Bound Together (50 page)

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Authors: Marie Coulson

BOOK: Bound Together
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Jared called up from the
bottom of the stairs and taking a deep breath I grabbed my purse,
walked out and stood at the very top of the staircase, looking down
at him. He was wearing dark denim jeans, a crisp white shirt and a
black jacket. He looked smoking hot. He stood frozen and his jaw
hit the floor
. Bam.
Layla Jennings once more renders her man speechless. Round
two to me…not that I was keeping count.
Carefully I made my way
down to him, smiling as his eyes followed me as I walked. I felt
like a model and the expression on his face told me I looked like
one too. Gazing at me, his eyes scanned my body from head to toe.
“Oh. Hell. No.”
I stared at him

Where are your clothes?
Tell me that’s your underwear.” I stifled a laugh and did a little
twirl. “You don’t like it?” He shook his head in amazement. “I love
it! As far as handkerchiefs go, it’s stunning! But honestly Layla,
I have the money and I would have happily bought you the whole
dress! Now if you could please find something to wear with that
belt I’d be very grateful. Because there is no way you are going to
that party like that young lady. That skirt is so indecently high.
One sneeze and every guy in the place will get a great view of your
behind followed by a fantastic view of my knuckles.”
I leaned forward and
pecked him on the cheek. Straightening the collar of his jacket, I
smiled at him sweetly. “Well I guess I should probably give the
whole going commando thing a second thought huh?”
Walking past him with a
satisfied grin on my face I headed for the door. Holding his hand
to his chest he gawked at me. “That’s just not funny. You’re
kidding right? Layla? Tell me you’re joking. Oh god, help
Turning the handle of the
door I glanced back at him and smiled playfully. “I guess you’ll
never know.” His eyes widened and I could see the mischief painted
all over his expression.
“The hell I
Sprinting across the
foyer he grabbed me around the waist and swept me off my feet.
Kicking and giggling I batted his hands away but he had me firmly
in his grasp. Carrying me into the dining room he sat me on the
glass table. I yelped as my ass touched the cool glass. Grinning,
he raised an eyebrow at me. “Sit there and stay still.”
Lowering himself onto the
floor he lay down and shuffled up so that he was now underneath the
glass, staring straight up. “Layla Jennings, you dirty little
tease!” I laughed hard, swinging my legs over the edge of the
table. Ok, so I was bluffing, but it was worth it just to see that
look on his face. Sliding out from beneath me, he stood abruptly
and gave me a mischievous smile. “That was not funny. I nearly had
a stroke thinking you were going out without panties on. Jeez.
You’ll pay for that you know.”
I pulled on his shirt,
forcing him to step forward towards me. His hands grasped my behind
as he lifted me to my feet once more. My heels meant I now stood
almost face to face with his six foot one frame. “I’m counting on
Kissing me passionately,
he smiled against my lips. “God, I really am the luckiest man
alive.” I smiled back at him and although I agreed with him, I was
also very aware that I was the luckiest woman alive as

* * *

Walking up to the bar I
grinned. The lights were up but the whole place was silent. If Amy
thought I wouldn’t guess there was a surprise party in there then
she should have made some sort of sound because the bar was never
quiet on a Saturday night. Glancing at Jared, I held his hand
tightly, lacing our fingers together. Pushing the door open in
front of me, he gave me a nod and I put on my best surprised face
as I stepped inside and the room erupted in applause and cheers.
Rushing in my direction were Mel and Amy. Jared darted out of the
way as the two of them draped their arms around my shoulders and
squeezed me tightly.


Oh my god guys! This is
amazing! Did you do all of this?” The entire bar was covered in
balloons, streamers and banners. Her eyes dancing, Amy

Wow, I’m speechless.
You’re both amazing. I love you!”

