Bread Matters (41 page)

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Authors: Andrew Whitley

BOOK: Bread Matters
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malt flour, 94-5
milling methods, 22-5, 35
mixing, 104
oat flour, 86-7
organic flour, 44
protein, 78-81
rye flour, 83-5
and shaping, 116
sourdough, 155—6
spelt flour, 87
stoneground flour, 75
substituting in recipes, 68, 141
wheat flour, 75-83
flour treatment agent, 9
‘flying ferment’, 126
focaccia, 80, 211
folding dough, 114-15
folic acid, 36
food labels, 14-15, 16, 17-18
La Fornaia, 230
fortification, flour, 24, 36
fractionated fats, 9, 281
France: artisan bakers, 103
flour classification, 78
mineral deficiencies, 39
pain de campagne,
poolish, 126
proving baskets, 61
freezing: bread, 332, 334-5
croissants, 287—8
fresh yeast, 90
French country bread, 182-6
French National Institute for
Agricultural Research, 20
freshness, 28-9, 331-6
fruit: Danish pastries, 288-91
fruit and nut leaven bread, 188-90
sweet bun dough, 255
see also individual types of fruit
functional foods, 36
garbanzo bean flour, 306
garlic: mushroom and garlic bread, 219-20
gas bubbles, 10, 15, 89, 114
genetically modified organisms (GMOs), 11-12, 16-17, 20
genetics, wheat, 44
Gerarde, John, 186
germ, 22, 24, 82
Germany: flour classification, 78
organic yeast, 92
proving baskets, 61
sourdough, 38
stollen, 265-7
ginger cake (gluten-free), 326-7
glazes, 248-9
glebe land, 43
gliadin, 299
and coeliac disease, 4, 12, 281-2, 297
kneading, 106
lactobacilli and, 41
in organic flour, 44
preliminary yeasted doughs, 125
in wheat protein, 79
gluten, 299-300
extensibility and elasticity, 79-80
gas bubbles, 89
Grant Loaf, 131
kneading, 106, 108, 112
knocking back, 114
lactic acid bacteria and, 38
in oats, 86
and organic yeast, 93
pre-soaking, 105-6
preliminary yeasted doughs, 125
and protein, 78, 79
proving, 118
ripening, 125
rising, 113, 114
in rye flour, 84
salt and, 95
gluten-free baking, 295—328
cakes, 325-8
flours, 301-14
pastry, 324—5
pizza bases, 322-3
potato and quinoa bread, 321—2
rice, brazil nut and linseed bread, 317-20
yeasted gluten-free bread, 315-16
gluten intolerance, 4-5, 15, 41-3
glutenin, 79, 106, 299
glycaemic response, 40
glycerol mono-stearate (GMS), 11
gram flour (chickpea flour), 306—8
arkatena bread, 191—3
gluten-free cakes, 326
gluten-free pastry, 324-5
yeasted gluten-free bread, 315-16
Grant, Doris, 130-1
Grant Loaf, 130-1
schiacciata di uva,
green salad with croûtons, 339-40
haemochromatosis, 36
hand kneading, 106-12
hands, cleaning with flour, 110—11
hard fat, 97
hard wheat, 78-80
hazelnuts: bun loaf, 258—9
fruit and nut leaven bread, 188-90
healthy eating policies, 33
hemicellulase, 13
herbicides, 20
herbs, toppings, 247
holes in bread, 137
hollow sounds, testing loaves, 122
honey: backferment, 158
honey and cream glaze, 249
hop bread, 186-8
hot cross buns, 121, 253, 255-8
humulones, 18
Hunza people, 43
hydrogenated fats and oils, 9, 97, 281
hygiene, 182
ice cream, brown bread, 345-7
icing, lemon, 291
‘improvers’, 10, 16
India, emmer, 88
industrial bread: bioavailability of minerals, 39—40
changes in 1960s, 3
Chorleywood Bread Process, 7-19
freshness, 28—9
and ‘health agenda’, 33-6
milling methods, 22—5
nutrification, 36—7
nutritional deficiencies, 22-5, 33
prices, 5—7
rising time, 27, 38
‘standard loaves’, 5—7
toast, 336
water content, 229
ways to improve, 46—9
wheat, 19-20
yeast, 26-7
