Bound Together (42 page)

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Authors: Marie Coulson

BOOK: Bound Together
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Tapping the mic, I stood
anxiously and stared into the sea of faces currently fixed on me.
Finally I saw Jared and my whole body relaxed. Smiling, I
introduced us. “Hi everyone, I’m Layla and these guys are D.O.A.
Now usually Ollie would be the one standing where I am but since
it’s his birthday I promised one performance. So this song is one
of my favorites and tonight it goes out to a very special man in my
life. Gazing down at Jared I smiled as Nick began drumming the
intro to “This Kiss” by Faith Hill.
Grasping the mic stand I
sang my heart out. I wasn’t singing for Ollie. I wasn’t singing for
the crowd. I was singing for Jared and as our eyes locked on each
other, the whole room seemed to fade away until all that was left
was him and me. His smile was bigger than I’d ever seen it and his
eyes glistened and sparkled as he watched me. I thought my heart
would explode with the happiness that was flowing like a tsunami
inside me. Butterflies swirled like a tornado and the adrenaline
that pumped through my veins made me feel like I could conquer the
world. Amy’s voice alongside mine sounded as though we were made to
sing together and the cheers from the crowd as we finished were
deafening. Wrapping me in a tight hug, Amy whispered in my ear.
“I’d say operation serenade was a success. He definitely knows how
you feel now.” I hugged her back as Ollie wrapped his arms around
us both in a group hug. Kissing each of us on the head he grinned.
“You guys were awesome, you totally rock!” Holding his hand up, we
each gave him a high five. Turning my attention back to the
dispersing crowd, I spotted Jared at the edge of the stage. Holding
his arms out to me, he lifted me down and twirled me around,
kissing me deeply and with loving tenderness. “You were amazing. I
loved it. I love you.” I blushed shamelessly, still grinning from
my performance. Through his eyes I felt like a real star.
And the Grammy goes too…

* * *

As the drinks flowed, the
tension between Jared and Ollie softened a little but I was more
than aware that this was a temporary truce for my benefit and once
the night was over, things would return to the way they were and I
would once again be stuck between a rock star and a hard, hot sex
god. Jared was my constant companion all night and I could hardly
breathe without him scrutinizing my actions. Even going to the
bathroom became a group activity with Amy and me using the ladies
room while he stood vigilant outside the door; though in her
current inebriated state, I was glad to have someone there to hold
her up for me if needed.

What ish hisss problem?
Does he think you’re going to be abducted from the stall or
something? Jeesh Layla. And have you seen the way he and Ollie keep
giving each other daggers across the table when they think no one
is looking. Gives me the creeps. You’re living dangerously tonight
girl.” Shaking my head at her slurring and washing my hands, I gave
her a puzzled look. I’d thought things were going well, at least
for now anyway.
Emerging from the
bathroom, I gave Jared an exasperated look and swiftly breezed past
him back to the booth. I felt like a child with a babysitter who
was making sure I didn’t stay up too late or eat too much junk
food. Giving Ollie a gentle nudge and encouraging him to make some
space, I slid in next to him. Jared glared at me as he took the
seat directly opposite. Gripping his glass of bourbon tightly he
downed it and slammed it back onto the table. Ollie gazed down at
me and gave me a quizzical look. I shook my head and aimed a
half-hearted smile at him and murmured, “Not now.” Draping his arm
around my shoulder and giving me a peck on the cheek he grinned and
whispered into my ear. “Bit uptight isn’t he? Feel threatened does
he?” Glancing at Jared I could see the fire flickering in his eyes.
He was livid. Standing quickly he shook his head at me slowly in
warning and stalked over to the bar.
I glowered at Ollie.
Removing his arm from my shoulder, I shoved him, pissed at his
stunt. “Why do you have to push his buttons Ollie? This was meant
to be a nice evening where the two of you could be civil and at
least pretend to get along. What happened to doing this for

