Blood Beyond Darkness (17 page)

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Authors: Stacey Marie Brown

Tags:, #Fluffer Nutter

BOOK: Blood Beyond Darkness
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“Hey, girlie. Where do you think you are going? I have a bone to pick with you.” Cal spoke as I ran through the kitchen. He was probably there following Sinnie around as she tried to do her chores. He was lonely without Simmons. Simmons’ absence affected both of us more than I imagined. I missed the bugger.

“Stay here,” I ordered as I caught the closing door Eli had gone through.

“And miss all the fun?” He zipped to me. “Not a chance.”

“Then promise me you will stay quiet and out of the way.”

He settled on my shoulder. “Don’t I always?”

I peered at him, my brow arched.

“Yeah, yeah, okay. I will this time.”

It was Lars’ property, and he would deal with whoever tried to get in, but I couldn’t stop myself from going. I had always been protective of my family and friends, but since becoming part Dark Dweller, those traits had heightened even more. This was my home, and I would defend it.

Halfway there I picked up a scent.


This time I did not dread seeing him. He was the only connection to my best friend. A nagging feeling pressed on my heart.
Oh, please, say she is okay.

The tendons in my legs stretched, aching with the strain as I sprinted after Eli. Cal flew next to me. My heart thumped with fear and anxiety.
What if something happened to her? What had he done to her while she stayed with him? Had he hurt her?
So many awful scenarios ran through my head as I made my way through the forest to the property line. Lorcan’s scent muddled with Kennedy’s pulled me in a definite direction.

I slowed to a jog when I saw Lars, Rimmon, Gorgon, Cole, Eli, Cooper, and Gabby standing on the inner ring of the property line. Lorcan, Dax, and Dominic were easy to spot across from our group.

“Not that bastard again.” Cal hovered in the air, his arms folding over his Woody Woodpecker t-shirt.

Loathing slammed into my chest the moment I took in Lorcan’s smug face.
killed my mother. He took her away from me. Then I spotted long, red hair contrasting like a flare against the green leaves of the trees. Samantha.

A growl vibrated in my throat.

Cal snuck under my hair at my neck. “Easy, girlie.”

Another rumble climbed my throat. Then Kennedy came into my sight line. “Kennedy!”

Her head cocked toward me, and she smiled but did not move from Lorcan’s side. My feet came to a stop next to Eli. Something seemed wrong, like brushing the feathers of a bird the wrong way.

“Lorcan, I swear to God if you harmed her
...” I spit out, my furor almost pushed my feet over the invisible line dividing our groups.

“Does she look hurt to you?” Those familiar green eyes narrowed on me, looking me up and down in contempt. His physical likeness and mannerisms to Eli always unsettled me.

“Simply because I can’t see—

“I’m fine, Ember.” Kennedy’s usual sweet, soft voice rang boldly through the air, cutting off my rant.

Lorcan opened his arms. “We heard you were recruiting people for your war. Thought we’d come and offer our services.”

I snorted. “You’re kidding me, right?”

Lars stared at Lorcan before he gave a nod.

Wh-hat? Are you serious? But he killed Aisling!” I sputtered like a cat in water.

Lars turned to me slowly. “This is war, Ember, and we have to sacrifice.” His eyes glowered with meaning. “I may not like it, and when the war ends, some alliances may end. Until then, we must work against our common enemy.”

Lars and his men turned to leave but stopped and faced Lorcan. “Our personal feelings have to come second if we want to achieve our goal. We cannot win unless we are all willing to compromise in some way or another.” He glanced at Lorcan. “You are welcome to join; however, if you make one move out of line, I will kill you myself.”

As cocky as Lorcan could be, his Adam’s apple bobbed nervously as he nodded in concurrence. The Unseelie King did not make threats he did not intend to keep. Lars and his men disappeared into the forest.

“He can’t be serious.” Cal stomped his foot on my shoulder.

I turned back to Lorcan. His superior grin returned to his lips as he strutted across the property line. With a word from the King, the enemy was inside the walls.

When Kennedy crossed the line, she did not run to me like I thought. She stayed next to Lorcan.

Again my stomach
twinged with uncertainty. No one held her or had a weapon menacing her. She had no restraints and didn’t even look scared. She stood strong but relaxed in her stance. She held her chin high, and her demeanor revealed her as part of the group, not against it.

My gaze met hers questioningly, looking for a secret SOS or sign she was being terrorized in some way. Maybe they had dangled her family or possibly Jared as a threat for her to behave. She would send me some small signal. We knew each other well. She only had to blink funny for me to catch on.

