Beyond Complicated (35 page)

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Authors: Mercy Celeste

BOOK: Beyond Complicated
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"What contract? Someone had better start talking and I mean soon." He sat on the bed with danger in his eyes.

"It's so cute the way he thinks he can threaten us," Seth said with a smirk. "Lauren wants you for their fal campaign. Caden got you the job. It pays twice what we'l make. In France, in February. But we didn't think you'd want it."

"Are you kidding? Oh, my god, realy, me?

They want me? Can I do it?"

"Why the hel are you asking me?" I asked when he bounced across the room and jumped into my arms. "It's your damned life. If you want to throw away medical school to be a model then who am I to stop you?"

"You're crazy. Both of you. I can't believe you kept this from me." He wrapped his arms around my neck and pressed his forehead to mine.

"It's not like we had time to tel you. We got the letter the day you left. Things sort of went to hel that day," Seth said from across the room. His eyes hungry.

Kel held out his hand and beckoned him to join us.

I held out mine too.

He stepped into our outstretched arms and wrapped us in his. We stood this way for a long time.

Heads touching. Arms linked. In a circle. "So this is what we're doing?" Seth spoke first. "Going back into the business. And buying a house?"

"Sounded like a good idea a few minutes ago,"

I whispered. Second guessing myself now that I alowed the panic to surface.

"It is a good idea." Kel twined his hands in my hair and tilted my mouth to his. "You know what else is a good idea? Getting naked. I, for one, am overdressed and I want sex. And since the two of you have ruined me for anyone else, I am demanding—"

Seth's mouth on his shut him up. But he was right. Getting naked was a great idea. One that we remedied very quickly. Sex was an even better idea.

One that I was more than happy to take the lead on.

I knew that once we left the bedroom al of the complications would return. But for now, none of us had anywhere to be. For now, the complicated world around us was safely locked outside. For now, we could be ourselves and love with no regrets. For now, the only thing complicated was the belt buckle around Kel's waist. For now, I was happy to let my men take control because I hated being in control al the time. For now. Later would be a different story but this was now.

And now was simply divine.

The End

About the Author

Born and raised in the wilds of North West Florida, I currently make my home in Mobile, Alabama where I attended the University of South Alabama. My interests are as diverse as the topics about which I write. I love to quilt, cook, and trol resale stores for bargains. Being a good southern girl I love footbal and fried food. I write southern themed spicy romance of the het and gay variety. Because love doesn't care who you are.





[email protected]

Also by Mercy Celeste:

Available from
Silver Publishing

Behind Iron Lace

Beyond Complicated

Need You Now
(Coming June 2012)

Available from
Liquid Silver Books

Double Coverage

Wicked Game

Available from
Mercy Celeste

In From the Cold

The 51st Thursday

and coming soon:

Cold Shadow of Doubt

Reviews about
Behind Iron


From the very first paragraph I was hooked.

Being a Yankee, who after 20 years, stil dreads deep Southern summers, I could totaly relate to poor Darcy's first summer in New Orleans. Couple that with the fact that New Orleans is my favorite city in the world and
Behind Iron Lace
was off to a stelar beginning. Mercy does a fabulous job of bring N'awlins unique ambiance to life.

From moment one, the chemistry between Darcy and Caleb is intense. At first, they appear to be polar opposites; Darcy the straight-laced, Northern intelectual, Caleb the bad-boy Southern artist. But somehow it works. Which was realy surprising as neither man is realy out of the closet. Hel, Darcy doesn't even realize that he is in one.

Truly, this is my favorite kind of MM romance.

It moves along at a nice pace and you realy get to know the characters and get to watch them fal in love.

Watching each of the main characters drop their individual baggage, to get to the place where they could even entertain the possibility of a relationship, was a joy to read. *side note: Mercy, If you'd made poor Caleb wait any longer to get into Darcy's pants, you and I were going to have a long talk about suspense vs.


So yeah…I'l be up late tonight pecking away at my keyboard, because while I was
to be writing earlier, I was cuddling with my Kindle…and it was sooooo worth it.

~ 5 Hearts ~

—MM Good Book Reviews

Oh yeah, BEHIND IRON LACE totaly

worked for me. I was actualy thinking how I needed a real romance before I started reading it and what do you know, I got lucky and it hit al the right spots. For me this was the perfect combination of sexy, sweet, vulnerable and burning hot.

~ 5 Stars ~

—The Romance Reviews

Behind Iron Lace
is the first book by Mercy Celeste that I've had the pleasure of reading, and it won't be my last. The story caught my attention on the first page and didn't let go until the very end. It's entertaining, wel written with a smooth flow, has vivid descriptions and Darcy and Caleb have unique and interesting personalities. There are numerous secondary characters to add color and flair; it has drama, angst and plenty of hot, steamy sex. What more could you want?

... The story has a little bit of everything and just when it looks like life wil work out, the bottom fals out of their relationship. Never fear. Ms. Celeste throws in a few more twists near the end, giving them the happily-ever-after they've been looking for. Read and enjoy.

~ 4.5 Nymphs ~

—Literary Nymphs Reviews

It's not often I post reviews—I tend to stay away from reviewing... but I do know what I like to read and sometimes a book stays with me after I have read it and this is one of those books. Set for the most part in New Orleans this is a wonderful love story and I highly recommend it. I couldn't put it down (and my Nano has suffered! ROFL).

Despite what the blurb implies, this isn't a book that is about a straight man suddenly turning gay; it is a powerful look at what it is like to be in denial. There is intrigue and love weaved into every page. Also there are some of the most intense sex scenes I have ever read—but I warn you this isn't sex written in clinical fashion, this is love and passion and intense lust and every single kiss and touch is so utterly perfect and absolutely intrinsic to the story.

The cover to the book is gorgeous and there is also a bonus chapter at the end of the book which was completely charming.

—RJ Scott, author

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