Biker's Baby Girl (18 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Biker's Baby Girl
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Chapter 17



Law and his crew were practically waiting for us at the gate when we got there later that afternoon. I took in the whole place at a glance and didn’t see anything that would give me any idea as to what the fuck was going on

Law, Brand, Clay, Kyle and their cousin looked relaxed and laid back. I relaxed a little then but not much. These men were all hard-asses each in their own right, I wouldn’t put it past them to be holding shit close to the vest.

“What’s up brother?” We exchanged our usual hugs all around before Law turned to Jessie. I felt my hackles rise and had to remind myself that Law had his own woman and he was standing at least ten feet from mine.

He must’ve felt my energy in the air because the ass grinned at me before reaching out for her hand. I couldn’t hold back the growl that escaped but was quick enough to play that shit off before the others caught on. I’m so fucked.

“And you must be Jessie, pleased to meet you finally.” As he said it I realized I’d never introduced them in all the years we’d been friends and they had lived so close. He’d known where she was of course, because I’d told him, but I never wanted anyone around her, not even my most trusted friend. “Fuck!”

“Problem?” Law looked at me after my outburst as I looked at her. I felt like an asshole, it was so clear, what the fuck had I been thinking? “Nah, just something I have to take care of. Come here babygirl.”

She came over to my side and I realized she was a little nervous being around all these strange men. I kissed her temple and left my arm around her as I pulled my phone and walked a little ways away. I looked down at her and kept my eyes on hers as I made the call.

“Jason, I need you to do me a solid. Cut Deidre a check for ten grand for me.” I hung up and made the second call which was easier than I thought it would be.

I’d been looking at this shit all-wrong. My first allegiance will always be to her and making sure she’s happy. This shit wasn’t ever going to make her happy and it was shit thinking to believe it ever could. “Deidre, yeah it’s me, listen Jason will be there in a few with something for you.

I want you to take that and go back to your parents’. It’s enough to get you started somewhere. We’ll be gone for a few days, but I’m gonna need you to be gone when we get back.”

I heard her silent tears on the other line and felt my heart hurt for the wife of my friend, the girl I’d known for so long. But it was the one on my arm that mattered most.

She hung up the phone without a word and I guess that was the end of our acquaintance. Even though I hadn’t seen her in a long time and we’d parted on such bad terms last time and not too hot ones this go round, there was still that connection. I guess we could call that the first casualty of my love for my babygirl.

“Better?” She gave me a half smile and a sweet kiss before we returned to the others. I knew some shit was up when Law broke off his conversation with my crew upon my return and my boys were looking like they were ready to pounce on some shit.

“Creed I thought since your woman knows Illyana we’d let them get reacquainted while we take care of some things.” He looked towards his place, the main house on the spread. The one he’d inherited after his parents and his little sister had been slaughtered not too long ago, leaving just him his younger brother and the cousin who had grown up with them.

It was then I saw the women all congregated on the porch watching the goings-on. One of them broke away at Law’s signal and headed towards us until the men whistled and the others followed.

I almost laughed at the way the women fell in line because I remember these boys complaining about the shit their women put them through and how hardheaded and opinionated they were. Except for Brandon whose relationship was relatively new.

“This is my wife Dana Sue, Dana this is my buddy Creed and his girl Jessie.” The introductions were made and the women took her off with them. It didn’t escape my notice that these guys weren’t too thrilled about their women being around strange men either, friend or no friend.

The atmosphere changed as soon as the wives were out of sight and I was back to playing the guessing game. “Okay Law, you got me here what gives?” He seemed to be taking an inordinate amount of time studying me for some fucked up reason and that shit was not helping.

“You’re not gonna like what I’m about to say to you so let’s get that shit out of the way now. I know how you are so I’m asking you to keep your cool and let’s come up with a plan, no rash moves brother for fuck sake.”

Yeah, if that little tidbit was supposed to settle me down it had the opposite fucking effect. If it were anyone else I would’ve jacked him up until he started talking, but you can’t rush this fucker, he moves at his own pace.

His boys and mine started twitching and that shit just sent my radar into fucking orbit. I looked towards the house she’d disappeared into with my guts in knots.

“Tell me what the fuck’s going on Law.” I didn’t like the way everyone was looking like they expected me to lose my shit; that could only mean one thing. That whatever the fuck he was about to tell me was fucked.

“Do I need to send her to the bunker over this shit?” The bunker was fucking hours away at my place. I’d had it built years ago after my stint in the army. You learn things when dealing with Uncle Sam, the fuck.

I loosened my stance and waited. If Law was on his shit then it was worse than he’d led me to believe on the phone. And since it involved her, oh well, shit might get fucked up no matter what he said about keeping my cool. I’ll wait ‘til he told me his shit and then we’d see.

