Burned In Shadows (Shadow Unit) (26 page)

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Chapter 31


hey had her blood in their veins. Not intending to take her that way stunned Ronin momentarily. Neither he, nor his brother had taken enough to bind them, but he knew this was her gift to them. She’d given a piece of her old-self. When she returned, she’d be something different. His woman was dying, right in their arms. Her skin darkened to ash, and it was if she became brittle, paper thin. Fragile. He’d watched the bird on her back dug its talons into her sides and rip her open. The bird had then crawled inside the hole it created in Belinda’s back and began to burn a bright blue. Any minute now she’d turn to dust. Ronin watched as her hair began to fall. They couldn’t move if they did it was a sign of weakness. The heat her body threw off was intense. Still, he and his brother held on as they watched her skin crack. It happened in slow motion at first. One small crack turned into hundreds. Like someone was in a race to connect the dots as it spread over her body. It looked like hundreds of her veins surfaced beneath her skin in a matter of moments but in slow pain-staking clarity. He thought if he listened hard enough he could hear her skin cracking from the inside out. His body jerked in reaction as his mind tried to come to terms with what he knew was natural to her kind. The insurmountable pain he felt was more than he could bare. Ronin’s eyes locked with his brother, and although they could read one another’s thoughts, there was nothing either could say or think as they both experienced deep rooted anguish.

All too soon she was gone.
Her ashes settled between them in a cloud of dust. Reduced to gray matter, that smelled of death. Ronin was caught in a tunnel void of sound. He couldn’t hear anything. His sight was blurry. His eyes looked left, then right making sure he had in fact, witnessed her death. He could see mouths moving, but no sound could be heard.

Royce’s voice was the only thing that penetrated his ears, long moments later.

“She’ll be back, right?” A whisper full of concern as his fingers sifted through her remains.

“She told us to
wait. We wait.” Royce said firmly.

and the others were taking flight. It was like watching a flock of geese that were on fire. There was synergy in their formation as they broke from their pattern and began to circle the Matria. Their wings wisps of flames against the night sky. The last of the sun’s rays were blocked by brilliant colors of gold, red, green, and purple.

“They’re giving thanks and respect to the old Matria.” Dietrich said
. “Soon Belinda will rise and be reborn into her new life, her now role.”

“Don’t sound so excited.” Royce said as he stepped toward the crowd
that was left on the ground.

They ones who
flew blended perfectly with the night as they crested over the mountain tops and dipped low into the valley. The children had come out of their homes as well, pointing and laughing at the aerial displays.

“It is a sight, yes?” This said from Belinda’s sister
, Aria.


“She will rise soon. Once my mother circles around once more. Look there,” She pointed off in the distance as a majestic phoenix did one more circle above, dipping her wings low, slanting her entire form. As she dove head first for the crowd she righted herself at the last moment and glided until her feet softly connected with the ground. Surelle walked over to Belinda’s ashes gathering some in her hands. She rubbed it across her face and stood out of the way. Others flew down, and one by one they each walked to the altar and repeated the old Matria’s actions. He and his brother took their direction from Dietrich and did the same, covering their face in her ashes. Even the ass clown, Solon was awake and following suit.

It was e
erily quiet. No one said a word as they all paid respect to Belinda. Ronin felt out of place, and un-adjusted to what was going on. Something was obviously happening. Aria grabbed his hand and lifted her golden eyes to his and smiled. He didn’t smile back, wouldn’t budge until he had Belinda in his arms again.

There was the sound of wind first, with it came an ever expanding
light of brilliant red. The light itself an actual flame licking the night sky. Like a fireball falling out of the heavens, it descended fast as if it had no intention of stopping. Ronin stood his ground as the ball of light drew closer, cutting through the valley leaving flames in its wake. Royce stood next to him, and Aria’s grip on his hand tightened.

