Breaching His Defenses (Love Hack #1) (17 page)

BOOK: Breaching His Defenses (Love Hack #1)
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Chapter Twenty-One

Jared tossed his laptop on the hotel bed. It sank into the smooth comforter, wrinkling the only order in the room. He dropped onto the mattress next to it, gaze drifting around what had been his temporary home. Memories seemed to leak from every corner, hiding in the shadows, taunting and urging him to remember. But he couldn’t.

Living the last few days had already created too much of a mess. Clothes draped on chairs, nothing on hangers or in the “dry clean back home” side of his garment bag. He hadn’t even stuck to his morning run. On the surface it wasn’t a wreck. However, he knew how it normally looked, though, and it was all out of place. He wanted to be bothered by the disarray, but he was more bothered that most of him didn’t feel it was significant. At least not on this scale.

Jesus, could he be more melodramatic? He’d dealt with this before. He knew how to move on. The idea was so overwhelmingly unappealing it almost made him retch. He only wanted one thing right now, and she wasn’t here.

No, he couldn’t do this. He wouldn’t linger on her face, her laughter, her gorgeous body and the way it fit perfectly against him, the way her brain whirled so fast it was a rush to keep up. He wasn’t going to think about any of those things.

He forced himself to stand. A semblance of order would help him compartmentalize his thoughts. He moved his misplaced clothes into their proper places. He plucked a shirt off the top of his garment bag, and his chest almost collapsed on itself. A teddy bear stared back, black eyes blank and accusing, taunting him in nothing but an apron and a beret. He grabbed the bear to fling it across the room, and a pair of black, lace panties tore loose from its arm and drifted to the ground.

Mikki was everything that could destroy him. She’d almost done it once. She was flighty, impulsive, and prone to do things like hack the competition’s network just because she could. He tugged the apron down on the bear and set it back on top of his luggage. He knew all those things at his core. So why did it feel like he was being ripped apart at the thought of never seeing her again?

Suddenly the air around him felt too heavy. He needed to get out of there. Being alone with his thoughts was going to crush him. He’d text Vivian and see if she wanted to do anything while they waited on Tate.

And listen to them lecture me some more. Fuck that.
He’d surround himself with strangers instead. See if he could live their emotions through osmosis, or some stupid bullshit, instead of having to deal with the parts of him whispering she’d suffered through this as much as he had.

He showered as quickly as he could, hating the way the beat of the water drew his own thoughts back to the surface. He pulled on slacks, a shirt, and a suit jacket, and headed toward the elevators. When he reached the lobby, he couldn’t find enough concentration to even figure out where he was going. Breakfast was a good start. Somewhere with lots of people. Loud people.

As he let his gaze drift around the lobby, deja vu coursed through him. Had it really been less than four days since he first saw the distracted woman wandering across the lobby, oblivious to the world?

Great, now his imagination was taunting him. No. He narrowed his gaze. It was really her heading toward the business center. Time for breakfast. But he couldn’t convince his feet to move in the other direction. She was only inside for a few moments before she emerged again. Her gaze stayed on the ground as she headed toward the front door, duffel bag and laptop slung over her shoulder, trailing a rolling suitcase behind her.

Let her leave. The two of us are done.
Fuck it, he was an ass sometimes. His feet were carrying him toward the exits before the automated door finished swinging shut behind her. She was halfway to the cab line. This mental argument was stupid. He’d admitted yesterday he was wanted to work through things with her. Nothing had changed except more of the truth was in the open now. Things that hadn’t been her fault any more than his. He forced himself to speak. “Mikki.”

A doorman had a taxi at the curb, waiting for her. “Miss?”

She didn’t turn to face Jared, but she didn’t move toward the waiting car, either.

She couldn’t leave. The single thought pushed aside all of Jared’s hurt and confusion. He needed her. Everything Tate had said was true. Vivian was right. Logic be damned, he was going to be miserable without this woman, and she’d been as betrayed as he had. “Please?”

The seconds ticked away in slow motion. She finally shook her head at the doorman and stepped aside so the next person in line could have the waiting ride.

She turned to face Jared, jaw set and eyes hard.

He forced the words out. “Hear me out.”

She shrugged her bags off her shoulder, let them drop in a controlled fall, and grasped the straps in her hand. She bumped her laptop with her leg each time her foot bounced. “There’s not really anything left to cover. I told you everything I know.”

