Biker's Baby Girl (13 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Biker's Baby Girl
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The mood was broken and the way my girl was clinging to me I knew she wasn’t really as fine as she made out so I took her out of the clubhouse for a little tour around the property to take her mind off of that fuckery.

It didn’t take long for her to relax completely. Maybe because I kept her hand in mine, or my hand on her ass, or an arm around her, the whole time we were walking around.

We talked about school and getting that shit taken care of and she was soon my sweet girl again, no shadows in her eyes and that sweet smile that melts my heart.

The rest of the afternoon went by without incident, thank fuck and I only had to threaten one motherfucker for ogling her. His excuse that it was because she was new might’ve saved his ass.

By the time the sun was going down and we’d been back in the office for a few hours with her reading, and me pretending to work, while daydreaming about the many different positions I couldn’t wait to take her in, she was over this afternoon’s little blip altogether.

Chapter 13




That night there was no question of where she was gonna sleep. Her birthday was in two days and I had a shit load of stuff for her, but there was no party planned. I wasn’t ready to share her yet.

I knew there was no way I was gonna have the kind of patience it would take to live through that shit knowing what was awaiting me at the end of the night any damn way.

After I’d fed her and put her to bed we’d slept with my fingers in her pussy while she slept sprawled on her back after I’d eaten her sweet cunt to orgasm.

It was the hardest fucking thing to wake up the next morning and not fuck right away. My dick woke up looking for the pussy. I rolled out the bed mad as fuck at myself but at least there was only one more day to go.

All the day before her big day I walked around with my dick hard as fuck. I couldn’t concentrate on shit all day so I rode out with her on the back of my ride. Big fucking mistake. Her body pressed into mine only took my mind to places better left untouched.

We spent the evening at the local fair grounds of all places. I guess that was as close to a party as she was gonna get since the whole crew thought their ass was invited and tagged along.

I’d finally introduced her all around and she seemed comfortable enough in the company of the big louts so I was able to rest easy on that score. She’d only met the wives and official girlfriends and when she looked at some of the sheep that were milling around I did my best to explain that shit to her without getting too in depth with it. She’ll learn soon enough no use in piling it on.

I’m pretty sure that everyone within a ten-mile radius saw the dance between the two of us. We were practically joined at the hip, and if I wasn’t touching her, which was a rarity, she was hanging on to some part of me.

I stayed on her ass all night, literally. There was barely two inches of space between us at any given time the whole time we were there. “You having fun babygirl?” Her eyes were bright as she moved from one display to the next.

It was such an innocent reaction for someone her age that it reminded me of the shit that I had left her to. That shit pissed me off all over again and it was only because I didn’t want to spoil it for her that I kept a cool face on.

“This is so much fun Creed, and you say they’re here all the time?” She was working her way through a jumbo spool of cotton candy. I had to keep an eye on her, make sure she didn’t make herself sick with all the junk she’d talked me into getting her.

“Yeah baby you can come here as often as you’d like.” I probably just signed myself up for a shitload of fuckery seeing as I hated this happy shit like poison, but for that look on her face I’d do pretty much anything.

I wasn’t blind to the fact that in the last couple of days there’d been a kind of pattern forming between us. She’s been running circles around my ass since I got her home.

I think I was overcompensating for the shit her bitch of an aunt had put her through by letting her do whatever the fuck she wanted, but I also knew that shit could be dangerous in more ways than one.

“No baby you’re not getting on there.” Now this fair is about as old as Methuselah’s nuts give or take a couple years. I brought her for the sights and sounds but there was never any intent to let her get on the fucks.

Now she was dragging me off to what they call a rollercoaster. I could see from the ground that the tracks were missing a few slats and shit and the fuck sounded like a bucket of bolts that was about to fall the fuck apart. I don’t know if it was the sugar, the sun, the atmosphere or what the fuck, but my girl kinda lost her damn mind.

“Fine I’ll just go by myself then.” That cute pout wasn’t so cute any more, especially not when the five nosy fucks that were on me like Wolverine on Sabretooth’s ass were all fucking ears. I tried glaring the fucks away but they didn’t even bat a lash.

They were bent out of shape because I’d had to share a little of what was going on with them and then leashed them. Not necessarily what had prompted me to get her a few days early, but the fact that Sal’s people might be seeking retribution at some point.

They seem to forget that I had served in some of the world’s shittiest hellholes for the better part of my life, but then again according to Max, my sharpshooting skills didn’t mean fuck up close and personal.

