Billionaire's Seduction: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE (Alpha Billionaire Romance Collection) (BBW Pregnancy Marriage of Convenience)

BOOK: Billionaire's Seduction: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE (Alpha Billionaire Romance Collection) (BBW Pregnancy Marriage of Convenience)
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(A Romance Collection)


Note to Reader


This book is a COLLECTION and contains 3 Standalone books in various genres.

We hope you enjoy reading our collection.




A really huge thank you to all those amazing romance writers who have been such an inspiration to me my entire life. I’d never be here, doing what I love, if I hadn’t picked up my first romance book at the age of ten, sneaking it out of my mother’s room. That book was my first, but certainly not my last.


I would like to give a special thank you to my husband, my children, and my publishing house for helping me in this journey consistently and constantly.

All have unselfishly provided their professional input and suggestions throughout the preparation of this collection.


*** What others said about BILLIONAIRE’S SEDUCTION ***


“An absolute delight to read" ~Amazon Reviewer


"She didn’t know what she was missing… Until he found her.” ~Melanie Clarke


Betsy Poole
knows how to pull reader’s attention into the minds of her characters.” ~iBooks Reviewer


"I sometimes found myself right in the middle of the story looking outside to the main characters from my balcony."
~Christine Jacobs

crafts the characters in a way that we find ourselves within each one of them one way or another!” ~Full of Romance Magazine


Tesla Publishin
, North Carolina

An imprint of Sherlock Circus LLC

A Sherlock Circus Book / Published by arrangement with authors

Copyright 2016 by Sherlock Circus LLC

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310 Arlington Avenue, Suite 420, Charlotte, NC, US



NC mass-market edition/2016

Cover Images: by Angela Saunders

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.



This collection includes 3 best-seller Romance fiction standalone novels from best seller authors. It’s been a long journey for us as a publisher to bring together the best authors in the industry to create the best collection currently available at Amazon. We have no doubt you will enjoy every single novel as much as we enjoyed the process of bringing this invaluable collection to life.

Collection Book 1: The Last Break (Western Romance)


They say that the miracles are never things, they are people. Eva didn’t really believe in the power of relations and how people in our life can change our idea about everything in the world until she came to Spring Hill. A small town in Tennessee, which was located only a few miles away from Nashville, was the home of her grandparents.

Eva was done with her college and she was already accepted at a big IT firm as an executive. She had a few months to pass, and instead of going out for a vacation, she decided to visit her grandmother.

She wasn’t really attached to her grandmother, but she also knew that it could be the last time when she would be visiting her. Eva had plans of moving to the west coast and to start her new life in the Silicon Valley. But before that, she knew that there were places that she was supposed to visit before and Spring Hill was certainly one of those preferred cities that she wanted to carry with her.

She thought that she would do it all. Eva was one of those girls who had a perfect plan for her life. She had worked really hard in school to go to Colombia and was one of the best students in college as well. She got her dream job and she knew that her entire life was about to be changed. It was just a matter of a few months, and her dreams would no longer be her dreams. They would turn real, which would make Eva plan her life while staying awake all night.

Before moving to California, she had a bucket list to complete. She wanted to live her life and do all those things that she couldn’t do when she was in school or college because she was just way too good or focused towards the completion of her goals. She wanted to sing out loud on a karaoke night and wanted to attend the concert of her favorite band. She wanted to get dirty on the ranch while scolding pigs and running after hens and chickens. She wanted to get a horse and to ride it all night long under the moonlit sky. She wanted to get a tattoo and truly fall in love. She had been with a fair share of men and has stolen plenty of kisses, but it was all infatuation. She never truly loved someone and didn’t want to pass the rest of her life, devoid of such a precious expression.

She had heard people talking and singing about love, expressing it in the form of art and walking that extra mile for the one they love, but Eva could never understand it. For her, love was a distant object that she could only stare, but never experience. When she was growing up, it was that forbidden fruit that she wasn’t brave enough to taste. As time passed, her priorities changed and she declared that she had no time for love, when deep down, she was a pure romantic.

She would read Pablo Neruda and Shakespeare at night, hoping for someone to write sonnets like that for her. But when the light of the day would come, she would become the same tough girl who could take over the entire world any moment.

She spent almost her entire childhood in Spring Hill, as it was the residence of her parents as well. As she got up and left for college, her parents got divorced and they both decided to move out of the city. They both sold their property and decided to settle in different parts of the country that only broke Eva’s heart and made her taste the bitter side of love. Her parent’s divorce and that too after almost twenty years of their marriage was a shock to everyone. This made Eva further believe that she was better off without love.

