Biker's Baby Girl (19 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Biker's Baby Girl
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Not to mention a wife that was looking kinda green this morning when I rolled out of bed, which tells me she might be breeding or some fuck. Like my life isn’t fucked six ways from Sunday already. I need this shit.”

I found my first laugh in a long time. “Hey congrats brother, may the little fucker be just like you.” I could take a minute to be happy for my boy. After the fucked up year he’d had with his family being slaughtered while he was off fighting a war, he deserved some happy.

“Fuck you asshole, then again that might not be so bad. Heaven forbid any of them should come out like Dana Sue, fuck me.” He actually looked horrified at the thought and I couldn’t believe I could find anything to laugh about at a time like this.

“A handful is she?”

“You laugh now but I’m telling you, that sweet little thing you got over there is gonna be a whole new person any day now. I don’t know if it’s the ring on the finger, or taking them to our beds, but they change overnight on your ass and life as you know it is at a fucking end. Look at this shit.”

We watched as the women walked from one of the set up tables to the other laughing and hooting at who the fuck knows what. I saw my little one in the middle of the pack holding her own, and my heart did its crazy dance.

“I think we’re already there brother and I think it has to do with them feeling confident after they’ve caught their man.” I thought of the shit she’d been through this morning and the words she’d said to me in anger.

Now knowing that the ones I’d entrusted her to had put her in danger, had my temperature rising again, and just that easy my mood switched back to dark.

“You said this fuck messed with Ty’s girl? And he’s still breathing? Those boys get soft stateside or what?” Didn’t sound like the Ty I knew. I wonder how they got him to stand the fuck down?

“Nope, I’m pretty sure his ass is still as hotheaded as yours, but we have to play this shit right. We don’t know who all is involved as yet and how far it reaches. From what little those boys shared with me, there’re some heavy hitters involved. I’ll wait until they get here and see, but I smell a shit storm.

And let’s not forget there’re about two hundred girls in there that we have to account for before this shit is all said and done.”

What he was saying made sense, but it went against the grain to let this shit slide for even a second more. She was safe now that’s true. No one was gonna get anywhere near her that’s for sure, but I needed this shit dealt with yesterday for my own peace of mind.

How had I not known this shit was going on? How had I left her in danger so long? I didn’t like feeling like a fucking tool. Somebody’s ass was gonna burn.

“Fine, if we’re gonna find out who those kids are we’re gonna have to put them through the special identifier. I didn’t bring mine with me obviously…”

“We’ve got one here brother the fuck you think I am a slacker?” He clapped me on the shoulder as we headed back to the clubhouse. The women were still gathered around gabbing and laughing and who the fuck knows what, but there was no danger, and Law had men on patrol, good enough.

“Rog, eyes on mine.” He stayed back to protect her. Not that I didn’t trust Law, far from it, but I don’t take chances where she’s concerned. I wasn’t expecting anything to happen here, but I hadn’t expected to find her in a flesh catalog either so what the fuck, who knows?

It was with a heavy heart that I went back to that room and picked up that damn book. There were a million thoughts going through my mind. This shit looked like the sixteen year old Jessie, so that would make it five years ago.

Most pedophiles didn’t like women that old, they were more into younger innocents. So what was the real deal here? Had Law said something about breeding programs?

“Law what was that about breeding programs?” He turned from setting up the machine. “That’s what Clay and Brand said it looked like. Apparently they dealt with something like this a while back as part of a sting, and the set up was pretty much the same.

If the girls were younger it would’ve been a pedophile ring, but because of the fact that the girls are a little older and it has obviously been some time since those pictures were taken, they’ve surmised that they were chosen for the magazine for rich men to choose from.”

“And when you said Dana Sue being in there gave you an idea, a string to tug on, what did you mean?” He took a minute to compose himself before answering.

“I meant I think I have an idea of how this shit works. Her father all but sold her to someone, who sent her to some fancy school to train her to be the perfect wife or some fuck. So I’m wondering if the others were chosen the same way and already have a fucking buyer.”

I took a moment to let that shit sink in. “I gotta say, if you want me to leave your little town standing that was not the right thing to say to me at this fucking juncture.”

“Take it easy, it’s just a theory we don’t know that that’s how it’s done for sure. Until we know one way or the other I’m not going to be comfortable going in.

