Between Hope & the Highway (39 page)

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Authors: Charissa Stastny

BOOK: Between Hope & the Highway
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“Ah, Lizzie, you didn’t have to get me anything.”

“Open them.”

“Bossy,” I teased as I lifted the square gift and shook it.

Ripping off the wrapping paper, I used my pocketknife to cut through the packaging as Liz chewed her lip. When I uncovered a white ceramic mug from the bubble wrap and read the inscription, I couldn’t help but waggle my eyebrows.

“Am I really the
Obi Wan
for you?”

She lowered her gaze. “I thought it was clever. Open the other one.”

Unwrapping the thin box, I held up two pairs of light saber chopsticks. “Oh, I can’t wait ’til Benny sees these. There’s gonna be some dueling at the table for sure.”

“They even light up.”

Setting her presents aside, I reached for her hand and pressed my lips to her knuckles. “Thanks, Liz. I love them.”

“I thought they were perfect for you.”

“You’re perfect for me.” I set a piece of cheesecake in front of her.

“Schmoozer.” She bit into her dessert.

I chiseled at my cheesecake, but savored my girl instead. I loved the way her delicate jaw moved as she chewed and how her eyes almost sparkled when she looked at me.

“Stop staring,” she said breathlessly.


She rolled her eyes. “You can be so annoying.”

“So can you.”

She grinned. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

I scooted my chair closer and took her hand. “I love you.”

She choked and patted her neck. “Excuse me?”

Thinking fast, I said, “You heard me. And if you had your wits about you, you would’ve given me Han’s most classic answer—
I know

She visibly relaxed. “Very funny.”

Obviously she wasn’t ready for the “L” word yet.

“I set up a spot for us to stargaze down the canyon. The Lyrid meteor shower’s happening this week. Google said there should be ten to twenty meteors an hour.” My gaze dropped to her neck. Gulping, I rose to my feet. “Come on.”

Using a flashlight, I led her along the dry riverbed to the spot where the canyon opened up. This morning, I’d brought out an air mattress and set it up with lots of blankets and quilts to keep us warm.

“Here we are,” I motioned to my handiwork.

“What’s this?”

I knelt and pulled off my boots. “You don’t want to be on the ground, do you? It’s freezing. Kick off your boots and crawl in here with me.” I rolled under the stack of quilts.

Lizzie hugged herself against the night chill.

I lifted the edge of the blanket. “Come on, woman. You’re causing an earthquake with your shivering.”

“You’re not trying to seduce me, are you?”

That was exactly what I hoped to do, but if I admitted that, she’d turn tail and run. “Now that’s the best idea you’ve had all night, but no. I just don’t want you to freeze into a carbonite mold like Han Solo. You’re welcome to lay on top of the blankets, but you’ll be warmer beneath them.”

Her brow creased before she heaved a sigh and kicked off her boots. “Oh, fine.”

As she crawled in, I pulled the blankets over us and wrapped an arm around her. “There. Aren’t you warmer?”

I was. Her body next to me flooded mine with fiery heat. I’d never taken an anatomy class, but the powerful reactions sparking and bubbling within had me quite curious to know if this was normal. I couldn’t remember ever feeling ready to explode like this before; of course, no woman had led me along for so long without easing my pain. Liz had mastered the art of applying brakes before blast off. Maybe the mess my body was in could be attributed to that.

“What say we make it interesting? For every meteor we spot, I get to nibble.”

“Okay.” She sounded breathless.

“And for every five, I get to kiss you.”

“Ten to twenty an hour?” she asked for confirmation.

I nodded.

“Okay. But I’m only giving you an hour. No more.”

I held up my watch. “I’ll set a timer.”

Using time as my ally, I didn’t push. I didn’t dare risk ruining the night with impatience. We stared into the starry sky and made small talk until a shooting star streaked across our view.