Once she asked her mother the reason for their divorce, and could still remember her words, haunting her nights. “Sometimes, two good people don’t result in a good matrimony, my daughter. We fall out of love as easily as we fall in love with each other. It’s not like anyone of us has cheated or have committed a sin. We have simply run out of love,” her mother said, which made her cautious of the thing called love. There was just so much in the world that people were afraid of and love was certainly one of them.

As her parents moved out of Spring Hill, there was no reason for her to visit the place, except her grandmother, who was getting old and needed someone to take care of her. She had proper attendants who would stay with her, but it was the presence of a family that she really craved for. Eva decided to visit her in order gave her a surprise and also thought that it would be a great opportunity for her to relive all those old days.

She was brought up in a typical country town, but she never really experienced the raw country appeal of Tennessee. It was high-time when she would get in touch with the country girl in her and stay for a few months in Spring Hill was certainly a great start. Little did she know that she was about to experience not just some age-old country flavor, but also a new definition of love!

Love for her would no longer be related to betrayal or regret – it would be something really precious that was about to question her belief towards life, letting her see the bigger picture with a new pair of eyes.

Chapter 2:


“This can’t be happening right now. No!” she sighed as her car broke only a few miles away from her grandmother’s house. Fortunately, she was already inside the premises and knew that help would be just around the corner. She opened the gate and tried to inspect the engine. She was not at all an automobile pro but certainly knew the basics of it.

She was wearing a beige blouse and a purple skirt that was making her look glamorous as hell. Her nude colored stilettos and her blue wayfarers certainly made her look her very best. She thought of taking some help and tapped her cell phone in order to look for a mechanic nearby.

Though it was hardly night, but the town was almost empty. She knew that she had to act soon if she wanted to reach home fast.

“Eva, is this you?” she heard a familiar voice, and somehow, she already knew that she was in a safe place.

“I don’t believe this. Oh God! Derek, this is really you!” she said and hugged him immediately. They both went to high school and were good friends. Eva would help Derek complete his homework and Derek would make sure that no one would disturb her when she was studying in the middle of the day. They were great together and helped each other in various ways. That day was certainly no exception.

“It has been so long. Where have you been?” he asked her, as he let go of her hug. It was a real shocker for Derek to see Eva like that day, and that too after so long.

“I know. I was busy with college and I have to move to California in a few months. I just took some time off and decided to visit grandma for the time being,” she replied and let him know the reason for her visit. She inspected Derek from head and toe and realized that he has certainly grown more mature and muscular with time.

He has always been extremely good looking, but time has certainly done its work with him. He was wearing a cowboy hat, matching boots that were going flawlessly with his cowboy attire. He had an amazing physique and Eva could feel how well he had worked on his body with the way his biceps were bulging.

“I know. I heard about your grandma. It’s really nice of you to come and visit her, Eva. Damn! This is really strange. I have really missed you,” Derek confessed as all those emotions that were coming back to him from his past. When they were teenagers, Derek used to have a thing for Eva, but he never confessed his feeling for her.

She has always been extremely occupied by her priorities and would curse about almost everything related to love, which only made Derek think that she was not into her. Little did he know that Eva felt the same way for Derek too! She never confessed about her feelings because she thought that love would make her fragile. She had seen people changing their life goals because of love and didn’t want it to happen to her.

She knew that she would be leaving Spring Hill in order to attend college and will have a different life while Derek would be living in the town. His parents owned several ranches and properties in the town, which Derek was supposed to take care of. He was the only son and was expected to take care of the family business.  Even at that age, she knew that the two of them had no future and that confessing her feelings for him would only make her reveal her fragile side.

“I miss you too, Derek. I miss everything about this place. I knew that I had to visit it before relocating myself,” she added.

“You did the right thing, Eva. Do you need my help with something here?” he asked and signaled at her car that was almost broken in the middle of the street.

“Yes! You always come to my rescue. What would have I done without you!” she smiled and explained to him what was wrong with her car.

“Let me have a look.”

As he said, they continued talking to each other under the moonlit sky. It was just like old times, except that they weren’t teenagers anymore. They were responsible adults and were changed individuals. Nevertheless, it didn’t feel like that at all. For them, it was just like one of those old days. They could simply blink and revisit the past. Eva knew that she had made the right choice by coming back, even if it was just for a few weeks.

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