Burned In Shadows (Shadow Unit) (25 page)

BOOK: Burned In Shadows (Shadow Unit)
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Chapter 28


he couldn’t see a fucking thing! But she knew he was there lurking in the corners. The wolf wasn’t confused. He knew exactly who she was and didn’t hesitate to greet her. Hot breath fanned her face, and she wondered if he was assessing her injuries. He didn’t like to see her hurt, she knew it would upset him. The wolf whined and licked her hand. Hands that were tied to a chair.

“It’s okay baby. You didn’t do this,” she tried to soothe.

He didn’t believe her, he snarled, and she knew he was telling her not to cut him any slack. Draven’s wolf head butted the chair a couple of times before he nipped the ties that were holding her arms. She winced as the blood rushed past her wrist into her hand. She brought them close to her chest and bent forward trying to control her breathing.

“Alright, now
that’s done.” She began to untie her legs and took a moment to do a systems check. Headache, check. Ribs broken, check, check. Eyes swollen shut, check. Getting your ass whooped by your mates bed buddy? Check with a side of fucking priceless.

“You happen to know how we can kick

Her wolf walked up to her
, and she ran her fingers through his thick fur. Her eyes began to burn as tears spilled onto her cheeks. She knew she shouldn’t be crying, but she couldn’t help it. It was the first time in what felt like forever that she’d been able to touch him. She was exhausted. Going around pretending to be someone she wasn’t had taken its toll on her. Watching him day in and day out with the wrong people, being on the wrong team had emotionally and mentally drained her.

Jes felt the
butt of his moist nose nudge her side, and she winced. She was hurt and hurt bad.

“Does this mean
we're not getting out of here big guy?”

The wolf didn’t
respond but let out a long sigh. She still couldn’t see anything, and had no knowledge or sense of time. If her eight hours were up, it would mean she was on her own. Her legs were weak, and she knew if she tried to stand she was going to fall flat on her ass. She didn’t want to sit in the chair anymore and slid to the floor. Her joints protested, and she gave herself over to the pain. The wolf laid next to her, and she burrowed into his thick fur for heat. They both sighed this time.

“Your daughter needs her father.” Jes said into the darkness. “I
need you. Your team needs you Stone.” He didn’t respond, but she hadn’t expected him to.

man and beast having an internal struggle? She hoped so, and hopefully the beast would win and bring the man to his senses.

“You know, when we
get through this road block, I promise not to hold it against you. It’s gotta be killing you inside, knowing the man and the wolf are not on the same page. You and me baby against the bad guys. That’s how it should always be.”

wondered who was watching the interaction between her and the wolf. Where was Royce when you needed him?

“Can you at least change back? We can
argue, I could give you a clue about who you are, what we are to each other. What do you say?”

She playfully rocked into his side to nudge his shoulder, but he didn’t move just stayed put.
If she knew Draven he was wide awake inside debating the best possible outcome in this fucked up situation, at least for now the wolf was still in control.

Chapter 29


he entire Enclave was gathered around the dais, except for the children as Aria had explained. They’d walked around the village, talking to people. Okay, he wasn’t socializing, but his brother had. Royce never shut the fuck up. Like clockwork the females flocked to his brothers charms.

It seemed there was an influx of women. They giggled and chatted amongst themselves and preened around like a bunch
of peacocks. His brother ate up the attention, even though he told them all he was taken. Ronin was able to discern a lot just from walking around the village. There was a caste system. Royals, healers, warriors, and priestesses. The society was purely matriarchal.

Ronin stood next to his brother and Dietrich as they faced off with the council and the entire adult population.

“Matria, I humbly ask that you acknowledge the brothers as her stimulators.” Dietrich’s voice sounded almost reverent as he spoke to Surelle.

“I can’t allow it.”
Solon interjected. His stance becoming defensive. Ronin glared at the male. He should have wasted his ass when he had the chance. Even Belinda hadn’t cared for her half-blood bastard brother.