If I didn’t know better I’d think he was calling me a punk but I let that shit slide because my mind was on the pussy. I could deal with his insubordinate ass later. But this shit was a fucking no-no.

“Jessica, come here to me.” She’d started to flounce off in the direction of the death trap that if the fucker in charge let her get on I was gonna shoot. My tone didn’t alert her but my boys got restless. Their old women were old hands at this shit and were off doing their thing. They’d wanted to take her exploring with them but no.

When she was standing in front of me looking up at me with her stubborn little ass I took my time and tried to remember that she was enjoying her first taste of freedom.

“One, don’t ever walk away from me when I’m talking to you, and two, if I say no, then it’s no. There’s no debating, no arguing, you tow the line. It can mean the difference between life and death, you understand me?”

She didn’t look like she understood shit and I wondered why the fuck she had to save this shit for me. “Why can’t I go? The others are going.” She turned to look at the other women as they lined up. I glared at my boys who were too fucking pussy whipped to deny their women anything.

The fuckers shrugged their shoulders and pretended interest in one of the brain dead games they had here where you had to throw a ring around a bottle to win a prize. The fuck.

“Why don’t I win you a bear baby wouldn’t you like that?” she shook her head at me looking like twelve with big open eyes and a pout. Fuck this shit. I heard the snickers when I took her hand and went to join the line to get the damn tickets for the fuckery.

“Go on ahead babe I’m right behind you.” I waited until she took her happy ass on ahead in the line looking like she’d won the lottery or some fuck. How can I deny her that kind of joy?

“Hey you, asshole, if anything happens to her on here I will skin you alive in front of all these people and feed your ass to that bear you got over there doing fucking tricks.” The fucker looked at the contraption that he knew was a fucking danger waiting to happen and back at me with his Adam’s’ apple working overtime.

“Sir, uh, maybe you shouldn’t…”

“Listen you fuck if you didn’t want people getting on the shit then it should be closed. Now she wants on there and it appears what she wants she fucking gets. If she gets so much as a fucking splinter it’s your ass.”

I walked off and left him to ponder that shit and if he valued his life he’d make sure this piece a shit didn’t so much as lurch. I raised a finger in the air at the disrespectful laughter that followed me as I climbed on the shit next to her. I’m gonna have to have a serious talk with her about her stubborn streak.

How did it look that my boys could tell their women no and stay on the ground, while I ended up here? I’m gonna make them pay for that shit too.

I forgot all about it when the death machine started up and she grabbed onto me in fear and excitement. I sat there like an ass trying to keep her fear away and making sure she enjoyed it when I didn’t want her on the shit in the first place.

Her nails dug into the skin of my arm, she screamed bloody murder as she buried her face in my chest, and the whole time I was plotting the demise of ticket guy and every fuck who had anything to do with this place.

I was only too happy when it stopped and we began to file off. “Can we do it again?” I looked at her in disbelief. Now mind you, I didn’t have much of a childhood so I’m pretty sure I missed a lot.

But I was also pretty sure that if something scared you to the point that you almost took the skin off another human being’s arm that that would be a clear indication that you shouldn’t be doing that shit again.

On top of that, tomorrow was the day I was getting inside her for the first time and I needed her ass whole for that. “No.”

I grabbed her arm and pulled her away while she looked back over her shoulder. She sulked for all of five minutes, that’s how long it had taken for me to win her one of the ugly ass stuffed animals they had there.

My only joy was in the fact that since I’d gone on the ride with her, the rest of the women saw it as an offense that their men hadn’t done the same and were giving them hell. Now it was my turn to laugh as I had my girl under control while their asses were being dragged to hell and back.


Dinner that night was at an out of the way Honky-Tonk. The kind of place the locals frequent and the clientele runs to bikers and out-of-towners passing through, who wanted the Western experience.

“You have to have something more than salad and chicken wings baby, how about a steak?” She looked like I asked her to eat the whole cow. I knew she wasn’t one of those tree hugger types who only ate grass and shit, but I had yet to see her eat anything substantial.

No doubt it had something to do with her home life. “A burger?” She gave me the look and I knew I was going to be in trouble with this one. I nodded my head yes and she almost levitated out of her seat.

It was going to be hell keeping shit on an even keel. Because of everything she’d been denied, I’m going to want to make up for that shit, but how do I keep from going too far left?

She seemed to have already tested the waters and knew which way the wind blows, because she knows she has me wrapped around her little finger. I’m thinking that may not be such a good thing, because if she pushed me too far she could end up hurt. Ergo the need to keep my eye on shit and keep a tight rein.

