Boarded by Love (36 page)

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Authors: Toni Aleo

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Contemporary, #Romance, #New Adult, #college, #Hockey, #Sports

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She then turns my face so that I see myself in the mirror. Red lipstick is all over my face, and you can tell I just got done kissing the hottest girl in the world. She goes to wipe it off, but I stop her. “Don’t, I like it.”

“What? You like wearing lipstick? Weirdo! Let me wipe it off.”

“No, I want everyone to know that the girl with hot red lipstick kissed the hell out of me.”

Blushing, she pulls away as she reaches for her lipstick. “You’re crazy.”

I smack her ass playfully, making her jump, and her hand quickly replaces mine as she gives me a dirty look. “Ow! That hurt!”

“No, it didn’t,” I say, smacking her other cheek. “I’m gonna do that as I’m hitting you from behind later,” I say, waggling my brows at her.

“Smack my ass again and you won’t be hitting anything later but the bed to go to sleep,” she warns, her eyes sparkling with lust. Her face tells me she doesn’t like it, but those eyes, they love it. She turns to reapply her lipstick and I move behind her, rubbing my hands along her sweet cheeks.

“I’m sorry, baby. Here, let me rub them.”

She tries to ignore me, but when my fingers dance along the edges of the shorts, her eyes catch mine in the mirror and she says, “What are you doing,

“Trying to get a little piece of this sweet ass,” I say roughly against her cheek. “I’ve missed you all day.”

My hand snakes around the front, cupping her center, and I watch her eyes fall shut as I squeeze her. Teasing her a bit, I slide my finger along her delectable pussy. When a little sound leaves her mouth, my dick comes to life, pushing against the shorts I wear. Pulling her into me, I move my finger inside her shorts, then her panties, and just as I’m heading for what I’m craving, the door flies open and my cock-blocking brother walks in.

Removing my hand, I turn to look at him. “What?”

“Everyone is looking for you, and Claire, Rachael is looking for you,” he announces, and while I want to be mad that he interrupted us, I can’t help but chuckle at his outfit. He’s wearing khaki shorts with a white tank and a plaid shirt buttoned at the top. His hair is slicked to the side, and he’s drawn a teardrop under his eye.

We take Mexican Night seriously around these parts. I can’t wait till Cowboy Night.

“Thanks, Jayden,” Claire says, doing one more run of lipstick before turning to head for the door. “I’ll see you out there.”

“Good luck.”

She grins as she nods. “Thanks, babe.”

Then she’s gone, leaving me with my brother who is looking at me like I’m a science experiment gone wrong. “What?”

“You know you have lipstick all over your face, right?”

I nod. “Yeah, and did you know you just interrupted us?”

“Oh, my bad, I’ll knock next time,” he says, but I don’t believe him one bit.

“You say that every time,” I point out and he grins back at me, his green eyes flashing with mischief.

“Maybe one time I’ll remember, too.”

“Yeah, like you’ll remember to bring me my money?”

His brows come in. “What money?”

“Um, I don’t know if you remember, but two weeks ago you told me I’d get bored with Claire and I haven’t – I love her – so you owe me hundred bucks.”

He rolls his eyes and I’m about to say something, but then Claire is in the doorway, her hands on her hips as she eyes us both. “You bet your brother that you wouldn’t get bored with me?”

I shake my head as I point to him. “No, he said I would get bored. I knew I wouldn’t.”

Smacking Jayden on the arm, she says, “That’s rude! I’m not someone you get bored of!”

Holding his arm, he says, “I didn’t know you then! He always gets bored.”

“Whatever. Don’t make bets about me anymore, got it?” she says, pointing at him, and he nods quickly. Then she turns to me, her little blue eyes blazing with annoyance. “You either.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

She then goes to her bag, grabbing her iPod, and looks back at me. “You coming?”

“Yup, I’ll be out there in a minute.”

“Okay,” she says and then she’s gone again.

As I look back at Jayden, he says, “She’s freaking scary, dude.”

“Yeah, and if I don’t get my money, I’m gonna sic her on you.”

“Your own brother? That’s so messed up.”

“It’s okay. I have another one,” I say with a grin.

He flips me off and then he heads out the door. Letting out a breath, I try to readjust my dick before following him upstairs. The whole house is decorated like a huge fiesta. Everything’s so bright and colorful. Big cactus inflatables are all over the place along with huge bowls of ice filled with Coronas. After I point to one, a freshman pops the top before handing it to me, and I head out to the backyard where the festivities are being held. There is a huge floor that the girls will dance on and tables are around for everyone to hang out at when we aren’t dancing. Food is everywhere – beer, margaritas, the works, and the place is packed with people.