He felt the heat first. W
aves and waves beat at his skin until it cooled to a simmer. Next came the flames, fast on its heels snapping and popping as a wave of energy reached out and surrounded them. It was all too surreal. One moment intense heat and energy, the next she was there. Radiant and as beautiful as ever. Her raven hair longer, the feathers no longer visible. She was wearing nothing more than the tattoo, which was now sitting atop her shoulders, free of her back. The birds feather were a fiery gold-red, eyes the same violet color as Belinda’s stared at them in recognition. Its talons sharp and digging into her shoulder flexed and rebalanced its weight. It was a bit possessive of its mistress.


Her head snapped in his direction, her eyes taking him in from head to too. She smiled and took a step forward.

“Ronin,” she purred. The sound of his name on her lips elicited chills along the
base of his neck. The heart in his chest beat stronger, truer.


“Royce.” She turned at the sound of his
brother’s voice, mischief twinkling in both their eyes like they were having a private conversation.

Ronin took a tentative step forward, testing his boundaries. He held out the
hand Aria wasn’t holding, and Belinda approached him cautiously at first. Looking from him to his extended hand. Royce also took a step forward, but the damn bird atop her shoulder made a sound closer to a growl than the sound of a bird and spread its wings shaking its head as if telling them both no. What the hell!


# # #


“They are your suitors yes?”

Bena was whispering in her ear, and for the life of
her Bells could not understand what her guardian was talking about. She was too enthralled by the men in front of her. They were covered in her death and wearing it proudly. Did they know how much that meant to her? She was hyperaware of the others standing around. They were all watching her actions. There was more to do, things that needed to be said that couldn’t wait. She looked down at her beautiful baby sister Aria holding Ronin’s hand and smiled.

“Take them both to my rooms.”

Her sister bowed releasing Ronin’s hand to stand on his other side so that she could take Royce’s hand. Neither of them moved at Aria’s urging.

“Go with
her. I will come to you soon.” She dismissed them with a glance and knew she’d upset them. It couldn’t be helped, she needed to address her people, and because they were not considered her consorts, she had to address them in private.

crowd held her immobile. Some were happy with her status, others like her mother, were not.

. Johnson,” she addressed Dietrich first. “Can you escort Solon to his quarters and see to the needs of my guests?” She didn’t command, but her voice did hold authority.

“Sister, I would speak to you now.”

She sneered in Solons direction, and Bena equally bristled as his request.

“Be happy I allow you to live mercenary.”

“Belinda! You will not speak to your brother that way.” Her mother warned. Her eyes cutting into the heat of her daughter’s skin. She wasn’t going to acknowledge her mother’s blatant disrespect, but she wasn’t going to let it go without addressing it either.

“You will address me as Matria
, and mother, Aunt Cleo promises to visit soon.”

There was an audible gasp from the others in the crowd. Cleopatra never spoke to any of the
previous Matria’s. This was common knowledge. You died, and you were reborn, those of Cleopatra’s bloodline would awake in the palace. Those, not of the Matria’s blood were sent to the lighthouse in ancient Alexandria, and were never allowed to walk the grounds of the in-between. There was a ritual to things, and for her aunt to approach her, spoke volumes. Not only to her, but to those in the Enclave, Cleopatra was the last remaining mother of old. The other clans had perished during their time of persecution. She had remained. Cleopatra VII was the true Matria of House Phoenix. A Goddess in her own right.

“You will go with Dietrich, Solon.” She looked over to her mother, and gave her the coldest smile she could muster. “And mother you will
quiet your tone when speaking to me.”

Someone approached her with a robe and Bena bent her head rubbing the tip of Belinda’s cheek as she began the painful task of blending
back into her body. She felt Bena digging beneath her skin. Felt the bird’s talons as they stretched and began sliding towards her waist. Bena’s beak turned and burrowed just beneath her shoulder. Once the transition was complete, Belinda went about the task of addressing her people as Dietrich led Solon away from the crowd.

Chapter 32


here was a constant dripping in the far corner. He could hear it as if someone were quietly trying to turn on the faucet so that it didn’t gush out. His body protested as he tried to sit up. He hated when he didn’t remember what happened during the change. That ass of a doctor had assured him that in time, he and his wolf would be on the same page. There was a monumental disconnect between him and his wolf. They should have been communicating, not fighting for dominance over the other. He was completely naked on a concrete floor, his body warmed by the arm over his stomach. Wait. Arm?

