Bread Matters (40 page)

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Authors: Andrew Whitley

BOOK: Bread Matters
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loaf volume, 82
milling, 22
mineral content, 39
oat bran, 86
brazil nuts: fruit and nut leaven bread, 188-90
rice, brazil nut and linseed bread, 317-20
bread: consumption in Britain, 3
freshness, 28-9, 331-6
proportion in diet, 34
reviving old bread, 335-6
stale bread, 331-2
symbolism, 46
uses for old bread, 336-49
bread: consumption—
see also
breadmaking; dough;
industrial bread; sourdough
bread and butter pudding, 336—7
breadcrumbs, 340-1
breadmaking: bread machines, 55, 56-7, 83
cutting top surface, 120
fats and oils, 96—8
gluten-free baking, 295—328
illogical instructions, 101-3
ingredients, 73—98
malt, 94-5
measures, 65-72
preliminary yeasted doughs, 123-7
salt, 95-6
stages of, 103—23
sugar, 93—4
time, 54-5
tools and equipment, 57—65
volume, 82
water, 88-9, 229-30
yeast, 89-93
brewer’s yeast, 93
brick ovens, 64, 147, 240-1
brioche, 235-40
British Baking Industries Research Association, 7
British wheat, 80-1, 82
Broon Geordie, 188
Brostoff, Jonathan, 4
brown bread ice cream, 345—7
‘brown’ flour, 22, 76, 77
bruschetta, aubergine and red pepper, 337-9
buckwheat flour, 303—5
pizza bases, 322—3
bun loaf, 258-9
buns: hot cross buns, 121, 253, 255-8
sweet bun dough, 253—5
butter, 97
brioche, 235-40
enriched breads, 235
butyric acid, 333
cabbage, pirozhki, 274—6
cakes, gluten-free, 325—8
calcium: fortified flour, 25, 36, 37
milling methods and, 23
preliminary yeasted doughs, 125
calcium propionate, 11, 40
calzoni, 273, 276—7
Canadian wheat, 80, 81
cancer: carcinogens, 11, 14, 27 and fortified foods, 36
Candida albicans,
5, 89
Candida milleri,
candied peel: kulich, 261—3
stollen, 265-7
caramelisation, 121, 336
caraway rye bread, 172—4
carbon dioxide, 25, 26, 38, 89
carcinogens, 11, 14, 27
Carême, Antonin, 344
carrots, trenchers, 278—80
cassava flour, 312
see individual types of cereal
chaffing, cob loaves, 116
challah, 259
Charlotte Russe, 344-5
cheese: aubergine and red pepper bruschetta, 337-9
calzoni, 276—7
cheese bread, 221-2
green salad with croûtons, 339-40
paskha, 263-4
toppings, 247
chestnut flour, 303—5
gluten-free pastry, 324-5
pizza bases, 322—3
potato and quinoa bread, 321—2
yeasted gluten-free bread, 315-16
chickpea flour
gram flour
chilli powder, crispbread, 244-6
chlorine, in water, 88—9
chlorine dioxide gas, 9
chocolate: luxury chocolate cake (gluten-free), 327-8
pain au chocolat, 281, 283, 285—6
Chorleywood Bread Process (CBP), 29, 53
bioavailability of minerals, 40
ingredients and additives, 7—19
kneading, 106
rising time, 27
yeast, 26
Christianity, 46
chromium, 23
chymosin, 14
ciabatta, 96
folding, 114-15
recipe, 230—3
shaping, 116
cloche method, baking bread, 249-50
cloths, proving, 61, 62
cob loaves, 116
cobalt, 23
Cobbett, William, 347, 356
cod, fishcakes, 342—4
coeliac disease, 4
and einkorn, 88
gluten-free bread, 295-328
lactic acid bacteria and, 41—3
and oats, 86
and organic yeast, 93
transglutaminase and, 12, 282, 297
colour: baking and, 121
problems, 136—7
Continental flour classification, 77-8
conversion tables, 69—72
copper, 23
coriander seeds, Borodinsky bread, 168-71
corn starch, 306
cornflour, 306-8
glazes, 249
pizza bases, 322-3
potato and quinoa bread, 321-2
yeasted gluten-free bread, 315-16
craft bakeries, 53
