Blood Legacy: Adult Urban Fantasy (The V V Inn Book 5) (6 page)

BOOK: Blood Legacy: Adult Urban Fantasy (The V V Inn Book 5)
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When I arise late the next morning, Dria is nowhere to be found. She’s old enough that a little winter sun exposure won’t harm her, so I’m not overly concerned. But it has been a rough month. I reach out to touch her mind, hoping to discern where she is and what she’s doing.

In a tingle of sensation, I sense her and what she’s feeling. The cool splash of water runs over her limbs in a steady motion. She’s making use of the hotel’s indoor pool to burn off even more nervous energy. She’ll only be able to rest when she’s tired herself out completely. I’ve seen the same behavioral pattern year after year. Too keyed up to sleep, she has to be doing something.

I back out of her mind, giving her peace and space—exactly what she needs.

She’ll be back to rest soon. I shower and eat from room service, then leave her a note. Which will give me plenty of time to finish the hidden basement room in our new house. I head out, my list of to-do items in my pocket. If she doesn’t get more loving soon, she’s liable to start climbing the walls. Smiling in anticipation over our upcoming sex antics, I hum a mellow tune.



After Diane leaves, I check in with Asa one last time and then make the sunny trek to my cabin, eager to spend my last few hours with Candy before embarking on the long trip south. She’s agreed to take care of my wolf-dogs while I’m gone, and thankfully the animals have accepted her. We’ve only been together a few weeks, but I trust her, even if Eric and Pat still seem undecided.

She’s opened my heart to feeling again—true feelings embedded in real emotions, and not the unhealthy obsessive, possessive ones I’ve had for Vivian the past seven years. Candy makes me smile, makes me laugh out loud, even at myself, and she turns me on like no other woman before.

We’ve talked about her taking on any form in the past, even a man’s, which she secretly lived as while staying with my old pack in Manitoba. I really don’t care. I accept her and everything she had to do to survive, with no qualms.

It seems rational that if you were scared and alone you’d hide as something, or someone, else. She’s a shifter, it’s what they do. Having no one left of her family, she lived as a male werewolf to protect herself among strangers. Truth be told, I’m not as unsettled by the idea of her growing extra parts as I thought I would be. It’s still her underneath any skin she might take on.

And more importantly, she’s been able to be herself with me this past month. No hiding behind another form.

And the sex has been incredible. Sure, the obvious thought has occurred to me: to have her transform into the image of Vivian. But strangely, when I’m with Candy, I don’t feel the compelling need to possess the despotic redhead anymore. To Candy, such a request might mean nothing, and she would probably readily agree, like we were role playing. But for me, it would be a slip in the wrong direction.

I’m feeling free for the first time in years, and I rather like it. A part of me is worried about seeing Viv and Rafe again. Will I begin once more, against my will, to have haunting dreams about the three of us sharing a bed? Or will my new relationship with Candy help to stave off the old, not-so-hidden desires?

Above all, I need to focus on my duty to the couple. If Candy journeyed with me, I might be distracted. Or she might be the strength that helps me resist the seductive pull of the passionate couple. Either way, I do know introducing the subject of Candy to Vivian will be a delicate matter. Will she freak out or allow me to choose my own mate? Is it too soon to name Candy as my mate?

I shake my head, eager to dispel the conflicting thoughts for a few more hours. I’ll have plenty of time to be paranoid and stew on the plane. As I approach my cabin, with the special dinner the chef prepared for us, desire begins to flow through my veins. I know what awaits me beyond the heavy wooden door. A woman who wants me for me—not a partner who wants what I could become for her, like Diane did—but someone who desires me as I am: a man self-bound to a ruthless and very strong master.

I grab the knob and turn, pushing the door into the warm interior. “Hey,” I call out. “I’m back.”

Candy steps out from the bedroom, her long dark hair shining in good health, lying over one sexy bare shoulder. She’s clad in a skimpy pink nightie I’ve never seen before. “How did it go with Diane? I hope it wasn’t too awkward for you.”

My mouth dries up at the sight of her pert, firm breasts thrust against the thin silky material. “Uhh….”

She smiles, her pleasure over my dumbfounded reaction spreading across her face. “Cat got your tongue?”