“Shut the fuck up.” D looked at
Solon and dared him to speak again. He did.

“You command nothing here walker.”

“I didn’t like you the first time I saw you chump, and I don’t like you now.”

assholitis was actually coming in handy.

“You would side with them? Choose traitors?

“Dude, fuck what you’re talking about.” Royce chimed in. “I don’t have the time nor do I have the energy to work jaws with you. So do us all a favor, close it down.”

His brother was walking on the darker edge of the scales, becoming quickly
unbalanced. His shoulders were shaking, and Ronin knew if Solon tried to get into it with his brother shit was going down real quick. The real Royce would surface, real Royce was destructive. He took everyone out in his path, targets and innocent bystanders.

“I’ve heard enough.” Surelle’s voice echoed through the valley, bouncing off the mountains.
She approached Dietrich and placed a motherly hand on his shoulders. He didn’t move and that in itself was extremely un-D like. Touching him was off limits.

“There can only be one
consort. There cannot be two. This is your duty. “

“Matria, I am not the one for her.” He looked over to Royce and Ronin.
“Neither are they, but she’s entering a phase in her nesting where it can become dangerous if she is not woken. They can do it.”

He was
n’t going to interrupt D’s spiel.

“You can’t be sure.” Her hands flew up in a gesturing
motion as she pointed between them and then back to Belinda. “I can’t stand here and watch my daughter’s body be mutilated.” She huffed out a breath throwing her hands in the air again in a show of aggravation.

“They will only touch her, I would not want to see the act either Matria, the dual stimulation will work.”

“I can’t allow this.” Solon erupted. The crowd began mumbling to one another. Some were nodding their heads others were glaring daggers and him and his brother. Dietrich trained his eyes on Solon and removed his shades. Scary shit those eyes. Milky white with just the pin point of a pupil. Colorless.

“I already told you to shut the fuck up douche bag. Your
opinion doesn’t count.”

“It does.” Solon stepped forward removing the gloves on his hands.
His hands were deadly to all who came in contact with them. One touch and he could kill his opponent. On the flip side it would be painful for him as well, but the person on the receiving end of those hands would be dead.

Royce started to intercept, but D shook his head.

“You know, I’ve killed greater men than you,” Solon said as he stepped forward. Surelle moved aside at D’s gesture.

“Anyone ever tell you that you’re a chump? Hmm?
Little lost boy thinking he’s a big man now.” The grin on Dietrich’s face was monstrous as he got closer.

“The difference between you and me is simple.”
Solon said sizing up Dietrich.

“What? You t
alk shit, I make shit happen”

Solon was nose to nose with him
. Almost. Ronin’s nerves were on edge. He didn’t like the other man, but didn’t want to see a fellow team member go down either. Solon’s ungloved hand reached out and touched D. There were gasps all around as D’s knees shook, but only for a moment. Solon looked confused, and Ronin noticed it before anyone else did when D’s fists tightened. The distribution of his weight changed as he took as small step back. The chin check came so fast, it was hardly traceable

“Night, night, motherfucker,” D said as he stepped over Solon and cut throw the crowd.

“Can I say it,” Royce asked.

“As if I could stop you.” His brother said
ever was on his mind. There was no filter.

Royce knelt next to Solon making sure he was far enough out of reach and said with glee.

“You, got knocked the fuck out!”

“Take him to the infirmary.” Surelle said
, but no one moved. They were all scared to touch him. Ronin wondered how D could take the other man’s touch and not die. The man obviously wasn’t telling his team members the real deal.

# # #


“Go to her,” Surelle commanded. Didn’t matter she was the mother of the woman he loved.
If she didn’t stop with the commanding tone, Royce was gonna beat a woman down. That darker part of him was rising fast with impatience. He grabbed the bridge of his nose and took a series of deep breaths. Bitch ass motherfuckers were trying to steal his girl. What the fuck! Did they think it was okay? That he would allow even the smallest disturbance pass? He was two seconds from becoming their judge, jury, and executioner.