“I have to show you something, follow me.” I looked back in the direction she’d gone and went after him with our guys following behind. His set-up was pretty much like mine only difference is there were less women around. I guess that was compliments of the wives. I’ll have to ask him how that shit was working out for him.

We bypassed the play area and the bar and headed back to the meeting room so I knew shit was about to get serious. As soon as we were seated Law threw what looked like a photo album across the table at me.

I looked around the room at his men who for some fucked up reason were lined up against the wall, and Max who was standing like a sentinel behind my chair.

“What the fuck is this a hit?” I grinned to lighten the mood and the feeling of dread that was beginning to grow in my gut. I flipped open the lid of the book and didn’t know what the fuck.

“What’s this?” It looked like a photo album filled with girls, young girls. I started to relax a little, thinking that the shit had to do with my cause, which was rescuing young kids from fucked up situations and the twisted adults that were supposed to care for them, and nothing at all to do with my babygirl, until I saw her face looking back at me.

“What the fuck is this?” There was nothing written there, no explanation. Only her age, height, weight, hair and eye color. I looked at Law for answers because I didn’t like where my mind was going. For someone who’d dealt with and seen some of the shit I’d seen stateside, there weren’t that many reasons for something like this and it wasn’t a school yearbook.

My head was buzzing an alarm. The shit was already hot and I still didn’t have a fucking clue. But I knew whatever this was it wasn’t good. I saw another now familiar face in there, and my gut started to burn.

I pushed my chair back and stood when I got to the back of the fucking book and saw what was written there. “Who the fuck put her in there?” I pointed to it accusingly as I tried to keep ahold of my building rage.

Law motioned to his guys and mine and that’s when I figured out what was going on with them. He was trying to cut me off, good luck with that shit.

Law stood too and came around the table. “My guess is the aunt or her guy, we’re still trying to figure this shit out.” He was watching me like a powder keg about to blow or a snake about to strike, I felt like a little bit of both.

When I thought of what could’ve happened if I hadn’t gotten that call a few nights ago, if I’d left her in their clutches… “What the fuck is this sick shit?” Not her; I broke out in a cold sweat and rage fought with nausea as I thought of the implications in front of me.

“Exactly what you think it is. Ironic isn’t it? You’ve been fighting this shit for years and these dumb fucks thought they could bring it to your door…where are you going?”

“I need eyes on her, need to make sure she’s fucking okay and Law, get the priest.” She was probably gonna have a fit when I told her she was getting hitched in Law’s backyard, after all she’d told me about her dream wedding a million times since I put my ring on her finger. Too fucking bad.

We’ll have to do that shit another time, right now it was more important that I tie her to me completely. The need was almost overwhelming as I headed out the room and across the yard to where I’d seen her disappear with the other women not too long ago

There was only one thing on my mind; getting to her, looking at her, feeling her, reassuring myself that she was here safe with me, not in the clutches of some fucked up pervert.

Chapter 18



She was in Law’s house with his woman and her friends. I released the tortured breath I’d been holding until I got her in my sights. She was fine, still whole and smiling, no lingering sadness. Oh babygirl. I composed myself before stepping into the room.

I figured the one she was sitting next to was the one she’d known from before. They all piped down when I came inside looking guilty as hell and babygirl had a red fucking face. Uh-huh, up to no good no doubt.

I figured I owed her friend at least a thank you for what she’d done, and since my heart was beating normal again at the sight of my woman, I figured now was as good a time as any.

“You the one who gave Law the heads-up?” I stood in front of the amazingly beautiful woman who had a hold of my girl’s hand. “Yes, I’m Illyana, I can’t thank you enough for rescuing her.”

“She’s mine, thanks for looking out. Come here babygirl. If you ladies will excuse us.” I took her just outside the door, not even wondering what all the giggles and whispers behind me were about. “Did you bring a fancy dress with you by any chance?” She looked at me like I’d lost my fucking mind.

“No, I didn’t know I was gonna need one. Are we going somewhere special?” She looked a little crestfallen that she wouldn’t have anything to wear so I could imagine how she was going to feel about what I had to say next.

“No, you’re getting married today.” Her eyes all but popped out of her head and she screamed loud enough to wake the dead before turning to rush back inside in her excitement.

“Jessica.” She stopped and turned back to me, her face bright and happy, just the way I always want her to be. “Get back here.” I had a big stupid grin on my face so she knew I wasn’t mad even though I probably sounded like a grizzly with his paw caught.

“Your man needs some sugar.” She ran and jumped into my arms, peppering my face with kisses before I took her mouth in a deep tongue fuck. There, my world was settled again. I can deal with whatever the fuck comes at me now.

