Brooklyn Heat (9 page)

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Authors: Locklyn Marx

BOOK: Brooklyn Heat
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“Of course I’ve been to fancy dinners before,” Melissa sounded offended. “But not with famous people. Hold on, I’ll google it.” The sound of keystrokes came through the phone. “Wow,” Melissa said. “Did you know that Chad used to date Jessica Alba?”

“What?” Kenley asked, her hand stopping in the closet mid-flick. “How do you know that?”


“Melissa! Don’t google him!”

“Why not?”

“Because if you google him you’re going to find out all kinds of horrible things, and then you’re going to feel like you have an obligation to tell me, and it’s too late for that.” Of course Kenley had considered googling Chad herself. Today, at her apartment in Connecticut, when she’d almost been done packing and was sliding her laptop into her bag, she’d paused for a moment, running her fingers over the keyboard. But she’d finally decided that she didn’t want to know bad things about Chad. She was here, for better or for worse. She just had to get through the next two weeks, collect her money, and then she could google to her heart’s content. And if she found out anything bad, at least then she could feel smug, knowing that she’d took the bastard for a one hundred thousand dollar ride.

“Whatever,” Melissa grumbled. “Okay, so it looks like you have to kind of dress up for Nobu, but you don’t have to go too crazy. Maybe a skirt and a top? Or a dress?”

“Thanks,” Kenley sighed, and hung up the phone. Whatever. If her outfit was horribly wrong, it wasn’t going to matter. What was the worse that could happen? She’d end up in some magazine saying that she was horribly dressed? Actually, that would be pretty bad. Everyone knew people loved to read those worst dressed lists and mercilessly mock whoever had the misfortune to end up on them.

She stood in front of the closet for another moment, before finally picking out a silver shift dress with a sparkly belt. She paired it with a pair of high silver shoes and a black clutch bag. She doubled checked that the note on the shoes matched up with the dress she’d picked, then slid a pair of chunky silver hoops through her ears, and spritzed herself with the perfume she’d brought from home. She surveyed herself in the mirror.

Not too bad, she thought. Then she took a deep breath and went to go join Chad in the living room.

Chapter Seven

“So do these people know the deal?” Kenley asked.

“What do you mean?” Chad replied. They were on the sidewalk in Manhattan, walking toward midtown. They’d taken a car into the city from Brooklyn, but had been dropped off a few blocks away from Broadway. At the last minute, Chad had decided it would be best not to go to Nobu, instead opting for a restaurant in the middle of Times Square. He figured it would be better – less chance of paparazzi, but the city would be busy, and hopefully some fans would be there, snapping pics to post all over facebook and twitter.

“I mean do Jay and Alyssa know that you’re paying me to be your girlfriend?”

Kenley asked.


“They do?” She stopped in the middle of the street, looking shocked.

“Yeah,” he said. “Why?”

“Because you told me not to tell anyone!”


“So how come you got to tell people?”

“Jay’s one of my best friends,” Chad said. “And he can keep a secret.”

“How am I supposed to know that? I’ve never met this Jay person.”

“Look, if this gets out, I’m the one who stands to lose something,” Chad said.

“Not you.” They were walking again, getting into the heart of Times Square, and he moved through the crowd expertly, dodging the tourists and the vendors, making sure to stay with the flow of foot traffic. Kenley, surprisingly, was having no trouble keeping up with him.

“Ha!” Kenley said. “You might lose some stupid endorsement deal, but I’m going to lose my dignity.”


“Yeah. People will know that I consented to be your fake girlfriend.”

“No one’s going to find out.” He rolled his eyes and tried to sound reassuring, but the truth was that there was always a chance someone could find out. It was the information age. Rumors and gossip moved at the speed of light. All it took was one person, one conversation, one text to the wrong person and it was all over.

“Whatever,” Kenley grumbled. Chad glanced at her out of the corner of his eye.

She looked absolutely fantastic. Her hair was loose and flowing around her shoulders, and her skin had just the right amount of tan after her time in Florida. She was wearing a tight gray dress that was short enough that it showed off her legs, but sophisticated enough so that she looked put together and stylish. He’d almost been rendered speechless when she’d come out of the guestroom. It was a new, weird feeling for him.

He’d dated some of the most beautiful women in the world, and here was this woman that he’d just met randomly, and he was more attracted to her than he’d ever been to anyone in his life.

He had the sudden urge to touch her, and so he reached out and took her hand.

She looked up at him in surprise.

“We have to make sure we look like we’re together,” he explained. “You know, so that it’s believable.”


It was a warm evening with just a bit of a breeze, and they walked slowly through Times Square toward the restaurant. When they got there, Jay was waiting outside with his fiancé Alyssa. There was a bunch of people around them taking pictures with their cell phones.