Nothing happened. Kennedy did not turn away from my gaze but held it. A wall blocked any emotion from her expression. I had seen Kennedy change and grow after finding out she was a Druid, but this felt different. The confidence caused her tiny frame to stand taller. She didn’t appear frightened or unsure.

A lump formed in my stomach, which I tried to deny. But the thought kept coming. She was not a prisoner. She stood with them on her own.

“I don’t buy the fact you are here to help.” Cole stood at his full height, every inch a powerful creature.

Lorcan’s eyes darted to Kennedy then quickly looked back at Cole. “I have never been opposed to us working together. You were. I feel we can be stronger cooperating than apart against Aneira.”

Eli’s booming laugh filled the air. “This comment coming from the guy who betrayed his family, crawled into bed with the one enemy who banned us to Earth, abducted Ember, turned her over to the Queen, and then kidnapped Kennedy.” Eli motioned to my friend. “And you want us to trust you? I don’t think so.”

Lorcan rubbed frantically at his shaved head. “Believe what you want about me. What I did was for you guys. You think I wanted to go to Aneira? Eli, you couldn’t see straight when it came to her.” Lorcan pointed at me. “I knew going to the Unseelie King would only cause a war. And it did. I wanted to avoid combat so I went to the source.
tried to keep my family from this. I did it for you.”

Cooper coughed a short laugh. “I think we can all do without your version of being there for your family.”

Dominic moved toward the line. “Get off your fuckin' high horse, Cooper. Lorcan was the only one who truly sacrificed anything. Elighan only sacrificed his judgment and ethics to be with
abomination. He was only for himself. Not us.”

“I absolutely love being talked about like I’m not here. So good for the ego.” I mumbled. No one listened to me. “Was killing my mother only out of love for your family?” I spewed at Lorcan. Eli quickly wrapped his fingers around my wrist. The feel of his hand on me calmed me a little, but my need to make Lorcan pay for his crimes pressed in on me with greater force.

“Yes,” Lorcan replied. “I was doing a job. We were
. It’s what we did. We killed for a living, Ember. We have killed a lot of creatures and people who had mothers and families. Your mother was not personal to me.”

“She was to me!”

“If you want to hate someone, hate Aneira. She wanted your death and planned Aisling’s murder down to the last detail. I happened to be a pawn she used to do it.”

But Aneira wasn’t here, and Lorcan was. Was there a difference between the one who actually committed the crime but had no ties to it, and the person who didn’t get her hands dirty but had planned it all out?

Dominic puffed his chest out at Eli and said accusingly, “Too bad Eli screwed it up, and you lived. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be standing here in this mess.”

Eli roared and barreled for Dominic. In that millisecond everyone moved for the opposing group of Dark Dwellers. I saw it as a perfect opportunity to go for Lorcan, but Samantha stepped in my path. She’d do just as well.

A cruel smile twisted my lips. My hatred for her was stronger than for Lorcan. Yes, he killed my mother, but it hadn’t been personal to him. Everything about Samantha was offensive. She killed Ian because of her vengeance toward me. She had sliced his throat with sheer giddiness only coming from the truly sadistic.

Cal sensed me coiling. He flew into the air as I zoned in on Samantha’s throat. I wanted it.

Your death is mine.
Her words entered my mind.

What the hell? I hadn’t expected her voice inside my head. She dove for me, catching me in a vulnerable moment.

“Ember!” Cal yelled, snapping me back into focus. He grabbed the ends of her hair and yanked her head back. She yelped, and I pounced. The feeling of my pupils shifting into thin diamonds, eyes of a killer, spiked my adrenaline higher. My teeth craved her throat; my mouth watered for the kill. The need to tear her apart was there, but Samantha was the real monster. I was just a wannabe. There was little chance I could hurt her. I was willing to try.

Mid-leap there was a pop. Defusing pressure in the air broke my focus on Sam and launched both of us back to the ground. We landed only a few feet away from each other. Air huffed in and out of my lungs as I got my bearings.

What just happened?

“NOW STOP!” Kennedy voice thundered through my haze. My head popped up to look. Everyone except Kennedy had landed on the ground in unruly clusters. All were now gaping at the girl standing in the middle.

Crap on ash bark. Kennedy did that? Her powers had grown a great deal since the last time I saw her.