He doesn’t deserve you
Layla. You deserve better. I mean Christ, the guy follows you to
the fucking bathroom like he’s your mother or something.” Scooting
out of my seat I picked up my glass and emptied it into his
He hissed and growled at
me. “What the fuck Layla!?”
Fisting my hands on my
hips I gave him a furious stare. “No, Ollie. You think I
. Well
I’m sorry, but I’ve made my choice and you’re going to have to
accept it. Now I have to go do damage control.”
Turning on my heel, I
walked over to Jared who was leaning his elbows on the bar and
swirling a drink in his hand. Placing a hand on his shoulder I
stood at his side and gently took the drink from his grasp, placing
it back on the bar. He stared ahead avoiding my gaze. “He’s trying
my patience Layla. I don’t know how much more I can take. I’m this
fucking close to ramming my fist into his mouth and tearing out his
vocal chords. I’d like to see him whisper in your ear
Rubbing my hands over my
face I took a deep breath. “You know what, I can’t excuse what he
did and I’ve dealt with it. He knows he was out of line and I’ve
made it clear that I will not let him do that a second time
break his damn fingers myself. I’m yours. He can put his arm
around me, whisper in my ear and even kiss my cheek but in the end
I climb
into bed with.
have my heart Jared, completely and totally. Don’t punish me
for this. It’s not fair.”
Turning to face me, his
eyebrows furrowed together, marring his handsome face. Closing his
eyes tightly as though in pain, his shoulders sagged and he sighed
loudly. Opening them again, he stood up straight and gazed down at
me. The piercing blue in his eyes was hypnotic and I could have
easily lost myself in them for days. Taking my hand from his
shoulder, he held it in his own, dragging his thumb back and forth
over my knuckles. “I’m not punishing you baby. I’m just struggling
with this. He loves you Layla. It’s in his eyes when he looks at
you. Every time I turn around he’s gazing at you and I can see it.
I should know. It’s exactly how I feel every minute of every day.
He wants you and I’m terrified that one day you’re going to choose
him. I couldn’t take it Layla. I’m close to breaking point as it is
with that fucker pushing every button I have. He needs to get it
into his thick head that you’re mine and I won’t let you go without
a fight.”
Stepping closer to him I
cupped his face in my hands. “I will say this one last time Jared
and then I never want to talk about this ever again.
I love you
. I don’t care
if every man in this room is in love with me because
I love you
. I don’t want
anyone else. Ever. You’re my future now and there is no force on
earth that could change how I feel about us or keep me from you. I
will only ever want
for the rest of my life.”
Breathing hard, he
pressed his forehead against mine while still clasping my hands in
his. “I can’t help feeling possessive over you Layla. You’re the
most valuable thing in my life and I won’t share you with anyone,
ever. You’re everything to me. I’d kill for you. I’d give up
everything I own just to keep you. You’re my whole universe and I
couldn’t exist without you.”