It took him a moment to process the words. She meant about the security holes. He shook his head. “I know. And I’m grateful. So much more than I could ever say. But I meant about us. Can we go somewhere? I’ll buy you coffee, or breakfast, or a day pass at Adventure Land. Just hear me out?”

“I have a flight to catch.”

He deserved the brush-off. He closed the distance between them, but suppressed the urge to kiss her until neither of them could breathe. “Give me five minutes. You should still be able to catch your plane.”

She crossed her arms, gaze locked on him, lips drawn into a thin line. And then her chin quivered. She swallowed, took a deep breath. “I have a little time.”

Fuck, now what was he supposed to say? Every thought assaulted him at once, forcing his mouth open before he could process. “I need—”

Her “I can’t—” overlapped him.

He choked back the words. “You go first.”

She caught her bottom lip between her teeth, and her brow furrowed. The cold mask slipped away, and worry fell in to take its place. “I’m so sorry. I really am. If I had to do it all again, the whole hacking thing, the jobs, all of it, I’d do it differently. Except maybe you. Do you have any idea how much it hurts to realize that? How selfish it feels? To admit I’d still suffer through never seeing you again just so I’d have the memories?” She shook her head. “But that’s the awesome thing about hindsight, right? It never happens before the fact.”

He knew exactly how she felt, but he didn’t dare interrupt. A sharp silence settled between them.

She stared at him. “That was it. I’m done.”

He measured his words. “Thank you for everything you did last night. You saved us, and I don’t have any idea how hard it must have been to track us down just to help.”

She tugged her bags back onto her shoulder, eyes glistening. “Yeah, of course. Is that all?”

Maybe it was time to take a page from her book and stop overthinking everything. “No, it’s not. It’s not even close to everything.” He didn’t pause to consider the words as they spilled out. He let whatever came to mind have its day. “I know it’s only been a few days. I know because I won’t stop reminding myself. Years of cutting myself off from anyone and everyone except my closest friends, and you come along and bam, I’m hooked. I can’t stop thinking about you. Not just how sexy you are, but the way you make me think, the fun we have together, that you challenge everything I believe.”

He reached for her, relief flooding him when she didn’t pull away, and traced a finger along her jaw. Apparently his brain wasn’t done talking. “I’m falling for you, hard and fast and uncontrollably. I don’t want you to walk away. I can’t think of anything I want more right at this moment than to keep you in my life. Somehow.”

She ducked her head, staring at the ground for a moment before meeting his gaze again. A tiny smile threatened her face. “That makes it easier.”

His eyebrows rose. “Oh?”

“Telling you I’m falling for you is a lot easier than hoping the pint of ice cream calling my name can make me forget.”

A laugh of relief rushed through his lungs. “It depends on what flavor it was.”

She shrugged. “Whatever was on sale.” She dropped her bags to the ground again, nudged them aside so they no longer rested between them, and stepped forward. Rising on her toes, she brushed her lips over his before pulling away again. “But I like losing myself in you better.”

“You know that was really corny, right?” he teased.

She stuck her tongue out at him. “Because a heartfelt confession of love right before I fly into the sunset is so original.”

He tunneled his hands into her short locks and tugged her close. His lips crushed hers, and everything negative evaporated. She kissed him back, hard and hungry, and caught his bottom lip between her teeth as she broke away. She flashed him the mischievous smirk that made his blood run hot. “Maybe there’s a reason it’s all so cliché.”

“Give me a day.” He traced his hand down her arm, then tangled his fingers with hers. “I’ll get you a flight out tomorrow. At least we’ll have twenty-four hours to figure out what happens next.”

“I already checked out.” She nodded at her luggage.

He waved a busboy to them, slipped him a twenty, nodded at her bags and gave him his room number. “But wait a couple of hours,” he told the busboy.

She pressed closer, body molding into Jared’s, still gripping his hand tight. “I’m not going back to your room. You promised me breakfast.”

He kissed her again, head swimming from the euphoria flooding his veins. “We’ll order in.” He moved his mouth to her ear and traced the lines with his tongue before whispering, “We have a problem we need to work through first.”

Her brow creased, and concern leaked into her voice. “Oh?”