“It was my idea to come here today.” She spoke confidently, and her gaze swept around at all of us. “We will be better together than separate. So get over the past and your issues. All of you!” She directed her last words at me, sensing my rebuttal. “And you will behave.” She pointed at Lorcan when his mouth opened to speak. “I agree with Lars. Let us deal with the real problem. Right now we need to work as a team. We need to defeat Aneira. You will have the chance to kill each other after.”

Lorcan shut his mouth with a click. His eyes bowed away from her weighty gaze on him.

If I were standing, my jaw would have hit the ground. I had never seen anyone shut Lorcan up nor have any sort of control over him. What had happened to turn the captive into the leader?

Cole stood first. “She’s right. Our grudges need to go on the backburner for now.”

“Easy for you to say!” I sprang up. “One of them didn’t kill one of your good friends and your mother and turn you over to the Queen!”

Ember, enough
. Cole’s voice popped into my head. I could hear him. He seemed to understand the widening of my eyes.
Without your other powers you will become more Dark Dweller.
You are linking to us. It will start out sporadic but will become more solid as time passes.
His voice came clearly into my mind.

Of course. Just as I had once linked with Torin, since losing my Fay magic, I was now joined to the Dark Dwellers.

Cole had spoken in his head to me but now addressed the rest of the group out loud in a soothing voice. The Alpha had the power to calm others with his voice. The deep tenor of his voice settled us all back. “But Aneira is a far greater foe. She will destroy Earth and everything you have grown to love. We will all be slaves, not only the humans. I’m not saying you have to get along or even be cordial, but I need us to have a truce.

“But—” My words were cut off as the Alpha raised his hand. My voice died in my throat.

Back down, Ember
, he commanded in my head.

“Don’t put up with that.” Cal perched on my arm. He didn’t understand I didn’t want to but had no choice.

Cole continued, “Only until the conflict is over, like Kennedy recommends. Then we can deal with each other. Until then, we need a truce between us.”

Everything in me wanted to protest, but I had to respect my Alpha’s authority. If I didn’t feel deep down somewhere that Cole, Lars, and Kennedy were right, I probably would have disputed him more.

Eli crossed his arms. “Fine. But it doesn’t mean I’m going to trust him ... or any of them. Not by a long shot.”

“Same here, brother.” Lorcan sneered.

Lips moved against my ear. “And the moment this little truce is over, I am going to relish ripping you into shreds,” Samantha whispered.

“Ditto.” I jeered back at her. “With pleasure.”




“Kennedy!” Jared bellowed as she and I walked onto the training field. I noticed as he ran toward us how his body was beginning to develop from a boy’s to a young man’s, filling out his hand-me-down t-shirt more. He was slowly catching up to his actual human age. Jared would be turning nineteen in a few months, but his body and mind were still young. He didn’t appear much older than fifteen or sixteen. Almost four “Earth” years had passed while he was locked in the Otherworld before I got him and Kennedy out.

Age didn’t usually matter to Fae since we lived for thousands of years, but Jared was half human. He was also raised on Earth, growing up differently than the rest of the clan. Because of his human half, they tended to coddle him too much. Now a war was upon us, and Cole seemed overly aware of the pampering Jared had received.

A few nights after the Dark Dwellers’ arrival on Lars’ compound I heard Owen, Jared, and Cole arguing. I could blame my inquisitiveness on my heightened Dark Dweller hearing. But, hell, let’s be honest. I’m simply nosy.

“You want me to train but not fight?” Jared’s voice rang through the thin wooden wall of the temporary cabin they inhabited into the chilly night air.

“It’s my fault.” Cole spoke. “I should have been more adamant about your training from the start, but blame is all hindsight now.”

“Jared, I understand you are upset with us, but you have to know we are only doing this for your benefit.” To me, Owen’s tone always felt like ointment on a sore. Soothing and calming.

Except Jared didn’t seem to take it in the same way. “You think keeping me out of the battle is a benefit for me? No, it’s only for your sake because you don’t think I can hold my own out there. To you I am weak and useless!”

“Jared.” Cole huffed in irritation. “It’s not that we think you’re weak. But as much as you’d like to deny it, you are half human. Your heritage does cause you to be more vulnerable than us. You weren’t raised like your father and I were, which is a good thing I promise you.” A small sigh came from Cole’s throat. “You are going through a rough time right now. I speak from experience in raising three teenage Dark Dwellers. You even more so. Both your human and Dark Dweller hormones are out of control. Everything is heightened, and you cannot think clearly. You are aggressive and impulsive.” Cole paused. I could see his outline drift back and forth by the window. “I stand by my decision. You are too young and inexperienced to be on the battlefield, but I still want you to train every day.”

