Bite, My Love (24 page)

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Authors: Penelope Fletcher

Tags: #Romance, #Shapeshifters, #vampire romance, #Shifters, #lycanthrope, #penelope fletcher

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Is it
fair for me to get angry when he mocks the less civilized aspects
of my animal nature?

Why can’t you change too? Stop killing the Humans you feed
from and I’ll fight my wolf when she becomes too

Bloodlust is a part of my nature. It demands death to be

Relying on my mate to protect me is part of mine.”

He frowns in frustration. “You choose not to accept our
differences. I do.
are upset that your wolf is too submissive around me. Since
you’re the one forcing change why shouldn’t any sacrifice be on
your part?”

You’re saying you won’t change for me?”

I’m saying I shouldn’t have to. I don’t expect it of you.” He
sighs. “I will react to however you act. If you need protection,
and are unable to reason on my level, I will act without your
approval to protect you.”

What if I don’t agree with what you’re doing?”

shrugs. “I will protect you regardless if you think the method is

That’s not fair. I thought men from the olden days were all
about honour?”

Tisk, sweetling. You speak of how a man from Ben’s time would
act. You’re envisioning a valiant knight with a noble request to
protect a damsel. I’m from a time of plundering for war brides.
There was no greater honour than having the strength to take all I
desired, and crush that which got in my way.”

For a
moment, I’m there.

Daniel is
a warlord with plaits and warrior beads in his hair. Pinning me to
musky animal furs in front of a roaring fire, he looms above. His
shadowed face promises the darkest of seductions.

Quivering, the vision leaves me breathless.

starry eyed, simply watching his mouth move before I realise he’s
forming actual words with his lips.

Act as my equal and I will treat you as such,” he says. “Act
like a creature that must be leashed and guided–”

You’re saying that if I was more forceful you would have told
me what you were up to?”

The soonest, sweetling.”

He’d been a question away from becoming a raving monster. Of course
I stopped pushing. It’s not like he went easy on me during that
emotional outpouring in the bathroom the night before. “That’s not
fair. You distracted me with sex and lulled me into a false sense
of security to stop my questions.”

So? It was my prerogative to protect you, and I was doing so.
I’m supposed to feel bad because my manipulation worked? Because
you lacked the ability to play with fire?”

This isn’t a game.”

He throws his head back and barks laughter. “Life is
tricks and games. I am a master of the sport.”

A sick way to see things.”

I’m too forthright to pretend otherwise.”

Why bother with anything?”

He runs
his finger over my jaw. Narrowed eyes twinkle like diamonds. “I’m
cynical not apathetic.”

Even I’m a game to you.”

No.” He is abruptly serious. “You are
Spring to me. Some beautiful and extraordinary happening of chance
I have been blessed with. You’ve given me purpose.” His wandering
finger sweeps down the bridge of my nose and taps the tip
playfully. “Why would I not use every manipulative ploy I possess
to ensure your welfare? You were more focused on my troubles with
my people than your own wellbeing. It was apparent you could not
think when it came to the subject of us. You refused to contemplate
the idea our union was not best for your future, and refused to
deal with the reaction of your Pack. When I tried to bring it up
you shut me down, and accused me of sidestepping the real issue. In
truth, my issues with my people are irrelevant to us as a couple.
Damn them to hell, when it comes to you and I.” Hand cutting the
air decisively his expression is fierce. “You focused on fixing the
rift between me and mine because you didn’t want to watch your old
life fall to ruin. You went to such lengths to redirect the pain it
was only logical I would accept your Alpha’s conditions regardless
of my love for you – knowing you were too green, too delicate to
withstand the bitter circumstances, and were likely better off
returned to your own kind.” His head tilts to the side as he
studies me. “Do you understand? I did what I did
were unable to deal with what was happening. I made a choice,
I hold fast to it, and will not apologize for doing what any male
would do.”


about pulling the rug from under someone.

But that’s what a she-wolf does. She’s submissive to her male
and thinks of his welfare before her own. In return he protects her
in all things and keeps her close.”

My energy is leaving your wolf powerless.”
He caresses my throat. “That cannot feel good. I worship your wolf
because she’s a part of you. Magic is in your blood, but you’re
more than just Lycan.” He presses a cool palm to my chest over my
hammering heart. “Harmony.” My name is a soft sigh. “It
you are and should not dictate
you are.”

I blink
back tears – enough crying already. I chew my lip, and keep biting
until blood wells in the small cuts.

It’s all I know. It’s not like I was allowed to integrate
into the Human world. It was my job to serve the Pack. Since birth
I’ve been told what’s expected of me as a female. I’ve waited my
whole life to serve a Lycan male.”

dips his head. I suspect it’s to hide his rage.

I tilt my
chin to give access to the blood trickling from my lip.

ignores the offer. “And you were happy with that?”

All did
was complain that I was treated like a child in the

I longed
for freedom.

Why am I
crying now I’m banished from that stifling existence?

my train of thought is veering in an acceptable direction, Daniel
descends to lick the blood from my lip. The firm strokes of his
tongue make my throat tighten.