“I take it you’re happy. We’ll see about your fancy wedding another time okay baby; be ready in ten.” I watched her rush back in to the room full of women and heard the screams and whatnot before I made it off the porch. I headed back to the yard to meet the guys who had followed behind me. Probably thought I was gonna pull a fast one.

“Right, where’s the priest?” For some reason that got Law’s right hand men to start grumbling and his brother to breaking into laughter and I remembered Law saying something about holding the priest hostage.

Someone ran off to get him while I cooled my heels and tried not to let my inner feelings show. If one more fuck goes wrong today I’ma shed blood no fucking joke.

I better never tell her that on her wedding day her man was plotting murder in his fucking head instead of looking forward to the exchange of vows.

As far was I was concerned she became my wife when I got her blood on my cock, that’s good enough for me. But from her reaction just now, the whole ceremony thing meant more to her.

At least I knew that for her it was about more than all the hoopla. She was willing to get hitched in Law’s backyard in jeans. That shit, made me feel lighter, even with all of the shit that was going down.

My mind kept going back to her face looking out at me from behind that yellowed plastic. She looked about sixteen there or what I remembered her looking like at that age.

She still had that babyish innocent young girl thing going on then, was now coming into her own as a woman and some fuck had been drooling over her for his own sick perverted fuck reasons.

I’ma end up burning this fuck to the ground, but first before I lose my shit, I’m gonna make her mine officially. The whole fucking town was full of fuckwits as far as I can tell; who would miss ‘em?

The asshole that had done Law’s family, and now her aunt and uncle, not to mention the fucking hate brigade assholes. What was the fucking point in letting it stand? Law’s place was on the outskirts; he won’t miss the shit. What a way to be thinking on my wedding day.

Max nudged me as we stood around the preacher/priest what the fuck ever, who was looking like what the fuck, and I turned to see her coming to me. “Fuck.” The clothed one cleared his throat over my shoulder but it was too late, the word was already out.

She looked fucking amazing. How the fuck long had it been since I walked out of that house? She was wearing a yellow sundress that someone had loaned her; it made her skin glow. And someone had put flowers in her hair and she was holding a bunch in her hands.

I wonder what the fuck they would’ve accomplished if I’d given them more time. Then again I shouldn’t be surprised, they had the best canvas to work with.

I tried to convince myself that it was the sun in my eye that made me tear up but I knew different. Every thought went out of my head. There was nothing there or in my heart, but her, babygirl.

I met her halfway, ignoring her new friends and the guys as I walked towards my life. My hands fucking shook when I lifted them to her perfect face. “You’re beautiful babygirl, damn.” Her smile was wide and bright without a trace of anything but joy. That smile went a long way to soothing my beast.

I didn’t let go of her hand the whole time we stood before the man who officially joined us according to the law. Speaking of which, I didn’t even ask Law how he pulled off the license that quickly, but I was sure there was a story behind that shit.

I didn’t think it would, but hearing those words ‘I now pronounce you man and wife’, actually lifted a weight off my chest. She was mine now, nothing and no one could change that.

“I’m gonna love you for the rest of your life, get ready.” I whispered the words for her ears only as I held her in my arms for the first time since making it official.

Her girls were soon there buzzing around and one very bold one, I think she was Clay’s if the way he rolled his eyes was a hint, came over and took her from me with a very saucy suggestion.

There was even a cake after, nothing major but it was more than I’d been expecting and my woman seemed happy as fuck with her lot.

We tabled the bullshit for later as we watched the women enjoy themselves and even the sheep had joined in and the wives seemed fine with that. I’ll have to ask Law about that shit as well, but later.

Babygirl sought me out after half an hour and came over to my side with a new pep in her step that hadn’t been there before. After the way the day had started it was good to see her this happy.

“Thank you husband.” She grinned up at me looking young and unafraid and I fought not to think of what the fuck I was gonna have to deal with soon.

“You’re welcome wife.” I kissed her hair and drew her in close to my side as the festivities went on around us. She was happy at least and carefree, if the way she clung to me meant anything.

I too found that I felt a thousand times better now that she was mine all the way. “You’re mine, every beautiful inch of you; be happy babygirl.” I planned to see that she always was. I was never going to let her know about this shit either. She’d suffered more than enough at those two’s hands.

I let her have her thirty minutes but as the sun was going down I knew I had to go take care of shit. I had no idea who all was involved in the shit Law had thrown on my plate today, but I knew from dealing with similar bullshit for the past few years, that it was usually a network of assholes spread out all over the place. Sometimes even reaching as far as other nations.

“I’ve got a run to make baby.” She pouted but didn’t give me any shit. I’d taught her not to question that statement ever, and was glad to see she’d been listening when I was laying down the law in between fucks.

