Burning Desires (Blue Bandits MC Book 4) (18 page)

BOOK: Burning Desires (Blue Bandits MC Book 4)
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She knew that she wasn’t going to be the clingy desperate woman he likely expected. She could do just sex. Only what had happened a few minutes ago had shaken her world. The way he held her hands as he moved inside her, their bodies in sync in a way she’d never known before, had felt like fate and that was something she needed to come to terms with. Her hand rose to rub across her swollen lips trying to hold onto the kisses he’d given her only moments before.

“Thanks for that sweetness,” Burner said rising from the bed, looking down at her for a moment before moving to the bathroom and shutting the door, leaving her lying there staring at it.

She kept telling herself as she stared at the barrier between them that she could do sex with no strings but even she knew when he left she’d end up in a ball of misery. Kelsey sat up, the covers falling to her lap. Flicking on the light, she searched for the clothing he’d taken off her while she was sleeping, finding they were across the room where he must have tossed them.

Getting up, she grabbed the loose sleep pants and t-shirt, putting them on over her still sensitive skin. Looking at the clock to find it was only ten, Kelsey heard the shower come on and let out a little sigh as she mournfully stared at the bed knowing that going back to sleep was useless. She was too awake to go back to bed now so she hit the button to raise the shutters and headed into the kitchen for coffee.

Leaning on the counter five minutes later with a cup of coffee in her hand, she watched Burner walk out of her bedroom. He wore jeans that hugged his hips and rode low on his waist with only a leather vest covering his chest because his shirt was held in his hand.

Damn, the man was seriously hot.

Kelsey was struck by the sudden urge to lick his hard abs from top to bottom repeatedly. Him being half naked wasn’t helping her keep her libido under control until she realized why he was most likely holding instead of wearing that shirt. She would bet it was because it still reeked of honeysuckle perfume and alcohol. Her grip on the cup tightened, her body stiff as she gazed at him without speaking.

“Well,” Burner muttered, his eyes moving from her to the door and she would bet he was thinking this was going to be ugly but she refused to embarrass herself by making a scene. “I have to leave. The club has church in a few hours,” he finally finished and she almost snorted at the lame excuse.

Yeah, like she believed they were religious.

Kelsey shifted slightly and his eyes landed on her breasts where her nipples poked against her thin nightshirt. She wanted to tell him to keep his damned eyes off her person but again, she wasn’t going to make this into a big deal.

“If you need to leave, leave. However the next time you’re drinking, please refrain from breaking into my apartment,” Kelsey said calmly before turning to dump the last of her coffee in the sink to give her a second to compose herself before walking towards him. “Oh, and have a nice day,” she added, walking past him headed to her room.

She could feel Burner’s eyes on her back making her feel like her nerves were being raked with hot claws. Ignoring the sensation, she entered her bedroom, shutting the door and leaning on it for a second to compose herself before grabbing clothes and heading to the bathroom. She needed a shower before she began her day. Besides, it would give her a good place to have a good old self-pity breakdown.



Burner stared after her, his mind reeling over her flippant words as she walked past him. Kelsey hadn’t even tried to talk about them having sex and she’d acted like him leaving right after didn’t even faze her. His hand gripped the t-shirt tightly, his jaw clenching as he glared at the door she’d retreated behind. Her reaction wasn’t what he’d expected from her and it made him question if she let random guys fuck her senseless often.

For a moment he couldn’t see straight thinking of a faceless man fucking Kelsey. His grip was so tight his fingers were white where they wrapped around the shirt. He took two steps in the direction of her room but forced himself to stop because going after her wasn’t a good idea. He couldn’t offer her anything and the way she kissed him proved she wasn’t that experienced. He could still hear the last words she’d hurled at him as she left the room.

What the fuck did she mean by have a nice day? Was she hoping he’d run into a wall with his bike and die or something? Unable to figure out why she hadn’t blown up at him and let him have the lecture even he knew he deserved for treating her like a club whore, he rubbed his hand down his face, deciding the questions could wait.

Turning away from the door, he headed out to meet Hawk who he’d texted to meet him down the road a ways from her place because he didn’t want rumors flying around about him sleeping with Kelsey. That meant he needed to find the prospect who had driven him over here last night before he could run his mouth.

Fuck, this was a damned mess.

What the fuck had he been thinking coming here? He shook his head because he knew for a fact what he’d been thinking and less than thirty minutes ago he’d been doing it. That thought sent a pulse of desire through him and his cock stiffened again pressing into his zipper. Shaking it off, he stepped outside before he went and did something stupid like follow her into the shower so that he could fuck her again.

Locking her door, he headed down the road to the little grocery store that sat just off the road where Hawk was meeting him. Even though he knew his behavior with Kelsey had been fucked up, he couldn’t be sorry it had happened. He’d never felt so much raw passion like he had while taking her. She was like a breath of fresh air and despite his best attempts to stay away from her so he couldn’t sully her with the darkness that was now a part of him, he’d not managed it.

What he’d just done was beyond fucked up and he should likely avoid her from now on because they would both be better off if he did. Only even as he thought it, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to stay away. Just thinking of not being able to touch her again made him itch all over with the need to go after her.



“We’re not dating. I don’t do relationships but I think we should continue this––I mean the sex is good,” Burner said, making Kelsey stare at him.

