Burned In Shadows (Shadow Unit) (29 page)

BOOK: Burned In Shadows (Shadow Unit)
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Ronin turned in her direction, his silver eye focused on her gold ones.

“Jes if I tell you to fucking leave one more time, Draven is not going to be able to save you from the issues you and me will have.”

This was between brothers. Whatever it was,
neither of them wanted her to hear.


Chapter 36


oyce, are you with me,” Ronin repeated.

“Had to
end her. Couldn’t let Bells know. Don’t want to hurt her.”

“End who?”

It wasn’t their father, he’d looked for him, and there was no way his brother would let him miss out on the chance to serve Albanus up on a platter.

“I knew she wasn’t
ours. Didn’t care though, wanted to fuck her. Wanted you to know peace.”


“Sanya wasn’t even a slave. She’d cheated on her husband and was at the square to be stoned.”

“Brother are you with me?”

“Cunt got what she deserved.” The air deflated out of his brother and he stepped to the side revealing a mutilated body. There was nothing recognizable about the woman who he thought they cherished. Nothing. He needed to get his brother some help. Maybe Ann could get through to him. Belinda would not be happy in the least that Royce was capable of such malice.

“The darkness is gone
brother. You don’t have to carry that shit around anymore. Let it go.

“You didn’t

“I did. Long time ago.”

“Then why do you hold back Ronin?”

quite voice turned them both around. Was Jes so hard of hearing she ignored his request.

“How long you been standing there?”

“Long enough handsome.”

His heart smiled at her endearment.
Even in the face of all this chaos she still managed to be sweet with him.

“If this is going to
work between the three of us, we have to be honest with each other and with ourselves. It’s not going to be easy.”

“Woman you are never easy.” He heard himself say.

“I thought the two of you left me. Do you know how fucked up that feeling is? When you trust someone implicitly, and then you fail them at the first sign of drama. That happened to me today. I doubted you both, and if you two can forgive me that, I can forgive you anything.” She pointed to what was left of Sanya. “We’ll bump heads a lot in the future, I’m high maintenance, but I love you both. Anything that’s happened in the past is in the past. You want to talk about it, I’m here to listen. If you feel it’s not worth having a conversation over because you’re past all the bullshit. Then we don’t talk about it. But we will do whatever this thing is we have, together.”

“You love us?” Ronin repeated.

Royce pushed him out of the way and swung her up in his arms blood smeared and all.

“I love you
too baby.” Royce gruff voice said into her hair.



et her go Royce so she can come to me.”

Royce took two steps and then placed her on the ground in front of him. She twisted in his brother’s arms to look up at him.

“You love me?”

handsome I do.” Her eyes were bright with tears. Her lips trembling as she looked into his eyes.

“I love you so much
Deva, so much.”

The words unchecked, unreserved, fell from his lips
, and he meant every last fucking word.

Belinda stepped away from Royce and wrapped her arms around him placing her head on his chest and squeezed.

“I know how you feel about public affection, but I don’t care.”

His arms automatically wo
und around her body holding her tight. It felt fantastic. Real fucking good. He didn’t care who was watching either, and he’d prove it to her over and over and over again until she got the message loud and clear.

want to get the fuck outta here?” Dietrich asked.

let’s kick rocks.”

Everyone walked away from
a scene that almost went sour. He hadn’t been able to get his father or that bitch ass punk Solon. But they would, eventually. There were still things that needed to be sorted and his brother was one of them. Draven and Melissa were coming with them, but it was too soon to tell if the other man was going to be alright.


# # #

Three days later.


He still hadn’t gone to her. He’d needed answers. But he
wasn’t able to bring himself to her unclean and free of doubt. Some things were familiar other’s weren’t. He was still having problems reconciling fact from fiction. But he couldn’t put it off any longer. He needed to see her, touch her. And there was only one other obstacle standing in his way. Melissa. She’d claimed she was as much of a victim as he was. That she’d been brainwashed. Jes had gone apocalyptic on her ass in the interrogation room, and he didn’t blame her. Had their places been switched, Melissa would have already been dead.

The door to her room was locked from the outside. Adam
guarded the door. There were still issues between them, but for the most part it didn’t matter. Jes was his mate, whatever feelings Adam had for her would have to be squashed. Whatever connection they had wasn’t the lasting kind.



“Five minutes and I’m done.”

Adam opened the door to allow him in. His eyes were still black, and sometimes he’d get his green. Those were the times things were the clearest. It was in those moments who knew without a shadow of the doubt that he was in the right place, headed in the right direction. Jes had given him time to adjust. Hadn’t balked when he asked to have separate quarters. The distance was killing him, and he wanted to stop hurting and start feeling something admirable in his life. He was taking steps to get there, to get closure.

