Bound Together (27 page)

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Authors: Marie Coulson

BOOK: Bound Together
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She had a point but I
wasn’t sure I was ready to think about how deep our feelings ran.
After all, we were still getting to know each other. He was
wonderful and I was falling for him, there was no doubt about it.
But I knew that this was something I had to handle delicately. If I
professed my emotions to him too soon I could scare him away. And
the idea of unrequited love with Jared was a devastating thought. I
wanted to be his world, the way he was mine. Sighing, I slumped
down onto the bed. A red envelope fell onto the floor and I
remembered the other items in the box. The three envelopes each had
a different day of the week on them including the current one
marked Monday. Getting comfortable I tore it open and began to
My Lovely
Today I told you I am
going away on business. And believe me when I say that if there
were some way to get out of it, I would not be leaving you. The
gifts I have put in this box are to help you get through the next
four days without me. So item one, the laptop. You’re a student now
and no student should be without their very own computer. But this
gift is also for other purposes. I have had Skype installed and I
have set you up with your own personal email account so that you
can keep in touch with me, wherever I am. Skype will allow us to
speak via a video link while I’m away…amongst other
The lingerie. You are the
sexiest creature that walks this earth and this gift is for not
only my enjoyment but yours too. Wear it when you want to feel
sexy. Imagine my soft hands caressing your skin as the silky lace
rubs against your delectable curves. Tantalizing.
The ring. Before you over
react and decide to never wear it or return it…you can’t. I had
this ring designed especially for you. The colors are a reflection
of the striking hues of your dazzling eyes. Eyes that have
bewitched me. Eyes that speak to my very soul whenever I gaze into
them. I wanted to give this to you. I can afford it and I will not
accept it back. I want you to wear it. Every day.
The envelopes. Open them
on their respective days. Be open-minded and this is very important
Layla, but DO AS THEY TELL YOU. I know how hard it is for you to
take instructions but please trust me. It will be fine and you will
have fun.
Until the next
envelope…Goodbye My Lady
Do as they tell you? A
flurry of anticipation fluttered through me as I fought the urge to
tear open the other envelopes. The idea of Jared giving me
instructions from miles away was exhilarating and arousing. I
glanced over at Amy who was hunched in front of my laptop clicking
frantically. “How’s it going over there?”
Whipping her head up, she
grinned at me. “This is an awesome piece of equipment. It’s got
everything Layla. All the latest software you could possibly need
for college plus some games, shopping sites preloaded into your
browser and…wow. You should see this.”
Crawling across the bed I
looked at the screen. Amy was on the site of Garrett’s Mall. Every
store in the place had its own webpage. I was confused as to what
had amazed Amy until I saw the tiny box in the corner of the screen
that read: Layla Jennings. Credit limit: $5,000. “Is he nuts!? I
never applied or asked for that! Bring up the details Amy.”
Navigating her way around the site with incredible ease and speed
she pulled up the page titled ‘Payment Details’. A note on the
screen informed me that all invoices were to be sent to J. Garrett
and any spending over the limit was to be charged to his personal
Grabbing my phone I sent
him a text. We really needed to discuss boundaries and his spending
I think we need to
discuss this CREDIT LIMIT. CALL ME
Sent: 18.04
To: Jared
Satisfied that he would
see from my message exactly how I felt about his gesture I closed
the laptop, much to Amy’s annoyance. She opened her mouth to
protest but giving her a warning look I shook my head. My cell
began to buzz in my hand and I swallowed hard when I saw his name
on the screen. Holding my nerve I answered.

Jared, can you please
explain why I have a five thousand dollar credit limit at your
mall? One that I neither need nor asked for.”

It’s a gift. You can use
it online or in the stores. I know how it can be when you’re at
college, I was there remember? That money is for anything you want.
Books, electronics, clothes, whatever you need I want to provide it
for you. I enjoy spending money on you Layla. I’ve never been able
to share my wealth with anyone till you came along. Don’t argue
about it because I’m not changing it. Period.”
His tone was clipped and
distinctly heated but I wasn’t intimidated by Jared. I was angry
and he was treating me like a child. Again.