You won’t ever have to.
I’m not going anywhere.” His arms enveloped me in a warm embrace as
he kissed me. Pulling me to him tightly, our kiss deepened and
lingered. The gentleness of his lips paired with the ferocious
lashings of his tongue in my mouth stirred my senses and a soft
moan escaped my lips.
A tap on my shoulder
pulled me from my ecstasy. Turning around I saw a very drunk Amy.
“Oh you two are soooo cute! Layla I’m starving can we go eat
somewhere?” She stumbled in her heels and Jared caught her in his
arms just before she crashed into a bar stool. “Whoa there girl. I
think maybe you
eat something, soak up that alcohol. I’ll walk you both back
to the dorm and we’ll find somewhere for Amy to get something deep
fried and greasy to eat on the way.” I nodded in agreement as I
hoisted her arm over my shoulder to hold her up. “Oh Layla, I love
you soooooo much. You’re my best friend. I’ve never had one
before.” Pressing her palm to my face she turned me towards her and
planted a big wet smacker on my lips. Jared immediately fell into
hysterics as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. “Not so
fast pretty boy. You need to hold onto the other side or she’s
going to fall over in these heels.” That stopped him laughing.
“You’re kidding right? What if she hurls?” I grinned back at him
“Well it’s that or haul her over your shoulder and carry her.”
Grabbing Amy’s other arm he groaned and we slowly made our way to
the exit.
Pushing our way outside,
we’d only gotten about two feet away from the door when Ollie
yelled behind us. “Hey, where you going?” He ran to catch up and
walked beside us as we practically dragged Amy along the sidewalk.
I caught sight of his wet pants and smiled to myself. The liquid
had seeped into his light denim jeans making them darken around his
crotch. Catching my line of sight Jared sniggered at him. “Huh, get
a little over excited in there did we?”
Glancing at Jared, Ollie
shrugged. “No, some bitches just can’t hold their drinks.
Literally.” I gave him a disapproving look in response to his
sarcasm. “Amy’s really drunk and she needs to soak up some of this
alcohol. We’re going to get some food then head back to the dorm.”
Grabbing Amy’s arm from around my neck and hoisting it over his
own, he eyed Jared coolly. “Seems pointless all of us going. Why
don’t you let me help and then he can head home. I can take care of
them dude.”
Jared’s feet came to an
abrupt halt and he glared at Ollie. “Two things. One, I am not your
dude and two, there is no chance in hell I am leaving Layla alone
with you and her drunk friend.” Ollie stifled a laugh. “Well she’s
going to be alone with me eventually bro. We’re in the same class,
she lives across the hall and were also friends. These girls are
perfectly safe with me. I’d never let anything happen to them.” He
winked at me playfully and I took in a sharp breath as Jared’s free
hand clenched into a fist tightly beside him. He was trying
devastatingly hard to restrain his anger
his temper. I was all too aware
how ugly things could get if Ollie didn’t back off soon. His jaw
tightened, Jared practically snarled at him. “It’s what you want to
do to
grinds my gears
” The way he said the word ‘bro’ gave me the distinct
impression that his feelings towards Ollie were as far from
brotherly as humanly possible. The look on his face was murderous
and if he could have willed it, Ollie would have suffered a fatal
heart attack right on the spot.

Let’s not pretend huh?
You want her and you hate me for getting her. Well hard fucking
luck because I am never giving her up, prick.” Ollie almost dropped
Amy as he made a step in Jared’s direction.
Frustrated, cold, hungry
and pissed off I couldn’t take it anymore. “Will you both just shut
up!? I really don’t have the patience for your bitching right now.
Either you both help me get her sober and into bed or you can both
go and Amy will be the only one alone with me!” Directing my anger
at Jared I could see I’d made my point. With a wounded look on his
face he looked like a child who’d just been told Santa wasn’t real
and my anger was suddenly disintegrating as I looked into his big,
blue eyes. Letting go of my irritated mood and putting him out of
his misery, I gave him a reassuring smile. He smiled back before
returning his attention to my beer crotch stained friend. Glaring
at one another and through gritted teeth they conceded, answering
simultaneously. “Fine.”
We walked in silence
along the street, searching for anywhere that was still serving
food. Since Ollie had taken Amy from me, he and Jared were now
holding her so well her feet barely touched the ground. Listening
to her singing a song only she seemed to know the lyrics to, I
laughed to myself at the scene I was currently taking part in. My
boyfriend on one side, the man who wants to steal me from him on
the other and my intoxicated roommate between them. It sounded like
a sketch from a sitcom but this was my reality. Spotting a Mexican
fast food shop across the street, Ollie yelled at me. “I think we
should find something there to feed her. To be honest, I don’t
think she’ll make it anywhere else before she’s asleep.” He was
right. Amy was well on her way to a booze induced ten hour coma.
Nodding in agreement, I crossed the street to the shop and got her
three of the greasiest burrito’s they served. Jared and Ollie had
sat Amy on a bench just outside and were propping her up when I
approached them.
Squatting in front of
her, I placed the food in her lap and watched as she devoured it
quickly. The guys’ expressions ranged from shock to pride as she
ate her way through all three in less than ten minutes. I could
smell the spicy chili peppers on her breath as she belched loudly.
Ollie and Jared found it highly hilarious but I’d simply rolled my
eyes and waited for them to heave her up again. I spent the rest of
the journey, just praying that she wouldn’t throw up on herself
something I did not want to be clearing up. “What the hell was she
drinking tonight Ollie? The only thing I saw her drink was beer.
She can’t have gotten this bad with just a few glasses of

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