“Bullshit.” Jared spoke. Something hit the wall making the cabin shake. Most likely his foot or fist. “So I do all the training but don’t get to put it into action?”

“As of right now. Yes,” Cole replied.

“Right now?” Jared’s voice rose with optimism. “Is there a chance if I work really hard and get really good, you will let me go?”

There was a long pause before Cole spoke. “Maybe.”
was all Jared needed. Every waking moment, Jared threw himself into training. Trying to stuff years of education and practice into a few weeks. There was always one of his fellow Dark Dwellers out training with him.

Today’s opponent was Owen. Alki’s booming voice came from down the field as he and
Koke displayed their moves on stage. Thousands of Dark Fae moved simultaneously together, creating a moving piece of art on the lawn.

“Baby!” Jared dropped his sword. Pure happiness shown in his eyes when he saw Kennedy walking to him. He ran to her, almost knocking her over as he wrapped his arms around her. Words caught in his throat as he cupped her face and stared at her. He leaned in and kissed her hard. His arms latched on, touching every bit of her.

“I can’t breathe.” Kennedy’s lips turned into a smile, but the same happiness didn’t show in her eyes.

“I am so sorry ... damn, I’ve missed you. Are you okay? Did they harm you?” He looked her from head to toe frantically.

“No, I’m fine.” She stepped out of his arms.

I waited anxiously for the moment Jared noticed Lorcan. When it came, Jared did not disappoint.

“You asshole! How dare you show your face here?” He flew at Lorcan. Eli could have easily stepped in to block Jared’s punch, but he stood back, a half-smile on his face.

Lorcan also could have shifted aside; his reactions were a lot faster than Jared’s. But Lorcan let the hit make contact, only causing him to stumble a step or two back. Jared turned his shoulder and rammed into Lorcan’s stomach. I was amazed, but Lorcan took it. He didn’t fight Jared or try and stop it. It was the first decent thing I had seen Lorcan do. He knew he deserved it.

I looked at Kennedy. I expected her to be in the middle trying to prevent Jared from getting hurt, but she only stared at them, her forehead furrowed. Kennedy was usually so sensitive to people fighting. When watching movies with extreme violence, she would always hide under the covers while Ryan and I enjoyed them. So her lack of action surprised me.

“Now things are getting good. I should tell
Sinnie to cook popcorn.” Cal leaned against my neck. I brushed him off. He fluttered next to me and huffed.

“Jared, enough.” Cole finally stepped in and pulled him back.

“Let me go,” Jared seethed, his eyes still latched onto his target.

“Cooper?” Cole nodded his head.

Cooper moved forward and wrapped his fingers around the back of Jared’s neck, steering him toward the forest. “Let’s take a walk. Cool down.”

“I don’t want to cool down. How are you guys letting him come here after what he’s done? He kidnapped my girlfriend. Betrayed us.” Jared’s aggression rose again. Cole gave Cooper another pointed look, and Cooper pushed Jared forward. Jared stumbled as he tried to turn around and come back, struggling to get out of Cooper’s hold. They finally disappeared into the trees, but we heard Jared’s rants for a long time after.

“I think we need to discuss some matters,” Cole said coolly and turned toward the temporary cabins Lars had built on the other side of the field. Most Fae camped outside, but a few demanded some sort of housing whether it was a tree house or a burrow in the ground. The Dark Dwellers took over some cabins and made a huge fire pit where they sat most nights.

Gabby, Samantha, Dax, and Dominic followed Cole. I continued to watch Kennedy. Her eyes and lips were tight as she stared between Jared’s disappearing form and Lorcan. Lorcan wiped the blood from his lip. He looked briefly at her then turned away.

She snapped around and, without a word, trudged to the cabin, her shoulders rigid. My legs moved to catch up with her.

“You sure you are all right?” I grabbed her hand in mine as we walked.

“I wish people would stop asking if I’m okay.” She replied without even looking at me. “As you know, I’m not easy to keep down now.” I had said the same thing to her months ago. I didn’t know what caused the gulf between us, but something was wrong.

Lorcan’s scent wafted close behind us, flaring my predatory nature. The urge to turn and tear out his throat was so appealing I had to force my free hand into a fist, which I stuffed into my pocket. Eli’s presence behind me helped act as a buffer between me and Lorcan.

I didn’t know how I was going to have a truce with Lorcan or Samantha.