“I tried to get a crowd going,” Jay whispered to Chad as he greeted him. “So that it wouldn’t be so hard to get some pictures going.”

“Thanks,” Chad said. “I appreciate that.”

He introduced Kenley to Jay and Alyssa, and the two women started talking while Jay and Chad started signing autographs for the fans.

“You didn’t tell me she was hot,” Jay said as he signed a woman’s I HEART NY


“Yes, I did,” Chad said. “You just weren’t listening.”

“You have to be careful,” Jay said, shaking his head. “She looks way too nice for you.”

“She can handle herself,” Chad said. “Trust me.”

Jay shrugged. “Well, whatever.” He handed the t-shirt back to the woman in front of him. “Hey,” he said to the crowd. “Anyone want to get pictures with me and my fiancé?”

There was a flurry of activity as Alyssa stepped up next to him. People loved getting pictures of Jay and Alyssa together. Alyssa was a journalist that had been assigned to cover the Brooklyn Heat, and her and Jay had fallen in love while she was writing about the team. He’d proposed to her at one of their games, and since then, America had been enthralled with their romance.

Chad watched the two of them posing. It was so natural, so right. They were smiling, looking very much in love. He glanced behind him and saw Kenley standing against the side of the building. She looked a little lose and uncomfortable.

“Anyone want to get pictures of me and my girlfriend?” he asked. He pulled Kenley toward him. And then he realized he had the perfect opportunity to get what he wanted. So as people started snapping pictures, Chad pulled Kenley into his arms and kissed her.


Kenley hardly had time to react to the kiss before it was over. All she knew was that suddenly her knees were weak and her heart was racing. Chad’s lips were warm and soft, and she wanted him so badly she could hardly take it. But then, just like that, it was over.

She forced a smile on her face as she posed for the cameras, thankful that Chad was holding her close. She didn’t trust herself to stay standing up. What the hell was wrong with her? The guy was a total jerk. Just because he was hot didn’t mean he should be having this effect on her, making her get all swoony like some crazy high schooler.

“What was the point of that?” she asked as Chad led her into the restaurant. He was still holding her close, and warmth was spreading through her body. “None of those people were paparazzi.”

“No, but they all have facebook and twitter,” he said. “Those pictures will be all over the internet before we’re done with our appetizers.”

“Good,” she said, not sure if she really meant it. It was a little unsettling, thinking about her picture being all over the internet. She didn’t even like when other people tagged her on facebook without her permission.

The four of them sat down, and when the waiter came over, Chad ordered a bottle of wine for the table.

“So Kenley,” Alyssa said as she spread her napkin across her lap “What do you do?”

“Well,” Kenley said, choosing her words carefully. “I’m kind of in between jobs right now.” She felt embarrassed saying it, but Alyssa’s face was warm and kind.

“Ugh, the economy’s just the worst right now,” Alyssa said and sighed. “I’m halfway expecting to get laid off sometime this month, or at least take a huge pay cut.”

“What do you do?” Kenley asked, impressed that Alyssa worked. If she were engaged to a man that made as much money as Jay Havens, she wasn’t sure she’d be psyched to be going off to some stupid desk job every morning.

“I work on a website,” Alyssa said. “Writing articles, that kind of thing. But journalism, even web journalism, is on the decline. And so cutbacks are pretty much inevitable.”

“Well, it’s best not to worry about it until it happens,” Kenley said. “And if it does, I’m sure you’ll be fine. I bet you’re a great writer.”

Alyssa smiled at her, then took her sip of her water. “Chad, are you sure you want to keep this one as a fake girlfriend?” she said. “She seems pretty amazing.”

The waiter appeared again to ask if they’d like some appetizers. As Alyssa and Jay ordered their appetizers, suddenly, under the table, Kenley felt Chad’s hand on her leg. She took in a sharp breath. His hand began stroking, moving further up her thigh, pushing the bottom of her dress up. His fingertips went higher and higher, sending waves of longing through her skin. After a few seconds, she felt a wetness in her panties, and knew she wouldn’t be able to take Chad’s touch for much longer. She shifted on her chair, trying to move away, but she couldn’t. She was mesmerized, and besides, there was really nowhere to go.

“Appetizer?” the waiter asked.

“We’re going to share some mozzarella sticks,” Chad said. His voice sounded cheerful. Underneath the table, he moved her dress up a little further.

Kenley nodded her agreement, not trusting herself to speak. She loved the fact that Chad was ordering for the both of them, that he was acting like they were a couple.

He was still stroking her thigh, moving his hand higher and higher under her skirt, the whole time talking to Jay and Alyssa like it wasn’t affecting him at all.

Her phone rang from inside her bag.

“Excuse me,” she said when she saw it was Melissa. “It’s my sister, it might be an emergency.” She knew it wasn’t, but she needed to get away from Chad and his fingers. It was making her too light-headed.