Well I’m not using it. I
don’t care how much money you have I am not going to be accused of
only being in this relationship for what material possessions I can
gain. That’s exactly what people will think. That’s Layla, Jared’s
little gold digger.” I heard him snigger and it irked me. There was
nothing funny about this situation. “You know what Jared? I don’t
appreciate you laughing at me right now. I have never been so
insulted. I feel like your cheap little whore. I’m packing all of
this shit back up and sending it to your office. You can collect it
when you get back. Goodbye.”
Hanging up I saw Amy’s
shocked reaction at my outburst. “What!?” Getting to her feet she
walked towards the bathroom mumbling incoherently under her breath.
I was sure I heard the words ungrateful and bitch but I decided I
wasn’t willing to pursue another argument that evening. I couldn’t
be bought and all these gifts were making me feel like a paid
hooker. Sex for diamonds. When she emerged from the bathroom, Amy
scowled at me before shaking her head and sighing
To hell with
, she had a bee in her bonnet and we
were going to have to thrash it out. “Out with it Amy. You’re mad
at me for what I said to Jared aren’t you?”
She arched her eyebrow
and rolled her eyes at me. “Layla, you really are
ungrateful. You
question everything to death and you never just accept things at
face value. He gave you that money to help you and to give you some
financial cushioning whenever you might need it. But instead of
saying thank you or showing your gratitude for his very generous
nature, you snipe at him and make it seem like he’s buying
or something. You’re
the only one who is cheapening the whole thing Layla. No one thinks
you’re a whore and I’m pretty sure he’s never treated you like one.
You need a serious attitude adjustment. Soon.”
How could she side with
him? A few dollars is a gift. Five thousand is over the top and no
doubt came with expectations and conditions. I had every reason to
be mad, at both of them. Grabbing my jacket I barked at her. “Fuck
you too Amy. You’re supposed to be my friend.”
Without giving her time
to respond I stormed out of the room without so much as a glance at
her. I needed some space and a walk to clear my head. Everything
was so complicated with Jared, always so intense. It was everything
or nothing and it was getting exhausting.
I shuffled along the
pavement, my head swarming with the events that had unfolded in my
dorm room. The lavish gifts, the credit limit, fighting with Jared
and Amy; it was all too much. Everything about Jared and I was too
much and far too fast.
The weather was still
pleasant even as the sun was going down. The chill in the air was
refreshing and lacked the usual bite one would expect for the
season. The warm weather was winding down now and the cool autumn
days would be creeping in all too soon. I continued to walk,
silently thinking and pouring over Amy’s words to me. Was I really
that ungrateful? Maybe I did need a slight attitude adjustment.
Jared’s gifts were very generous and I was probably wrong in how I
handled the situation but it didn’t change the how I felt about
what he had done. I was uncomfortable with him spending on me and
if he’d taken to time to speak to me about it, he would have known
that. Jared’s lack of communication and general ignorance was
beginning to irritate me. I glanced at my watch to discover that I
had been walking for nearly an hour. Looking around I realized
where my feet had taken me. I was standing outside
Pushing the large glass
door I walked in and the warm, familiar aroma of roasted beans and
vanilla instantly soothed me. Kate was behind the counter eyeing
the latest edition of “Coffee House”, a magazine keeping us all up
to date on the latest flavors and concoctions to add to the menu.
Lifting her head, she spotted me and grinned. Breezing around the
counter she ran up to give me a hug. “Hey stranger! I haven’t seen
you all week since they switched me to the evening shift. How are
you?” She stood back and scrutinized my face as I shrugged. Her own
expression turned from joy to concern. “Oh sweetie, what’s wrong?
You and the boss been fighting again?”
Letting out a long sigh,
I nodded.
Sensing my need for
privacy, and no doubt itching to hear the juicy details, Kate took
my hand and pulled me out the back to the office. “Now, what
happened?” She handed me a box of tissues from the desk before
sitting on the edge of it and watching me intently. “We had a
fight. He keeps lavishing me with gifts, money and expensive
trinkets. I can’t handle it all Kate. I’m not used to handouts.
When I was growing up we lived modestly. Dad was working in a small
garage and making little money and mom was only working a few
shifts at the hospital to spend time at home with me. I didn’t have
expensive clothes, high tech gadgets or even money to just go
shopping. I liked my life the way it was. Uncomplicated. Simple.
Then Jared comes bursting into my life with his millions, expensive
jewelry, five thousand dollar credit limits and high tech laptops.
It’s too much! I can’t understand why he feels the need to do it.
Does he think that’s all I want from him? That his money and things
he can buy me is what keeps me with him? It’s not. And I feel like
a cheap whore if I even consider accepting them. And now I’ve
fallen out with my roommate too. She told me I was ungrateful and
that I need an attitude adjustment. I’m so confused. I feel
completely out of my depth. What should I do Kate? Seriously, am I
wrong in all this?”
She regarded me with
disbelief painted on her face. Blinking rapidly her mouth fell
open. “Let me get this straight. He gave you jewelry, a laptop, a
five thousand dollar credit limit and enjoys spending his cash on
you. And you’re mad at him?” Shaking her head she gave me a
sympathetic smile. “Oh sweetie. You really are a nightmare. I
understand where you’re coming from with your history and that
you’re feeling over whelmed, but have you actually ever told him
that? Because I think if you did, he might rethink some of his
actions. Besides maybe it’s his way of expressing how he feels. Did
you consider that?” I thought for a moment and wondered if she was
right. I definitely needed to talk to him about his over the top
gestures but the idea that it was how he expressed his feelings
about me had never crossed my mind. The way I had treated him
during our phone call sent a chill through me and my heart ached
with regret. How would I ever be able to apologize for the way I
acted? Would he even forgive me? I’d taken his sweet gesture and
thrown it in his face. God I really was a royal bitch.


It Must Be


Kate left me alone in the
office, telling me I could stay as long as I wanted before she went
back out into the shop. Sitting in the cold leather chair, I rested
my forearms on the desk and dropped my head onto them. The wood
smelled of citrus pledge and it filled my nostrils as I pressed my
nose against the desk. I was so tired I could have easily nodded
off right there in the office but the sound of keys rattling roused
me from my doze. Lifting my head, I slowly opened my eyes. Leaning
his shoulder into the door frame and thumbing his keys in his hand,
was a disheveled and wary Jared. I instantly felt more alert. My
breath caught in my lungs and my chest felt tight.
His hair and clothes were
damp and they clung to him like cellophane. The white shirt was
see-through and I could see every curve, line and contour of his
rock hard body. The deep Apollo’s belt, which led to a very large
and appetizing piece of erotic equipment, was prominent against his
slick wet shirt. His jeans were soaked and the light denim was now
a deep blue. Water dripped from his light brown hair down the side
of his face, glistening as it rolled over his caramel skin. I could
feel my heart beat quickening as my eyes roamed freely over his
masculine, firm and completely beguiling body. Our eyes met and he
stared me down. His expression was difficult to gauge. He didn’t
appear riled but he was certainly displeased. “I just came by to
get the receipts for the week. Do you mind?” Signaling for me to
shift away from the desk he brushed past me and I had to fight the
urge to throw my arms around him.
He stood beside me
flicking through the small pieces of paper in his hands. His icy
demeanor increased my guilt as I stared up at him.

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