Burning Desires (Blue Bandits MC Book 4) (21 page)

BOOK: Burning Desires (Blue Bandits MC Book 4)
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“I changed my mind,” Burner grunted, leaning on the frame of the door, his eyes pinned to her as she continued folding.

“I would prefer you not to just walk into my apartment whenever you please,” Kelsey told him, setting the shorts she held into the basket before grabbing the last few items and shoving them into it too.

“Why did you give me a key then?” Burner asked, stalking towards her slowly.

“I didn’t,” Kelsey growled through gritted teeth, her hands fisting at her sides as she glared at him.

“Huh, my bad. Found it on the counter in the kitchen and thought it was for me.” Burner reached out, his hands landing on her upper arms, and he lifted, pulling her to her feet. Burner knew the key wasn’t for him when he took it. It had been obvious because it was on a hot pink key chain of a kitten but he hated breaking into her apartment every time he was horny. Kelsey raised a brow in disbelief and glared at him but he ignored it. Burner leaned forward kissing her, gratified when after a moment of their tongues tangling she moaned and her body melted into him.

Her hands grabbed at his cut tugging it off his shoulders, making the racing beat of his pulse increase. Burner allowed her to rip it off and toss it on a chair near the bed, his own hands pulling her shirt over her head, forcing their mouths to part for a second before crashing back together. Her hands were rubbing over his taut stomach, pushing his shirt up and off him, causing their lips to part again and making him growl in displeasure.

She leaned forward, her lips moving down his chest to find his nipples with her little tongue and he grunted, pleasure spiking through him as her soft lips caressed him. Burner’s hand cupped the back of her head holding her to him, needing her touch as much as he wanted to touch her. With fire pumping through him, he couldn’t seem to calm his breathing and his breath came out in little puffs. 

“You’re such an asshole,” she said, lifting her head to look at him and he noted with a little burst of glee that her breathing was not any calmer than his own. He could hear her breaths coming out in heavy pants. Unable to contain the need to touch her and still cupping the back of her head, he tugged at her fiery red hair till she was looking up at him.

“I know,” he muttered before his lips lowered to devour hers, taking everything she offered and demanding more. His hand was rough where it gripped her ass to hold her against his hardened cock.

Kelsey let out a soft throaty moan and her hands clutched his shoulders as she pressed her bare breasts against him, the hard points poking into his chest. Burner ran his mouth down her neck leaving little nips and laves in his wake as he tumbled her onto the bed. Coming down on top of her, his mouth quickly found her breasts, engulfing one tip in his mouth, licking and sucking hard. His cheeks hollowed as he pulled at the peak wanting to inhale it. No, wanting to inhale
so that he never had to be apart from her.

His cock throbbed and he pressed it against her open legs feeling the heat from her scorching him through their clothing and he couldn’t stop the growl that escaped him. