Blood of the Pure (Gaea) (35 page)

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Authors: Sophia CarPerSanti

BOOK: Blood of the Pure (Gaea)
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Steven patted him twice on his shoulder and winked. “Exactly what I told him, right?” he inquired and Michael sighed, resigned. “Well, I’ll be going now before Francis has a breakdown having to deal with those two on his own,” he said humorously, and turned to walk away.

“Steven!” I called out and he stopped to look back at me. “I never got to thank you for what you did the other day. And I’m sorry for ... my cousin’s behavior,” I added, awkwardly, and he shrugged with a friendly smile.

“No worries. Michael explained it to me. It’s all good,” he assured me and continued walking.

“Explained?” I asked, intrigued, and Michael smiled down at me, engulfing me in a soft wave of warmth.

“I didn’t tell him much of anything,” he answered evasively and I decided to let the subject drop. “Listen, Mari, about all this mess. I really ... “

“It’s fine,” I comforted him once more. “Like all the other rumors before, this one, too, will end up dying off. It’s just a question of time.”

And we didn’t talk about unpleasant things anymore. Michael lent me the book we’d bought together and I asked him to forgive me, since I still couldn’t lend him mine, like we’d promised. I told him about Steph, how she still wasn’t talking with me, almost as if she saw me as a threat to her relationship with Gabriel. And Michael suggested we could all go out together, hoping that it might help mend our friendship. I told him it was a good idea, knowing it would never happen for the most obvious reasons.

I could hardly believe when the bell rang. Time had flown by me unnoticed, like it always did when I was with him. We went back inside, as I silently basked in the warmth of his presence, and it was then I saw them, near the glass door; Stephanie and Gabriel, kissing. Michael, beside me, looked as shocked as I did, and we both stood there, nailed to the ground. My heart stopped for a split second and I forgot I had to breathe.

I’d forgotten how easily she could get close to him. She could even kiss him, just like that, while I had to always keep my distance under penalty of choking to death!

But then I noticed it. He was slightly bending towards her, but his contribution towards that kiss ended there. His harms didn’t hold her. His hands didn’t touch her. Even his expression remained in that unmoving, unfeeling expression. Stephanie was the one doing all the hugging, her arms draped around his neck, pressing her beautiful body against his while kissing him passionately.

I felt guilty once again because of the agreement I had reached with him. It was almost as if Steph had been right when she´d claimed I wanted him for me. And I recalled what Lea had told me about him disliking the company of Human Beings because he found us too frail. I wondered if that was why he didn’t touch her, if he was afraid of hurting her in any way.

Finally, she released him, smiling teasingly, and locked her arm with his, pulling him towards the stairs.

“Well, it would seem they’re really together,” Michael observed and only then did I recall his presence right beside me.

“Ah, yes,” I answered, still bewildered, and Michael smiled.

“What’s the hardest part? Your cousin having a girlfriend? Or your best friend having a boyfriend?” he asked playfully, but I was seriously worried. Now that I’d seen it with my own eyes, I couldn’t deny it any longer, nor minimize the problem.

“My best friend dating my cousin.” I replied unthinkingly and went to the stairs. I had to keep Gabriel away from her at any cost.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


When the bell rang, announcing the end of another school day, Steph almost jumped from her seat, happily trotting towards Gabriel’s desk. When I left the room they were still together, talking in low voices, in that kind of way that instinctively tells other people that they’re not allowed to butt in.

Unnoticeably, I grunted bitterly all the way home, rushing as fast as I could. I might as well take the advantage of having left school before him, I thought, since I still had to prepare myself for what ensued. I’d spent the entire day trying to figure out what to do the rest of the afternoon, knowing that was a problem I’d eventually have to solve.

I noticed the strange silence as soon as I opened the front door. Usually, Lea would be running to greet me even before I could turn the key. And so I entered, thinking of looking for him. I didn’t have to go that far.

My footsteps froze by the living room door and I tightened the hold around my books so I wouldn’t drop them on the floor. He was already there! Calmly sitting on the armchair. If it weren’t for his terrible presence, I’d stupidly ask him how he got home ahead of me.

Lea, in his cat form, rested on his lap, but as soon as he saw me, he immediately jumped to the ground, his bell tinkling loudly while he silently crossed the room to greet me. He rubbed his small black head against my legs and I looked down at him, faking a smile when he looked up with his bright, silver eyes. And then the small cat silently walked by me, strolling out the door and towards the kitchen. I leaned backwards to watch him go and then everything was silent, as he’d simply disappeared.

I found myself unwilling to return to my initial position, which would mean having to face him, and took a deep breath, slowly turning. I was the one who’d wanted that agreement and was sure he wouldn’t think twice before undoing it should I try to make any excuses.

Gabriel remained in the exact same position, sitting on the armchair, his head resting on one of his hands, watching me silently.

“Is ... everything all right?” I managed to ask, kind of proud of that accomplishment, although my voice sounded too frail for my taste. I had the feeling I was becoming better at controlling the devastating effects his presence had on me.

”Yes. Why?”

“Lea, in that shape.”

“Only because like that it’s easier for him to go unnoticed in your world. There aren’t all that many Humans with silver eyes going around,” he explained, making sure he remained completely motionless.

“Can’t he change his eye color, like you?” I asked and his perfect lips stretched to a slight smile.

“No. In Lea’s case the silver of his eyes is, let’s say, his conscience and reason. If it ever happens that you see his eye color changing, I’d advise you to run away, as far as possible.”

I didn’t quite understand what he meant, but chose not to ask any more questions. I knew he didn’t like it when I did it, and feared that he might get angry and just leave. In any other occasion, I wouldn’t have minded it at all. On the contrary. But now leaving meant him going to look for Stephanie, and that I couldn’t allow!