This is one of the biggest parties of the fall, and we aim to please.

The party is in full swing, and I’m surprised at how much I just want to find Claire and take her back to my room. I usually love parties, but lately, lying in bed watching TV is way more fun than having to deal with partygoers, which basically consist of girls who chase me left and right. As I head to my seat, I’m bombarded by them and they ask where I’ve been and blah, blah, blah. Soon I’m doing a dance to get away from the girls, and it’s not a dance I want to do. I just don’t get it. I mean, hasn’t anyone seen that I am “in a relationship” on Facebook? I thought if you put it on Facebook it was real. Is that not the case anymore? Must have missed the memo.

Heading toward the table that my friends are at, I grab a plate of food and then settle in the seat beside Max. Thankfully they chose the seats right by the dance floor so I can see my girl dance. I’m excited to see her do this. She has been talking about it for the last week and is so excited about it.

“Dude, the dance girls are fucking hot,” Max says and I give him a look. He quickly adds, “Except for Claire. I did not look at her at all.”

“He’s lying. I saw him checking out her ass,” Jayden says and Max glares.

“Asshole,” he mutters and Jayden laughs.

“I’m pretty sure I’ve told you not to check my girl out,” I say and Max shrugs.

“When a girl is that hot, it’s hard not to look.”

“Then I’d try harder,” I say as I take a bite of my taco, ending the conversation. Thankfully, I don’t have to wait too long for the girls to hit the floor. They are probably the only reason I’m out here, to be honest. Everyone is staring at me, looking and whispering, and it’s bothering the shit out of me. Why am I still being talked about? It’s been two weeks; shouldn’t everyone accept that I’ve changed and move on?

Rolling my eyes, I watch as the girls head to the floor in a very formal, unified way. Front and center is my beautiful girlfriend and beside her is the chick who is in love with me. I don’t get it, but I plan on fixing it later. Right now though, I’m gonna watch my baby kill this dance. She sends me a grin, and I smile back just as the music to a popular Jennifer Lopez song starts, then the dancers start. They are so together and actually look professional, and I bet altogether it’s an amazing show, but my eyes can’t leave Claire’s body. She moves like the music is in her. It’s amazing. Unlike the other girls though, she dances a little more sexually. Or maybe it’s just my dirty mind, but it seems like when she dances, she’s having sex. Her eyes are glazed over, her body so sexy and hard-hitting to each beat. She loves this. It’s sexy, she’s sexy, and boy, I’m lucky she’s coming downstairs to my room when this thing is over.

When Rachael and Claire bend over, spreading their legs in splits but still standing up, the crowd loses it. It is pretty badass. As the song ends, the girls move quickly to the beat, shaking their asses and making the guys go nuts. Looking over her shoulder, Claire winks at me, and I stand with everyone else, cheering them on.

“Man, that was awesome. Thank you, Claire!” Jayden hollers, and she grins like a fool. The group then heads off the floor the way they came in, and I fall back in my chair, grabbing my beer.

“Dude, your girl is so fucking hot,” one of the seniors, Justin, says.

“Yeah, thanks,” I say offhandedly as I take a drink.

“I can see why you gave up all the ass you got. She’s got a spectacular one.”

“Yeah, I know. Keep your eyes off it,” I say, meeting his gaze.

His eyes are challenging as he says, “What if I don’t?”

“I’ll rip them out of your ugly-ass head then, your choice.”

“Jude,” Jayden warns and I ignore him, my eyes telling Justin he better fuck the hell off.

Before anything else can be said, Claire falls into my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck.

Giving me a bright grin, she says, “What did you think?”

Wrapping my arms around her hips, I say, “Amazing. You were a showstopper, baby.”

She grins happily as her cheeks warm. “Thanks.”

Kissing me loudly on the lips, she leans against my chest and grabs my plate. “Can I eat this?”

“Sure,” I say, moving my hand along her thigh. “Give me a bite of that taco first.”