You think I don’t want to go up there and have my boys smoke these fuckers out and pick them off one by one as they scatter like roaches? But that’s not gonna get me any answers.

I know the fucker who ‘bought’ my woman already bled out, but I don’t know about the others. So we chill until we know and then we move and take out the whole fucking program once and for all.”

“I’m giving this shit until tomorrow and then I’m going to find answers my way. All I need is two minutes with one of those fucks and they’ll talk.”

I turned back to the fuckery on the screen and left him to his mumbling about hardheaded fucks. If he thought I was bad, I wonder which planet he was on when we were dealing with the SEALs in the past. And just what the fuck he thought they were coming here to do.

We’d both ran special Ops with those boys when we were in. They’re the fucking elite’s elite of Special Forces. The motherfuckers you call in when you want to snatch a fly off of dog shit at high noon in the middle of Abbottabad.

I knew if they were involved then the shit must be really bad, and my baby was caught in the middle of it. Was this on me too? Fuck!

“Just be cool for me brother. I know how hard that shit is, seeing your woman in some shit like that. But like I said, we’ve got all those young girls in there that might be in danger. Ours is safe for now and they’ll stay that way. Let’s try to give them that.”

Fucking right they’ll stay that way. I scrolled through the pictures with a bad taste in my mouth. It wasn’t the first time I’d done this, but it was the first time it had ever hit this close to home.

Chapter 19



I didn’t know any of the other faces staring back at me thank fuck, but they were still someone’s kid, so he had me there. There was no way of telling if they’d already been snatched, or if they were still home tucked up warm in bed, with no idea that their lives were in danger.

The book was obviously a few years old because of the wear on the plastic, and the fact that I knew babygirl’s picture was at least five years old. Whether that was a good thing or not remained to be seen.

It was painstaking work, running each one through the system, because some of them weren’t in there, unless they’d committed a crime or some shit. So there was no real way of knowing since there were just numbers in the book with their stats listed.

Lately though, or in the last ten years or so, some states had been making it a law that you had to have your kids taken to a local precinct to get printed and photographed. With technology being what it is, there’s a lot you can do with that shit.

Still I wasn’t holding out much hope, especially if most of these kids were from these parts. We’re not exactly known for following the pack.

Sometimes living here can feel like you’re separated from the rest of the country, our way of life is so different here. Is that why some son of a bitch had chosen to use it as his playing field?

“Oh fuck!” I looked up at Law’s exclamation. “What is it?” His face was almost white, what the fuck?

“This shit just got a fuck of a lot more complicated.” How the fuck was that even possible? I stood to move over to his side.

“How so?” He pointed at the screen where a young blonde kid in her early teens stared back at me. Her face didn’t really ring any bells even though there was something vaguely familiar about her. “Do we know her?” I squinted for a better look but nothing doing.

“No, but we know her father, he made our bikes.”

“Oh fuck.”

“Are we calling him in?” I was trying to calculate in my head if we had enough manpower to keep this fucker in check. He wasn’t army, navy or none of that shit, but what he was is fuck mean when it came to his woman, so I could only imagine how he felt about his little girl.

“Have to, he’s one of us.” That would be the brotherhood of motherfuckers who got shit done. “We might have to tap that tree of yours before it’s all said and done since this is your thing Creed.”

“You’re cool with Blade right?” He asked me about another ex soldier turn cop turn restaurateur who we both knew, that was also into doing the ride-along with abused kids the same as my crew and I were.

“Yeah we were supposed to have a meet at Jake’s with some other crews who’re down with what we do but I couldn’t make it, had a job come up last minute.”

“Jake, shit, forgot about him. We might need to tug on that string since he’s law enforcement. I better make those fucking calls. My little town is about to be overrun with crazy fucks.” Yeah cause he was sane.

Shit, in all this fuckery I hadn’t even asked about his parents and I knew he was still raw from that shit. I heard his voice drone on as he made his calls and I watched the screen as more and more information poured out.

“Lo wants to talk to you since you know more about this shit than I do.” He passed me the phone and took over watching the monitor. “Yo.”

“Creed, how’s it hanging brother, heard you got hitched congrats.”

“Yeah thanks, word is you’re not too far behind.”