Melissa’s voice was quiet when she addressed him.

“Never really was my name was it?” He asked her slowly.

“How long are you going to let them keep me locked up? I was a victim, same as you. I was only following orders.”

“Orders.” He took a step forward
, and his wolf rose to the surface. Their voice speaking as one.

“You laid hands to my mate. Tried to
take her life. Insinuated yourself back into mine, knowing shit was foul.”

She shook her head and took a couple of steps back until her body met with the wall.

“Black, no.”

“Not my
fucking name. I need you to know, that if you come near me, my mate, or my cub I’ll fucking end you.”

She lunged for him
. Rage filling her eyes as she tried to attack him. He stepped out of the way. When she rounded on him again, he caught her by the arms and kept her away from him.

“Don’t fucking touch me Draven, you lying bastard.”

“I hurt you, and for that I’m sorry. I didn’t handle our deal straight, but we both knew going in what we had. That there was a chance there was something more. I found more, you tried to take that from me. So, I’ll say again stay far as fuck from me and my family.”

Draven released her and walked out.

# # #


Three fucking days he hadn’t come to her. Three days. The twins told her to give him space. But she saw him everywhere. The gym, the cafeteria, the meetings Dravaggio called. He’d stared at her, even said greetings to her in passing. But they didn’t share quarters, didn’t touch. Faith was coming today at his request. He’d even gone to see his parents. Her, she got nothing. Her session with Ann today didn’t go any better either. The woman had suggested couples therapy of all things! Therapy. As if that was going to solve their problem. She knew Draven was talking to Ann, but the doctor wasn’t at liberty to share. That was fine, but in all fairness, he should have at least tried to talk to her. She was being patient and finding it wasn’t one of her better qualities.

There was a knock at her door and reluctantly she got out of bed to
get it. Bells had already stopped by for girl time. The twins were taking her out tonight. So it wasn’t her. Adam was too busy guarding Melissa to come down and try and comfort her. Which she took as a blessing. Everyone was busy doing something. The threat hadn’t been eliminated. The facility had been cleaned, but they’d found nothing. Gabe had even tried their hard-drives. Not one thing. She knew they’d all escaped, everyone but that woman who Royce took apart with his hands. He was also seeing Ann. Looked like everyone on base was in need of psychiatric care now. She hadn’t had a chance to face off with Solon and felt her days were numbered. Enri would call in his request. It was now just a matter of when.

Jes opened the door and was folded into strong arms.


She breathed in his
smell and placed her head into the crook of his neck. She started to cry, soundless sobs that made her hiccup. His arms tightened, and he took a deep breath.

ss your smell, needed it. Keeps me stable, keeps me sane.” He kissed the top of her head and walked her deeper into the room until the backs of her legs hit the bed. He didn’t speak. He just went about the task of undressing her. Soon she was naked, tossed on the bed and staring at a man barely able to control himself.

“Gonna love you hard now, Jesminda, deep.”

He divested himself of his clothing and did just that. He started with his mouth, taking her lips in a wet, deep kiss that went to the heart of her. Then he loved her deeper and harder than she’d ever thought possible until their bodies were drenched in sweat. Their limbs exhausted and hearts fighting for control.

“Thought I lost you.”

“Still a bit lost Jes, but we’ll get there baby.”

She propped her head on his chest
and looked into his eyes. They were a brilliant emerald green. Flawless in their brightness. Her man wasn’t all the way healed, but they would get back to being them. She’d help him get back to that place where he knew himself inside and out.

“Love you so much Draven. It was
difficult for me to hear those words, let alone say them. But I’m not afraid anymore. Not with you, not with life.”

He squeezed her to him and sighed.

“Been waiting to hear those words. Even when I dreamed of you, you didn’t say them. Hearing it now makes me feel empowered to do anything Jes. That includes getting back to me. Getting back to us.”

reasonable to her.

“We have pl
enty of time to get back to us.”

“Sounds like a plan. But I gotta love you
hard again, baby. Show you how much I love you. How hard I’ll love you in life and in this bed. Nothing is ever finished.”

Then he made them exhausted all
over again.

Chapter 37


e gotta get you dressed Deva.” Ronin rolled to his side and sat up on an elbow. She was beautiful. He’d never had someone this pure in his bed, in his heart. Belinda lay on her stomach, one arm under her chin, her hair curled around her elbow and her face partially covered. He’d stayed in bed with her all night. Holding her, loving her and enjoying every minute of it.

“No.” She mumbled.

Royce sat on her other side and patted her lightly on the butt.

“Come on, surprise time tonight, remember.”

“Let’s stay in bed.” She mumbled into her pillow.

“Been here all morning and all day. How many orgasms do you want

Her head popped up
, hair spilling over her face in silky waves as she tried to adjust herself. She looked so well loved it brought a smile to his face.

