Between Hope & the Highway (37 page)

Read Between Hope & the Highway Online

Authors: Charissa Stastny

BOOK: Between Hope & the Highway
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“I will just as soon as I make good on last night’s agreement.”

Averting my gaze, I picked up a rake. “What agreement?” Playing dumb would get me nowhere. This was Rawson Law—the most single-minded man I knew when it came to kissing.

“Nice try, babe.” He propped his shovel against the side and walked over to trap me against the wall.

I gulped. “How do I know you won’t just kiss me and toss me aside like a ripe banana before going back to your stupid bars anyway?”

He grinned, and dang…just Dang! That smile could melt Antarctica. It definitely melted my insides and short-circuited all rational thought.

“You’re adorable when you try to stall.”

“Uh…speaking of stalls, we should clean these.”

He chuckled. “Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie. I promised I wouldn’t go to bars, and I won’t. And I swear on my grandma’s grave that I won’t kiss and toss you aside like a ripe banana. I might devour you like a banana cream pie though.”

That frightened me even more.

“Ready to pay up?”

I squirmed under his gaze. “I look terrible, and didn’t brush my teeth.” It was a bald-faced lie, but maybe it’d gross him out.

He tipped my chin. “How about you skedaddle so you can spruce up a bit? Smear some toothpaste on your teeth. I’ll finish mucking.”

“I can’t let you do that.”

He led me to the Dutch doors. “I’m fine kissing you just how you are, nuclear breath and all. If you don’t want that, I suggest you hightail it out of here and meet me for breakfast because you look like a delectable banana cream pie right now…and I’m starving.”

As he leaned down with a smirk, my eyes widened and I practically sprinted from the stable. When he put it that way, what else could I do? The man made me feel as mushy as a banana cream pie.

When he entered the dining room later, I hardly tasted Charity’s award-winning sausage gravy. Of course, Rawson seemed unaffected, besides having an extreme case of irritating grinning.

“You look divine this morning, Lizzie.” He winked as he took a bite. “How do you muck stalls at five a.m. and manage to look so tempting?”

I scowled, making him chuckle.

He took my hand. “Thanks for breakfast, Mom. I’m heading out after I drop Lizzie off at the stable.”

Charity rushed over to kiss him. I smiled as he blushed. “Drive safe…and call me when you get there so I know you made it.”

“Mom,” he groaned.

She swatted his backside. “Don’t ‘Mom’ me. Just do it. You know how I worry about you in this weather.” It’d started snowing earlier.

He helped me into his truck and drove to the indoor stable. With the storm picking up, I knew he wouldn’t torment me long. He had to hit the road. When he pulled up to my domain, he wrapped an arm around me and gazed into my eyes.

It was totally one of those heart-pounding moments. Desire scorched my skin, making me breathless. His gaze flickered down to my mouth and back up, making my insides puddle in pleasure. He traced my top lip slowly before dropping his finger to my bottom lip and smiling as goosebumps erupted along the length of my arms.

“You’re so beautiful.”

My gaze flickered between his luscious lips and searching eyes, aching to partake of what he dangled before me. “You are too.” My breathy words made me blush.

He closed his eyes and leaned closer, and I knew the moment I had dreamed about for months would become a reality. I’d held him off as long as possible, but was helpless to stop him from taking the rest of my heart.

Just as the minty coolness of his breath teased my lips, loud rapping on the window made us both jump.

“Lizzie.” Garret opened my door and raised both brows. “Sorry if I interrupted.” He didn’t sound very apologetic. “Mr. Law needs you.”

Flustered, I started to pull away, but Rawson stopped me. Narrowing his eyes at Garret, he growled, “She’ll be there in a minute. Now scram.”

Garret grimaced. “I’ll meet you in Bart’s office, darlin’.”

“She’s not your darling,” Rawson shouted.

I hit his shoulder. “Knock it off.”

He squeezed me. “You still owe me a kiss.”

“I do, but your dad needs me. Can you take a rain-check?”