I say the first thing that pops into my head. “I dunno—do you plan to change into a cat next?” Yup, I’m a born romantic.

“Only if you want me to,” she says while strolling languidly toward me. “But I hope you like me just as I am, I’d rather focus on something else than changing shape.”

“Really? And what would that be?”

She stops in front of me, nimble fingers from one hand skating up my jacket-covered chest, while the other hand grabs the bag of food and sets it on the floor. “Let’s get you out of this coat and I’ll fill you in.”

Faster than she can blink, I’ve unzipped my coat and unceremoniously thrown it to the floor near the door. “You were saying?”

Her surprised laughter spills into the room. “Talk about motivation. Maybe I should always dress in baby-doll nighties.”

“If that’s what that pink frothy concoction is called, then yes, I second that opinion.”

She turns around and shows me her full, rounded ass through the sheer fabric. Candy reaches out a hand and grabs the back of a wooden chair, leaning forward slightly and pushing her bottom out farther on display. “I might get cold, wearing nighties all the time. Or attract the wrong kind of attention.”

What the hell are we talking about again? All I can feel is the weight of my hard cock in my pants, weeping to be set free to play. “Uhh…” Without further thought, I step closer and run a hand lovingly over the plump curve of one cheek. “Yeah, that sounds good.”

“Are you sure, Jon?” A teasing note enters her voice as her hips circle, pushing her bottom more firmly onto my hand. “I’m not so sure I’d want everyone to see
ass on display.”

“What? I think I may have lost what we’re talking about.” I gesture toward the current physical predicament in my pants. “It’s hard to think straight with your pretty little bum begging to be touched.”

“See, that’s the problem, Jon.”

Warning bells go off in my head at the word “problem.” “Did I miss something, are you angry?”

She straightens and turns toward me, stepping close enough to run the tips of her breasts against my shirtfront. “Does it look like I’m angry?”

“No… but I’m not the brightest bulb when it comes to women.”

“Well, there is something I want to talk to you about.” And with that, she leans in and captures my mouth, tracing her tongue over my closed lips, tempting them to open.

I dive in, all thoughts of talk completely out of my head. One hand rises to caress the back of her head, tilting her slightly for better access as I plunge my tongue deep inside, claiming her mouth as my own. Her response is immediate and red hot. She slides one hand over my hip and to the front, clasping my hardness through my jeans.

A small mew of pleasure escapes her as she thrusts her hips forward to grind against my thigh. “I need…”

“Yes?” I ask, leaning down to nibble along her neck. “Tell me and it’s yours.”

She stiffens in my grasp. Somehow, what I said was not the right thing. I pull away and look into her face to see what the problem is. “Hey, are you okay?”

She nods, lowering her eyes to the ground. “I want to ask you for something, something I want sexually, but I’m worried how you’ll take it.”

The beautiful, vulnerable creature in front of me has my full attention now, and I cup her face in two hands. “You don’t need to worry about me. We’re good. Tell me what you want.” I skim a hand down her front to tease one erect nipple. “I’m sure I’d be open to anything you want to try.” I think back to the wild stuff we’ve done already and wonder what has her so hesitant.

Candy takes a deep breath, and blurts out, “I want you to spank me.” She looks up at me through the fringe of her lashes, like she’s trying to read my reaction.

“Excuse me?” I say. “You mean like BDSM kind of stuff?” I smile, confident I can try to please her even if my experience with the lifestyle is none existent.

“Yes, and no.”

“Okay. That’s not too clear. Care to elaborate?”

“I… uh… I don’t need punishment games, like I’m a bad girl and you have to discipline me. I…”

I grin, unable to help myself at the prospect of slapping her ass. “Just want a little slap and tickle?”

She frowns at me, but nods. “I like it. The arousal when the blood rushes to my cheeks is intense… and overwhelming. Is that weird?”

“Darling, I’ve lived for seven years on a supernatural resort that caters to the sexual tastes of a myriad of creatures from around the world. Did you really think you’d shock me and I’d refuse you? Or make you feel embarrassed by your desires?”