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, 20
Ireland, 5-7, 42
iron: in bran, 39
fortified flour, 24, 25, 36, 37
milling methods, 23, 24
preliminary yeasted doughs, 125
sourdough process, 39
Italy: biga, 126
calzoni, 273, 276—7
emmer, 88
flour classification, 78
focaccia, 80
schiacciata di uva
(Tuscan harvest bread), 267—70
Jacob, H.E., 209
Jews, 17
Journot, 229
jowar, 309
jugs, measuring, 58
kamut, 87
Kirkland, John, 26
kneading, 104, 106-12
all-rye breads, 163
knocking back, 114
over-kneading, 112
knives, 59
knocking back, 114
krendel, 261
, 236
kvas, 347-9
labels, 14-15, 16, 17-18
lactic acid, reducing staling, 333
lactobacilli: health benefits, 38-42
in preliminary yeasted doughs, 124, 125
sourdough, 155, 156-7, 158
Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis,
laminated dough, 280-93
lard, 97
lardy cake, 235, 292-3
L-cysteine hydrochloride, 10
‘leaky gut’, 41
leaven, 127, 157, 159
refreshing sponge, 214
rye sourdough, 197—8
spelt leaven, 193-4, 197-8
storage, 206, 207-8
wheat leaven, 179—82
lecithin, 10, 11
leftovers, 336-49
lemon icing, 291
linseeds, 37
rice, brazil nut and linseed bread, 317-20
toppings, 247
lipase, 12-13
liquids: breadmaking, 67
see also
Luard, Elisabeth, 235-6
lupin flour, 306-8
luxury chocolate cake (gluten-free), 327-8
McCarrison, Robert, 43-4
Magendie, François, 177
magnesium, 24
in bran, 39
milling process and, 23
preliminary yeasted doughs, 125
sourdough process, 39
Maillard-type reactions, and bread colour, 121
maize flour, 306
malt, 94-5, 116, 333
malt extract, 94
malt flour, 76, 94-5
maltogenic amylase, 12
maltose, 83, 85, 93, 94, 121
manganese, 23
manioc flour (tapioca flour), 312-14
gluten-free cakes, 326
gluten-free pastry, 324-5
pizza bases, 322—3
yeasted gluten-free bread, 315-16
Mansfield, Katherine, 227
Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, 235-6
Maris Widgeon wheat, 81
marzipan: marzipan wheels, 286-7
stollen, 265-7
Massingham, H.J., 81
measures, 65-72
measuring jugs, 58
methylcellulose, 297
milk: glazes, 248
milk bread, 145-6
millet flour, 300, 309-11
milling: extraction rate, 76-8
milling methods, 22-5, 35, 48
small mills, 80-1
minerals: ash content, 77-8
bioavailability, 39-40, 125
in bran, 39
fortified flour, 24, 36
and milling methods, 22, 23
in modern wheat, 22
sourdough process, 39
mixers, kneading, 106—7
mixing, 104—6
moisture: reducing staling, 333
reviving old bread, 336
molasses, kvas, 348—9
Molokhovets, Elena, 119, 261, 347, 349
molybdenum, 23
Monopolies Commission, 229
morning rolls, 149—52
Morris, William, 55
muffins, 242
Muir, Jenni, 302
mushroom and garlic bread, 219-20
Muslims, 17
Napoleon I, Emperor, 168-9, 177
National Food Survey, 34
Nestle, Marion, 35, 36
niacin (nicotinic acid), 23, 24, 25
nitrogen fertilisers, 44
no-time dough, 130-1
non-stick tins, 60
North Africa, 88
nutrification, 36—7
nutrition: changes in wheat production, 20
deficiencies in industrial bread, 22-5, 33
and milling methods, 22—5
‘whole diet’ approach, 34
nuts: bun loaf, 258-9
fruit and nut leaven bread, 188-90
sweet bun dough, 255
see also individual types of nut
oats, 86-7
fortified bread, 36
gluten, 299-300
oat flakes, 86-7
oatcakes, 241
toppings, 247
obesity, 34, 40, 125
O’Brien, Derek, 5-7
oestrogen, fortified bread, 37
oils, 67, 96, 97-8, 235, 281
old dough, 127
bread with old dough, 144-5
olive and pumpkin seed bread, 218-19
olive oil, 96, 97

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