Biker's Baby Girl (16 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Biker's Baby Girl
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“You know, Skins, came back last night, wasn’t sure what you wanted to do about that so figured I’d wait on your say so.”

“What the fuck? Why is she back here now?” As if I didn’t know. “Where’s her sister?” I’d overlooked this shit; it hadn’t even registered on my radar of shit to watch out for.

“They were both here last night ‘til late tying one on you know, the usual.” Fuck, Deidre is a complicated issue. She was the old woman of one of my boys that had got killed by a rival asshole in a bar fight a few years ago.

After his death we were all pretty fucked up and one night one thing led to another and she and I ended up rolling around on her bed trying to outrun our own demons.

In the morning I felt like shit for fucking my boy’s piece even though he was gone, but Deidre was in love or some shit. It wasn’t easy getting her to accept that that shit was a one off and that it was never going to be repeated.

She did everything in her power to change my mind and then when she realized that shit wasn’t gonna work shit got ugly. She’d played the pregnancy card with me then and pissed me the fuck off because I never took a woman without covering my shit up.

When I’d called her on her shit she’d hightailed it out of here. That had been over two years ago and I hadn’t heard or seen her since. Her sister was hooked up with another member and was still here, so I can only surmise that words were spoken about my new living arrangements and that’s why she was back here.

“Keep an eye on her and let me know as soon as she shows her face. Jessie’s home today but she might wander outside or some fuck at some point I don’t want her bothered.”

“You want me to put someone on the house?”

“No Max, I’m six feet away I can keep an eye on my woman thank you, you just keep the rest of these fucks in line while I take care of the inventory and shit that I’ve been neglecting.” The jackass grinned and headed out back to the garage.

I had a full operation here, bike shop, garage and the clubhouse where some of the men slept rough. There were rooms where some perverted shit went on that I wasn’t even gonna think about and then there was the main room with the bar.

My office was more towards the back near the meeting room. I could see my house from there and had eyes and ears in the place already, something no one knew about but me. Like I said, I don’t trust one fuck.

“Yeah Jason what’s up?” I called him first as soon as I reached my desk. “Hey boss, I took care of that little thing everything’s squared away nice and clear. Only hiccup is when the new owners go to take possession, you think of how you want to handle that side of things?”

“Not really I’ve been busy but I’ll come up with something.” I hung up the phone and went into the account he’d told me the money was waiting in. It only took me a few minutes to transfer it to the account I’d opened for her nine years ago.

With that settled I took care of some of the shit on my desk and made a few calls to suppliers. I had a moment of regret over the whole Deidre situation in the middle of all the shit I was doing.

Even though things had ended badly, I couldn’t place all the blame at her door. She’d been a friend once and we’d both been in a pretty dark place after what happened to Ian. I looked out towards my place where my heart was and let that shit go, I can’t go back and change shit.

By the time I came up for air it was noon and my guts was groaning at me, reminding me that I’d missed breakfast and mealtime was staring me in the face. I knew just what I wanted for lunch. My dick did too because he sprung right the fuck up.

I closed down the shit that I’d been working on and started to head out when the phone on my hip rang. I grinned when I saw the name in the screen. Nosy fuck was probably calling to tease my ass about being whipped. “Law my man what’s…?”

“We’ve got trouble.” His words wiped the smile off my face and started my feet moving faster towards the door.

“Tell me.” I looked out the window to where she was just coming out my side door with something in her hand and a happy smile on her face. I knew the only reason he’d be calling me like this is if it was about her.

“You need to get here brother. By the way do you need the priest or whatever the fuck? I think my boys are holding him hostage here or some fuck because he’s always under foot these days.” I thought of the ring I’d put on her hand while fucking her the second time.

“Yes, we’ll be there in a few.” If it was really bad he would’ve told me some of it, but it was bad enough for him to call me in. It was a given that the shit had to do with her fucked up relatives.

I was on the way out to meet her when I heard her voice raised in anger. That shit coming on the back of the call had my pressure rising and I wasn’t in the mood. Maybe that’s why I didn’t stop to ask what the fuck was going on when I came upon the situation outside the clubhouse door, but just reacted.

“What the fuck are you on?” I grabbed Deidre by the scruff of her neck and flung her aside. Babygirl was busy picking up the plate she’d been bringing to me for lunch. When she looked at me with tears in her eyes I wanted to kill.

“Come here baby.” She was my only thought, making her feel better and removing those tears from her eyes. I didn’t even look at Deidre.

I don’t know what the fuck gets into females, but that jealousy shit seems to give them extra strength while at the same time draining every fucking brain cell out their heads.

As she moved towards me, Deidre, a woman I hadn’t seen or spoken to in over two years rushed her. By now most everyone was outside watching this shit unfold in disbelief.

I moved to get in between them again but a whirlwind flew past me, and all I saw were arms and legs flying. I stood in shock for a hot minute before moving. “Get this bitch outta he… Baby quit it.” What the fuck?

I never saw her like this before, she was pissed the fuck off and breathing fire as I dragged her away while Max got the idiot woman up off the floor.

“Inside.” I pointed babygirl to the door behind me trying to get her out of the line of fire just in case it wasn’t over. She gave me a look that said she’d kick my ass too and I figured she was at about the end of her rope; I don’t blame her.

“Baby please go inside so I can deal with this. I do not want you in the middle of this shit, so unless you want me hauled out of here in cuffs do what the fuck I say.”

She gave the now loudly complaining Deidre one last withering look before doing as I said. As mad as I was at this shit, I knew I was partly to blame.

