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Authors: Viola Estrella

Bewitching You (39 page)

BOOK: Bewitching You
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“Okay,” she said, and pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear.

“I’ve missed you.” He couldn’t hold back any longer.

Her eyes widened. “You have?”

“God, yes.”

She still looked surprised. Maybe too surprised. Another rush of panic rounded over him. Had he waited too long?

“I…” he began again, feeling desperate to make her understand just how much he had missed her. “I always think about you.”

“You do?”

“Yeah. I think of everything. The sweetness of your smile. The genuineness of your laugh. The soft sound of your voice. Your kindness. Your smell. The warmth of your body when you’re lying up against me. Touching you. Being inside you. Everything.”

The words spilled from his mouth, releasing and exploding into the air between them like a heartrending bomb. They must have hit her the wrong way because she didn’t look too thrilled. Confused was a better word.

“I have to use the restroom,” she said, and rose from the table.

“The restroom?”

“Yes. Where is it?”

He set his napkin on top of his untouched food and stood. For the first time since they’d separated, he let himself question if maybe Nana’s love spell hadn’t been so ridiculous.

What if, just what if, Sofia’s love for him had faded?

He hadn’t wanted to believe any of her grandmother’s nonsense, and he’d purposely and patiently waited for destiny to catch up—for Sofia to make her way to San Francisco. He knew she’d eventually come. It was their fate. The dreams had made that clear.

And once she saw the bedroom, she’d forget about the spell, and she’d realize his love was real.

The only question was did she still love him?

He had to find out.

But first he’d tell her where the bathroom was. “It’s right over there.” He pointed to the door next to the kitchen.

She headed that way, almost passing him, but stopped abruptly and stared up at him. “I don’t really have to go,” she said.

“I didn’t think you did.”

“I was going to go in there, splash cold water on my face and try to come up with a reasonable explanation as to why you left me. I probably would have blamed it on the spell or my mother. I might’ve thought you needed some time to cool off. Most likely, I would’ve started to doubt myself and my gift. I would’ve wondered if you left because you couldn’t accept me and all the crazy stuff that comes with me. Or maybe you found another woman, had an affair—”

“Why don’t you ask me?”

She planted her feet stubbornly in front of him and met his eyes. “Why did you leave me, Gray? I loved you and I needed you and you weren’t there for me. I thought I’d never see you again. I thought you hated me. And I just…” She shook her head. “I don’t know if I can be here with—”

“Wait. Just wait.” Damn, he was going to lose her.

Don’t ask. Just do it

Confused as to what else to do, Gray grabbed her by the waist and lifted her over his shoulder. “I’m taking you to the bedroom.”

“What?” She kicked and swatted at him. “No, you aren’t, Grayson Phillips. I need an explanation.”

He took the stairs as fast as he could, making sure he didn’t bump her head into the railing. One hand gripped firmly on her thigh, the other around her waist. Lord, did he miss touching her, even if she loathed every minute of it.

“I’m not having sex with you, Gray. You can’t walk back into my life and expect me to simply spread my legs for you. I’m not that type of woman, and if you think I am, then you don’t know me at all.”

“Oh, I know you better than you realize.” He used his foot to push open the partition door, stepped inside and dropped her on the bed.

She glared up at him. “Who do you think you are?”

“I’m the man from your dreams.” He knelt down on the bed and drew her to him. “Look around, Sofia. Look around at this bedroom.”

“What are you talking about?” she asked, but did as he said.

Her mouth gaped open as she took in every detail. The deep blue walls around her, the red sheets, and gold comforter beneath her, the large wooden posts that stood prominently at each corner of the bed.

“This is it,” she whispered. “From my dreams.”

“And my dreams too. This is why I didn’t come back. This is why I couldn’t sell this place. Hayes decorated this room. When I saw it, I knew it was in our destiny. I knew you would come to me eventually, but I didn’t want it to be unnatural. I didn’t want to screw with our destiny. And I thought you’d need time to realize your feelings for me didn’t have anything to do with a spell.” He gathered her closer, reveling in the way her soft breasts pressed against his chest. “I’m so glad you finally showed up, sugar. I was going nuts without you.”

Her body slackened in his arms, and her eyes brimmed with tears. “You weren’t trying to get rid of me?”

“No, Sofia. Never. I love you. I’ll always love you.”

She took in a tiny gasp of air, the sound sweet to his ears. “I love you, too, Gray.”

“Good.” Gray breathed out a sigh of relief, then brought his hands up to cradle the face of the woman who’d changed his life forever. “Now, why don’t we make our dreams come true?”

~ * ~

Sofia grabbed Gray by his shirt and hauled him down onto the bed with her. He gave a hearty laugh, one that echoed throughout the loft and into her soul.

This was the place. This was their destiny.

As Gray lay on top of her, his hand slipped under the bottom of her dress, massaging her thigh on the way up.

A thought occurred to her. “But I haven’t dreamed of you since the last time we were together.”

“You didn’t need to.” He pulled her bottom lip in with his teeth, and slowly released it.

She inhaled the scent of his musky aftershave. Masculine and sexy. “I didn’t?”