Rolling onto my elbow, I gazed down at her. Evidence of desire burned brightly in her eyes and revealed itself in her heavy breathing. I knew she wanted me as much as I wanted her, yet she held me at arm’s length. Tonight though, I vowed to break down barriers.

“You are so beautiful.”

She gulped and bit her lip.

Knowing she’d cut a nibbling session short, I used words to throw her off her game. “Thanks for coming out here with me. You’ve made this the best birthday ever.”

A smile relaxed her face. She even reached up to caress mine, a grand gesture since she rarely initiated affection. “I’m glad. I just wish I had thought of all this so you didn’t have to do all the work on your birthday.”

“You’re here. That’s all I wanted.” I brushed kisses along her neck. Her vanilla scent made it hard to stop. Rolling onto my back, I retreated to words again. “What’s your favorite birthday memory?”

She didn’t answer right away. In the silence, my hand searched for hers. When our fingers united, I closed my eyes and felt strangely at peace.

“When I turned eleven, Dad took me to Disneyland. Just him and me. It was the best day of my life. I’ve never felt so happy and carefree.”

“I’ve never been there.”

She rolled over to stare at me. “Are you serious? Your parents never took you? That’s just…wrong.”

I ran a finger down her neck. “What are your favorite things about Disneyland?”

She rested her head on my chest. “I love the rides. The theming and attention to detail is beyond amazing. The pirate ride’s my favorite. You feel like you’re really in a bayou. Space Mountain’s fun too. Even the baby rides like Dumbo and Peter Pan are fantastic.” She traced her finger along my jaw. “You
to go.”

“Want to fly down with me next weekend if I can convince Dad to give me a couple days off?”

She snorted and rolled onto her back.

“You could be my guide…make sure I get the full magical experience.”

“What’s your favorite birthday memory?” She changed subjects.

“Tonight. By far.”

When she made a scoffing sound, I faced her. “Serious. I’m twenty-four years old, but feel as though I’ve only begun to live. You make me feel the pure joy of a child.” I focused on her lips. “Yet still feel the deep passion of a man.”

As she self-consciously licked her lips, my control dissipated. Cupping the back of her neck, I brought her close enough to claim those moistened lips for my own. Kissing Lizzie could only be described as glorious. The combination of innocence and eagerness heightened the experience. I’d never been with someone so pure and untouched. All the women I’d dated had been experts in seduction and knew how to move me physically. Lizzie was a child in that regard. When we first kissed, her hesitation and lack of response had surprised me. She’d told me of a previous engagement, but her fiancé had obviously failed in the loving department. I’d done my duty that night and since to tutor her in the art of osculation.

As we tangled tongues beneath the stars, I knew I loved her. Liz brought out all my tender, protective instincts, which humbled and frightened me. I whole-heartedly confessed to feeling unparalleled passion and physical need, but I didn’t just want her body. I wanted her heart. I wanted everything she could give me. And I wanted to give her all of me—my trust, confidence, undying love, hard work, possessions, and time.

True to her nature, she cut our intense make out session short. “That’s good,” she said breathlessly as she pushed me away.

It’d been more than good; it had been mind-boggling. I clenched my fists to douse the flames she’d ignited. Though innocent, she’d been a quick learner under my tutelage. The passion she unleashed in unguarded moments promised a healthy sex life between us.

“Tell me about your past girlfriends. You had them, right?”

The way she phrased it as a question stung my masculine ego. “I’ve never wanted for female companionship.” I wanted to drop the conversation there. Past entanglements, even ones that had fizzled out and died, were a sure way to squash the new bloom of romance.

“Have you been serious with anyone before me?” She winced. “Not that we’re serious. I didn’t mean to assume that you—”

I propped up on my elbow. “Oh, I’m serious. How could you think otherwise? Haven’t I shown you—”

She silenced me with a finger. “You’re wonderful. I just didn’t want you to think I was pressuring you into more…if you just wanted…um…you know?” Her big brown eyes revealed a mass of insecurities.