We gathered outside Cole and Owen’s cabin. Tension crackled at the edges of the group, straining the precarious treaty. Lorcan swaggered next to Cole in defiance to show he still had authority over his own group. Things would never go back to the way they used to be. Lorcan made it clear he was Alpha in his pack, and he would never return to being a Beta. Eli clenched his fists at Lorcan’s audacity but kept his mouth shut.

Cole’s body tightened, but he did not say a word to Lorcan. “I know working with each other will be difficult. But we need an alliance between us to defeat our common enemy. I know none of us want Aneira to have control of Earth and the Otherworld. Her powers are already too great. Her ideas of freedom and supremacy have destroyed ours and many other dark clans, and her dominance over both Humans and Fae will only get worse. We may not see eye-to-eye on a lot of issues, but I think we can come together on this one.” Cole’s voice soared through the assembly, rendering us still.

Lorcan nodded. “Yes, I agree with Cole. We need to let go of the past and focus on the future.”

forget the past?” Eli scoffed. “I find what you say amusing when all you do is bring it back up and put the blame on everyone else as to why you do the things you do. You stand there pretending to be Alpha, saying we need to fight against Aneira, when it was you who worked with her. Not us.”

Lorcan shifted his weight and moved around under the scrutiny. “I understand your feelings, Elighan. As a leader, you do what you feel is best for your clan. At the time I felt I was doing just that. I quickly realized the choice may have not been the most effective option. I have made amends and moved on. It is you who won’t let go. Neither you nor Cole can stand here and say you have always made the best decisions for the family. Our divide proves this.”

Eli’s hands clasped even tighter. Cole looked at the ground, taking in a deep breath.

“How ethical you guys have become here on Earth. Do you think Father would even be questioning me? He understood the true acts of a leader and how far you sometimes needed to go.”

“Father wouldn’t have done what you did,” Eli said.

Lorcan shook his head. “You have no idea who
Dragen really was, Eli. You were young and idolized him. I saw what he was capable of. Ask Cole. He knows what I am talking about. You have a notion of Father that is a fantasy. Mother as well. She was equally cruel and conniving. You only saw what you wanted and only remember what you want. They were Dark Dwellers through and through, which is why Cole has tried so hard to raise you differently. He never liked how they led. He hated them. Right, Cole?” Lorcan turned to Cole.

Cole stood stock-still, though I could feel the vibrations of his every muscle struggling not to pound Lorcan into the ground.

“I was older, already too far in following good ol’ Dad’s footsteps, huh, Cole? Is that the reason you chose Eli? I was too much like the man you despised?” Lorcan twisted to Eli. “On the other hand, Cole could still save you.”

Deep, raggedy breaths came in and out of the man next to me. Eli stood still, but the violence underneath was thundering.

“And do you want to know why Cole hated Father so much? The man you looked up to as a hero?” Lorcan shot Cole a pointed look, full of meaning. And Cole seemed to understand the unsaid words.

“Lorcan, don’t.” Cole shook his head and glanced quickly at Eli.

“Don’t what? Tell the truth? Don’t you think it’s time he knew?” Lorcan hand gestured in Eli’s direction. Eli’s body twitched, his glare going between the two men.

An eerie awareness suddenly slammed down on me.
Oh, no

did you find out you were Father’s bastard child, Cole?” Lorcan folded his arms as a united gasp fell over the group.

Owen jerked forward. “What?”

Cole ignored Owen’s outburst, his jaw muscles tightened. “When did

“A long time ago.” A fleeting emotion flittered across Lorcan’s expression. “One night I caught Father sneaking to your mother when your supposed father went off on a job—a job which my father assigned him. It didn’t take long before I realized the affair had been going on for a while. After you were born, I could see it in how Father looked at you and how he addressed you. The toughness he showed you was a red flag. And every once in a while I could see him in you. Your mouth, in your mannerisms.”

“What? Is this a joke?” Eli’s chest rattled next to me as he tried to speak. When neither brother would look at him, he turned to Lorcan. “You knew and didn’t tell me? Did Mother know?”

“Yes.” Lorcan’s usual smug expression evaporated, and the corners of his mouth turned down, like a hurt little boy. “One night I overheard Father and Mother arguing about Cole. She forced him to keep quiet about the affair and his bastard baby. It was easy when he looked so much like his mother. He could easily blend in as Donovan’s son.” Lorcan’s voice came out low, anger tinting his tone. “She wanted the title of Alpha more than she wanted a faithful mate.”

I could see the storm brewing in Eli’s mind, his emotions a squall of hurt, betrayal, and shock. He held his body rigid, his eyebrows pinched.

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