“No.” He kissed softly, seductively. Her mouth, cheek, chin, licking at the space right below her ear. “The future was already well on its way. I found this place, and I waited for you. Simple as that.”

“But what if I hadn’t come?” Her hands searched over his broad shoulders and back. Hard and powerful.

“Oh, you’re gonna come,” he whispered into her ear. “I’ll see to that.” His fingers slid into the sides of her panties and peeled them down.

Sofia lifted her bottom to help. “That’s not what I meant, Gray.”

“I know.” He sat up, yanked off her sandals and panties in the same sweep, and tossed them to the floor. “Let’s get you undressed. I want to see you. It’s been too long.”

At his words, Sofia unzipped and tugged her dress over her head. Nothing had changed— she’d still give him whatever he wanted.

Nevertheless, she had questions. “What would you have done if we hadn’t reunited?”

His dark gaze slowly swept over her naked body. “I’d have flown to Indiana and kidnapped you,” he said. “Just last night I was considering buying a plane ticket to Indianapolis. More than once I’ve fantasized about getting in my car and driving until I found you, waking you in the middle of the night, tying you up and bringing you here. Just so I could see you again. Feel you. Taste you.”

“Really?” The idea sort of excited Sofia. She settled back against the pillow and rested her hands under her head.

“Really.” He yanked his shirt off and worked on his belt and jeans buttons.

Sofia licked her lips as she appreciated his well-built muscles, especially the one that was hardening and emerging while he pushed his jeans and underwear down and off. Thick, solid, tempting.

He skimmed his hand over the length and back down again. “Do you want me inside of you?” he asked, his voice husky, wanting.

Speechless, she nodded her head and spread her knees apart.

He grinned, slid two fingers over her, and into her heat. “Because I’ve been dying to be here.”

“Take me, Gray,” Sofia managed to say with a shallow breath. “Please.”

He maneuvered over her, bracing one hand by her head, the other hand guiding himself inside of her. Her body jolted from the instant pleasure. He filled her, stretched her, and found

She bit her lip. “Have you been practicing this as well?”

He chuckled. “Didn’t I say I knew you better than you think?”

“I suppose you did.”

He eased out and slid back in. Again and then again.

She grasped onto his biceps as an orgasm manifested. Her thighs trembled and her belly surged with heat. She thrived on the aftershocks until he released and filled her with his warmth.

They lay together for what felt like hours. Lazy and in love. Exploring each other’s bodies with languid fingers. Whispering adoration and contentment. Finally together.

Until another thought occurred to Sofia. “How do I know you’ll always love me? Never grow sick of me and my gift?”

A slow smile curved his full lips. “I thought you’d never ask.” He reached over her to his bedside nightstand and pulled out a small, velvety black box.

Sofia stopped breathing.

“Come here.” He tugged at her hand until she sat on the side of the bed. With the sheet wrapped around him, he knelt before her. “Sofia Good, I couldn’t be more certain of my love for you. I want you with or without your dreams. I’ll accept and love your family as my own. And I promise to help you through it all. Crazy or normal. Thrilling or average. It doesn’t matter to me. I want you to be my wife.” He opened the box and removed the diamond ring. “Please say yes.”

“Okay,” she said without delay, taking in the size of the rock.
Okay? Come on, Sofe. Give him a better answer than that
. “I mean, absolutely. I’d be honored and so,
lucky to be your wife.” She made a grab for the ring.

Gray kept it out of her reach. “Not lucky, Sofia.”

“No? What then?”


“Hmm. I guess that’ll work too.”

“Can I have your hand now so I can put this ring on your finger? I’ve been waiting forever, you know.”

Sofia held out her hand. “It’s yours.”

“Just the way I like it.”

~ * ~

Once Sofia knew Gray was sleeping, she sneaked back down the stairs. She searched through her purse, pulled out her cell phone, and dialed her mother’s house.

Nana answered on the second ring. “What happened?”

“Oh, good. You’re still there. Were you sleeping?”

“No. What happened?”

“Nana, I have one question for you, and you better tell the truth.”

“Then you’re going to tell me what happened?”


“Go for it.”

“Did you cast another spell on Gray and me?”

“Of course not.”

She sat down and released a relieved sigh. “Just checking.”


“He asked me to marry him.”

Nana shrieked into the phone. “I knew it! I knew he still loved you. You said yes?”

“I did.” Sofia looked down at her hands that were still shaking. The ring on her finger sparkled up at her. “It’s hard to believe it’s all real.”

“Well, there’s one way you can find out.”

“Really? This doesn’t have to do with a spell, does it?”


Sofia thought it over. “Okay. Tell me.”

Before she could get an answer, she felt Gray’s hand on her shoulder. He took the phone from her and put it to his ear. “Hi, Nana. I’m taking Sofia back to bed now. No spell needed for what I’m going to do with her.”

“Oh, my,” Sofia heard Nana say loud and clear.

“She’ll call you in the morning to tell you if it worked.” He shut the phone and dropped it in Sofia’s purse. Then he grabbed and gathered her to his naked body. “No more spells on me,” he said, not looking very happy.

BOOK: Bewitching You
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