It’s strange but now that we were down to the last twenty-four hours I wasn’t checking my watch as much. I didn’t feel that near panic feeling that had been hounding me the last month or so. She was here now and there was no force on earth that could come between us.

“You want dessert baby?” I whispered in her ear just before nuzzling it. She giggled and scrunched up her shoulders and it was so damn cute I couldn’t help stealing a kiss.

My PDA was off the fucking charts. Something I’m sure the others were getting a kick out of since they’d never seen me so much as hold a woman’s hand in public.

The place was starting to pick up and the noise level had risen a bit. The guys weren’t exactly on alert but they weren’t looking like the most inviting types either.

That shit usually drew out the crazies, a lot of these grizzly motherfuckers always have to prove who has the bigger balls and since I wasn’t about to start shit with her there I wanted out as soon as possible.

“I’m stuffed Creed.” She was also dragging ass if her half closed eyes were any indication. I kissed her head and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. Her hair still had the scent of the sun and the way she just sagged into my chest made my heart kick in my chest.

“I’m taking her out of here she’s beat. You clowns keep shit together.” They’ve been known to close down a place or two just for the sake of showing their asses when I wasn’t around. And since I knew that I wasn’t going to see the light of day for at least the next twenty-four solid, I thought it prudent to hand out that warning.

I gave Max the ‘you’re in charge look and headed out with my half asleep baby. It was a quick ride back to our place, which was about all she could handle since it seemed the day had taken the wind out of her sails.

Back at the house she could barely keep her eyes open as she walked into my bedroom and threw herself down on the bed. I smiled at the way she just moved to my bed, our bed, like it was the most natural thing in the world.

By the time I took a leak and came back in she was fast asleep. I contemplated undressing her, but then thought better of it. My emotions were so high that I knew if I went anywhere near her now I’d break my word and there were only a few hours left.

I didn’t think that I would sleep. I was wound so fucking tight I was all but bouncing off the walls. But somehow as soon as I laid my head on the pillow and pulled her into my arms I was out.

Chapter 14



I rolled over some time later and looked at the clock. My dick and my heart thumped, it was after midnight. Fuck yeah! First time I had no issue with being awakened at fuck this shit o’clock.

She was out cold next to me looking cute and fuckable. “Happy birthday babygirl.” I nibbled her ear and kissed my way down her cheek to her lips, with my hand between her legs feeling her warm pussy beneath her underwear, until she stirred.

” Her voice was sleep soft and sexy, her body warm. “Yes baby wake up, I need you.” Fuck, need wasn’t even close to what I felt. Everything came down to this one moment.

I played in her pussy with my fingers stretching her for the last time that way before I introduced her to my cock. Her tongue in my mouth was soft and slippery as she slowly played hide and seek with mine.

I pressed my cock into the mattress to ease the throbbing pain, wondering if maybe I should’ve fisted myself first before taking her, so that I could at least be halfway gentle. It was too late for that shit now because her pussy juice was on my hand.

Taking my fingers out of her wet cunt, I lifted them to my mouth and sucked. She was still half asleep and cuddly when I licked the inside of her mouth, sharing her own pussy taste with her.

She came fully awake when I rolled her onto her back and settled between her legs. She was still dressed in the clothes from the night before but I was ass naked with an iron hard cock.

I let my hands do the talking in the darkened room, letting them roam at will as I continued kissing her lips a little gently at first until she started following my tongue with hers and the heat went up a couple notches.

I cupped her tit through her bra and shirt until her nipple tightened and had to grit my teeth not to rush her. No words were spoken between us when I lifted her to remove her top and bra. Just the hungriest fucking kiss I’d ever shared. I think she liked the taste of her cunt because she chased my mouth with hers, begging for my tongue.

I reached over and turned on the light needing to see her when I took her the first time, wanting her to see me. To know who it was that was claiming her now and forever.

I laid her back on the bed and pulled her skirt up over her silk covered pussy. Her scent rose up to my nostrils as I gently rolled her underwear off her ass and down her thighs. “Spread for me baby. I’m going to take you, but I need to know that you’re with me every step of the way.”

She was shy about it, but she soon had her legs open so that the wet pink gash between her thighs was on full display. “I’m going to eat your pussy first.” I enjoyed shocking her with my raw speech, liked the way it made her nipples pebble and her ass twitch against the sheets in heat.

Licking my way down her body, I nibbled on the flesh around her navel while letting my fingers play in the hair covering her cunt. “So soft.” I said the words against her flesh making her tremble.