“Nope, but we got some shit going on down here that may be tied in to what you boys uncovered in your neck of the woods and it’s putting our shit on hold.”

“Explain that to me, Law didn’t go into detail.”

“Long and short, that book we sent him was taken from the personal library of one asshole who resided in our little town up to about a couple weeks ago. He grabbed Ty’s woman…”

“How the fuck did y’all let that happen?”

“She wasn’t his yet, well not all the way. Anyway he pulled a runner soon after and we did a little B and E, that’s where we found the book. I saw the reference to the place in the back and we happened to trace him there afterwards. And since Law’s down there and it’s gonna take us a few to get down that way, we figured we’d give him a head start.

We had no idea though what the shit was about, we just knew it wasn’t good. Now he tells me your woman is in there.”

“Did he tell you who else is in there?”

“No who?”

“His wife and the daughter of the guy who built our rides.”

“Shit; Law doesn’t have a bead on our guy but we’re heading out tomorrow should be there around midday. Stand down ‘til we get there soldier, let’s run this shit like an Op.”

Law and his snitching ass probably ratted me out for wanting to go in hot. I realized it had been a couple hours since I’d had eyes on her and that it was now full dark outside and it was her wedding night.

I hung up the phone and stood to stretch. I missed my babygirl. I wish shit would stop getting in the way of my fucking joy. “I gotta go see to my woman, not much we can do tonight since you’ve got me on a fucking leash, so we can just leave this running for now and see what we see in the morning.”

“Sounds good.” He handed me a set of keys.

“What’s this?”

“Keys to the cabin, it’s your wedding night you need your privacy. Your guys can bed down here there’s plenty of room and I think some of the sheep already got them on lock.”

“Am I supposed to know where this cabin is?”

“Yeah it’s the same one we used to escape to when shit got to be too much.” Damn, I’d forgotten all about that place.

“Fine I’ll take your truck because if I remember correctly that’ll be a ways out otherwise.”

“Key’s on there truck’s out front waiting.”

“Had it all planned out did you?”

“Just had my own wedding night not too long ago, I’m an old hand at this shit.”

I went to collect my woman who was drooping by the time I reached her. “Grab your stuff baby let’s go.” She rested against my chest as I kissed her hair before going to get our shit and heading out after the long ass goodbyes. I had to browbeat fucking Max into staying put since he gets antsy whenever I’m out of his sight in unknown territory.

“Max the place is still on Law’s land, I use to go there when I’d come back here with him on leave chill.” He grumbled some but in the end one of the skirts sidetracked him and I was able to slip away without my watchman.

“You tired baby?” I squeezed her hand as we drove along over the terrain. It wasn’t that late yet, it just gets dark here sooner than most places because of the locale, but she’d had a long day nonetheless.

“Not anymore.” She sure didn’t seem tired anymore when I glanced her way. Her eyes were bright with excitement all of a sudden. I wondered what the hell that was about but put it down to wedding day bullshit.

We reached the place less than an hour later on account of I drove like I had somewhere to go, and I helped her down out the truck. It looked much the same as it ever did, but Law had done some sprucing up it seemed like because it was no longer the rough number I remembered.

I could tell someone had been there recently too, since it still had a shine to it, or knowing him he’d had it done that very day. Always thinking ahead my pal.

“I think I’m supposed to do this.” She laughed like a loon when I picked her up and took her over the threshold. That laugh went right to my gut and I was reminded for a split second of just why we were here. That shit sobered my ass up right quick.

“Are you happy baby?” She stopped laughing when she sensed the seriousness in my tone. “Yes, more than I can say.” Her kiss was a lot less innocent than I was accustomed to from her, and I tasted wine on her tongue.

I walked in the direction of the bedroom or where I remembered it to be while carrying her in my arms with our mouths fused together. In the room I laid her back on the bed and leaned over her.

“I missed you all day baby.” I’m such a damn sap, but when she reached her arms up and around my neck, pulling me into her, I all but forgot the shit that was going on around me.

“I need to get cleaned up baby.” She let me know in no uncertain terms that she would take me as I am by wrapping her legs around my ass and pulling me all the way down between her thighs.