He turned as much as his body would
allow and looked at the woman from his dreams. He knew it was her from the tropical scent. Faint as it was because she was covered in dirt and blood. The skin on her neck a puckered pink wound healing from some nasty bite. He remembered all too quickly what had happened.

The woman was Zea, but not.
She looked all wrong now, smaller, softer, rounder, but with more tone. Her hair was long and the color of dark rich mahogany. She looked peaceful as she slept next to him on the floor. Had it all been a dream or had that shit actually gone down?

“Wake up.” He whispered into the darkness. She didn’t move
, and that worried him. He could see her perfectly, and although her breath was a little ragged he still wrapped a hand around her throat to feel her actual pulse. His muscles loosened as he felt the rapid thrum of her heart beating against his fingers. This time he gently tugged on her arm. That got her attention.


Marcus had called him that.

“I don’t know anyone named Draven.” He watched as her face went through various stages of confusion, fury, hurt, resignation, and finally

“You do know him, you just refuse to believe it.”

Great, he was dealing with a sage. When she didn’t say anything further he took the time to look at her. She was beautiful. Stunning in the darkness, even with dirt caked on her face. Her golden eyes a beacon in the small room.

“Who are you?”

“Someone who knows the real you.”

“So tell me about the real me.”

She sat up and pulled her body back resting it against the wall. Knees bent she rested both hands on her knees, and took a deep breath. Her hair was a bit messy, and it was hard for him to take her serious when she looked so distraught. Dammit, he was worried about her. He never worried about anyone. Did he? She was making him second guess his actions and the person he knew himself to be. Black growled and moved to the opposite side of the room. She smiled as if something she remembered was funny.

“You use to growl at me whenever I frustrated you, or made you horny. Which one is it now?”

“I’m not horny.” Liar. He was ready to pound nails through six inch thick steel, he was so hard. Being in her presence did that to him. “So you’re someone from my past?”

“You’re future too.”

There she went with the sage answers. He could smell lies, but if he was being honest with himself he couldn’t smell anything but sheer determination, and the cloying scent of her honesty.

“You know me, your wolf recognizes me. I’m the reason it hurts to sleep with that cunt Melissa. Should have figured that
bitches play out from jump.”

“You talk like you know her.”

“That’s because I do. She was your girlfriend during our five year separation. Don’t know why your wolf even allowed you to go back to that ratty ass ho.”

He’d laugh at her if the situation wasn’t true.
He did hurt, and a small part of him thought in the beginning that he was missing his better half. He’d dreamed of her. In his dream, she hadn’t been cleared until now. It was as if a veil had lifted, and now, his dreams were colliding with reality. Memories flashed in front of him in vivid color and detail. Her on a beach smiling at him over a drink. Him approaching her in a club. Fucking her against a moss covered wall among night blooming orchids.

Black shook his head to break free of the memories. No, the dreams. He
had flash backs of dreams. None of this was real. Somehow she was fucking with his head. Then another memory speared him, her in danger and at the mercy of Marcus. The traitor that was now dead. A child, their child, Faith. A child he’d barely met. He’d missed the first five years of her life, only to have her taken from him again. He tried to come to terms with the sudden rush of emotions, all having to do with a family that probably didn’t exist. He couldn’t trust these memories. What if she’d been sent here by the Agency to fuck with his head?

He was Black, yet he was also remembering Draven Stone. Draven Stone of Shadow Unit. But how was any of that even
possible? Furthermore, if it were true, he was a horrible, horrible, father and mate. A feeling of dread settled in his gut. A memory of fighting on the table while the sadistic son of a bitch doctor had stood over him while injecting something directly into his forehead. After being forced into a small confined room, just like the one he was in now. Had they broken him? Had he been someone’s mate, someone’s father and the organization just processed him into another life without his consent?

“Tell me about how we met?” He
asked, trying to reconcile truth from fantasy.

“The first time we met was on the beach at a bar.” She sat forward and placed her head on her knees shaking her head back and forth as if contemplating the outcome of their conversation.

“Later, at Odessa’s we ran into each other again where we hooked up, made love out in the jungle beneath the stars and created our daughter Faith. I didn’t see you again for five years.”

“I see, and you’re who

entire body flinched as if his words slapped her.

“I’m Jes.”

“Jes.” He tasted her name on his mouth, and it felt right, but it also felt wrong. There were conflicting stories clashing in his head. This was some fucked up shit. She sighed and lifted her eyes to meet his. She looked at him for long moments before dropping her head against the wall with a thud.

“You gonna get us outta here?”
They had never been kept here. He’d come down to question her and right now he felt he had all the answers he needed.

“I’m gonna leave. Y
ou’re staying right where you are.”

There were questions forming in his head now, and he figured he knew just who could
answer them. Jes didn’t argue with him, and something told him normally she would. As he stood and opened the door to the cell he looked over his shoulder to say one last thing before he closed the door.

“You’re safe in here.”

# # #


“Our girl has gone rogue.” Dietrich said to the two assholes currently sitting across from him.


Who the fuck did they think he was talking about?

“Yeah, went to the spot. Adam was there, not her. Word is she got herself into a bit of a squeeze.” That shit was not his problem. There was no love loss there, but she wasn’t a
bad bitch either. D mentally shrugged. He never waited for anyone. That was one of the reasons he stayed out of trouble. He did this for the paycheck, not for the camaraderie.

“And?” Royce said standing up from the table and pushing the chair back.
The dude was already pissed. Bells had dismissed them so calmly that he knew it made the twins hackles rise. He let a smile spread across his face. It had been at least four hours since her dismissal.

“What the fuck are you smiling about?” Ronin asked.

“You got beef Vin?”


Dumb fuck could play stupid all he wanted, shaved head, silver eyes. He thought he was muthafucking ‘Chronicles of Riddick’ and shit.

“Let me guess, y’all two idiots
want to go in for a rescue? Am I right?” Why did he even open his mouth?
She’s Belinda’s friend.
So the fuck what, she was also a team member. The rules were clear. Dravaggio called shit off, you did not deviate from the plan, and go into the dark without back up.

“What the fuck do you think Blade?” Oh this motherfucker thought he was being
funny with the name calling.

“I think you two are being led around by your dicks, but then I’m entitled to my
own opinion. They both signed up for the team and knew what that meant. You don’t disobey a direct order. If you do, shit happens.

And for the record, I don’t sling blades or have fangs. Cap that shit and stop with the jaw jabbing. I don’t have time for you Royce.”

“I don’t run around saying lame ass one liners either.” Ronin fired back with his arms crossed over his chest. The fuck he didn’t. He was a
notorious one-liner.

“Why don’t you
plug into her and see if you can get her online.” He knew those two could communicate via head chat.

“I’ve tried
. Either she’s being blocked, or I am.”

“Well, too bad for her.”

“What about Faith Dietrich? You gonna tell her you didn’t want to go back for her mom because you’re a giant ass dick with a chip on your shoulder?”

Well didn’t
he just fucking suck. The kid had made him grape Kool-Aid once. He wasn’t going to do that to her. He stood from his chair and looked over at the twins and nodded in the direction of the door opening. Belinda. She’d heard their conversation, and she didn’t look to happy with what she heard.

“Ceremony is on hold until were done sorting Jes and Draven
out. Not leaving my girl hanging.” She shuffled to a closet and started tugging her robe down. That was his cue to leave.

“What the fuck are y
ou doing?” Ronin got up from his chair and walked over to shield her as her robe hit the floor. What the fuck was her deal?

“Getting dressed.” Was her only answer. He wasn’t looking, it was like watching his sister
get it on with a guy. Fucking not his thing.

“Not in front of D, baby.” Royce said glaring daggers at him.

“I’m ghost.” D turned and walked out of the room. He hoped one of the twins would have their shit together; otherwise, Belinda was going to walk all over them.

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