My back
arches, muscles straining to be closer to his heavy weight as I
bare more skin.

presses a kiss to the hollow above my collarbone. “My Bride, you
can do whatever you wish now.” He chuckles. “At night. With me by
your side.”

confident in who he is, and what he wants. That sense of self is a
huge attraction – overbearing – but way hot.

Nine hundred years of introspection and experience has a way
of maturing a mind.’

I feel small, but I stand by what I’ve
said too.’
I try hard not to pout
so he’ll take me seriously.
‘You may be
right, but that doesn’t make me wrong.’

attempts to sigh, but it putters out when he decides pity would
serve me no good. “You’re young. You cannot be expected to grasp
the complexities that come with a relationship like ours. And I
suppose I’m so old I’ve forgotten how to simply love without
suspicion or the expectation of heartbreak.”

choices are to accept him, or fight, and be stuck with a powerless
wolf. He’s made it clear he won’t make the mistake of letting me go
now (joy!), and I can’t spend my life battling him.


Rolling my eyes, I fight a
smile. “How am I going to put up with you? I’m not sure I can
handle the condescension.”

We’ll make it work. Your energy is pure and your outlook
optimistic.” He grins. “These are things I like most about you. It
seems to you I condescend when I just know more. I have lived much
longer. We’ll balance each other out, and delight in doing

He licks
the underside of my jaw with a gruff purring.

Relationship equals sacrifice.

The wolf
and I can adjust. He’s demonstrated adjustments for me. Look at the
lengths he was driven to just to get me to understand his outlook.
He tied me down not to seduce me with his body, but to encourage
communication. Not that I will ever get into such a compromising
position ever again. A lesser male would have used the situation to
enflame my passions and enslave me with sex. He took a chance to
reason with me.

My Daniel has flaws,
, but he’s a male of deep honour –
one worthy of being my mate.

Smooth talker,” I mumble.

Even my
wolf has perked up her ears, and is excited at the prospect of
forgiving him.

and I share a moment of blissful calm, grinning at each other.
Together we made it to a plateau of understanding from which we can
build a life together. It’ll be hard, but if he stands with me I’ll
find the strength to shoulder any burden.

my hips invitingly, I slide him a seductive look from under my

entire body shudders. “What thoughts cross your mind?”

ask rather than just sweep inside my head?”

nuzzles my throat. “Will I like what I see?”

drag across my skin in a tantalizing scrape. I gasp when his thigh
slips between my legs and presses firmly.

lips capture mine. He kisses me deeply, tongue delving to swirl
against the roof of my mouth.

stomach makes its desires known.

He sighs.
“You hunger.”

loud grumble, and this time I feel the pinch in my gut. Denial
would be difficult at this point.

slides off the bed and holds up a palm. “Stay. I’m sure I can find
you something. Ben had food brought here for Lee. She’s struggling
to let go, and likes the smells and texture of Human food even if
she does not feel the need to swallow.”

Great. I’ll lie here and envision Lee masticating shall I?”
He’s halfway to the door before I shake off the lustful haze.
“Ahem.” I wave my hands and wriggle my toes. “Um, can you, uh, let
me go now?”

Look at
that evil smile curling his berry red lips. “I like you this

Then he’s
gone, and I’m gaping at the open doorway. Caviller laughter echoes
off the stone.



Light-hearted and carefree, I snooze waiting for Daniel to
return. I relax into the plush bed humming to myself.
The Vampire stronghold is a safe haven for me
now, right?

My nose fills with the
scent of a Vampire.

A voice breathes in my ear,

You are here when you should not

My eyes
snap open.

blood, no longer hampered by my reconciled wolf spirit catches fire
in my veins to strengthen me. I bare my teeth in a snarl. My
canines lengthen, and bloodlust makes my eyes burn and

The lady
Vampire standing over me leans back, quirking an

She has blonde hair to her waist and light grey eyes. Face
long and androgynous her fangs are the colour of ivory. She’s
fucking freaky looking. Dressed in a diaphanous sheath of pastel
green her swanlike neck has bluish veins running up to her jaw like
crooked twigs. She’s so
, but the sylphlike gauntness
is natural judging by the size of her wrists and narrow

This foreign predator is too close and unearths my primal
instincts to attack. I apply subtle, but steady pressure to the
restraints at my wrists and ankles. The material starts to

I growl
low in my throat. “Who the hell are you?”

She leans forward. “Who are
?” Her voice is strident. The
pronunciation of each word clipped and tinged with a foreign

Oh my

I gape as
a leviathan-sized man with a Viking-buff beard freezes in the
doorway. “My heart?”

He’s as
fair as her, but not as pale. The tanned skin of his forearms,
face, and neck has an ashy overtone that’s off putting. He’s so
tall the top of the doorframe hides him from his brow bone upward.
The rest of his face is ageless. Lush hair ripples to his broad
shoulders. Replace the tailored trousers with a loincloth, and the
casual shirt with smears of dirt you’d have the barbarian I’m sure
he was born as. The Vampire’s grace as he moves – bending at the
knee to pass into the room – is otherworldly.

A Lycan female,” he says in astonishment.

Vampires looming over me as I’m tied to a bed like some pagan blood


The female probes my thoughts. I drop kick her out of my
head. So rude. “Don’t you dare–”

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