Bound Together (28 page)

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Authors: Marie Coulson

BOOK: Bound Together
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Gulping down the lump in
my throat, I stood and placed my hand on his shoulder. He regarded
it coolly before returning his attention to the receipts and I let
out a long sigh. “Jared, I’m sorry. I acted like a child and I
understand if you’re too mad to speak to me. I shouldn’t have gone
off like that and I know I must have seemed ungrateful but I’m not.
It’s very generous of you. It’s all just a little overwhelming. I’m
not used to having things just given to me like that. I had a very
modest upbringing and these gifts and gestures are going to take
some adjusting to. I am grateful and I do appreciate your help and
the beautiful gifts. Anyway, that’s all I wanted to say. I’ll leave
you to your work.”
I went to leave but he
caught my hand as I breezed past him. Shaking his head, he stared
at me.

It’s raining out. Did
you know? You see, I do because I got soaked roaming the streets of
Long Beach searching for you. You had me worried fucking sick
Layla. Again!” Wincing, I ran my fingers through my hair. “I’m
sorry. Maybe I should go.” He groaned in frustration as his grip
tightened on my hand. “Oh come on Layla, we both know I didn’t come
here for the receipts. I called and Kate said you were here. I need
to talk about this and you need to listen.” Swinging me around, he
sat me in the chair by the desk. Gripping the arms, he leaned
forward, caging me in.
The dampness of his hair
caused cool droplets of water to drip onto my cleavage and run down
my chest. “I’m sorry I upset you and that you felt unable to have a
rational conversation with me about it. But I couldn’t leave things
like this and go to New York so I went to your dorm to find you.
Amy told me the two of you had a fight and that you’d stormed out
in typical Layla fashion. I searched for you all over then figured
you might have come here. I was worried sick, especially when it
started to rain. The last thing I want is you sick with flu. I’m
sorry you felt my gifts were too much but I’m not willing to accept
them back. And for the record I do not now, nor have I ever
considered you a gold-digger or a whore. I am furious that you
could think that of me and frankly, it’s taking me a lot of
self-control not to throw you over that desk and teach you a
My insides clenched at
the very idea. Would he really do that, here, now? I tried to keep
my cool and calm my now heavy breathing. “I’m sorry I yelled at you
and I’m sorry I made you worry. But it worries
how much money you’re willing to
spend on someone you barely even know. Isn’t this all kind of
Resting his forehead
against mine he closed his eyes and exhaled loudly. “Layla, the
first moment I laid eyes on you I knew I had to have you. I watched
you walk across that street to the coffee house in a complete daze.
You were breathtaking. Fumbling around in your purse, your hair
blowing in the breeze around your face. I couldn’t take my eyes off
you. In fact I was so stunned I never even noticed how close I was
standing to the door when you backed your way into it. So when you
asked me how I didn’t see you through that glass, I did see you.
Then when you told me you worked here, oh Layla, I can’t lie, I was
thrilled and worried all at the same time. It meant I would be able
to see you whenever I wanted. That’s why I came in the next day and
every day after that, just to see you here. When you agreed to go
on a date with me, I thought my head and chest would explode from
the sheer joy I felt. You were so easy to talk to and wonderfully
fiery, sarcastic, yet warm and caring at the same time. I feel like
I’ve known you forever. I’ve never shared a connection with anyone
like the one I have with you. So no, I don’t think it’s
I found myself grinning
as I remembered the events of the day we first met. So he had seen
me after all. Part of me wanted to tease him about it but something
told me he wasn’t quite finished. Taking my hands in his, he opened
his eyes and gazed deeply into mine. His scent filled my senses and
the sweet aroma of vanilla and coffee mixed with the delicious
cologne he was wearing made me swoon. “Layla. I don’t know how you
feel about me. I hope you feel as deeply as I do, but I knew the
moment I saw you how I felt. It hit me like a bolt of lightning
right here.” He pressed my palm against his chest, just above his
heart. I drew in a sharp breath. “Layla I’m falling for you. I’m
deeply, madly and completely head over heels for you. You’re mine
and I want to take care of you. Please, let me give you things
while I can, let me spoil you and treat you the way you deserve.
Like a queen. My queen. I…” He took a long breath while I held mine
in anticipation of his next heart stopping words.
I love you
I gawked at him,
completely speechless. I was lost for words, yet a thousand ran
through my mind at warp speed. Concern became etched across his
face as I continued to struggle to form a sentence or even a
coherent word. Swallowing hard, I tried frantically to regain my
He loves
. And not just puppy love, oh no. Its
fireworks, hearts, flowers, diamonds and sparkles. He’s
in love
with me. Releasing a sigh, he ran his thumb over my knuckles.
“I know it’s a lot to take in. And I don’t expect you to
reciprocate. I just wanted you to know how much you mean to me.
You’re my world Layla. My universe wouldn’t be complete without you
in it.” A long breath left my lungs and I was finally able to
speak. Holding my fingertips against his soft lips, I smiled up at
him, gazing into his eyes. I felt the connection between us getting
stronger and more intense with every word he had spoken. “I feel
exactly the same. I was just too scared to tell you. I wasn’t sure
you could love me back. But now that I know, I feel like I’m
walking on air. I love you too. It’s probably why you have the
ability to make me so angry. You’re so intense and your whole body
just calls to me in a way I have never experienced. I hate not
being with you and I miss you so much when we’re apart. The way you
make me feel when you’re near me is incredible. I feel desirable,
sexy, sensual and totally delirious with happiness. I’m not sure
how long I can go without feeling your body against
A suggestive grin spread
across his face. “Agreed. Come on, let’s go. I’m leaving the state
in less that twelve hours and I want you in my bed, naked and warm
before I go. Call it a going away present.”
Grabbing me on the ass he
hauled me over his shoulder. I squealed and giggled with delight
while kicking my feet which were now in the air above his head.
“Jared! What are you doing?! Put me down this instant.” Swatting me
on the behind he laughed. “Not a chance. I’m not risking you
storming off again my lady. These sneakers are going in the trash
too. They make it far too easy for you to make your get away. In
fact…” He grabbed my ankle and slid his hand downwards pulling off
my sneaker in the process; then repeated his actions with my other
foot. Both my shoes landed with a loud thud on the office floor.
Hanging upside down, my head in line with his broad back, I noticed
Kate coming towards us through the crook of Jared’s arm. I seized
my opportunity to plead with her for some assistance but from her
delighted expression, I knew I wasn’t going to be getting much help
from her. “Ah Miss Danes. Could you please see to it that Miss
Jennings’ sneakers are disposed of in the dumpster out

Kate, don’t you
Swatting me on the behind
again and this time a little harder, Jared instantly silenced me.
“Miss Danes if you would be so kind I’ll be sure to include a
generous bonus in your pay check this month.”

Bribery, that’s
professional and ethical. Kate are you seriously
going to do this?”
Crouching down so that
our eyes could meet, Kate gave me an apologetic smile. “Sorry
sweetie. I could sure use the cash. Besides, with your sneakers in
the trash Mr. Garrett will be forced to buy you a whole new pair.
Right sir?”

Absolutely Ms. Danes.
Now if you’d excuse us.”
Heading into the now
desolate shop, I gave Kate one last pleading look as she gathered
up my discarded shoes. Smiling back at me she waved before walking
out back to the dumpster. I swatted Jared on the ass letting him
know I was peeved.

Hey! Behave and keep
your roaming hands to yourself back there or I’ll give you
something to complain about.” And with that, he smacked me harder
on my behind, making me gasp in shock. It wasn’t painful; in fact I
rather enjoyed it, which shocked me even more. “You are so buying
me new shoes Mr. Garrett!”

Indeed, maybe a pair of
fuck me heels?” I chuckled as we exited the shop and walked into
the quiet street. Well, he walked and I was carried. It was dark
now and it had stopped raining but the weather wasn’t cold, just
The rain had left the
scent of damp, muskiness in the air. As I hung there, upside down
over his shoulder, Jared used his free hand to fumble in his jeans
front pocket. “Uh baby, while you’re back there, would you mind
reaching into my back pocket and getting my keys.”
I happily obliged, taking
the opportunity to grope and grab his firm round buttock in the
process. “Down girl. You keep that up and we won’t even make it
back to the house.”

I wouldn’t complain at
all sir.”
A sharp pain made me gasp
and my breath caught in my throat when Jared’s teeth sank into the
delicate flesh of my behind as he growled deeply in his throat. He
hadn’t bitten me hard but it was enough to leave a mark for
certain. Much like the spanking had done earlier, the sudden
clamping down of his jaws around my tush excited me. It was
arousing yet frightening how much I enjoyed the pain and pleasure
of it all.
Upon reaching the car he
set me on my feet. I felt a little unsteady as my eyes and brain
tried to adjust to being the correct way up again. Advancing on me
slowly, I saw the fire beginning to simmer in his eyes and the
light blue turning darker into a deep shade of cobalt once more. He
looked like a predator homing in on its prey and I was delighted to
be caught. My back pressed against the cold steel of the car door.
Gripping his hands on the car by either side of my head, he caged
me in. My breathing became heavy as I eagerly anticipated his touch
on my skin, his lips on mine and his hot body against my flesh. I
was suddenly aware of my naked feet. While the rest of my body
sizzled with heat and scorching arousal, my feet were beginning to
feel cold. The parking lot had been sheltered from the downpour
outside leaving the concrete dry and I was grateful that my feet
were merely cold rather than wet also. Glancing down at my feet
Jared noticed the predicament he had caused by casting out my
Grabbing me on the behind
he hoisted my hips against his and wrapped my legs around his
waist, pressing me further and harder into the cool steel. My head
fell back against the roof and I prayed he would take his chance to
unleash his lips on my wanting, waiting skin. He didn’t disappoint.
Seconds later Jared’s soft and tender kisses caressed my exposed
neck, slowly working his way from the nape to my jaw. “I wonder how
many kisses it would take me to get from here…” He flicked his
tongue over my bottom lip and a soft whimper escaped me. “…To
here.” His hand left my thigh as he slid it swiftly between my
legs. I smiled, biting my lip as his fingers brushed against my
thin cotton pants. “Oh I wish you’d worn a skirt today.” My eyes
closed as he ran his fingertips over my stomach to my hip, gripping
it and running his thumb over my curves as he moved. Gradually he
made his way up my side to my breast, removing it from the cup of
my bra with a firm tug. I opened my eyes and scanned the car park
hoping we were alone but I was so caught up in the moment, someone
could have easily been standing right next to me and I wouldn’t
have cared. I wanted him desperately, needed him inside me. With
his keys in hand I ran my fingertips all over his chest before
sliding them to his back as his mouth found my breast. Stroking it
gently with his tongue, he massaged and groped with his hand. I
arched my back, pushing my chest firmly into his hand. He nipped
gently on the fleshy rounded part of my breasts before lifting his
head and closing his lips over mine; kissing me deeply and with an
urgent need. I moaned into his mouth and he thrust his hips against
me hard and meaningfully.
The car sprung to life.
The ear splitting siren of the alarm echoed through the parking lot
as the lights flashed wildly. Startled, I clung to Jared as he
fumbled frantically in his pockets for his keys before realizing I
had them still clutched in my hand. Taking them from me he hit the
button and the car was instantly silenced once more. Our moment of
passion had been well and truly interrupted and I couldn’t help but
laugh at the whole thing. Releasing my grip on him I lowered my
feet to the ground, readjusted my bra and laughed heartily. Jared
ran his fingers through his damp brown hair and grinned back at me.
“Well. That was eventful. Let’s say you and I get out of here and
go somewhere a little warmer and a little less public? Besides I
don’t want you getting cold feet.” Giving me a playful wink he
scooped me into his arms, opened the passenger door and placed me
gently on the seat.

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