“Hi,” she said when she answered, moving away from the table and down the hallway toward the restrooms.

“Kenley!” Melissa yelled. “Did you know that your picture is on twitter? It’s all over the place!”

“Already?” Wow, that was fast. They obviously weren’t kidding when they talked about the twenty-four hour news cycle. Not that her and Chad were important news. But still.

“Yes!” she said. “You look fab by the way, did Chad buy you that dress?”

“No.” She was in the bathroom now, and she reached into her purse and pulled out her lip gloss. She relined her lips, took a few deep breaths, and then readjusted the bottom of her dress. Now that she was away from Chad, all she wanted was for his hands to be back on her skin.

“He didn’t? Then where’d you get it?”

“He had it waiting for me.”

“So he
buy it for you.”

“No. I mean, yes. I mean, no, he didn’t buy it for me, I don’t get to keep it or anything.” But as she was saying the words, she realized she didn’t know if they were true or not. What was Chad really going to do with a bunch of women’s clothing? She should at least get to keep some of it.

“So are you having fun?” Melissa asked.

“Kind of,” she said, and realized she meant it. So far, this whole thing hadn’t been that bad. She was a few hours into it, and she’d spent her time soaking in a long hot bath and then being taken out to dinner with some nice people . Granted, her picture was apparently on twitter. But who really cared about that? According to Melissa, Kenley looked fabulous in those twitter pics. The only real problem she was having was how she felt when she was around Chad. She really did need to get a handle on that.

“This is so exciting!” Melissa said. “You are so famous. I need to call Mom.”

“No!” Kenley said. Her lip gloss fell into the sink and she reached in and pulled it out. Gross.

“Why not? I need to tell someone about this.”

“Are you crazy? You can’t tell anyone.”

“Not even mom?”

not mom.”

One of the stall doors opened and a girl came out and began washing her hands at the sink. Damn. Kenley hadn’t stopped to think that maybe someone else would be in the bathroom, listening to her conversation. She racked her brain, trying to remember if she’d mentioned Chad by name or had given anything away. She smiled at the girl nervously, waiting for her to recognize Kenley from the pictures on the internet.

But the girl gave her a brief smile back and then walked out of the bathroom, the way you’d do with any stranger. Huh. Kenley was surprised to find that she was a little disappointed. Not that she expected to be famous already or anything. But it was kind of cool how the fans outside had reacted to Alyssa. It was like she was some kind of celebrity or something, like she --

“Hello!” Melissa yelled. “Are you even
to me?”

“Yes,” Kenley lied. “You said you wanted to tell Mom.”

“Yes. And then I said that she’s been really worried about you.”

“Look,” Kenley said. “Just tell her that I’m fine, that I’m still in Florida and that I’ll be home soon.” She tossed her lip gloss into the garbage. The sink looked clean, but still – who knew what kind of invisible germs were lurking around in there.

“But Mom’s going to see the pictures of you on the internet!” Melissa said. “You can’t hide this from her.”

Shit. Melissa was right. Kenley’s mother was one of those “cool moms” who kept up with the latest technology even though she was almost sixty. She had a twitter, a facebook page, a linked in account, and even a tumblr, which she used to post recipes and stories from her bowling league.

“Shit,” Kenley said. “Look, just tell her that I’m dating Chad. Then in a few days when this is all over, I’ll call her and tell her we broke up.”

“You can’t lie to Mom!”

“It’s not a
Kenley said. “I’ll tell her the truth eventually.”

“And until then you expect me to cover for you?”

“Melissa,” Kenley said, rolling her eyes. “I’ve covered for you a million times.”

“Name one.”

“The time you wrote three bad checks because you quit your job and didn’t have time to get another one, and you almost got arrested.”

“Name two.”

“I have to go, Melissa.”

“Wait!” Melissa said. Her voice lowered. “Be careful, okay?”


Kenley hung up the phone and walked out of the bathroom. Only two more days, she told herself, and then she would be a hundred thousand dollars richer. She was halfway back to the table when she stopped in her tracks. Because across the room, getting up and moving toward her, was her ex-boyfriend, Jeremy.


Kenley felt her heart speed up and her face get hot. She couldn’t believe that Jeremy was here. Of course, he frequented the city a lot, because he worked in marketing and was always taking clients out for fancy dinners. It was one of the things that had annoyed her about him when they were together -- he was hardly ever home for dinner.

But what the
was he doing at this restaurant? It was Times Square! Who took clients to a restaurant in Times Square? That was a little hokey, even for Jeremy.

“Kenley!” Jeremy said when he reached her. He leaned in and kissed her on both cheeks. The scent of his cologne assaulted her nostrils, and Kenley suddenly felt a wave of nostalgia wash over her. Which was ridiculous. She’d hardly thought of Jeremy over the past few days, which just went to show how much their break-up really had just been about her ego being bruised.

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