Biker's Baby Girl (20 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Biker's Baby Girl
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“Right there baby oh fuck.” The ring to her cervix snapped around my cock and held me captive while I went in search of her womb. As soon as my boy got in there he started shooting off like a fucking rocket.

I must’ve nutted a half gallon of my seed inside her that time and the shit didn’t seem to want to end. I knew I was too heavy and that I wasn’t ready to leave her body yet so I flipped us over again and held her on top of me while we both calmed down.

“Creed I wanna try something.” Her voice was hoarse but still had that little girl innocence to it. “Talk to me sweetheart, what is it?” I wonder where all women learn to do this shit? She had grown into the habit of waiting until I was balls deep in her sweet little snatch to ask me for shit.

“Never mind, you’ll get mad.” I stopped fucking up into her and pulled her head back so I could look into her eyes. “Babe, the only kind of man who gets mad at his woman for telling him what she wants or don’t want in bed is an asshole. I’m not that man, talk to me.” She leaned over and whispered some shit in my ear.

“Well now, hop off.” I smacked her ass hard and she slid off my dick with a pout as I climbed off the bed. “See, now you’re mad.”

“Nope, I’m going to grab the lube from my overnight case. If you want me in your ass we’re gonna need a tubful of that shit.” I didn’t even stop to think how my sweet innocent little girl knew about ass fucking. She’d spent the day with Law’s woman and her crew, and who knows what the fuck else they’d taught her?

“On your hands and knees.” I instructed her as I came back into the room. She was still hot from our fuck so all that was needed was a little warm up. I eased an extra finger in her ass this time instead of just one to test the tightness and was barely able to get past the first knuckle.

“Relax baby.” I ran my other hand gently down her back before moving it around to her pussy and her swollen clit. I teased her clit while working my fingers in and out of her ass, before slipping my fingers from her clit to her slit.

“Move your ass back and forth on my finger baby, that’s it.” When I was able to get both fingers in her ass I pulled out and grabbed the lube. Since she was already there and her pussy was winking at me through her thighs, I gave her my tongue.

She pushed her ass back against my face and her thighs shook, before I licked from her pussy to her tight asshole and back. She was ready as fuck.

Opening her ass I squeezed a healthy helping of the greasy lubricant into her ass before spreading even more over my cock length. “Play with your pussy for me baby.” I needed to keep her primed because I knew this shit was gonna hurt.

She touched herself as I stroked my cock back to its full length, spreading the lube in the process. When my cock was leaking pre-cum until there was a string of it hanging, I eased in behind her and lined up.

I had a moment’s doubt when I saw my monster up against her tightly puckered asshole, but she’d asked for this. There was really no easy way to do this, no matter what she was going to feel this shit.

I let just the head of my cock slip into her tight ring until it snapped around the soft rubbery tip. The lube made it easy to slip even farther in her, bet my piercings were going to be trouble.

I eased back and then forward, only feeding her a couple inches at a time. I was beginning to think that was all she’d be able to take because she was already making ass hurt noises, but then she relaxed all the way and I was able to slip even deeper in her ass.

“Fuck baby your ass is tight as fuck.” She lowered her head and raised her ass as if telling me to get on with it. Holding onto her hips, I started a slow in and out fuck into her ass while she kept her fingers stuffed in her cunt.

“How’s that babygirl?”

“Uh huh.” She nodded her head and looked over her shoulder at me with lust filled eyes. I think I’ll give her wine more often, if my ass could keep up with her shit.

It was her first time and as tight as her ass was and as much as I wanted to fuck the shit out of her I knew if I stayed in her too long this first time she’d be fucked.

I reached for her tits and fondled her nipples while riding her ass. With her fingers buried in her cunt she was over stimulated and was soon there again. Not that she’d ever really stopped cumming.

When my dick grew and started throbbing in her ass I pulled out and pushed her to her back. It was that kinda night. I stroked my cock over her until I sprayed her tits, face and pussy hair with my jizz.



“Babe, I’m going to have a lot of company in the next few days, I need you to make sure the place is ready. Give the guesthouse a once over and make sure the beds and shit are all set.” The fuck I know about having guests?

She wasn’t paying me much mind she was too busy running her tongue up my thigh for her morning dose, greedy fuck. Since she seemed to be in a teasing mood I decided to help her out.

I grabbed the sides of her head and moved her over from my thigh to my cock. “That what you after?” She licked my shit and smiled around my cockhead, my little wanton.

“Suck me to hard so I can give you what you want before this place is crawling with people needing shit.” She did a damn fine job of sucking me into her throat and almost had me shooting off in her neck before I caught myself.

When my dick was hard as fuck I pulled her up over me. Usually our first round of the day was a little less rushed, but as it stood I didn’t have time to eat the pussy, maybe later.

So I just sat her on my cock and pulled her down so I could reach her tits with my mouth. She rode my cock as I nibbled her flesh, her pussy still tight as fuck.

All the shit that was going, that I was keeping from her, had me straining at the bit. Being reminded that not too long ago someone had all but bought her and seeing her in that fucking book made me want to commit murder.

Royce was dead, but there was still the question of who the fuck was behind that shit. Because of the thoughts in my head I found myself throwing her to her back and slamming into her over and over again while she threw her legs in the air and fucked back at me.

“Fuck Dana Sue, am I hurting you?” I don’t know why the fuck I was asking it’s not like I was gonna stop. Her pussy pretty much owns my ass and if she ever figures that shit out my life would be even more of a pain than it already is.

As it stood I tried my best to break my dick off in her before emptying my nuts deep in her womb. When she flew off the bed in the middle of our after sex cuddle kiss and headed for the bathroom for the second morning in a row, I was pretty sure that I’d bred her.

I followed her in and held her hair while she was sick as a dog. “Babe, you’re pregnant.” Why the fuck that should make her give me the evil eye was anybody’s guess. It’s not like I was the only one fucking, she was there too and if I remember correctly about fifty percent of the time, she’s the one begging me for cock.

“Just leave me here to die, you can go.” I rolled my eyes at her theatrics before heading into the kitchen to get her a can of Ginger ale. After getting her cleaned up she sucked it down and eyed my dick again. Shit, she was in one of those moods.



By the time I made it out the door once her pussy released me from its hold, there was a cavalcade coming through my gates. It had been a while since I’d seen these boys, but it was always a good thing when I did.

They jumped down out the campers looking around like they were in enemy territory, once a SEAL… I walked over to meet them just as the women were being helped down.

I shoulda known with all the shit Lo had told me was going on in their backyard that they would bring the girls with, that was the reason for the RVs. There was even a baby in the mix.

“Ty you had a kid?” I wonder how he relaxed long enough to get the deed done; fucker was always serious. “She’s Zak’s we share.” The little angel smiled at me before turning to him and jabbering away.

I got distracted for a minute by the interaction because damn if he wasn’t answering her back like he understood the lingo. Lo and Connor came over and clapped me on the shoulder bringing me back to the here and now.

I saw Zak, Dev, Cord and Quinn either browbeating or lecturing the women I wasn’t sure which, but it didn’t look like they were having much luck.

“How’s it hanging brother, where’s the wild one?” They looked around for Creed but he and his woman weren’t back yet. “Should be here soon, he got married last night so him and his bride headed up to the cabin a few miles in. Say, you boys need the priest? He should still be around here somewhere.”

“Don’t think so, no offense but our women would mutiny if we deny them the shindig they’ve been planning for fucking ever. Bad enough we’ve had to put it off because of this bullshit, but me for one will not be telling Gabriella that she can’t have what the fuck she wants.”

“Bitch made one and two at it again.” Ty had passed the baby off to her mom and joined us. Come to think of it, he seemed more relaxed than I’d ever seen him, a lot less rough around the edges too.

The seven of them were soon surrounding me but no one brought up the reason for them being here as yet, I guess they were waiting for the women to get settled.

They had a kid with them that they just introduced as Davie and I figured he was in training for some fuck and left it at that. His sister was among the women too apparently and I wondered fleetingly since when the SEALs became babysitters.

Dana Sue had got herself together and was putting her fancy East Coast schooling bullshit to good use, playing hostess. Of course she was drooling over the baby, which reminded me of what she’d done immediately after I fucked her just now. Her ass better not be sick like that every morning or I’d lose my shit for sure.

We heard the rumbling of an engine minutes before Creed came barreling around the corner. His stride was a little more relaxed when he walked around to help his new bride down from the truck, and he didn’t seem to mind PDA, since he damn near ate her face off with a kiss. Then again knowing him, he could be marking his for all to see.

He watched her walk over to the other women to be introduced before joining us. “Hi boys long time no see.” I’m thinking he had a good fucking night because he was no longer looking like he was ready to chew nails. We were in a fucked up place if I was the one monitoring everyone else’s mood. I hope my town survived this little get together when the dust settled.

“Are we all here? I need to get a bead on this Stockton fucker if he’s around here before he flies the coop again.” Now that was the Ty I knew and loved.

“We still haven’t seen him yet but if you tracked him here and that book ties in then there are only so many places around here he could be hiding out. We’ll get to the bottom of it. Just one more player, he should be here…”

Just then Chaz opened up the gate and a whole fucking crew of bikers came riding in. The leader dismounted off his custom made top of the line ride with his wife’s name emblazoned on the side and headed for us. One smooth motherfucker this one, and the shades just tipped that shit over the edge.

“Fuck Lyon, what did you do, bring the whole gang?” We slapped hands before sharing a man hug while his guys dismounted.

“Well from your hemming and hawing bullshit I gathered this little meet wasn’t about bikes so I came prepared.” He stopped short when he saw the others lined off in the middle of the yard.

“What the fuck is this Law a soldier boy’s convention?” He looked around at the others before returning his gaze back to me. “The government know you soldier boy fucks are planning a coup?”

“Funny! No, this isn’t about that…” Shit, how the fuck do you tell an irrational man that one of his was in danger? I know this fucker and though he didn’t serve he would’ve made one hell of a mercenary. Then again that may not be true because he didn’t take direction well.

“Is it your family, the deal with your folks and your kid sister? I told you we’d come down and take care of it, but you said…”

“Nah, it’s not that either my bird ran to ground and the other one’s six deep.” Shit Law stop being a bitch and tell the man already. Yeah, but I was trying to imagine being in his shoes and how I would react to this shit.

I looked across the yard to where Dana Sue and her meddling ass posse were taking Creed’s woman and the teams’ girls off somewhere. Good, at least they would be safe in case something went haywire with this fucking guy.

“Why don’t I show you instead? And Colt, stay cool.” I saw his whole demeanor change with that warning. It was the first hint I’d given him that this might involve him, fuck. “Give me a minute.”

I walked back over to the boys and pulled Lo aside. “I need a solid brother, there’s going to be a lot of heat in that room in about five minutes. I know Colt, and I’m thinking of everyone involved he might be our loose canon.”

“How so?” He looked over to where the big guy was being introduced around and it hit me that he was the oldest one here though you couldn’t tell from his appearance, fucker never changes. Must be that young wife and the battalion of kids he had.

“You and I, we were trained, there’s a point that we can be pulled back from. Lyon doesn’t have that and I’m thinking when he sees his little girl’s face on that screen all hell’s gonna break loose.

I’m barely holding Creed back but that leash is about to pop, and your boy Ty isn’t far behind. At least with him he knows what he’s looking for, those two don’t, we have more questions there than answers.”

“And you?” I knew he was gonna get around to asking sooner or later. My grin was what you might call menacing. “I’m holding my shit down for now, but you best believe the shit’s gonna get ugly. I need to take care of my boys first though, Dana Sue is safe, let’s make sure these other women are.”

“Still looking out for everyone huh soldier.” We walked back to where the others were exchanging small talk even though the atmosphere was rife with tension. “It’s what I do.”

“Follow me.” We headed for the clubhouse and filed into the back room where the shit from last night was still hooked up. The SEALs lined one wall; only Lo took a seat, along with Lyon, Creed and me. While my men, Creed’s and Lyon’s held up the other three walls.

“Okay Lyon, the rest of us have had time to look at this shit in the last day or so. I’m gonna show you what we’ve got and then we’re gonna decide what to do next. As it stands we have more questions than answers…”

“Bro, you’re starting to make me nervous, I don’t like being nervous, just tell me what the fuck…” I passed the album off to him and waited.

I saw his brow furrow as he paged through and felt my muscles tense when he came to the page I knew his kid was on. “Caitie Bear? What the fuck is this? Who the fuck are these kids?”

“That’s what we’re trying to figure out.”

“Start fucking talking.” He looked around the table at all of us, his face set in stone. “Lo?” I turned to the man who’d sent me the book.

“Right. The book you’re holding in your hand was confiscated from the home of a man we suspect is guilty of human trafficking among other things...”

The fucker flew out his seat and headed for the door. Everyone in the room got to their feet because that’s what the fuck you do when confronted with a dangerous animal on the loose.

“Where the fuck is he?”

“We don’t know, that’s what we’re trying to find out, but I’m afraid this shit is bigger than we thought and it stretches far and wide.”

“I need five.” He pulled his phone and walked out of the room, with his boy Jared on his heels. “We wait.” I told the others as we took our seats. Hopefully whatever call he was making would give him time to cool the fuck down so he didn’t destroy my place with his shit. Fuck!

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