“I love you, Lizzie. How’s that for serious?”

“You don’t really know me.”

“That’s why I haven’t asked you to marry me, but know that’s the path I’m on—the place I want to reach with you. I want to know everything about you. Your favorite memories, your most embarrassing moments, your aspirations, fears. I want to know what makes you tick, as well as what ticks you off.”

She giggled.

“Are you with me?”

She frowned. “For what?”

“A serious relationship. I know we haven’t been able to see much of each other, but our time apart is almost over. Dad hired a new guy to take my place with the herd next month.”

Her countenance brightened. “Really? That’s great.”

“It’s news that saves my sanity. I despise working cattle.”

She gave me a tender smile. “Your dad said you’ve impressed him.”

“I’ve tried.”

Her lips were only inches from mine. I closed my eyes and leaned in, and Lizzie met me half way. Passion burst into full flames immediately. Pulling her on top of me, I kissed her like a starving man. She opened to me and had me moaning from unfulfilled longing as she initiated tongue swirling and probing like a pro. Her fingers twisted into my hair as she pulled away to lay feather kisses along my jaw and down my neck. Ready to explode, I flipped her over and trapped her beneath me. I laid reciprocating kisses down her neck, and began to slowly suck at the skin below her chin. Her chest heaved beneath me, making me want to take her right then.

“Stop,” she panted, applying brakes full force. “You’re going to leave a mark.”

Glancing down, I saw it was too late. I rolled onto my back and trembled. “You’re welcome to mark me as much as you want, sweetheart.” I pulled down my collar, exposing as much skin as possible.

She tapped my bicep. “You’re a goof.”

The girl would seriously kill me. “But I’m your goof, right?”

“I guess.”

I tilted my head. “How can you kiss me like that and only guess I’m your goof?” I pulled her closer. “Maybe we need to practice some more so you
. I hope you brought Chapstick.”

She laughed as though I was teasing her. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

Her words said no, but her eyes and body screamed yes.

“So, umm…” she stammered, “tell me about your past girlfriends.”

Her words were like a pail of ice water dumped over my head. Probably how she intended them.

“No one compares to you, love.” I tried to sidestep her curiosity.

“You said you want to know everything about me. I want to know everything about you too. Tell me.”

Recognizing her determination, I decided to get it out into the open and be done with it. “Girls were fun diversions. That’s all. I only got serious once, but it turned out to be a huge mistake.”

“What happened?”

I squeezed my eyes shut. She wasn’t going to let me leave the past where it belonged. “I met this woman my senior year at Stanford. Vanessa. We hit it off and connected like Legos.”

A glance her direction showed her paying rapt attention.

“We dated about six months. I thought I loved her. Now I realize I just loved the idea of her. Vanessa was a model—super beautiful and graceful. Every guy envied me. It was a heady experience. Long story short, I drew out a chunk of change, bought her the largest diamond I could, and went back to my place to propose. Pretty romantic, right?” Sarcasm laced my words. “But my passionate bubble burst when I discovered her in bed with my loser roommate.”

“How awful!”

“Don’t I know it. I wasted six months and an exorbitant amount of money on that cheating bi—” I caught myself, “—bitty.”

She rolled her eyes.

“Vanessa taught me a hard lesson. She was only into me for what I could give her: backstage concert passes, jewelry, outrageously priced purses, you name it. I even took her to Maui for Christmas break, thinking that would secure her love. But in the end, she still screwed me.”

Bitterness gnawed at me. Even now, I fought feelings of emasculation from my time with Vanessa. How foolish I’d been to think I’d been even slightly in love with such a vain, arrogant, selfish woman. Yes, she’d looked like a goddess, but she’d sucked my soul dry like a demoness. I didn’t mourn losing her the way I did. I only regretted taking so long to figure out what virtues a real woman possessed. One like Lizzie.

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