Bread Matters (42 page)

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Authors: Andrew Whitley

BOOK: Bread Matters
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ciabatta, 230, 231
omega-3 essential fatty acids, 37
onions: calzoni, 276—7
pirozhki, 274—6
sun-dried tomato and red onion bread, 214-17
organic agriculture, 44-5
organic ingredients, 141
flour, 24, 44
yeast, 92-3
‘oven spring’, 121
ovens, 64—5
brick ovens, 64, 147, 240-1
steam in, 121-2
over-kneading, 112
overnight first rise, 132-3
overnight proving, 133
overnight sponge, 133—4
oxidase, 12
oxygen, and yeast fermentation, 89-90
pain au chocolat, 281, 283, 285-6
pain de campagne,
80, 115, 182—6, 229
pancakes, gluten-free, 322
panettone, 261
pantothenic acid, 23
parsley, simple shallot and parsley stuffing, 342
paskha, 263-4
pasta, 79
Pasteur, Louis, 25, 89
pastries, 271-93
calzoni, 273,
croissants, 280—5
Danish pastries, 280, 281, 288-91
lardy cake, 235, 292-3
marzipan wheels, 286—7
pain au chocolat, 281, 283, 285-6
pirozhki, 273, 274-6
trenchers, 273, 278-80
pastry, gluten-free, 324-5
pâte fermentée,
peels, 63—4
pentosans, 84
peppers: aubergine and red pepper bruschetta, 337-9
peptidase, 12
phospholipase, 12, 13
phosphorous, 23
phytic acid, 39, 125
pies, 273
pikelets, 233
pirozhki, 273, 274-6
pizza bases (gluten-free), 322—3
pizza stones, 64-5
plant propagators, proving dough, 119
Pliny, 195
Poilâne, Lionel, 51, 229
Poland, 38
polenta, 306
polythene bags, 58, 119, 334
poolish, 126
poppy seeds: crispbread, 244-6
toppings, 247
potassium, 23, 39
potassium bromate, 14
potassium chloride, 96
potato flour, 309-11
potato and quinoa bread, 321-2
potatoes, fishcakes, 342-4
pre-ferment, 125
pre-soaking, 105-6
preliminary yeasted doughs, 113, 123-7
preservatives, 11, 40, 95
prices, ‘standard loaves’, 5-7
problem-solving, 135—8, 171—2
processing aids, 14-17
production sourdough (leaven), 159, 177
pronyl-L-lysine, 39
protease, 12
protein, 78-81, 88
proving baskets and cloths, 61-2
proving dough, 118-20, 133, 164
prunes, fruit and nut leaven bread, 188-90
puff pastry, 273
pumpernickel, 174—5, 177
pumpkin seeds: olive and pumpkin seed bread, 218-19
seeded rye bread, 167—8
toppings, 247
pyridoxine, 23
Quinn family, 87
quinoa flour, 309-11
potato and quinoa bread, 321—2
raisins: kulich, 261—3
kvas, 348-9
paskha, 263—4
schiacciata di uva,
semolina, raisin and fennel bannock, 224—6
spelt bread, 194-5
stollen, 265-7
really simple sourdough bread, 177-9
reducing agent, 10
refreshing: old bread, 335-6
sourdough, 158-9, 205, 207
sponge, 213—14
religious festivals, 259-67
resistant starch, 125
resting dough, 112
riboflavin, 23
rice flour, 312-14
gluten-free bread, 300
gluten-free cakes, 326
gluten-free pastry, 324-5
pizza bases, 322-3
potato and quinoa bread, 321-2
rice, brazil nut and linseed bread, 317-20
rice sourdough, 316-17, 320
rising, 112-14
all-rye breads, 163
industrial bread, 27, 38
overnight first rise, 132—3
problems, 135—6
rocket, calzoni,
roller milling, 22-5, 35, 48
rolls, 147-52
baps, 147-9
batching, 247
Scottish morning rolls, 149—52
stotties, 242-4
Romans, spelt bread, 194-5
ropy bread, 40
Royal paskha, 263—4
rum: kulich, 261-3
stollen, 265-7
Ruskin, John, 251
Russia: kulich, 261-3
kvas, 347-9
paskha, 263—4
pirozhki, 273, 274-6
rye bread, 38, 165-6
rye bread, 241
all-rye breads, 163—4
Borodinsky bread, 168-71
caraway rye bread, 172-4