We couldn’t very well
let you have a quiet one. Now come and mingle. Everyone is here!”
Taking my hands they led me through the crowd. I turned back to
look at Jared who shrugged and pointed at the bar, signaling he was
going to get a drink. I nodded and turned my attention back to my
friends who were gushing about how much fun we were going to have
and everything they were planning for the evening. I’d been
arrested, fought with Jared and then spent two hours having mind
blowing, kinky sex that’d left me weak in the knees. I was already
exhausted and no doubt would be practically comatose by the end of
the night.
Approaching our usual
booth, I gasped and grinned as my eyes fell on my father and my
mother sitting together at my table. Getting to her feet my mother
rushed me with a warm hug. “Oh my baby girl. I have missed you so
much. Happy birthday my darling. Let me look at you.” Holding my
hands, she stood back and scanned me. “She’s beautiful Diane, just
like her mother.” With her slim figure, long sleek blonde hair and
dazzling blue eyes, my mother could easily have been Miss America.
But getting knocked up at eighteen, she chose books over looks and
went to nursing school. My father stood behind her and beamed at
me. Coming to my side he pressed a kiss to my temple. “She is
beautiful but she has your smile Andrew. Perfect and completely
disarming.” I looked at my mother, noting how positively radiant
she looked as she and my father complimented each other for making
a stunning child.
Pulling them both into a
tight hug, I struggled to hold back tears. “I thought you’d
forgotten me, I never heard from you both all day and when I called
there was no answer.” Looking at me with regret my mother gave me a
half smile. “Oh sweetie, I was working all morning then on a plane
to get here. Your very sweet young man had me flown from San
Francisco in his company plane. He offered to have a chauffeur pick
me up but your father insisted on doing it himself. By the time we
got back to the house we didn’t have much time to get ready before
we had to be here. But I would certainly never forget the day you
entered the world and our lives. It was the best day of my life.”
Looking up at him she gave my father a genuine Diane Jennings’
smile. He beamed back at her before turning his attention to me.
“Seven grueling hours of labor waiting for you to get here, I could
never forget.” I beamed and hugged them again.
Reaching underneath the
table beside him, my father produced an envelope. “This is from
your mother and me.”
Giving them a curious
look I opened it and shrieked as in my hand I held a gift
certificate for an entire day of pampering at my favorite San
Francisco spa. “Oh my goodness! You guys! I love it!”
Hugging them both
tightly, I grinned. My mother chuckled in my ear. “I figured that
when you come for winter break we’ll go and spend the whole day
being massaged, polished and preened.” I grinned at them both. “Oh
I love you so much. I’m so happy you’re here.” Sliding into the
booth we talked about everything. Mom told me all about her new
position at work and dad was working on a new project at the garage
where he and the guys were building a hot rod from the bottom up.
He spoke with such enthusiasm and it made me happy that he’d found
something to occupy his time, now that I was no longer living
Approaching the table,
Jared cleared his throat. Sliding out of the booth, I took his hand
and introduced him to my parents. Shaking their hands, Jared gave
them the full on Garrett charm and instantly won them over. My
mother blushed and batted her eyelashes as he complimented her,
saying how he could see where I got my striking good looks and he
and my father shared the same love of cars. My father nearly
spilled the beer Jared had bought him when he heard about Jared’s
Jag. “You’ll have to take her for a spin sometime Mr. Jennings.” My
mother placed her hand gently over Jared’s and smiled. “Please,
call us Andrew and Diane. We’d like that.” Smiling back at them he
nodded and draped his arm around me.
Amy and Mel soon joined
us and drinks were flowing as people talked and laughed amongst
themselves. Leaving them I worked the room, stopping to talk with
people from my classes. Kate had gotten the evening off to come to
the party and spotting her I made my way over, grinning like a
maniac. Beaming, she hugged me. “Hey girl. Happy birthday. Wow,
nice frosting.” Holding my hand she whistled at my ring. I grinned.
“Thanks, Jared bought it for me. He also got me this pendant. He
wears a matching one too.”
She nodded in approval.
“How do you do it Layla? He’s completely besotted. I envy you. How
do I find a guy like that?” Pretending to frown, she winked at me
before nodding at something behind me and walking away.
A strong pair of arms
wrapped around my waist and the fruity smell of guitar wax and
scent of his sweet cologne made me fully aware of the owner of the
arms currently adorning my midriff. “Happy Birthday superstar.” His
lip ring grazed my ear and I smiled as he breathed against my skin.
Turning around I gave him a warm hug. “Thanks Ollie. So you’re the
entertainment tonight huh?”

Yep, me and guys are
playing a set I designed just for you. But anyways, here.” Handing
me a small bag, he smiled and a slight pink tint appeared on his
cheeks. Opening the bag I smiled and giggled at him.

Wow, a blindfold. Should
I even ask?”
Taking it from me he
placed it around my head and over my eyes. “I figured you could use
it next time we went to the movies. I know how you enjoy horror
Laughing, I took it off
and shoved it in his hand. “Very funny. I wasn’t scared I’m just
easily startled that’s all.”
Laughing hard, he draped
an arm around my shoulders. “So I hear you got yourself arrested
today. That’s one way to celebrate I guess.”
I shoved him a little and
laughed. “It was not funny at the time, but now, I guess it’s a
little amusing. It would have to be me though that ends up cat
fighting and getting handcuffed.”
He ran his hand through
his hair and smiled wickedly. “Wow, girl on girl and handcuffs. Why
couldn’t you have got me that for
I gave him a gentle swat
on the arm and shook my head laughing. What a douche.
“I have got you something else, not just the mask
but you’ll have to wait for it.”
I eyed him curiously but
tapping his nose lightly with his finger, he indicated that it was
clearly a secret and winked before making his way to the stage to
set up.
As I slid back into my
seat, Jared raised an eyebrow at me. Leaning to his ear I reassured
him, “He was just wishing me a happy birthday before they play my
birthday set. Ollie said he designed it specifically for
Taking a sip of his drink
he murmured just loud enough for me to hear. “I bet he did.”
Here we go again
Spotting Amy and Mel at
the bar, I made my excuses and joined them. Mel smiled warmly at
me. “Hey baby girl, having fun?” I rolled my eyes and she and Amy
leaned in as I explained Ollie’s greeting and Jared’s reaction. Amy
shrugged. “Oh let them just get on with it. It’s your night and no
one is going to ruin it.” Raising her glass, Mel agreed. “Here,
here. Now get this down your throat.” She handed me a cocktail
glass full of something pink with a wedge of lemon on the rim. I
shrugged and lifted it to my lips. “Bottoms up!” A hand quickly
snatched the sweet smelling liquid from me.

Yeah I don’t think so
miss overenthusiastic and underage.” Giving me a stern look, Jared
held my glass hostage in his hand. “Oh Jared don’t be such a
spoilsport. It is her birthday after all.” Amy was never going to
win this argument.

I could always tell the
bartender how old you ladies are and really spoil everyone’s fun if
you like.”
Pouting, Amy quickly shut
her mouth. It was the first time I’d seen her speechless and it
made me laugh. Jared joined us and began talking to my friends
about everything from college to music and bands.
The talk of music made me
wonder where Ollie had gotten to and as I scanned the bar I spotted
him animatedly talking to Kate. She was beaming at him and running
her fingers through her hair. Was he seriously flirting with her? I
liked Kate but I’d never imagined she was Ollie’s type. I watched
them, scrutinizing every laugh, facial expression and as Kate
reached out to touch his tattoo I gasped. “No.” The word flew out
of my mouth and I hadn’t even noticed it. I held my hand to my lips
as three sets of eyes stared at me. Jared, Amy and Mel instantly
turned to see what I’d been looking at but in a quick and swift
movement I recovered. “Oh, no wait its ok. I thought I’d forgotten
my purse but I realized it’s at the booth.” Mel gave me a

Continuing their
conversation, the girls turned away from me but Jared was clearly
not so convinced. Spotting Ollie, his fists clenched at his sides
and he glared at me. Why was I staring at them? Why did I care? I
couldn’t understand it at all. Ollie wasn’t my property. He could
flirt, touch and talk to whoever he wanted. So then why did I have
a sudden urge to walk over and step between my two

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