She shrugs and turns away, moving to lean a hip against the square wooden table in the center of the room. “I dunno. I just… haven’t really brought it up with other boyfriends before. Once I did and he refused, saying he wouldn’t hit a woman.”

“It’s not hitting you—”

“Exactly what I said!” Her face lights up. “So you do understand? It’s just something fun I like once in a while. You don’t think I’m weird or sick?”

Eager to show her I’m game to try whatever this fantastic woman desires, I pull out a solid wooden chair and take a seat. Patting my thighs, I indicate she should lean over and assume the position.

With a wide grin splitting her face, she complies, spreading herself over my lap. The thin material rises up due to her position, revealing the bottom half of two firm globes I can’t wait to smack.

“Someone else is liking this already and we haven’t even started,” she squirms on my erection, my eagerness prodding her middle, while she faces the floor.

“Once I walked in and saw you wearing this…” I skim the sheer fabric even higher, uncovering all of her butt. “I was lost.”

I reach one hand out and slowly caress her flesh. She wiggles a little, pushing herself toward my palm, eager to encourage me.

I deliver one resounding smack to her right cheek, causing her to squeak and squirm more. “Not so fast, missy. I’m the one handling the butt-smacking. You lie still.” Holding her down, I land three more quick slaps to the same cheek, then switch to the left one and rain more blows down on her tender skin.

Pausing, I smooth a hand over the heated flesh, admiring the faint pink tinge rising to the surface. “Like that, Candy?”

“Yes!” she pants, eagerness in her tone. “God, it felt good.”

“Not too hard?”

“You can go harder if you want. I’ll tell you if it’s too much.”

I nod and run a hand between her thighs, pressing lightly to spread her legs. Going on a hunch, I send two questing fingers inward, testing her arousal. Moisture coats her swollen outer lips. “You do like this, don’t you, you naughty girl?”

“Shut up and give me what I want,” she replies, a hint of backbone in her tone. This one won’t be cowed by her desires, and I like it.

“Yes, ma’am,” I say, raising my arm.

She wiggles again on my lap, apparently trying to smush her pubic bone on my thigh to get the pressure she craves on her sensitive clit. I deliver three more smacks, then skim over her rapidly reddening flesh to once again plunge between her thighs, this time going deeper to find her hard bundle of nerves at the base of her mound.

“Oh God… yes… just like that.”

I swirl and tease the tiny nub of flesh, listening to her breathing very carefully. After a few moments, I draw my fingers away and deliver another smack, this one harder than all the rest.

She shouts, rearing up and then falling back to my lap. “Again… oh God, please, do it again.”

I comply, hitting her even harder. She grunts in appreciation, thrusting her ass back for more. Wiggling my fingers again through her wetness to reach her clit, I stroke the raised nub. After a few passes, I pull back and sink two fingers into her tight sheath. Steadily I plunge in and out as her breathing becomes harsher. Without warning, I remove my hand and smack her bottom again, very hard, my palm wet with her desire.


I land three more fast, hard blows, and she whimpers. Unable to resist her arousal any longer I stand, lifting her from my lap at the same time.

“That’s it, we’re done,” I say, voice rough with desire.

“No, please, I was so close. Just a few more.”

I shove her toward the table and wrench my jeans down. “Lean over. I have something else in mind.”

My cock springs free, aiming directly at her glowing red bottom. Unable to hold myself back, I place one hand on her sensitive cheek and squeeze. She squeals and wiggles on the table. With the other hand, I guide myself into her dripping channel.

Releasing a groan, I thrust forward, lost in the moment, feeling myself come undone by this slip of a woman. Going on instinct, I lean over, grinding myself against her inflamed buttocks.

“Do you like that, baby? Do you want more?”


“Come for me, rub yourself.”

She reaches to the side, angling her arm so she can touch her clit while I continue thrusting. I can tell the moment she reaches her goal. Her hips buck and she starts to circle them madly.

I lean back, gazing down on our joined bodies and her flaming cheeks. I raise my hand and deliver three more quick smacks, pushing her over the edge to reach her orgasm.

She screams out her pleasure, collapsing on the table as her inner walls spasm around me. Unable to hold off any longer, I join her, thrusting and pumping until the last rush of pleasure leaves my body.

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