with those who mourn, but until Rawson cried with me, I’d never realized the power that action unleashed. Another part of my heart became his right then, and I wondered if I might actually love him.

“Thank you.” I touched his face and considered telling him he could kiss me. But before I could open my mouth, a tromping of feet on the stairs made me sit up and swipe at my tears.

Ben entered. “Rawson! You’re home.”

“Yep. Want to pick out a movie?”

He gave us a weird look since we were sitting in the dark. The poor kid probably thought we’d been sharing saliva, but we’d shared hearts instead. During the movie, I breathed in Rawson’s heavenly cologne and savored his touches. Talking of Justin had brought me full circle as I considered the love we’d shared and compared it to what I felt for Rawson now. Justin had been incredible, and I believe we would have been happy together; but sitting beside Rawson, I felt my confidence and ability to love had grown. I’d never felt this comfortable with Justin.

Minty breath wafted over me as Rawson’s lips touched my ear. “Dad’s sending me on a purchasing trip tomorrow.”

“That’s good, right?”

He grinned like a boy who’d just caught his first lizard. “It’s huge. He’s sent me a few times in the past, but always with Abe in charge. But it’s just me this time.”

I rested my head on his shoulder. “You’ll do great.”

“I love your faith in me.” We watched the next scene before he spoke again. “The only negative is I’ll be away from you for the next two, possibly three, weeks.”

“We have lots of practice being apart.”

“I wish we didn’t,” he grumped. “I hate leaving you with ferret.”

I nudged him. “Stop calling him that. He really is a nice guy.”

Rawson’s gaze turned intense, the green in his blue eyes sparking like flames. “I don’t care how nice he is. All I care about is that he stays away from what’s mine.”

“Stop worrying.”

He huffed. “It’s just that ferrets steal anything shiny, and you practically glow.”

I snuggled into his muscular chest. “Sorry. I can’t help my nasty, fair skin.”

He lifted me onto his lap, making my body spark as a tingling sensation spread through my limbs. “What am I going to do about you, my deficiency-listing princess?” His lips were so close I could almost taste the air he released with his words.

“Benny’s in the room.”

He kissed the skin right next to my mouth.

“Stop,” I gasped.

Everything Rawson did tantalized and terrorized. His kisses blown from several feet away practically sent me to my knees; and when his lips actually made contact with my face or neck, it felt like an out of body experience.

“Big Ben,” Rawson raised his voice, “ignore us for a bit so Liz isn’t embarrassed by our PDA.”

As his brother groaned, I jabbed Rawson’s side. “Too late. I’m already embarrassed.”

His oceanic eyes sparkled. “You’re amazing.”

“And you’re full of crap.”

I tried to slide off his lap, but he pulled me against his chest. “I’m full of nothing but honesty.” His voice was firm, not playful. “Now we have to play the
Love Triangle
game to shore up your self-esteem. I’ll start.” He played with a loose strand of my hair. “I love your kind heart. You always see the good in people…and ferrets.”

I snorted.

“Seriously, I’ve never met someone as kind as you. You love my brother and sister, you have a good relationship with Mom and Susa. You’re nice to all the hands, even the awkward ones. You even get along with Dad, and that’s a difficult thing to do. You were kind to me from the start, even though I deserved a smack in the face.”

“I did smack you.”

He chuckled. “I think I fell in love with you the day you left me in your dust on the side of the road.”


“It was short-lived. Then I cursed you to hell and back.”

I laughed. “That sounds more truthful.”

His expression sobered. “I love how blind you are to your beauty.”

My eyebrows dipped sharply.

“You’re extremely beautiful,” he whispered so Benny wouldn’t overhear. “And you have no idea.”

Because it wasn’t true.

“Your beauty radiates from inside and makes you stand out from all other women I’ve known. When I said you glow, I wasn’t talking about your skin. I was referring to how you light up a room when you enter because cheer and happiness follow in your wake. I can’t help but smile when I see you. ”

“Not when I wear a ponytail. I know you hate those.” And I’d worn one every day since he told me. I wasn’t about to change for some man, especially this handsome, irritating one holding me.

He chuckled. “Hate’s a strong word.” My core temperature rose as his aquamarine eyes drifted back and forth, searching my face. “Annoyed might be more accurate. Your ponytail annoys me because it holds back all your beautiful hair.” He reached up and yanked another curl loose. “It’s a credit to your beauty that you can wear one at all and still turn heads.”

“The only heads I turn are horses, and that’s because they have a bit in their mouth.”

“You’re blind, woman.”

“You don’t have to do this, Rawson. I don’t want to be charmed.”

“You think I’m trying to charm you?” he growled. “I’m telling you what I love about you. You might be the only woman on earth who refuses to believe anything good about herself. Now tell me three things you love.”

“Good grief. You’re more annoying than my ponytail.”

“I just hate how negative you are with yourself. You’re not that way with anyone else, so why are you so mean to Numero Uno?”

His question made me squirm. “I’m not mean. I like who I am.”

“What do you like?”

I grimaced, having stepped right into his trap. Fingering the gold chain he’d given me on the fifth day of Christmas, I said, “I love your necklace.”

He made a buzzer sound. “It can’t be something you wear. Although it does look amazing on you.”

I pursed my lips. “I guess I like my teeth. They’re straight.”

Rawson tilted my head. “Smile.”


“I check the horses’ teeth. Let me see yours.”

“I’m not a dang horse.”

Heat filled his gaze as his eyes lowered and raised back up again, causing my stupid heart to gallop like a wild stallion. “No. You’re definitely all woman.”

Pushing out of his arms, I folded my arms. “Watch the movie.”

“Don’t think you’re getting out of telling me two more loves. I might even make it three. You only said you
your teeth. I want to know what you love.”

I kept my eyes glued to the television. “I love my teeth.”


“I love…” I drew the word out to make him laugh, “…my toes.”


“Because they wiggle better than yours.”

“Let me see.”


He sighed. “Now I’m going to dream of your toes all night. I bet they’re sexy as he—” He paused. “Heck.”

“They are,” I agreed to make him laugh again. I adored his laughter.

We cuddled for the remainder of the movie. When the credits rolled up the screen, Ben trudged upstairs, leaving us alone.

“Uh…” I jumped to my feet, “…we should go to bed too.”

He grabbed my hand, making my heart stutter. “I probably won’t see you in the morning since I’m leaving at four.”

I made a face. “If I’d known you were going so early, I wouldn’t have made you watch a movie with me.”

He backed me up against the wall, trapping me between his muscular arms. “Made me watch a movie with you. That’s a good one.”

My heart thudded as I caught a whiff of his cologne.

“You never told me your third love.” His husky whisper almost made my knees buckle.

“I hoped you’d forgotten.”


I licked my lips. “I guess I love my height because I can get on a horse easier than short girls.”

“Ummm.” His hands moved down my long sleeves. “I love your height because it’s perfect to do this.”

The next thing I knew, his lips were closing in on mine. I ducked instinctively, and his lips landed on the bridge of my nose.

My heart pounded as I looked sheepishly into his eyes. He had every reason to be upset. I’d never been this stubborn with other guys. Even Mackay, who I hadn’t liked, had kissed me many times. I wasn’t one of those Puritan girls who placed such reverential value on their kisses that only a husband would receive them. But Rawson was different. I liked him—probably more than I should—but deep down, I believed this couldn’t last. One day he’d wake up and the blinders would fall from his eyes. He’d see just plain me. No one special. Then he’d leave.

“You can’t blame a man for trying.”

I reached up to caress the sexy stubble on his jaw. “Text me when you stop along your trip so I know you’re safe.”

His eyes regained their sparkle. “Of course. You’re my girl.” He leaned down to nuzzle the top of my head as he gathered me back in his arms.

I didn’t want to leave the warmth of his embrace, but couldn’t be greedy with something I didn’t deserve. “Get to bed. Four is going to come fast and furious.”

“I don’t want to leave you.”

I gently pushed his chest. “I don’t want to be responsible for you falling asleep at the wheel.”

A lazy smile crept across his face. “You care about me?”

“Of course, I do.”

“But you won’t kiss me?”


His eyebrows waggled. “Maybe when I return?”

I tried to give him a stern look, but a smile betrayed me. “Probably not. Maybe you should find a kissing girlfriend on your trip.”

He tipped his chin as though considering the idea, then gave me a mischievous grin. “Nah. I kind of like my non-kissing girlfriend.” He cradled my face in his huge hands. “I love your face.”

I wrinkled my nose, because I couldn’t do much more with him holding me.

“And I love the way your nose crinkles.”

I rolled my eyes.

“And how your gorgeous brown eyes make eye-rolling seem sexy.”

“Stop.” I took hold of his hands.

“It’s hard. I love everything about you, Lizzie.”

I shook my head at the charmer. “Go to bed, Kermie.”










Chapter 58


Rays of sun burst from billowy clouds as through a prism. It would’ve been a perfect winter day if I didn’t have to share it with Garret. As I took Lizzie’s arm to walk out the door, I curled my lip as I saw that cocky cowboy standing by his truck.

“Hey, Ben. I didn’t know you were coming,” he hollered.

I bet he didn’t. The wily weasel probably thought he’d have Lizzie all to himself on the long ride to town.

“I always go to church with Lizzie,” I said as we approached his navy blue Dodge Big Horn. Another reason not to like the guy.

He winked. “Don’t you look prettier than a glob of butter melting on a stack of wheat cakes.”

Lizzie laughed as I groaned.

“Here, darlin’.” He took her hand and helped her inside the cab of his inferior truck.

“Thank you.”

With a cursory glance at me, he walked to his side.

I grabbed the handle hold and muttered, “Ferret,” as I pressed my top teeth into my bottom lip and made sucky noises.

Lizzie reached over to give me a hand. “Not you too. Your brother must have poisoned you.” As Garret’s door opened, she whispered, “Behave.”

I gave her a mock innocent expression, which made her laugh. Garret must’ve assumed she was happy to be with him, because his cheesy grin grew wider.

“Are you a member of Lizzie’s church?” I asked as we pulled away.

“No, little man. But Lizzie’s finer than a frog hair split four ways, so I figured it couldn’t hurt to check it out.”

I made a fist and wished I could let him check that out.

The drive seemed to take twice as long because Garret wouldn’t shut his trap. The guy must have been a fisherman, because his stories seemed larger than life. Unlike Lizzie, who gave him a sympathetic ear as he told about how close he’d been to his niece who’d been killed by a drunk driver, I stuck out my lips and wished for a roll of duct tape to muffle him.

BOOK: Between Hope & the Highway
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