“I need like a gazillion.”

He and his brother both laughed.

“Royce is
right Deva, I need food. You need food. Not gonna feed you dinner in bed.”

“No, cause I’m done being the designated food boy. Ton
ight we go out.” Royce jumped off the bed and took the sheet with him.


She slid form the bed and walked directly to the shower, swaying her hips as she went

“Gonna go to my room and get ready. You should
do the same.” 


He looked back at the closed bathroom door and smiled. She was in there singing. Despite the shit with her mom, she was happy. He and his brother did that.


# # #


The restaurant was dark. Small votive candles flickered in their vases, and the soft strands of a guitar played as they walked through the club to their seats. Ronin pulled out her chair, and Royce sat across from her. Couples were scattered strategically throughout the restaurant, making the atmosphere more intimate. Private. Seconds later a waiter showed up to take their drink orders.

Ronin’s hand rested at the back of
Bell’s chair caressing her bare back. Royce held one of her hands. It was all so surreal that these two sexy as sin men were hers. Told her she was their destined mate and that nothing would stop them from being together. Not even her mother was able to stop them from having what was theirs. She’d had some serious doubts about it in the beginning, but she knew if they dealt with the shit they did with last week, they’d beat anything.

Ronin leaned over, his
body heat bathing her in warmth. His breath tickled her ear as he whispered.

“Be right back D

She looked across at Royce who nodded and smil
ed in his brother’s direction. Something was up. She knew this was a surprise, but what else had they had in store for her.

“Apparently Ro likes this
club. I didn’t even know he came to this kind of place. Doesn’t fit him.”

club did not fit Ronin Zarides profile. This place was too calm for someone of his nature. Then again, calm was what he was after, and said he found in her arms.

The lights dimmed
further turning the small club more private. The light on the stage light up a single chair. Oh she loved live music. Bells looked around searching for Ronin, but he hadn’t returned. What was taking him so long?

guttural voice sliced through the silence of the club.

This is for my Deva.”

Bells inhaled sharply as his eyes
found and held hers.

voice was thick and smooth, honey drenched. Her body warmed below the waist as he took the chair center stage. A guitar rested in his lap.
What the hell?
She knew he played, very well in fact. She’d though it was a CD the first time she’d heard the strums of his guitar. It had been all him.
He never played in front of anyone else, he never played for her.

His hand rested on the strings of the guitar
, and he visibly took a deep breath. The first chords tugged her heart. It was low and sensual. He played the same chords over and over again. The sound would start low and then slowly rise like a wave kissing the shore. The last drop of the chords seemed to pitch a bit higher and then there was a low soulful sound that slipped from his lips and wrapped around her entire form as he sang to her.

Try this on for size

Who says it ain’t enough.

His eyes never wavered from hers as he sang. S
ome melody she’d heard a long time ago. Ronin never said anything twice, and now he was singing to her, telling her that things between the three of them would work out.

Try this on for size

Ok, it’s rough around the edges.

If it fits like a glove

Then it must be love….

The strings of the guitar
grew louder, and her body began to burn. Royce’s strong hand wrapped around her hand. He rubbed his thumb back and forth over her wrist in slow motion. Too entranced to turn away, she squeezed his hand reassuringly. Her eyes refused to leave Ronin’s silver ones. He was a powerful man, who barely let her into his world. Now, was exposing his feelings in front of a crowd. He was putting himself out there for her.

Why did I ever doubt

hot and languid stretched awake in her stomach. She’d had both of men deep inside her not even two hours earlier.

Who say?

We can’t live this way

We can
work it out

In our own way.

When the song ended he stood quickly almost dropping the guitar. He sat it in the chair and descended into the crowd making his way towards her. People were on their feet clapping, excited as wove his way in between bodies. Their eyes locked on each other the entire time as he made his way through the crowd. She felt his energy as he stopped at their table. He was just as turned on as she was.
Oh shit.

He didn’t hesitate when he pulled her into his arms and crushed his lips to hers. It was hot and full of passion.
With his mouth, he showed her just how much he loved her, and it didn’t matter who was there to watch. She felt one hand tangle in her hair and the other low on her waist as he continued to kiss her. She felt Royce at her back as Ronin continued to kiss her. When they finally separated he turned her in his arms and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

“I love you with everything that I am D
eva. You hold the best part of me.”

She almost collapsed in his arms.

“Everything is going to work itself out babe. Told ya, now let’s eat.” He took her hand, and Ronin followed up the rear as they pulled her out of the club.

“I thought we were eating here?”

“No, we’re eating in bed Deva.” Ronin said against her shoulder.

Things were still fucked up. Their dad working on the wrong side, and possibly even her mother, but tonight she had the two people
who she knew would be there with her every step of the way.

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