Was someone talking? Who the fuck was running their gums now?



“Focus,” Ronin said standing entirely
too close for his own comfort.

“It’s all good in the hood
, and I mean that literally.” Did he sound believable? He was far from good, barely hanging on by an almost non-existent thread.

They both moved closer to the altar
. The village was quiet, the night perfumed with the scent of jasmine, mixed with the stronger fragrance that was uniquely hers. Royce looked down at his temptress, the firecracker he would spend eternity and a day with. Even the extra day wouldn’t be enough. Royce Zarides of House Romulus was in love. His chest felt lighter. If she so desired it, he would take on the world, move mountains, drain oceans and tilt the world on its axis. Belinda Raine Ignis was it for him. She put him back together into something stronger, better. The feelings he had for her were real. No one would come between them. Not her Enclave, or her mother. He never needed permission before, and he didn’t need it now. He shoved the darkness deep down inside, and made it his bitch. He wasn’t going to ruin this. Royce opened his heart, allowed it to breathe and recognize the kindred soul she was to him and his brother. He had plenty of room in his heart for this relationship. He was going to crawl inside of her soul, set up permanent shop and never leave.

Chapter 30


his was her ancestor’s birthplace. The walls bathed in a golden glow danced in the arms of the wind. Stories of kings and queens were etched into the stone. She could trace her lineage to the days of Ptolemy I and Cleopatra VII. She’d heard rumors of the in-between. When you died you were taken to the land of your people and given food and shelter. At some point, everyone would end up at the lighthouse, except, the next reigning Matria. She would be taken to the palace, and enveloped by the sacred water until her suitor awakened her.

The room was spacious with a deep
bathing pool. A bed set raised on a platform, flowing with purple and gold netting. The colors distinctly hinting at being a royal bed chamber.

“Your heart is heavy.”

Bells turned quickly to meet the voice and couldn’t breathe. The Goddess never talked to anyone when others journeyed to the palace. Matria’s of the past were lucky if they even caught a glimpse.

“Aunt Cleo,” She whispered. She’d only met her once, and it had been over a century and
a half ago. It was then she’d been given permission to call her Cleo instead of Cleopatra. Her aunt’s eyes were painted a deep gold lined in black kohl. Her white linen gown was almost see through as she opened her arms to receive Belinda. The history books claimed she was unattractive. They had it wrong, very wrong. She was a woman with high cheek bones, and beautiful arched brows and deep set brown eyes. Her hair fell to her shoulders in thick braids. She was immaculate. Bells walked into her aunt’s arms and let out a deep sigh. Her shoulders rising and falling repeatedly as she took in the other woman’s scent. Her uncle Marc stood next to his wife with a proud smile on his face. He was dressed in the same fashion, bare chested with two gold bands around his arms. Hair lightened by the sun was unruly with big curls. His aristocratic features and the air of importance was etched into the very heart of him.

Neither of them were
dead or alive, but content to stay in the in-between. They’d resurface soon, adapting to whatever time period they chose to visit.

“Why are you sad

Was she sad
? Yes. She was. The last thing she remembered was being loved by two virile men. Two men that were probably cursing tooth and nail at Ryan and her family because of the state she was in. How had her mother received them?
Not with open arms.
But she had to accept them, they’d triggered her nesting. They were the ones who had to wake her.

“I’m in love.”

Cleopatra took a step back still holding Belinda in her arms. Her face broke out into a bright knowing smile.

“That is good news, yes?” Her aunt was staring a
t her with a perfectly arched brow.

“Yes and no?” Her voice rose as she tried to figure out
what the right answer was.

“Explain this yes, no.”

“It’s complicated.”