cream and honey glaze, 249
crispbread, 244-6
croissants, 273, 280-5, 287-8
Cromarty cob, 198-200
croûtons, green salad with, 339-40
crumbs, 340-1
brown bread ice cream, 345—7
Charlotte Russe, 344-5
fishcakes, 342-4
stuffing, 341-2
crumpets, 233-5
crust, 240-2
colour, 121, 136-7
crispbread, 244-6
cutting, 120
glazes and toppings, 246-50
malt flour and, 94
problems, 136-8, 171
proving dough, 118
reviving old bread, 335-6
salt and, 95
and steam, 121—2
storing bread, 334
stotties, 242-4
curd cheese, paskha, 263-4
currants, paskha, 263-4
cutting loaves, 120
Danish pastries, 280, 281, 288-91
dates, fruit and nut leaven bread, 188-90
David, Elizabeth, 1, 233, 285-6
Davidson, Silvija, 337, 342
dextrinogenic amylase, 94
diabetes, 40, 125
diacetylated tartaric acid esters, 10
diastatic malt, 94, 121, 333
digestive problems: fresh bread, 332
see also
coeliac disease
dipping loaves, 247
Dodd, William, 85
dough: all-rye breads, 163
baking, 120-3
extending fermentation time, 131-5
folding, 114-15
gauging development, 111—12
kneading, 106—12
knocking back, 114
mixing, 104-6
no-time dough, 130-1
pre-soaking, 105-6
preliminary yeasted doughs, 123-7
proving, 118—20
resting, 112
rising, 112—14
shaping, 115-17
sourdough, 155
temperature, 129—30
Dresden stollen, 265
durum wheat, 79, 87
dusting crust, 247
East Indies, 157
Easter: hot cross buns, 253, 255
kulich, 261-3
paskha, 263-4
Edlin, Abraham, 153, 157
eggs, 67
glazes, 248, 249
pirozhki, 274—6
einkorn, 20, 88
emmer, 20, 88
emulsifiers, 10—11, 14
endosperm, 22, 79
enriched breads, 121, 235-40
enzymes: allergens, 15, 16
bread machine mixes, 83
Chorleywood Bread Process, 11-18
and coeliac disease, 282, 297
fermentation, 25
keeping bread fresh, 332—3
laminated dough, 281-2
pre-soaking, 105-6
preliminary yeasted doughs, 125
yeast and, 89
equipment, 57—65
Espe Brown, Edward, 86
ethical issues, 16-17
Ethiopia, 88
Eucharist, 46
European festival breads, 259-70
European Union, 92
extraction rate, flour, 76-8
Fairley, Josephine, 271
farina dolce,
farine de sarrasin,
fats, 96-7
Chorleywood Bread Process, 9
enriched breads, 235-6
fractionated fats, 281
laminated dough, 280—93
pastries, 273
reducing staling, 333
‘feeding’ sourdough, 204-5
fennel seeds: arkatena bread, 193
semolina, raisin and fennel bannock, 224-6
ferment, 124, 125-6
fermentation, 25—6
coeliac disease and, 41—2
extending fermentation time, 131-5
kvas, 347-9
length of, 113-14
preliminary yeasted doughs, 124-5
sourdough, 39, 159-60
speeding up, 27
yeast, 89-90
fertilisers, 20, 44
festive breads, 253—70
basic festive bread dough, 260-1
European, 259-70
hot cross buns, 253, 255—8
kulich, 261-3
schiacciata di uva
(Tuscan harvest bread), 267—70
stollen, 265-7
fibre, 34, 37, 86, 125
figs (dried), fruit and nut leaven bread, 188-90
fishcakes, 342-4
flavour, 81-2, 95
flavoured breads, 211—26
Altamura (semolina) bread, 222-4
cheese bread, 221—2
mushroom and garlic bread, 219-20
olive and pumpkin seed bread, 218-19
semolina, raisin and fennel bannock, 224—6
flour: barley flour, 85-6
bread machine mixes, 83
changes to modern loaves, 19
Chorleywood Bread Process, 8
flour: barley flour –
cleaning hands with, 110—11
dusting crust, 247
extraction rate, 76-8
fats and, 97
flavour, 81-2
fortification, 24, 36
gluten, 299-300
gluten-free baking, 301-14
and kneading, 108
loaf volume, 82

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