She smiles as she feeds me, and I can see Jayden making gagging faces, but I know he’s just jealous. The hottest girl ever is feeding me, and he has to use a fork. I’d be jealous too. We eat together, and when we’re done, I think we’re gonna relax, but soon she’s pulling me onto the floor to dance. I don’t mind it, I like to dance, but I don’t like the way people are looking at her. I know she’s sexy, I get that, but I don’t want people watching her all the damn time. It seems every time I turn my head someone is looking, and it is honestly driving me up the fucking wall. Jealously bubbles inside me and I hate that feeling. I shouldn’t be insecure, but I am. I don’t understand it, really. Wrapping my arms tighter around her waist, I pull her to me, hoping people know she is mine.

I mean, they have to know. Right?

Moving her fingers in my hair, she brings my face down so she can see me. “What’s wrong?”

I shake my head. “Nothing,” I answer.

I then turn her around, pressing her back to my chest, and she begins to move her ass against me. Bending over some, she puts her hands on her knees and starts to move her ass like a girl in a rap video. It’s beyond hot, but I can’t enjoy it because all I see are the guys staring at her, mouths parted and with wide eyes. It makes my blood boil, and I want nothing more than to take my poncho off to cover her up. I don’t think it’s what she’s wearing though; I think it’s just her. She’s insanely sexy and everyone wants a piece of her. I don’t like that. Not one fucking bit.

Thankfully the song turns to a slow one, and I turn her back around and wrap my arms around her as we slowly move to the music. Looking up at me, her fingers tickle my neck and a content little grin sits on her face. She really is so beautiful, and I should be flattered that everyone thinks my girl is hot, but for some reason I’m just jealous. Is it because I’m scared that she could leave me? I don’t know, but I don’t like the way I feel.

“Don’t lie to me again, Jude. Tell me what’s wrong,” she says against my cheek, and I let out a breath as my arms tighten around her.

“Nothing, baby. Let’s just dance.”

She moves her tongue along my jaw to my ear, and I take in a deep breath as she whispers against my ear, “Why don’t we take the party inside?” As she nibbles at my ear, my hands tighten at her waist and she says, “In your room, or maybe your bed, to be exact.”

Pulling back, she grins at me and I ask, “You’re done with the party already?”

“Yeah, I ate, I danced, I drank, now I want you to do nasty things to me.”

Grinning, since I’m always down to worship her sexy body, I nod. “All right, baby, let’s go.”

I take her hand in mine, and we make our way through the party. Reaching my room, I open the door and she walks in before me. I shut it behind me and she turns and says, “Make sure it’s locked.”

“Check,” I say, throwing off my poncho and locking the door. When I glance at her though, she’s not naked. Her hands are on her hips, her gaze locked on me. “What are you doing? Get naked.”

She shakes her head. “Not until you tell me what the hell is wrong with you.”

“You tricked me!” I accuse and she doesn’t move.

“Oh, I plan to let you do what you want, but first I want to know what is wrong.”

Mimicking her stance, I say, “Nothing.”

“Liar. You lie to me again and I’m gone.”

I glare and she glares right back; she isn’t going to budge. I let out a breath, running my hand through my hair. “Fine. I don’t like people staring at you.”

“Huh?” she asks, her face twisted in confusion.

“I don’t like the way people stare at you, like they’re having sex with you. It pisses me off.”

“Why? That’s dumb. They can look all they want, but I’m not touching them, and they sure as hell ain’t touching me.”

Letting out another breath, I roll my eyes. “I get that, but it makes me mad.”

“Why, Jude? Do I get mad when girls stare at you, or better yet, when they hit on you? No, I saw it over and over again tonight, and all I did was sit back and trust that you’re not going to fuck around on me.”

I look away and nod. I know she’s right, but it still doesn’t ease my jealousy. “I’m jealous. That’s all I can say.”

She smiles as she comes toward me, stopping in front of me. “Okay, Jude, and that’s fine, but you have nothing to worry about. I’m all yours.”

Reaching up, she runs her fingers along my lips, in a intoxicating way. “I don’t want to be needy and stupid, but for some reason, when it comes to you, I think I am.”

“You’re not, I promise. This is new. We’re both learning how to do this, but we have to remember and trust that neither of us is going to screw the other over.”

“You’re right.”

“I know, now stop all this and remember that I love you and would never ever get with anyone else but you…and Justin Timberlake.”

I laugh as I grip her hips, bringing her against me. “Sorry, babe, no JT. You are all mine.”

When she grins and reaches for my face, I think she’s going to cup my face or something but instead, she quickly pulls off my mustache. It feels as if she ripped off my real mustache, and I holler out as she laughs. “Sorry, can’t kiss you with that damn thing on your face. It’s itchy.”

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