Burning Desires (Blue Bandits MC Book 4) (16 page)

BOOK: Burning Desires (Blue Bandits MC Book 4)
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She watched him, her eyes wild as they darted from side to side trying to see a way to escape. She tried to lean farther away from him but he followed her, keeping their mouths in close proximity. His body now pressed against hers and he knew that she could feel the hard ridge of his cock pressing into her stomach.

“You’re nothing but a bully and I refuse to be intimidated by your highhanded behavior. I am not a child. I made a single error in judgment that night and I refuse to allow you to use it against me. Now, leave me alone.” Kelsey’s hands moved up between their bodies, her hands curled against his chest as her eyes narrowed, and she pushed him hard.

Burner felt the anger pouring off her as she shoved at his chest trying to get him to move back. He refused to budge and instead pressed into her more firmly. His cock throbbed painfully and his mind whirled with the words she’d spoke because he wasn’t in the mood for her to assert herself at the moment. It was like she waved a red flag at a bull and he tried to tell himself to step back, to leave her alone, but the sight of her parted lips and the way her hazel eyes lit with fire pushed those thoughts from his head.

Unable to contain the desire anymore, his hand came up grabbing her head and forcing it to tilt slightly before his mouth crashed into hers. His tongue speared through her parted lips and his other arm slipped around her waist pulling her impossibly closer to him. His mind blanked and all he could do was feel and taste as he devoured her. His lips ate at hers, his hands possessive as they held her, one digging into the soft skin at her waist and the other cupping the back of her head. He couldn’t get enough of her sweetness but he needed to explore her and the two needs warred inside him both seeking to make their mark on her. She was moaning and pressing into him as his lips slipped along her jaw leaving light nipping kisses that left him hungry for more of her.

Her hands still rested against his chest and he felt them uncurl to grip his cut, pulling him to her rather than pushing him away. A rumble of satisfaction escaped him and his hands moved to cup her hips, tilting them towards him as he pressed his hardened cock into her. He needed more and suddenly he couldn’t breathe if he didn’t get what he wanted. His mouth took hers again, his teeth nipping her lips before his tongue thrust past her lips, meeting hers in a purely carnal dance that made him desperate to feel her wrapped around his cock.

She moaned again, her body now pressing into his, and he moved his hands up to cup her breasts. She let out a cry of pleasure when his thumbs brushed over her hardened nipples and she arched into him. Need poured through him and he jerked her shirt down and when he found her breasts weren’t covered by a bra beneath her shirt, it almost blew his mind. He growled roughly before taking one cherry-colored tip into his mouth. Sucking hard on her distended nipple, he curled his tongue around it hearing her moan as her hand buried in his hair holding him to her.

He pulled back slightly, looking at the swollen point for a moment before moving to the other one, sucking it just as vigorously, his hand plucking at the one he’d just released. Kelsey was panting heavily now, her hands holding onto him in desperation as he played with her nipples. He couldn’t contain his need for more and grabbed her hips intending to set her on the edge of the counter so that he could push the skirt she was wearing up and out of the way so that he could thrust inside her like he wanted. He lifted her and attempted to set her on the counter when a loud clang of metal hitting metal brought him to his senses and he jerked back.

Burner stood staring at her nipples exposed and reddened from his rough treatment and her sitting on the edge of the sink panting, her eyes wide and her look dazed with desire. He couldn’t move for a moment, the sight of her there was so potent, and he wanted to grab her again and finish what he’d started. His brain kicked in finally and he realized that this was exactly why he shouldn’t be anywhere near her.

“Next time you think about not calling me when you work I will paddle your ass. Don’t wear clothing like that here again either. It tempts men like me and that’s not what you want, trust me, because we will take what you offer. I won’t warn you again,” Burner growled. His head filled with the sight before him and it was taking everything inside him not to grab her and take what he wanted, no, what he
from her.

She was too good for him and he’d already sullied her enough. He needed to get the fuck out of this bar and away from her. She looked at him still slightly dazed, her breasts still revealed.

“Cover up,” he barked and she did so after blushing slightly, her movements slow and slightly uncoordinated. He felt like a total ass but he couldn’t stand to look knowing he couldn’t have her and the thought burned inside him, making him want to rip something apart. “You need to stop tempting me before it’s too late. I’m leaving Hammer here to watch you tonight. Do not leave without him following you and try not to get into trouble.”

Without waiting for her to gather her wits enough to respond, he stormed out of the back room in search of Hammer. He needed to tell him to watch Kelsey so he could get the fuck out of here before he dragged her off to fuck her.



Her heart raced as she watched Burner turn and exit the back room without another word. Her hands trembled as they rested on the sink and she felt her knees shaking as desire rushed through her veins like fine wine. Kelsey couldn’t seem to catch her breath as her mind raced over the events that had transpired in the past few minutes. At first she’d been afraid of his nearness and the aggressive way he forced her to stay in place as he spoke to her but when he began to kiss her, all she’d felt was lust which ravaged her senses and made her heart rate skyrocket.

Now she leaned on the sink desperately trying to calm herself as she stared in dumbfounded fascination at the door through which he had retreated. She couldn’t seem to rid herself of the craving for his touch, which was crazy because he was a jerk. Still unable to find her footing after that display of passion he’d just given her, she ran a shaky hand over her face trying to compose herself. 