“You ready babygirl?” I looked up at her as she nodded shyly and bit her lip. She looked so innocent and afraid I reached for her lips again. “Don’t be afraid I promise to take very good care of you.”

Kneeling between her legs, I let my nose run up her thigh to her pussy lips, which I sucked into my mouth. For such a tiny thing she had a fat pussy. I played with the plump lips with my tongue before pulling them open with my thumbs and staring into her pink depths.

My sons and daughters were gonna come from there, and that was only one of the many pleasures she was gonna give me from that sweet tunnel. I licked into her deep, until the tip of my tongue butted against her hymen.

I played with it a little, stretching the elastic skin before easing my finger in her to play. I fucked back and forth with first one then two fingers being sure not to break it, I wanted that shit destroyed at the end of my cock, it was my right. Mine.

I eased my tongue out and another finger in and fucked her on those until she whimpered and fucked herself hard against my palm. “I can’t wait to get my rod inside you.” She was tight around the three fingers I pushed inside her as I licked her clit.

Slowly drawing my fingers back from her heat, I stuck my tongue back inside just as I felt her body tremble and quake. I was just in time to catch her nectar as it flowed from her body.

Her natural sensuality soon had her moving against my mouth as I tongue fucked her to satisfaction again and again. My jaw hurt like a son of a bitch after half an hour, but she needed this. There was no way to avoid splitting her, but I wanted to make shit as easy on her as I possibly could when I finally drove my dick inside her.

Getting up from between her thighs I grabbed the lube from the nightstand and poured a hefty amount in my hand before greasing up my pole. I didn’t put any inside her, not this first time, but I knew as wet as she was, she was too tight still to take me without any extra pain.

Settling myself between her thighs once again, I stayed on my knees in the bed as I hooked hers over my arms, keeping her pussy open. “Look at me.” As soon as her eyes touched mine, I let my dick nose around her pussy’s entrance.

I watched as it spread her fat cunt lips around my cockhead with the steel in it on both ends. “Easy, easy.” She was already starting to show strain from my entrance and I had barely breached her.

I thumbed her clit to keep her juicing as I watched my monster spread her. My poor baby, the head of my cock was the smallest part of my rod and that shit was not small at all. “It’s gonna hurt baby I’m sorry but I’ll make it up to you.”

I held the shaft in hand and fucked back and forth inside her with just the tip, opening her up for more. My heart was wound tight as I fought to hold back, when all I wanted was to slam into her over and over again until I emptied my life inside her.

When her pussy juice started to free flow until it was running down to the sheets beneath her ass, I let go of my cock. I hit her hymen after about inch five with eight and a half more to go fuck. Shallow pussy!

She was already hissing and cringing and I hadn’t even started. My dick juice was running out her pussy mixed with her own pussy lubricant as I did a little back and forth motion in and out to loosen her up even more.

“I’m sorry baby.” This shit wasn’t working I was just trying to avoid the inevitable. Hard and fast, that’s how I went in. She screamed and lost her breath as I held still in the tightest pussy I’ve ever had around my cock. “Oh fuck!”

I waited until she sucked in air and breathed again before easing halfway out and sliding back in again. Words escaped me for about two minutes while I took the time to enjoy the beauty of having her under me like this for the first time.

The reality far surpassed my every dream. There was no way I could’ve ever imagined the soft heat of her pussy and what it would do to that organ in my chest that I had kept out of the reach of others for so long.

I whispered softly to her as I held her close, licking the tears from her face. Releasing her legs I laid my body flat against hers so that she could feel all of me, all of her man as I moved inside her slowly, gently, loving her with my body, mind and soul.

I kissed her eyes shut before nibbling my way down to her lips for a soft lingering kiss. “So fucking sweet, my babygirl, only mine.” I told her how proud I was of her for being my big girl and taking my cock that way she was. How much I’d wanted this, wanted her for so long.

Her body moved beneath mine faster and faster as her breath quickened. “I love the way your tight pussy feels around my cock. Nothing has ever felt this good before, nothing.” All of this was said in a whisper as I rocked back and forth into her tight cunt.

She reacted to the words and her body tightened and squeezed as she wrapped her arms and legs around me harder. I could feel the runaway beating of her heart as our tongues mated in time with my cock slipping in and out of her.

I reared back and looked down at her. At this little bit of a thing that was drawing so much out of me so effortlessly. It was like all the bad had been wiped away, none of it mattered, not if it led me to this one moment inside her.

“You with me little love?” I held her head in my hands and watched her eyes for the truth. She was straining to take me, her pussy stretched and packed to the max.