His dark eyebrows lifted as I slipped from his grip. “With interest?”

I jumped out and shrugged.

“I have to go, but when I see you next, make sure you have lots of Chapstick. I plan to put your lips through Basic Training.”

Incapable of coming up with a witty response, I closed the door and patted my burning cheeks. I didn’t know whether he’d just promised me a great gift or threatened me.










Chapter 64


Putting my phone on speaker as I drove over the pass, I waited for Lizzie’s phone to ring. It had almost slipped my mind that today was Friday and she might head to town with Ferret. I didn’t dare risk missing her. After the week I’d endured, I needed to hang out with my girl.

“Hey,” she answered out of breath. “What’s up?”

Just hearing her voice made my aching muscles relax. “Can you ditch out on your SAPP meeting tonight? I’m on my way to see you as we speak.”

“It’s SADD,” she corrected.

“That it is,” I agreed. “I’ll be there in half an hour. Please say you’ll be there to greet me, sweetheart. You wouldn’t believe the week I’ve had.”

“Oh, all right,” she sighed. “I better go finish up then.”

“Can’t wait to see you, babe.”

“Yeah, yeah,” she said before hanging up.

I punched the gas. Thinking of spending the evening with Liz and collecting on that kiss made my blood turn to fiery lava. I was honor bound to show my girl what heaven tasted like.

The sun was just setting as I pulled up to the stable. As I hopped out of my truck, Lizzie walked out to greet me.

“Hey, gorgeous.” I spun her around. “Is Ferret gone?”

She gave me one of her
Watch It
looks. “Yes. Garret,” she emphasized his name, “left about ten minutes ago.” She reached up to stroke my jaw. “So, rough week?”

“I’m working with cattle. Need I say more?”

“Cows are cute. Don’t you have some favorites you’ve named?”

“Nothing I can repeat to you for fear of being slapped.”

She giggled as I leaned in to peck her cheek.

“Are you done?” My voice sounded husky with desire.

She pulled out of my arms. “Yep. Did you have something planned?”

Oh, did I ever. Grabbing her hand, I reeled her into my embrace. “Thought we’d go for a drive.”

She bit her bottom lip, making me gulp. I ached to take over that job for her.

“Let me run inside and change.”

“Climb in. I’ll drive you to the house.”

After I pulled up to the door and she disappeared, Damon’s ring-tone blared.

“Yo,” I answered.

“Roz, you got any beer?” My friend sounded twitchy.

I heaved a weary sigh. “What happened to the Buds Chance brought you?”

“I think he drank them all.”

I rolled my eyes. Damon made a habit of lying. Deciding a few beers weren’t the worst he could ask for, I said, “Give me fifteen minutes. I’ll drop by with a resupply.”

“Thanks, man.”

I hung up and groaned. My friend had the worst timing. Grabbing two cases of Budweisers from my hiding spot in the back of the garage, I returned to my truck and tossed them into the bed just as Liz walked out, looking sweet and kissable in a baby blue blouse and jeans.

I whistled.

“Oh, hush,” she laughed as she climbed into my cab.

I wrapped an arm around her as I pulled away. Her warm body next to mine ignited so many fires it was a miracle I didn’t explode. I needed to drop off the Buds to Damon quick so I could drive somewhere dark and cozy and kiss my girl senseless.

When I pulled up to the old homestead, I squeezed Lizzie’s shoulder. “Hang on a sec, babe. I’ll be right back.”

Without waiting for a response, I shut my door and lugged the cases of beer into the pigsty Damon had been hiding out in. I winced as I entered. The place reeked to high heaven.

“Damon?” I kicked the door shut behind me. “I bring you good tidings and a couple cases of Bud.”

He staggered out of the back bedroom, smelling like a homeless person.

“Took you long enough.”

“You’re welcome.”

His stained clothing told me he hadn’t changed for days. He hadn’t shaved either, though I didn’t blame him the way his hands shook. Withdrawal was one son of a biscuit. I shook my head at how I couldn’t even cuss without substituting Lizzie’s silly vernacular into mine now.

