Read Blessing The Highlander Online

Authors: J. Lee Coulter

Blessing The Highlander (17 page)

BOOK: Blessing The Highlander
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           His brown eyes misted as he gazed at her naive face. “Aye, lass, that is love. Ye are fortunate ta have it for your husband.” He hugged her, kissing the top of her head. “Ye will be content here.”

           Just then, Garrick took her hand up in his and they stood together before the clan. He raised his goblet of ale and bellowed, “A toast ta the MacGregor for gifting me with his beautiful daughter, Seonaid… and ta a strong alliance betwixt our clans. May it never waiver!”

           The hall echoed with the clan’s cheer as they drank to the toast. Others began shouting out their own toasts. Some quite bawdy as they got deeper into their cups. A few moments later the doors to the hall swung wide. In walked Liam, leading a prancing golden palfrey trapped out in forest green harness decorated with pendants and bells.

           Seonaid was speechless. She had never seen a horse of this color before.

           “Does she please ye, mo gradh?” Garrick beamed at her.

           “She is most beautiful! Who’s mount is she?”

           Garrick captured her in his cerulean gaze. “She is me wedding gift ta ye. She is your mare, mo cridhe.”

           Seonaid squealed with delight as she threw her arms about his neck, planting a quick kiss on his mouth. His eyes smoldered as he returned the embrace then cleared his throat as he recalled where they were. “Would ye like ta meet her?”

           She bobbed her head, embarrassed at her public display of affection and he led her down to the steed. “Wherever did you find a horse such as this?”

           “Twas nae easy. She comes from the Holy Lands initially, I located a Count in Spain who had acquired her sire and some mares for breeding. He crossbred with his Spanish Barbs ta get the color. This breed is highly prized for their enduring gait...the color is a bonus. She is what they call an ‘Arabian’. They refer ta her coloring as ‘palomino’. I thought ta breed her with Cadence when she comes in season.”

           Seonaid stroked her velvety nose as she admired the mare. Her sleek body was golden with dapples on her flanks. Her long mane and tail was milky white. She had sturdy, well-muscled legs, each one with a half sock showing. Her beautifully arched neck led to an intelligent scooped face which sported a thin white blaze. Her chest was broad, indicating speed and endurance.

           “What is her name?”

           “That is for ye ta decide, m’lady.”

           Seonaid turned her tear-filled face to Garrick. He grew anxious seeing them streaming down her cheeks. “Do ye nae like her? I could find ye a different gift if she does nae suit ye.” He took his thumb brushing at a tear. “Do nae weep lass.”

           She beamed up at him shaking her head. “You are too good to me, Garrick. I love her! It is joy I weep for, nae sadness. Thank you for this gift… tis just that I have naught to give to you.”

           Garrick pulled her into his muscular arms and held her there. “Mo gradh, ye have given me your cridhe agus anam, your heart and soul! There is nae gift that I could give ta compare with that.” He motioned for Liam to take the mare back to the stables.

           “Come, wife. Let us bid good eve ta your da and retire for the night. It has been a long day and I think ye be over-tired.”

           Seonaid bobbed her head in acquiescence. She was weary, although she had been attempting to hide it. She had no wish to insult anyone by departing the celebration early.

           As they left for the evening there was much good-hearted cat-calling and helpful suggestions. They smiled, ignoring them one and all, as they climbed the stairs to their tower.


This was going to be too easy,
Malcolm thought.
The laird is clearly already besotted with his bride. He will lose his mind when she dies.
He smirked. All he required was to devise a way of killing her that implicated the King, but he still had not figured out how. Perhaps he could impersonate him to do the deed. He had done so before.

           A wicked grin spread across his face.
Perhaps I will change into Brodie, seduce his bride and let him kill her in vengeance! He cannot harm me and King Alred would destroy him for it. Then Hagar would give me the spear to remove the King. Or perhaps I will steal her away and let them both think the other had murdered her.
He rubbed his hands together in anticipation. Malcolm began warming to the plan as he looked at all of the angles.
Yes. The final insult to the King would be to take his daughter.
He whistled out a tune as he left for the barracks. He needed some quiet to figure out the timing.
Soon though. Very soon.


Chapter IX



           Garrick led his wife into his chambers anticipating a night of pleasure. She beheld the room a bit timidly, although she did not know why. She was no longer a maiden. But she still was tentative around her new husband. She did not want to displease him and she did not know what might cause displeasure.

           Garrick sensed her hesitation and set out to put her at ease.

           “Come, Seonaid. I will help ye with your gown then we can talk by the hearth about your vision again.” Her body visibly relaxed as the stress fled her. Nodding, she turned to give him access to the laces. He carefully untied and loosened them removing the dress, then the undertunic leaving her standing in her thin chemise. He opened a trunk at the end of his enormous curtained bed, drawing out a tartan. Garrick’s eyes flamed in the dimness of the room as his desire flared, seeing her standing before the hearth. He could see every nuance of her figure as she stood before it. The only light coming from the fire and a few scattered tallow candles.

           Garrick immersed her in the plaid and led her to a chair near the grate. She watched as he removed his dress sword and set it aside. Her eyes grew bigger and bigger as he began disarming himself. He took a sgian dubh from his left sleeve placing it on a small table, from his right sleeve he pulled out a small dirk. There were longer dirks taken from each of his boots and under his tunic at the back of his neck he produced another sgian dubh.