“Don’t leave this yard for any reason. From here to Law’s place that’s it. If you lose your fucking mind and forget those instructions come find me in the clubhouse so I can remind you. Now give me your mouth.” I kissed her long and hard before releasing her on shaky legs. “Behave yourself.”

I left her with her friends and headed for my ride. I was pretty sure Law was gonna try and stop me, he’s Mr. Let’s plan shit, which I usually am as well when it comes to this shit, but not this time. I’m gonna line both those fucks up and put a bullet in them. There has to be a pack of wild dogs around here I can feed them to-to keep the law off my ass.

“Hold it, they’re not there, I checked after calling you in.” That brought me up short. It was like the fucker had been waiting for me to make my move all this time. What was he saying though?

They couldn’t be gone yet, Jason had only just told me about the house situation. Did they expect me to come back and finish what I’d started the other night? “Where the fuck are they?”

“My best guess, their friends are hiding them out in the hills. Word is you put a hurting on Sal, and made some pretty heavy threats afterwards. You may not be the only reason they went into hiding though. If they’re the ones responsible for putting her in that lineup, then they’re in deep shit themselves.”

“Think about it, you took her out of there what four, five days ago? From what little I gathered so far, losing her could mean big trouble for the aunt and uncle and whoever is running this shit. They’re gonna be holed up looking for trouble so we wait.”

“What hills, where?” I looked beyond the walls he’d built around his place towards the hills running along the horizon in the distance. He could wait I wasn’t about to. I needed to talk to those two and find out how far this shit had gone. If money had changed hands then the shit could get ugly.

If some fuck somewhere was already fixated on her as it appeared might be the case from all the fucking notations referring to her, then there was no telling what he would do. I’d seen it all already and not my fucking babygirl. The mere thought that someone was even out there thinking he had any rights to her burned my ass.

My experience, some of these sick fucks actually started believing that they owned the people they paid for whether that person had anything to do with what the fuck was going on or not. If I have to hop on a plane and head to the desert to put a hole in some fuck’s head for being stupid, I’d rather know right fucking now.

I was on the move, wasn’t sure where the fuck I was going but I’d figure it out since Law wasn’t looking like he was about to help. “Chaz hold the gate closed, don’t let him through.” Law gave his guy that order and almost lost his fucking head for his efforts. “You better rescind that order brother.” I turned to glare at him.

“Justice stand the fuck down would ya, I said we wait, they’re gonna be expecting this shit.”

“No.” I didn’t even stop walking. Law might know his shit, but I know he’d never seen this side of evil before so he could have no clue as to the lengths these fuckers would go to.

“ I will level this whole fucking town to kill that one cockroach Law. Unless you want me to go through your crew first you’d better tell these fucks not to fuck with me or I’ll make you look like a choir boy.”

“Calm your ass down. Why the fuck am I saddled with hot headed fucks? You can’t go after them this hot, let things cool down for a day or two. I’ve asked around, it seems this shit is running rampant in these parts, fucking breeding programs or some shit. Girls have been going missing going back years. There’s more going on here than we know. We go in now before we know more we’re putting a lot of fucking lives at stake.”

“Besides, I’m waiting on another call before we move. I think this shit might be tied into something else that runs through a big chunk of the country.”

“What the fuck are you talking about Law?”

“You remember Lo and his boys, got out and settled somewhere in Georgia?”

“I heard something about that so what does that have to do with this?”

What the fuck do the SEALs have to do with this shit? As far as I know those guys never ran Ops on domestic soil. But then again they were part of an elite squad so who knows what the fuck.

“Seems it might be connected. One of their birds flew down here, or they think they’ve traced him down here somewhere, after he worked over Ty’s woman or some shit. It was their digging on an Op that discovered the album.”

“They know I’m from down this way, and when they saw the references to this place they asked me to look into it until they can get here.”

I saw him flex because I don’t think those boys had any idea just who was in that little ledger when they sent it to him. I knew those boys, had gone on Ops with them more than once, stand up guys but crazy as fuck.

Still, I couldn’t wait around for them to get here to deal with this shit, and I’m a hundred percent sure that if the tables were turned they would feel the same.

“Wasn’t your wife on that list, how the fuck can you think of waiting around?”

“She wasn’t mine then or the fucks would already be six feet deep.” He folded his fists and I just quirked my brow at him. Who’s hotheaded now?

“As it stands I’m gonna make them bleed for even thinking about putting her in there, but we’re gonna do this right. The fact that she’s in there has given me a string I can tug, but I gotta give it some thought. But back to those fuckers in the hills and the rest of your boy Sal’s pals.

The fucking sheriff is in their pockets and he already has a hard on for me, which I don’t give a fuck about, but if he fucks with you I’m gonna lose my shit and I’ve got shit to do.

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