Her mind reeled and anger surfaced. How dare he kiss her that passionately and then walk away? She wanted to go after him and demand that he finish what he’d started because her body was still on fire. Even with her mind clouded by her passions, Kelsey knew that going after Burner would be a mistake. She shouldn’t want a man like him so wantonly and yet she did.

She needed to get her desperate desire for him under control before it consumed her and made her do something stupid like tempt him into taking her. Down that road was despair and unhappiness, she knew, because Burner was not a man you had a relationship with. He was a man you had a one-night stand with and she’d never been that type of woman. He was right about her after all, she needed the fairytale and that meant from now on she needed to watch her step around him; otherwise she would end up with a broken heart.

Kelsey managed to calm her nerves with a shot of vodka from one of the bottles they stocked in the kitchen and then went out to do her job because dwelling on what had happened with her and Burner wasn’t a good idea.



Chapter Thirteen




Burner climbed off his bike at the club, his mind set on getting laid because what had happened with Kelsey about thirty minutes ago couldn’t happen again. He needed to find the first sweetbutt he could and take her to his room to alleviate this burning pit of desire that raked him with its claws. Entering the clubhouse, he saw several of his brothers sitting with a group of the sweetbutts and he walked over to sit with them.

He needed to fuck this out of his system or he was going to end up taking her and that couldn’t happen. He wouldn’t use Kelsey like he had so many other women to quiet the voices in his head. He just wasn’t going to do that to her.

He smiled at Tina, a blonde wearing a short red skirt paired with a skintight white shirt that pushed her heavy breasts up almost revealing her nipples. She came over to sit in his lap when he sat down next to Bull on the sofa.

“Hello handsome, where have you been for the past month? I haven’t seen you around as much,” Tina asked, her arms wrapped around his neck and her honeysuckle perfume teasing his nostrils.

Burner felt a slight aversion to the scent because it wasn’t fresh apples and honey and he wanted to growl as the thought filtered through his mind. He forced himself to lean closer, whispering in her ear, “I don’t know but I sure am glad I’m here with you tonight.”

She giggled and he forced a chuckle of his own out. He motioned for Hawk to grab him a beer before settling back on the couch because he realized he was going to need to get rip-roaring drunk in order to forget Kelsey.

“Burner, you’re so sweet,” Tina whispered. The scent of her honeysuckle perfume made his dick lose what little bit of hardness it had. Fuck, this may be harder to convince his cock than he’d thought.

Settling back into the seat with his arm around Tina, who leaned forward to play with his hair, he wasn’t sure from the limp state his cock was currently in if even getting piss drunk would work. Tina didn’t seem to notice his lack of interest in her charms and pushed her breasts almost into his face. Had it been a month ago he would have already buried his face between them to kiss but tonight he just wasn’t interested and that really made him want to punch something.



Cold terror slipped down Kelsey’s spine as she fought the arms that held her down and she attempted to scream but the hand over her mouth wouldn’t allow it. She had gone to bed and awakened to a man on top of her. She kicked out hard, rolling over and dumping the man off her onto the floor.

“Well that wasn’t nice,” a slurred male voice said from the floor beside her bed. Kelsey couldn’t shake the familiarity she felt hearing it and flicked on the lamp beside her to stare at the man lying on her floor in shocked disbelief.

“Burner?” she asked, a little confused as to what the hell he was doing in her bedroom at five in the morning, she realized after glancing at her watch.

“That’s me,” Burner said, his voice slightly slurred and she realized as he stood up that he was so drunk he could barely stand. How had he managed to get here without killing himself in his condition?

“Are you drunk?”

“Yep,” came his flippant reply, making Kelsey eye him carefully.

“Burner, what are you doing here?” she asked as he flopped down on the bed beside her, his face buried in her pillows. Kelsey was confused because he smelled like honeysuckle perfume and enough booze to take out an army but for some reason he had broken into her apartment. He’d also scared her half to death by lying on top of her.

“I came to see you,” he said, trying to hug her suddenly but she shoved him off because she couldn’t stand the smell. He fell back onto her pillows and buried his face in them again.

“Ugh, you reek like a perfume factory. Where the hell have you been?”

“Not getting laid, that’s where I’ve been,” Burner grumbled, his head lifting so he could glare at her out of the one eye he had open.

Kelsey was sure that it wasn’t because the woman hadn’t been willing after the two kisses she’d received from him. She felt anger spear through her that he’d been with another woman before he came here. She didn’t understand why he was here complaining to her about it when she was sure he could be ‘getting laid’ as he’d so aptly put it but she wasn’t going to ask him about it in the state he was in. It was obvious that he was too drunk to reason with and she wasn’t going to attempt it.

“Okay, well maybe you should call someone to take you home and sleep this off and we can talk in the morning,” Kelsey suggested, hoping he would leave because there wasn’t a chance in hell she could make him, he was too damned big.

“Nope, staying right here,” he muttered into her pillows, his arms wrapped around them tightening and she wanted to curse.

“No, Burner. You can’t stay here,” she tried to state firmly, but instead it came out as a little squeak. She moved to get up but he grabbed her around the waist holding onto her and not allowing her to get off the bed. The stench of beer and perfume was awful and she coughed a little trying not to gag.

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