When he removed his over tunic
she laughed
as it revealed another sgian dubh stuffed into his plaid at his lower back. He looked at her curiously raising his black brows.

           Seonaid pointed her chin at the table grinning. “Were you that concerned about my father’s reception...or perhaps it is me that you fear?”

           He chuckled, glancing at the table. With a sheepish grin he replied, “Actually, I was considering attaining a few more. But nae because of Seamus or ye. I would keep the men of the clan from ye. Some were giving ye lustful stares this eve.”

           Seonaid was shocked. “Your clan would attack their mistress?”

           “Nay. They would nae dare! But me mind does nae see reason where ye are concerned. Me heart fears for ye. Ye are mine! I do nae share ye with anyone!” He took several deep breaths to calm himself. He spun back to the table and poured himself some
ale and did the same for Seonaid, exchanging it with honeyed wine.

           He handed the goblet to her as he sat in the vacant chair near hers. She was astounded by his admission. Either he was very possessive or he cared for her more than he has admitted. She hoped in her heart that it was the latter. Seonaid did not care much for being a possession.

           They sat silently staring into the flames… each with their own thoughts. Garrick’s mind wandered to their earlier conversation about her vision.

           “Describe the mon ye saw me fighting in your vision, Seonaid.”

           “I do nae ken if I can. I thought it was my father but that can nae be. Twas nae Seamus I saw.” She shook her head. “I will try,’ she sighed.

           “He was a powerfully built man, well-muscled. Your height…mayhap a bit shorter, with long silvery hair...or nearly so.”

           Garrick’s grip tightened on the stem of his goblet as he masked his response.
Jesu! She has just described her father! Her real father that she has never seen! How can this be?
“Are ye certain that it was nae your golden warrior?”

She contemplated the memory, equating what she knew about the two, then shook her head. “Nay. The golden warrior was taller… his skin and hair darker. Do you ken someone who may, perhaps, be the man in my vision?”

           Garrick did not want to lie to her but he had given his word to her father. He could not tell her the truth. He took a sip of ale. “I ken nae mon who fits that description but I will watch for him.” It was not a lie. Her father was Fae...not a mortal man. Still he was uneasy splitting hairs that fine. It seems that he will need to speak to his ‘brother’ sooner than he thought.

           Dismissing his qualms he said, “Come and sit before me so I may take down your hair.”

           Her hand flew to her head. “I forgot that it was still pinned.” She rose from her chair and settled herself in the floor before him. Seonaid sipped her wine as she felt his hands deftly remove the silk netting, then the pins and tie that held her auburn tresses atop her head.

           Her eyes closed to the delicious sensation of his fingers threading through her fiery locks, gradually untangling any knots they happened upon. Her scalp began to tingle as he proceeded to massage the blood back into circulation. The tension in her shoulders eased as she allowed herself to succumb to his touch. She moaned.

           His hands shifted to her shoulders, working the stiffness expertly down, till finally disappearing completely, replacing it with a fire brought on by the lips that shadowed his hands.

           His rough fingers stroked down the length of her arms, removing her empty goblet from her fingertips as he nuzzled her silky neck. Garrick suckled lightly just below her ear, sending a blaze of white-hot fire shooting amid her thighs. She felt herself grow damp with need as his lips traveled to her breast, sucking her nipple into his mouth. His large hands journeyed further down her stomach finally reaching the apex of her core.

           She began panting with need as her back arched… opening herself to him without reservation. She could hear his heart hammering in his chest keeping time with her own. He groaned as he swiftly stood up, sweeping her into his arms and carrying her to the bed.

           It took all of his control not to ravage her the instant she was lying down. She seemed to grow immediately hot at his merest touch. He grit his teeth for a moment, then removed her chemise, exposing every sinuous curve to his sight. Jesu! She was glorious! His eyes burned black with desire as he worshipped her with his mouth, tasting almost every inch of her. She began tugging at his tunic trying to reach his hot skin beneath. She thrashed her hips demandingly as he paused to strip off his clothes.

           In one thrust they were joined. Seonaid gave a satisfied sigh at the fullness, then began writhing against him, her sheath clasping him firmly to her as the fire within began raging out of control. She forced him to release his passion with her demanding body. He pounded into her as he roared with pleasure… discharging his seed straight into her womb. She matched him stroke for stroke, milking his shaft dry, keening as the stars burst behind her eyes.

           He collapsed next to her drawing her into his embrace, as he panted with exhaustion. “Mo cridhe, ye have bewitched me.” He kissed her brow affectionately. “I did nae mean ta be so forceful. Did I hurt ye, wife?”

           Seonaid let her fingers trail down his sweaty bicep, loving the strength she felt. With a sated smile she gazed up at his handsome face. “Nay Garrick… twas wonderful.”

           A self-satisfied smile flitted across his full lips. “Truly, we are well-suited, sweet wife.” He gave her a languorous kiss then nestled her in his arms as they drifted to sleep.


            Morning light streamed through the arrow slit windows, waking Garrick. His wife slept peacefully in his arms as he thought about whether he should call Lokai to tell him about her vision. Twould make no difference. The facts were the same.
Where is Hagar?
He had requested her presence on his return, yet she was not here. He decided that he would seek her counsel before he did anything else. He disentangled himself from Seonaid, careful not to wake her, and left the bed. He closed the curtains that surrounded it, cloaking her in darkness and dressed.

BOOK: Blessing The Highlander
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