He nipped her earlobe, and then trailed his mouth down her neck. Her gasp filled his head with helium. He traced a line back up her throat and kissed her on the nose. “You’re wearing too many clothes.”

She shifted her weight, and her entire frame rubbed against him. “I can’t argue with logic like that.”

He slid his hand into her back pocket and steered her toward the hotel. It felt right when she leaned into him with a contented sigh. He didn’t register anything except her warmth, and the faint citrus he associated with her, on the short path to the elevator.

A tiny wave of disappointment crashed over him when the car was packed. She slid in front of him as it rose. The shift of her body was almost imperceptible, but he was suddenly intensely aware of her ass pressing into him, grinding just enough to tease him but not enough for anyone to see her moving. His pulse kicked up another notch.

The moment the doors slid open on his floor, he nudged her out, and his hands slid to her waist, under the hem of her T-shirt. He dipped his head, voice low as he guided her toward his room. “You’re horrible.”

She broke away and turned, her grin spreading as she studied him, gaze lingering on his crotch. “I thought your slacks were looser. Oops.”

Fuck, she had him wandering the halls like a teenager who couldn’t control a hard-on, and all he could do was smirk like an idiot in response. It seemed like an eternity before they finally reached his room. He fumbled with the lock before finally getting the door open and pushing her inside.

She squealed when he backed her against the bed. She fell back with a laugh, sitting on the edge and staring up at him. Eyes never leaving his, she traced the bulge below his waist. His cock threatened to burst from the teasing contact and strained to get closer to her touch.

“I don’t think I’m the only one wearing too many clothes.”

She unbuckled his belt and slid down his zipper. He clenched his toes inside his shoes. She wrapped her warm fingers around his shaft and freed it from its prison, and a low groan tore from his chest when.

He almost came at the sensation of her lips wrapped around him. The smooth ball in her tongue glided along his length, teasing him further. She looked up at him, lips circling his shaft, tongue wet and warm on his skin. She caressed his sac. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back. Her other hand pumped him in rhythm with her sucking. His balls tightened, and he almost squirmed in agony when he forced himself to break away.

She looked at him, hurt dancing in her eyes.

“You’re going to make me come,” he managed.

Her playful expression returned. “That’s the point.”

Yeah, it really was. He hated himself for stopping her, but he knew it was going to be worth it. “Not yet.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

The hunger in Jared’s voice stole Mikki’s breath.

Part of her still struggled to believe this was actually happening, but the rest of her had locked the doubt aside and was diving in headfirst. He kneeled in front of her, studying her for a moment, before he lowered his mouth to the hollow at the base of her throat. He trailed his tongue along her collarbone and up her neck.

While his mouth worked the soft skin along her shoulder, one hand glided under her shirt and up her back. Seconds later, the clasp on her bra snapped free, and the restraint tumbled loose. He tugged the undergarment and her shirt over her head, and cupped her breasts in both hands. She gasped and squirmed, the dampness between her legs growing when he lowered his head and drew a nipple into his mouth.

She leaned her weight back on her wrists, arching her back to get closer to his touch. Her sex ached, wet with need, as he relentlessly nibbled, alternating between the twin nubs on her chest.

He nudged her shoulders, and she fell back onto the mattress without protest. When his lips trailed down her stomach, she lifted her hips off the bed out of instinct. The smooth fabric of the comforter caressed her bare back. Each new texture on a different bit of sensitive skin melted together, making her head swim. He traced a single finger under her waistband, half tickling, and half taunting before finally undoing her jeans. He slid the remainder of her clothes to the ground.

She struggled for breath as the air kissed her bare skin. “How is it,” she managed to say, “regardless of my attempts at the contrary—” she moaned when his lips brushed the edge of her calf, “—I’m always the one naked first.”

He kissed the edge of her knee. She felt more than heard his response, as his lips vibrated over her skin. “You’re complaining?”

His mouth reached the inside of her thigh, and want spread between her legs. Her muscles clenched in anticipation. She managed a breathy “No.”

His tongue trailed along her skin and along her lower lips. “Good.” The single word carried on a deep growl, drilling into her thoughts.

She gasped and tangled her fingers in his hair when he dove between her folds. She couldn’t find any intelligible words any more. When his mouth wrapped around her clit, a new spike of pleasure jolted through her. She squeezed her eyes shut, and stars danced behind the lids. “Oh, fuck.”