I should never have slept with her, not when she was so vulnerable. It didn’t matter that we were both drunk as fuck that night, I shoulda known better. For that reason I couldn’t do what I would normally do in a situation like this where she’d put her hands on my woman, which is break her fucking neck.

I turned to look at Deidre then and was faced with yet another fire breathing dragon. I do not need this fuckery at this particular moment in my existence.

“You gave her a ring?” Those were the first words she threw at me. I really didn’t have time for this shit, but I couldn’t see me treating her like one of the sheep, not after the relationship I’d had with her old man.

On the other hand, my woman had just walked away from me looking like I’d gutted her or some fuck and that shit was not cool.

“Everybody get back to what you were doing. Max I’m gonna need you, Cam and Rog in the next five we got shit to do.” I waited until they left and the only ones there were she, her sister and I. “You can leave too.”

Pam looked like she wanted to argue but the way I felt right then if she gave me any shit I would’ve thrown her ass off my place never to return again.

She must’ve seen the look on my face because she had the sense to walk the fuck away. “You wanna tell me what the fuck you’re doing here now, why you’d bring this shit to my door? The only reason I’m not planting a foot in your ass for fucking with her is because of him and the friendship we had, but that was your last get out of jail free card.”

“How can you say that? You promised him remember, you said you’d take care of me after he was gone.” She was breathing hard and close to tears with fire shooting out of her eyes. After two years of no contact I’m thinking this shit was not normal.

“And you took that to mean what? That I was going to make you my woman, what the fuck ever gave you that idea?” The whole fucking mess was pissing me the fuck off.

“But that night, in bed, we were so good together.” She looked genuinely hurt and I felt like shit. How had I misread that whole situation so badly? “I thought we were offering each other comfort, that’s all it meant to me I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to mislead you.” Hadn’t I said this shit before? Why would she think things had changed now?

“It’s not fair, Ian was a good man, he was all I had and then you…” She started to shake and it was then that I got a good look at her. She had wasted away to almost nothing in the time she’d been gone. That shit hurt me to my core, that I might’ve had a hand in doing that to her, fuck.

“What the fuck did you do to yourself? Come here.” I didn’t think anything of it when I wrapped my arms around her to offer comfort. Before we’d confused shit by jumping into bed together, we’d been pals. A hug between us was as easy as passing a beer.

I’d spent many a night on her couch laughing and unwinding with her and her old man back in the day when shit was just getting started. I guess you can say we’d grown together in this new life, each learning our way as best we could and shoring each other up.

“I’m sorry I hurt you, that was never my intent, but you have to let it go and move on. It’s not me that you want it’s him. You think you can recapture that by being with me but you can’t. And Deidre, I love her, even when I was with you I knew it was going to be her, I’ve known for a long time now, I’m sorry.”

She cried into my chest, heartbreaking body wracking sobs that tore at me and made me relive the loss of my pal all over again. I turned to take her inside and my eyes met Jessie’s and fuck me if she didn’t look like I’d betrayed her.

“Wait here Deidre.” I whistled for Max to come to me and passed her off when he did. “Take her to her sister. Deidre I have to go I’m sorry.”

I had nothing more to give her right then, I had more pressing matters on my hands. Like the young girl I’d just had chained to my bed for the last few days, who was now looking at me like I was the worse kind of scum for betraying her. Fuck me sideways with a claw hammer.

I didn’t spare my old friend a second glance as I turned and went to face the woman that looked like she was going to kick my ass or crawl into a hole and die. “Baby…” She evaded my hand when I reached for her and walked away from me. “Uh-uh babygirl, we don’t do that come here to me.” I stood my ground and waited for her to obey me.

She folded her arms and kept her back turned. I needed this shit today. “Look at me.” Still nothing, when the hell did she get to be this damn stubborn?

“Jessica I said look at me.” Maybe I shoulda left that shit alone because the look on her face when she did obey me was just evil. “There’re things going on here that you don’t understand. I told you before that you don’t have anything to worry about where other women are concerned…”

She took her ring off and threw it across the room. I have to say, I’ve been in some situations before in my life, but nothing and I mean nothing had ever surprised me as much as what she just did. I looked from the ring to her and back a couple times before the pressure in my head came down a little.

“Pick that shit up are you nuts?”

“No, I wanna go home I don’t want to stay here.” How the fuck can you be crying and breathing fire at the same damn time? I knew that the anger that hopped up inside me just then was misguided, but I’d be fucked if she were ever going to get away with shit like this. Total fucking disrespect, fuck no. I moved over to her and grabbed her this time when she tried to walk away.

Without uttering another word I walked her over to where the diamond was glistening up at me from the corner. I held her by the back of the neck and bent her over. “Pick it up.” She got the good fucking sense not to rebel this time and did as I said.

I was suddenly pissed the fuck off at everyone and everything. This isn’t how the fuck I saw this day going, not four days after I’d taken her for the first time. We were supposed to be happy as fuck that we were finally together, but instead it seems like everyone was conspiring to fuck with us, and she wasn’t making shit any easier with her hardheaded stubborn ass.

I marched her through to my office just in case someone entered the club just then; I needed privacy for this shit. I started stripping her out of her clothes as soon as the door closed.

“Stop it Justice, I don’t want you to touch me.” She’s never called me anything but Creed and I didn’t know quite how to take the switch, but the last part of that statement was a big fucking red flag. I pulled her up so I could look into her eyes while I told her some home truths.

“I understand you’re mad, but you don’t ever fucking say those words to me again, and take that fucking tone down a notch.” I never thought in a million years I would be this close to spanking her ass, not so soon anyway.

“I said there was some shit here that you don’t understand. Deidre was the wife of a friend nothing more nothing less. I can’t just cast her off like I did Sonia, I made a promise.”

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