I kept up my easy strokes in and out of her continuing to take it easy on her pussy for the next few minutes until she adjusted. Her pussy was still tight as fuck and there was still about eight and a half inches of my dick left to feed her.

I knew it wouldn’t be long before my beast popped his leash and showed his ass. In fact I was amazed that he had held on this long, but as soon as she gave me the go ahead by wrapping her legs around me and tilting that pussy up to catch my cock, I went full tilt up inside her.

“Hang on babygirl, it’s gonna be a rough ride but I promise to stay with you every step of the way.” I’d seen the fear in her eyes and thought it wise to reassure her.

That look in her eyes, love-lust-fear. The combination pulled at my heartstrings, in a way nothing else ever have, or ever will, only her. “I will love you for as long as I draw breath.”

Her cry of joy was music to my ears and sucked me in as I wrapped her up in my arms and prepared to claim what was rightfully mine. I used the steel in my cock to stimulate her even more as we begun to fuck. I’d enjoyed those few minutes of lovemaking, it was a nice introduction for my baby, but now I wanted, no needed to fuck and fuck hard.

Lifting her ass in my hands with a firm grip, I plowed into her newly awakened pussy over and over again while holding her eyes with mine. “That’s it babygirl, enjoy what your man is doing to you.”

She was a fucking natural the way she clung to me, digging her nails in as she cooed at me and fucked herself on my cock as I picked things up a little. I was in pussy heaven, not even in my wildest dreams did I think a pussy could feel like this.

“Fuck me that’s some good pussy.” I covered her lips with mine and sucked her tongue into my mouth as I prepared to fuck her the way I’ve been wanting to for the last couple years. Her pussy revolted when I went too deep on my next stroke, but I had to get all the way inside her, it felt like I would fucking die if I didn’t.

Looking down between us as I prepared to pound into her, harder, deeper, I saw her blood ooze out around the trunk of my thick cock and had mixed emotions. The man in me felt pride that she was mine and there was the evidence. The lover hated that he had to hurt her.

When her pussy stopped throbbing around my meat I eased my upper body down onto hers so I could hold her close and comfort her. “It’s gonna feel better soon I promise.”

Soft kisses to her lips and whispers in her ear soon had her relaxing beneath me again. Meanwhile, my cock was thumping away inside her impatient to fuck again.

“I have to move baby please.” She shifted around beneath me. “It’s okay Creed.” Now she was the one soothing me with soft strokes up and down my back, opening her legs wider around my hips to accept me.

I needed that shit because it was hell holding back. I wanted to fuck and fuck hard, but her tight softness warned me that I couldn’t, not to mention the blood she’d left on my dick.

I started out slow, testing her to see just how much she could take. Although I had reached the end of her pussy I still had a few inches left. If I wanted all of me in there I would have to go into her womb, would she be able to handle a womb fuck? Not many can.

I looked down between us as I drew my cock out until only the fat head was left inside, stretching her pussy lips obscenely. Then I watched her face as I surged back in, stopping just outside her cervix.

I did this a few times until she got more relaxed under me and started to move her pussy on my dick. “That’s it baby, doesn’t that feel good?” I rubbed her clit to get her even more stimulated, making it easier for me to slip and slide in the pussy.

I was barely hanging onto my control for her sake. When her pussy finally eased up a little on my cock I slipped deeper on my next stroke and hit her spot. Her mouth opened wide in a silent scream as her body bucked and sucked at me.

“Yes baby fuck, yes.” She was taking me beautifully, her legs opening wider to accept my thrusting hips as I sped up little by little. Her tits bounced on her chests begging to be sucked, and I leaned over and sucked one into my mouth hard, while flexing my cock inside her hot cunt.

When she tugged on my hair to bring my mouth to hers I knew she was finally with me all the way. “This what you want?” I let her suck on my tongue while I concentrated of giving her the fuck of her life.

The bedsprings squeaked with each pound into her and her moans got louder around my tongue. When we both needed to breathe I pulled away and buried my face in her neck sucking the skin between my teeth.

She squeezed around my cock when I bit into her and I took the risk of fucking into her harder, going after her G-spot again and again. Her soft walls scraped along the metal piercings in my cock and had pre-cum streaming out of me.

In the back of my mind I kept telling myself to ease off, go slow, but my cock had a mind of its own. “Too long, I waited…” Couldn’t finish the words, too fucking caught up.

I pulled her chest harder into mine as our hips moved faster and faster together. “So good baby.” She called out my name in that high-pitched voice tinged with a little bit of fear as her body shook in a massive orgasm.

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