“Soon enough.” His words bounced against her swollen sex. “Jesus, you taste amazing.”

He licked and sucked, and she held him close as she drew toward the edge of climax. Just as she was about to peak, he shoved two fingers inside her. Her entire body reacted, her back arching, driving her into his touch. He pumped, fingers hooked up to hit just the right spot, never letting up anywhere, until a shudder raked her frame and she climaxed.

She pulled away from his touch, every inch of her hyper-sensitive. Slowly she opened her eyes. Her nerve endings felt raw and aware. The caress of the air conditioner, the gentle brush of his lips on her skin, the satin-like fabric on her back, it all danced in and out of her awareness.

She struggled to catch her breath, unable to turn her head or pull her gaze from the ceiling. Seconds later, the mattress next to her shifted, and his bare flesh pressed against her side, cock digging into her hip.

He appeared above her, propped up on one elbow, and brushed a loose strand of hair off her face. “Now, we can do it your way.” The gravel in his voice sparked her desire.

The scent she loved—rain and faint cologne—filled her head. She tilted her head up to kiss him. Her tongue dove into his mouth, the salty, bitter taste of her on his lips. She raised her hands to his shoulders and in a single gesture shoved him onto his back and straddled him. “You don’t give up control very often, do you?”

His gaze lingered on her naked form, searing her skin. He shook his head. “Not really.”

She hovered above him. His skin was hot between her knees, and if she lowered herself just an inch or two, the swollen head between her legs would nudge her opening. “I can live with that.” She rested her hands on either side of his head, leaned forward, and kissed him lightly before saying, “Most of the time.”

His hands found her hips, thumbs digging in and lighting her desire. As she straightened, he thrust up. She moaned and sank onto his shaft. He tried to set the pace, hard and fast, but she rocked slowly instead. His groans rolled through the room, echoing in her chest.

One of his hands trailed down her leg and along the inside of her thigh. She whimpered when his thumb pressed into her still-tender clit. She didn’t know if she should pull away or let him keep going. His hips slammed into her, and she didn’t resist the increased tempo this time. Each time he thrust, he bumped her aching sex as well, and she felt another orgasm build inside. She gasped as she came, and he didn’t let up, still pounding furiously. Her head swam, and every inch of her body sang with pleasure.

A long series of punctuated grunts rose from his chest, and she knew he was close. He gripped her hips tight as he came, the frantic pace slowly fading off into nothing.

She leaned forward, head resting on his chest. His heart hammered against her cheek as she struggled to catch her breath. Comfort enveloped her when he rested his palms on her back, holding her in place. They lay there for a few moments, until she thought she might be able to speak again. She rolled to one side and curled up next to him instead, head on his shoulder and hand on his chest.

“You still want breakfast?” His question was quiet even in the still room.

She shook her head, her vocal cords feeling as wobbly as her legs. “I think something else filled me up.”

He chuckled and tugged her closer. “So what are you doing instead of eating?”




“Falling asleep on my boyfriend. I don’t know if you know this, but I didn’t sleep much last night, and screwing you takes a lot of energy.” Mikki’s words were warm and soothing against Jared’s skin.

He was intimately and pleasantly familiar with it. Boyfriend, he liked the sound of that. “Sounds like a solid plan. And now you don’t have to sneak out in an hour or two before anyone knows you’re missing.”

She stiffened in his arms.

He shouldn’t have brought up her lack of job. Even if he respected her completely for the decision, she didn’t need to deal with the stress of being unemployed right now. “I can help, you know. I have contacts.”

“How would that look?” There was no bitterness in her voice. Only calm. “For me to use the guy I’m fucking for a reference.”

He knew she didn’t mean the words harshly, but they still stung. “Is that all I am?”

“Definitely not.” She kissed along his side before leaning into him again. “But you know what I’m saying.”

He hated it, but he did. “Your skills speak for themselves. You’ll be fine, regardless of whatever threats were hurled when you resigned.”

“I guess.”

He ached to erase the hesitation in her voice, but he didn’t know how. “I’m here in whatever capacity you need, I promise. Even if it’s just to ravage you so you forget your troubles for a few hours.”