Her aunt looked to her
consort and began chatting. This was her way of not accepting Belinda’s answer. She followed, she didn’t think she was being dismissed by the couple. At least she hoped not. It wasn’t like she was stupid. She knew the rules, was aware of how the game was played, but with two men? Two different men, with two distinct needs. How was she going to handle it?

They passed a series of corridors
. Each room darker than the next. Everything was in its rightful place. In present time, this entire palace was under the Mediterranean Sea. Beautiful art painted on the walls, statues of marble and lime all adding to the calm ambiance.

“Rest easy daughter of my sister’s
blood. All shall be at peace.”

She hoped so. She didn’t
want to be stuck in the in-between because her mom was on one of her power trips. Her aunt’s consort turned a harsh glare on her and clucked his tongue. As if he could sense her reluctance to have faith in the outcome.

“We are what fate makes us. Trust in that if nothing else. Your
suitor will wake you.” His voice was strong and echoed off the hallways entrance.

“Suitors.” Bells heard herself say.

Her aunt’s consort turned giving her a questioning stare. Cleopatra, however, continued to move down the hall. Her linen skirt whispering against the bare floors.

“Come, Belinda.”

She drew them down another passage, this one lighter than the rest from the natural lightening of the moon. The scent more fragrant. Night lilies and spices from some sort of incense wafted on the air in a lazy breeze.

“Where are we going?”

“Life.” Was her aunt’s response.


“Yes, life. You are the next ruling heir to House Phoenix. You are your people’s life’s blood.”

She knew this already, but there was no way her mother would allow either of the twins to
touch her.

“Mother won’t
allow it. She’d rather continue ruling then to see me with my intended.”

Her aunt stopped walk
ing. Her bare feet smacking hard on the concrete as she turned to face Belinda.

“She should be wise not to go against tradition. Feathers have been taken for less.”

Her aunt was right, primaries had been taken for lesser infractions. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to wake up. She did. There was so much she wanted, no needed to tell her men. Death put things in perspective. Had a way of making a person analyze their life. Her last thoughts had been of all she hadn’t said, hadn’t explained. She wanted to give herself fully to them in all ways. No matter the consequences. They were worth it and so much more.

She was being led into a room that held a
massive pool, fed by the sea. There was heat rising from its depth, and she knew it was the black stone that heated the waters. Time was not on her side.

“Aunt, I thank you for allowing me time in your presence.”

Cleopatra bowed her head, and the gold on the tips of her braids brushed forward with the sound of soft chimes.

“Come, your suitors will be rousing you shortly.” A long manicured hand reached out and led her to the steps of the warm water. Belinda turned back
to say her goodbyes, but her Aunt and Uncle were gone. Still Cleopatra’s words whispered on the wind as she said,” Give your mother my greetings, I shall see you all soon.”

brain was foggy, she could hear her, but could no longer see the couple as they disappeared behind a large ostrich feather that was being fanned towards her bath. She felt disoriented, and her brain short circuited as she felt a set of hands touching her in intimate places. One pair of hands were cupping her breasts. Another between her thighs, she gasped and her entire body was pulled under the warmth of the water, swallowing the sound of her moan. It's soothing heat a comfort to her achy skin.

Words were being spoken to h
er. Lips on her ears. They coaxed and begged her to wake up. She knew them before she saw them. Royce was on one side and Ronin on the other. The palace was replaced by the ever darkening night sky, surrounded by her people and the men she could no longer live without.


# # #


Her nesting phase was over, she’d been woken by the twins, in front of her entire Enclave. A part of her was embarrassed, and another part couldn’t form a coherent string of words to slow them down. A whimper slipped from her lips, her body on fire as the pressure between her legs increased. It was a combination of both men and her body’s attempt at taking her through her transition. First she nested, then she was awakened, only to die in the arms of her intended. She was shedding her old life to embrace her new one. One that included the two men currently whispering wicked things in her ear.