His lips quivered. “Haven’t seen you in a while.”

“Getting ready for calving season.” I set the Budweisers on the coffee table.

He grabbed for the beer like it might fly away. “You’re the best, Roz.” His speech had the same tremor as his hands.

Anxious to return to Liz, I asked, “You doing all right?”

He burped. “Life sucks.”

“Ain’t that the truth.”

He looked up at me. “Take me to town, Roz. I swear I won’t do no crank. I just need a woman.”

That’s what he always claimed. “I have to get back to the herd,” I lied.

He wrung his fingers. “Take me with you. I gotta get out of here.”

“Sorry, man.” I hated letting him down, but Liz waited in the truck, and I couldn’t take him to the cattle house. Dad had put Rusty with me just for that reason. He’d rat on us before I could say Bo-diddley. “I can’t. But I’ll come next week and we’ll hang out.”

He began digging into his scalp.

Clenching my jaw, I tried to convince myself he’d be fine. Once the alcohol took effect, he’d sleep. Then I wouldn’t need to worry about him. I walked to the door.

“Please, Roz,” he whimpered. “Do-do-don’t leave. I’m afraid I’ll o-o-off my-myself.”

I closed my eyes. The couple times he’d talked about killing himself in the past, he’d made good on his words and attempted just that. Luckily, I’d been close by and thwarted him.

“Okay, fine. Let me grab my bag.”

I reluctantly approached Liz in my truck. As I looked at her, I wished my friend was doing better. I’d so looked forward to being alone with her. I kicked at the dirt.

“Damon’s not doing so hot. I think I better stay the night. Sorry to bail. Do you mind driving home and picking me up in the morning?”

The sparkle in her eyes dimmed. “Why do you waste time on that loser?”

Her words gutted me.

“I know he was your friend, but he killed your brother. He damaged Benny. How can you stand him?”

I stiffened. “He’s still my friend.”

“Your friendship is one-sided. You give and give and give…and he takes and takes and takes. He’ll take you to hell if you let him.”

“You know what?” I tossed the keys onto her lap. “I’ll get one of the other hands to pick me up in the morning. Don’t put yourself out, Miss High and Mighty.”

I slammed the door and marched into the abandoned homestead. As I sank into the ratty couch next to my friend, his mood visibly improved as mine spiraled when I heard my truck start up and pull away. The night kept nosediving from there. Damon tanked down on beers as I stewed on the words Liz had lobbed like nuclear missiles.

“Ready to go ta town, yeah?” Damon slurred.

“Nah. Let’s stay here.” My hands shook as I found myself coveting the beer in his hands. Alcohol once had loosened Damon up and made him a riot to hang with; but as he opened a fourth can, I realized it didn’t agree with him the same anymore. He reminded me of his old man.

“Why don’t you share no more?” He glared at me.

“What kind of tick’s burrowed under your skull? I share. Freak. I brought you two whole cases of beer.”

He threw an empty can on the floor. “No. You got that hot babe at your place you keep all ta yourself.”

I clenched my fists. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I remember. She was with Benny and you took off after she left ’cause you wanted her for yerself.”

“You’re drunk.”

“I’m not so drunk I don’t know you’re holding out on me.” He started ranting about finding Liz and showing her a true man. I knew he was just venting. I’d kept him cooped up here for over a month. Still, hearing him mouth off that way about my Lizzie set off a bomb in me. When he grew more graphic, I clutched him by his throat and shoved him into the corner of the stained couch.

“Shut up!” I roared. “If you go near the ranch or think of touching her—even to breathe on her—I’ll break every bone in your damn body. You hear me?”

He slithered out from under my grip. “Oh yeah? How about I stick your woman with a needle and make her mine?”

I lost my mind at his threat. When I found it again, Damon screamed beneath me as I rained punches down on his face. When I gained control enough to stop, he scrambled on all fours into the corner and curled into a fetal position.

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