It was two days after he broke into her house and tonight he had been his usual grim self while she worked at the bar. A few minutes ago he followed her into the back room and pressed her against the wall to kiss her senseless. She was currently sitting on the counter with him pressed between her legs and he was holding her hands above her head. She must be losing her damned mind because in her current state of desperate desire it sounded like a great idea, which was crazy.

She had already balled her eyes out because to him this was nothing but sex and she was not that type of girl. Commitment was her ball of yarn, not this ‘let’s just have sex’ crap he was suggesting. Unlike Hanna, she’d never gotten the hang of casual sex and still needed a relationship before she had sex with a man. Now all she had to figure out was why she was considering this insane plan to have just that with a man who frightened her as much as he pleasured her.

But with his hard cock pressing against her and the tips of her breasts brushing against his chest as he watched her, she couldn’t bring herself to say no and she suspected that was the diabolical man’s plan.

“Okay,” she managed to breathe through lips that were swollen and a little puffy.

“Good,” he growled before his mouth crashed into hers again, his teeth nipping at her lower lip before his tongue thrust inside caressing hers in a wild dance of fire. He released her from his hold allowing her to move her hands to circle his waist.

His hard hands moved to grip her ass, pressing her into his hardened cock as he ate at her lips. A moan escaped her and she let her hands slide under his shirt seeking his skin, hearing his grunt of arousal when they attained their goal. She held him to her, sliding her hands up his back, caressing his warm muscles as the scent of leather and man teased her. Burner gripped her ass tighter, his fingers digging in, bringing her to the edge of the counter and leaning her back slightly so that he was pressed firmly against her wet core.

He nipped his way down her neck to her shoulder sucking hard there and she knew that it was going to leave a mark but she didn’t care. Arching her back, she pressed her breasts into him and he nipped harder at her neck, bringing out a loud cry that tore through the room making Kelsey worry that Hanna or Brenda would come back here to see what was going on.

“We need to st––” Kelsey tried to say but ended on another cry when he jerked her shirt up to take her bra-covered breast into his mouth. Sucking the tight peak encased in pink lace vigorously, his teeth scraped over the tip making her gasp.

“No,” he growled, his voice harder. “I need it now, it’s been too long.”

He put action to words. Pushing her skirt up so that he could find her pussy with his hand, he shoved aside her panties, his fingers finding her clit. Kelsey couldn’t catch her breath as she moaned and allowed him to force her legs farther apart with his hips as he caressed her wetness, his fingers slowly teasing her closer to climax. She knew this was a terrible idea but that thought was fleeting as his finger slipped into her passage caressing her.

“Damn, you’re so wet,” he growled against her neck.

Kelsey felt him shift and his belt buckle hit the counter making a clinking sound that her dazed brain realized was him taking his pants off. She attempted to push him back, her hands on his shoulders, but he was already pressing the tip of his cock into her. She moaned, her body tightening around him as he pressed forward taking her in one hard shove, his thickened cock stretching her.

“Fuck yeah,” Burner grunted as he began to thrust in and out of her, his hands clenched on the flesh of her ass, his hips slapping against hers.

Kelsey held onto his shoulders trying to contain the breathless cries she couldn’t prevent from escaping her lips as he pumped into her. Her body felt like it was splintering into a million pieces and her mind blanked, forgetting all about where they were. Burner’s mouth took hers and the little cries that continued to escape her were captured by the contact.

He nipped at her lips moving down to bite her neck as he continued to move inside her, his breath sending shivers down her spine as it flowed over her neck. Her hand cupped his head holding him to her as her lips caressed his ear, her teeth nipping at the tip.

“Kelsey,” he rasped roughly, letting out a groan as he quickened his pace. “So good, baby. You feel so fucking good.”

Passion roared through her and her body pressed against his, her hands holding him to her by pressing against the back of his head. She couldn’t seem to catch her breath as his hard cock pumped inside her. Thick ripples of sensation rolled through her making her lips part on a silent cry as her eyes almost rolled into the back of her head. Kelsey felt as if she were coming apart; her mind was splintering and she couldn’t seem to do anything except cling to him. He pulled away from her, his head lifting away from her neck where it had been buried. Kelsey’s eyes closed trying to shut out the awareness of him that bombarded her.

“No, look at me, baby. Now,” he commanded in a harsh broken rasp. She forced her eyes open to find his boring into hers as he moved inside her and again that feeling of being completely connected to him flowed through her. Her heart raced as her orgasm neared but she didn’t shut her eyes, just stared at him as they moved together, both reaching for the peak they could feel hovering just out of reach.

“Burner,” she moaned, destroyed by the way his eyes clung to hers. His hand moved from her ass to press against her clit and she felt her body explode into a fierce fiery flow of passion that left her clinging to his shoulders, her hands curled in the leather vest as she rode out the last of her pleasure. His hands gripped her ass again and his pace became hard, almost brutal then. It wasn’t more than a minute before he let out a low groan as his cock pulsed as he ejaculated inside her.

Kelsey sat with her legs wrapped around him. His hand still held her ass, his breath moving in and out of his chest in sharp heavy pants as he leaned into her. She still held his cut tightly wrapped in her hands. Her breathing was slowing and she was realizing where they were and she felt her cheeks heat.

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