Her kiss was hungry and carnal. And fuck if my dick didn’t start leaking in ten seconds flat. I dry fucked her through her clothes with our tongues battling each other while pawing at her tits. The fucking dress was in my way.

“This is a nice dress baby, but unless you want it destroyed we’d better get it off you.” She sat up making me straddle her while she pulled it off over her head.

As soon as her tits bounced into sight I was on them. She forced her hands down between us and fought with my zipper, making these noises that I’d never heard from her before. I stopped and watched her, mesmerized by her actions, it was almost as if she craved my cock.

I helped her push my jeans off over my extended cock and off my legs. She got frustrated with my boots and I caught her lip between my teeth to calm her ass down.

“Settle I’m not going anywhere.” That didn’t have much of an affect and she all but wrestled me to the bed and climbed over me. What the fuck is this? I almost laughed at her desperation but reined that shit in just in case it hurt her feelings.

She rubbed her pussy over my cock and pressed her tits into my chest. “Babe you’re in heat.” I could smell her pussy’s scent rising up to my nose and feel the liquid heat from between her thighs bathing my cock.

I wanted to drive into her, but I wanted to have some more fun with this new wild one. She nipped and licked her way down my chest making keening sounds that went straight to my cock.

“On my cock, now.” I pushed her head down when she looked at me in a daze, but she soon remembered her old friend and what it was she was supposed to do.

She kissed my cock slit and hummed. I was watching her to see what she would do next, where this new fever would lead her. She played with my cock rings, licking around each barbell at the ends, kissing the hot flesh in between.

“Now run your tongue across the head of my cock, good girl. That’s it, drink my pre-cum babygirl; taste good?” She nodded her head and dove for more. It still amazes me what a natural she is. The way she laps up my juices and search for more with her tongue.

“Fuck yourself with your fingers while you eat my cock.” She pushed her hand between her thighs without hesitation and fed three fingers to her obviously hungry pussy. I wasn’t expecting her to pull those fingers out and feed them to me though. I like that shit.

“Ummm, sweet pussy.” She did some new shit on my cock and worked her way all the way down until I was hitting her neck, and her nose was pressed against my groin, but she couldn’t hold it for too long.

Hop on up here, I’m not trying to cum in your mouth tonight anyway.” Oh no, I had better uses for my seed and it was all going into her womb.

The way her eyes closed to half slits told me she was getting close and we hadn’t even started yet. I helped her straddle my head and hold on to the bed head before pulling her split peach down onto my tongue.

She didn’t need any direction after that, just started riding my face and tugging on one of her nipples. I squeezed her ass cheeks like I was trying to get juice from a lemon. Her pussy juice ran down my face to the pillow and still I ate her out, looking for more.

She flung her head from side to side as I tongue fucked her deep, hitting the sides of her pussy and making her sing.

I pulled her down my chest until her pussy was rubbing against the underside of my cock, which was lying flat against my stomach. Reaching around behind her, I opened her sweet tight cunt with two fingers and used my cockhead to tease the entrance to her pussy.

She started moving, trying to impale herself on my dick, and when I pushed a finger in her tight little virgin ass she really lost her shit then. I guess Law knew what the fuck he was talking about because she was loud tonight, louder than any other time. I’m sure the whole fucking valley would’ve heard her if we’d stayed.

When her body shook hard I pulled her down on my cock and went deep. She bucked and went off again, slamming herself down on my cock as she keened and mewled. I left my finger in her ass, sending it deeper while she tried her best to break off my fuck stick.

“Ride that cock baby, fuck.” I watched my cock slide up inside her hard and fast. I let go of her hip and grabbed her tit and she went from slamming to grinding her pussy onto my meat.

“Tits, now.” She leaned over and I sucked her tit into my mouth hard. She never stopped cumming and her eyes stayed rolled back in her head as I ass fucked her with my finger, while munching on her tits and slamming my cock into her.

I was nowhere near ready to cum yet as she wound down. She was breathing like a racehorse and her body was shaking with mini aftershocks. When she started kissing and licking all over my body I figured she wasn’t done with me yet.

Turning us over, I lifted her legs high up on my back so I could pile drive into her upturned snatch. I knew I was hitting her deep, reaching into those places that made her pussy hurt good and she let me know I’d found her spot by digging her nails into me and taking the flesh from my back.

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