Cromarty cob, 198-200
fermentation time, 38
glazes, 248-9
kvas, 348-9
problems, 171-2
really simple sourdough bread, 177-9
reducing staling, 333
Russian rye bread, 165-6
seeded rye bread, 167—8
sourdough, 5, 160-3, 197-8, 200-4
storing sourdough, 206, 207—8
whole grain rye bread, 174-7
rye flakes, toppings, 247
rye flour, 83-5, 299-300
Saccharomyces cerevisiae,
25, 89, 124, 156
Saccharomyces exiguus,
safety, ropy bread, 40
safflower oil, 98
salads, green salad with croûtons, 339-40
salt, 8, 95-6
saracen corn, 303
saturated fats, 97
savoury breads
flavoured breads
scales, 58
scaling up recipes, 67—8
schiacciata di uva,
267-70, 211
Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition, 36
‘Scotch’ brick ovens, 147
Scott, David, 31, 47
Scottish batch bread, 240-1
Scottish morning rolls, 149-52
scrapers, 59
‘scratch’ baking, 103
sea salt, 95
seeded rye bread, 167-8
seeds, toppings, 247
selenium, 23
self-raising flours, 77
semolina, 79
Altamura (semolina) bread, 222-4
semolina, raisin and fennel bannock, 224—6
sesame seeds, toppings, 247
shallot and parsley stuffing, 342
shaping dough, 115—17, 163—4
ship’s biscuits, 241
shortcrust pastry, 273
slashing dough, 248
smoked salmon, fishcakes, 342-4
soda bread, 42
sodium, 23, 95, 96
sodium steoryl-2-lactylate (SSL), 10
soft wheat, 78, 80
softness, dough, 111
soil, 43-5
Soil Association, 45, 93
sorghum, 309
sourdough, 127, 153-208
basic sequence, 200—4
chlorinated water and, 88-9
‘feeding’, 204-5
illogical instructions, 102
kvas, 348-9
lactic acid bacteria and, 39
problems with rye bread, 171—2
reducing staling, 333
refreshment, 158-9, 205, 207
rice sourdough, 316—17, 320
rye bread, 5, 84-5, 163-4
rye sourdough, 160-3, 197-8
spelt leaven, 193-5, 197-8
storing, 205, 206, 207-8
‘washing’, 205
wheat leaven, 179—82
‘wild’ yeasts, 25-6, 27
soured cream: paskha, 263—4
pirozhki, 274—6
soya flour, 10, 37, 300, 312-14
soya oil, 98
spelt, 20, 87
spelt bread, 194-5
spelt leaven, 193-4, 197-8
spices, sweet bun dough, 255
spoilage, 40
sponge, 124, 126
extending fermentation time, 133-4
refreshing, 213—14
and rising, 113
‘sponge-and-dough’ method, 26, 27
spots, on crust, 138
stale bread, 331—2
standard loaf
industrial bread
Stapledon, George, 43
starch, stale bread, 331-2
starter, 126—7
and rising, 113
sourdough, 157-8, 160-2
see also
steam, in ovens, 121-2
stickiness, dough, 111
stollen, 121, 265-7
stoneground flour, 75
extraction rate, 76
from small mills, 80—1
nutritional values, 24—5
storage: all-rye breads, 164
bread, 332, 334-5
croissants, 287-8
rice sourdough, 320
sourdough, 205, 206, 207-8
yeast, 90
stotties, 242-4
straight dough, timing, 128—30
strong flour, 76, 80
stuffing, 341-2
simple shallot and parsley stuffing, 342
sugar, 93—4
and bread colour, 121
glazes, 249
sultanas: hot cross buns, 255—8
stollen, 265-7
summer pudding, 336-7
sun-dried tomato and red onion bread, 214-17
sunflower oil, 97-8
sunflower seeds: seeded rye bread, 167-8
sun-dried tomato and red onion bread with, 214-17
toppings, 247
supermarkets: bread prices, 7
fresh bread, 331
in-store bakeries, 49, 53—4
sweet bun dough, 253—5
symbolism, bread, 46
tapioca flour
manioc flour
teacakes, 235
temperatures: conversion table, 72
ovens, 65
proving dough, 118—19
rising dough, 113
thermometers, 58
timing baking, 128, 129-30, 131
water, 68, 129, 131

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