That drew a laugh. She sat up and turned so she was facing him. The sheets fell away, and he couldn’t help but let his gaze trace her breasts and waist.

She looked down, and then back at him, mouth twisted in amusement. She tilted off the bed for a second and came back up with something in her hand. She tugged her T-shirt on. “Now are you listening?”

She was too much fun. He nodded. “I was listening before.”

“Right.” Her pursed lips faded into a smile. “Since we already ruined the pillow talk, I need to know something. About the future.”

He pushed himself upright. “You’re talking about making plans?”

She ducked her head, suddenly intently focused on the stark white of the comforter. “No. I mean, yes, but it doesn’t have to be concrete or anything, just kind of a loose idea, and—”

“Stop.” He placed a finger under her chin and raised her face so he could look her in the eye. “I’m teasing. Tell me.”

She let out a tiny sigh, and the corners of her eyes tugged down, marring her smile. “We live several states apart. All this talk about lov—falling for each other, and still seeing each other, the details don’t quite add up. I mean, okay, so I’m a bit transient, especially if I don’t find a new job before my rent’s due again, but you’re a busy guy. You’re not going to have time to drop by whenever, and I can’t afford to travel like that.”

He wrapped his fingers around hers. He hated to admit, he hadn’t thought that far. All of his focus had been on not losing her now. “I’ll make time. And you
find a new job. If you’re interested in Atlanta…there are a lot of good companies out there.” He didn’t even know what he was trying to say. Something was stuck in the back of his head, but he couldn’t reach it. “I’ll visit on weekends until we can make it work. I promise. Okay?”

She nodded, but creases still lined her forehead. “Okay.”

He pulled her back toward him and lay down again, tugging her back to his chest. He wrapped an arm around her stomach. “You’ve been running full throttle all week. Get some sleep. When you’re rested, you’ll be able to think better.”

She nodded and pressed back into him. He held her tight until her breathing grew steady. The sound lulled away his tension and dragged his eyelids shut. They’d both think clearer once they’d slept.




A familiar chime echoed through Jared’s thoughts, jarring him into consciousness. The first thing he registered was the warm weight in his arms and her mumbles of protest.

He kissed her cheek as he sat up. “Phone. Go back to sleep.”

He could get used to this. Waking up next to her. Fuck, who was he kidding? He was already used to it. What was he going to do when she was gone tomorrow?

The clock on the nightstand said it was three, and the light peeking through the curtains confirmed yes, they’d slept into the afternoon.

He grabbed his phone and swiped

“You still pissy and vengeful?” Tate asked.

“Uh…” Jared had to fumble through his memories to figure out what the question was linked to. That morning, arguing in Tate’s room, seemed like an eternity ago. His entire world had shifted since then, and his friends had no idea. “No, I’m so much better you wouldn’t believe it.”

“Right.” Hesitation dragged out Tate’s reply. “Or you started drinking early and without us.”

Jared laughed. The sensation felt natural and light drifting from his chest. “No. I’m actually good. What’s up?”

“V says you’re ignoring her. We doing something or not? Dinner? Cards? Celebrate not losing our shirts last night?”

Or celebrate losing them this morning. He glanced at Mikki. She had rolled onto her back and was watching him, eyes half open, full lips twisted in unspoken question.

He dragged his attention back to the phone conversation. “Yeah, dinner. We need to talk. Give me two hours. I’ll meet you in the lobby.”

“Two? Because you need to blow dry your stunning locks? Fine, but you text V, so she stops bugging me.”

Jared said his goodbyes and sent Viv a quick message, assuring her he’d just been asleep and repeating the two hour time frame. He set the phone aside and focused all his attention on the woman now sitting next across from him.

“You’re okay with dinner, right?” Maybe he should have asked her first.

“With your friends?” Her expression had gone flat.


She grinned. “Duh? Tate’s kind of cute, have you ever noticed that?”

“No, I hadn’t. And those rumors about college and experimentation aren’t true.”

“Too bad.” She gave him an exaggerated pout. “I’d love to hear the stories. Why do we need the extra time?”

He shifted his weight and crawled toward her. He traced his lips up the side of her neck, inhaling her intoxicating scent. “I want to get to know you a little more first. Or a lot more. If I have to put you on a plane tomorrow, I want to learn as much as possible about you tonight.”

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