He seemed to notice my strategy and smiled again, looking amused. With crazily slow movements, he raised his head, straightening his back, and intertwined his hands in front of his chest, which made him look even more intimidating.

“Stephanie asked me to spend the afternoon with her,” he announced and I decided not to let his words bother me. “I refused, as we agreed.”

“It makes two of us then,” I responded, squeezing the books against my chest. “I should be with Michael right about now,” I added and he smiled coldly.

“Really? And are you sure this is worth the sacrifice?” he asked, sarcasm seeping out of his words.

“What about you? After all, by being here I may very well be prolonging our unfulfilled Contract.”

He laughed, his deep voice filling the room, as I stood pinned to the ground, not knowing if that was a good or bad sign in my situation.

“When you actually manage to say what you’re thinking, you’re quite interesting,” he said, appreciatively. “So? What do you propose we do to occupy my time?”

I was speechless. Hadn’t thought about that, focusing all my energies on getting ready to face and withstand his menacing presence. In fact, I’d never been all that successful when it came to planning funny or entertaining activities for normal people, let alone what to do about demons. Those kinds of things were right down Steph’s alley.

My brain sped frantically in search of something to suggest. And my gaze stopped over the book I carried in my arms, on top of my schoolbooks and notebooks.

“I’ll ... read for you,” I told him, unsure if that was such a good idea after all, and waited. Waited for him to laugh in my face or to get mad at the insignificance of my proposal. Maybe he’d think I was mocking him. But the truth was that I couldn’t think of anything else.

“Very well. I’m all ears,” he said to my surprise, even shock.

Gabriel leaned back, as if making himself more comfortable, and I stood there, not knowing what to think, much less what to do. He’d accepted it?

I looked around me as if I was seeing the room for the first time, worrying about keeping my distance, and ended up giving a single step forward so that I could sit on the floor, leaning against the wall, right beside the doorway.

“What? You’re sitting there?” he asked, peering at me curiously, and I put my stuff on the floor, holding the book with shaky hands.

“You want me to read it out loud, right? Any closer and I won’t even be able to do that,” I added dryly.

Since he didn’t seem to have any other ironic remarks to make, I opened the book to the first page and took a deep breath. The sweet scent that emanated from its new, white pages calmed me down immediately and I started reading.

It didn’t take me long to understand I’d chosen the perfect activity. Being a booklover as I was, after the first three or four pages, I almost completely forgot his presence, diving headlong into the story. My hands stopped shaking, my heart returned to its normal rhythm and even my voice became clearer and firmer. Of course, deep down, something kept nagging at the back of my head, insisting on keeping me alert, telling me that sitting there was far from being a safe thing to do. But those were things I could easily ignore by focusing my attention on the images my mind created as I kept reading.

I’d just started on the seventh chapter when Lea’s bell cut me off, breaking the spell and dropping me back into bitter reality.

The kitten entered the room running and jumped on his lap. I saw them exchange a long look in what appeared to be some kind of communication, and he groaned when Lea jumped back to the floor.

“I’m sorry. I have to go,” he announced and I blinked, confused, unable to sort my thoughts.

“Go?” I repeated and frowned, displeased with the idea.

Now that I thought about it, who could ever guarantee me that he wouldn’t run back to Steph whenever I wasn’t looking? Even at night he could do it, I thought. After all, that was only an agreement, not a Contract. And there was no Law that could stop him from breaking it.

He smiled lightly, his almost sad expression making me feel guilty of my own thoughts, as if he could’ve read them and, somehow, felt aggrieved by their doubtful nature. I scolded myself immediately, making sure I was firmly reminded of what he was and that I had all the reasons in the world to doubt his word.

“Something came up that I have to take care of. It won’t take long,” he advised me and I couldn’t help feel suspicious. “Should I be back in time for dinner?” he asked. I stared back at his calm expression that simply waited an answer, as if the question were of no consequence to him. I rapidly calculated all the possibilities. The uncertainty ate at my lately too tender stomach. His indifferent demeanor wasn’t giving me any leads about what would be a correct answer.

, I thought. That was my answer. I could already see where that agreement of ours would end up taking me. There wouldn’t be a single moment left in my day when I wouldn’t have to be tormented by his presence.

“Yes,” I answered and, surprisingly enough, my reply seemed to be to his liking.

“Until then,” he simply told me and disappeared within that magical rain of small dark glitter that left the armchair sparkling for a few moments, until they all disappeared.

I took a deep breath and Lea climbed on my legs, licking my face. I laughed lightly, caressing his black fur, and my hands were immediately gray and dirty.

“Lea!” I scolded. “Where have you been, again?”

The kitten bent his pointy ears back, escaping my disapproving gaze as he tried to run from my hands, but I quickly grabbed him. “Bath, young man!” He meowed loudly, surprising me since I’d never heard him meow before, but not enough to make me release him. “Yes, bath! And change shapes! It’s much better when I can actually understand what you’re saying.”

His body began to glow and stretch and, just a few moments later, a small, naked boy was sitting on my lap.

“Do I have to?” he asked me pleadingly and I frowned at the grayish smudges all over his skin.

“But where have you been? I’m even doubting that one bath will be enough. You’ll probably need at least three!” I argued and he pouted, but still I wouldn’t be swayed.

Just as before I had to practically drag him to the bathtub, where I scrubbed him as good and thoroughly as it was humanly possible.

After helping him get on his pajamas and brushing his soft hair, it was my turn to take over the bathroom. When I went back to my room, Lea was sprawled on my bed, flipping the pages of one of my illustrated books from my childhood.

I smiled at his satisfied expression and went to sit by him.

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