Everyone would witness the birth of the Matria, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Bena stretched on her back
, and Belinda could feel the bird’s talons digging into her sides. A pain filled moan escaped her lips, and Royce was there capturing the sound. Ronin kissed the side of her neck. She knew he had issues with being publically affectionate, but for her he was there. Holding her, touching her, and coaxing her body to the release she needed in order to come out of this on the other side.

“I’m burning up.”

“We know Deva,” Ronin said against the side of her neck. Both their breathing sawing in and out of their chests. There was a commotion outside of their lust filled bubble, and she looked over Royce’s shoulder to see her father and mother. Their eyes fixed on her, disappointed shone through with a great deal of malice from Surrelle, but her father had nothing but love in his eyes. He nodded his head in her direction and politely bowed his head. She loved him all over again for the small privacy he afforded her.

Everyone is watching.” She said into Royce’s shoulder.

“We know.”

“I’m sorry it has to be like this. Had I known-” She couldn’t finish the sentence. It wouldn’t have changed anything. It would still have to be this way.

It’s okay baby, we know this needs to happen, let us worry about the logistics. Royce said, lips soft and warm against her forehead.

Her mind was melting, someone was touching her there,
right where she needed to be touched. She let out a deep breath as her body heated further and brought her lips to rest against Royce’s shoulder. She wanted to taste his skin again. One more time so she could remember what he tasted like, carry it with her into the darkness. His shirt was in the way, but she didn’t care. She bit into his skin hard eliciting a strangled hiss from him as his blue blood seeped into the fabric of his shirt. An intense wave of heat hit her hard, and she took a hefty pull at the wound she made on his shoulder. His hand tangled in her hair pulling her face up for his kiss.

was savage and dark, teeth bit and tugged on the other’s lips. Tongues met in the middle to tangle and coax the other into submission. Royce was taking over, owning the kiss while his brother played with the fire between her thighs. The tongue in her mouth stroked and tugged on her tongue. She couldn’t breathe anymore and had to pull away. At the same time Ronin’s hand moved faster and faster, Bells had to screw her eyes shut to keep from exploding right then. She needed to taste Ronin before her big send off.

Belinda turned her head so that she could
connect with his mouth. He pulled away before she had the chance and offered his neck instead. Even after all of this, everything that was happening right now he still held himself in reserve. Her heart threatened to crack, but she had to get past it. She was sitting up between two of the hottest men in her world, and she was about to shatter into a million tiny little pieces. Literally. She took what he offered, sinking her teeth hard into his neck. Ronin grunted but otherwise didn’t say a word. She wanted him to know she was hurt and angry by his actions. She took a long, rough pull on his skin before finally releasing him. Her eyes were hazy, but she could still see the mark she left behind on his neck. He couldn’t hide that.

Royce sucked on
her neck. His fingers sifting delicately through her hair sparked tiny shivers to travel the length of her body. Twisting back to face him she moved her hair from the side and exposed the back of her neck. There was a pregnant hush as everything seem to slow down to the smallest crawl. It was like watching a movie reel in slow motion. Royce’s eyes flared wide in confusion first, then in question. She wasn’t going to last much longer, and she’d always wanted to be marked by a man. To be possessed in such a way there left no room for doubt. He hesitated only for a second and then he was there. His lips a soothing balm to the raging fire a light in her body. She felt the first strike of his fangs and shuddered in ecstasy.

Ronin’s hand faltered
for a second, and then, he was back to playing her like the guitar he played at night. Sure, strong fingers plucked away at her chords until she felt Bena rip her wide open. Her body bowed between both men, and tightened. She was still aware of the things happening around her as the sound of her flesh being shredded sounded rang in her ears. Bena’s talons dug deeper and deeper until the fire started. She looked up at Royce and used her hands to grip Ronin’s waist in the strongest grip she could manage, offering her neck. His fangs struck fast, and as he pulled her life’s blood from her body she whispered so that they would only hear.

“Wait for me.” She pleaded as the light slow
ly dimmed from her eyes, and the darkness swallowed her whole.

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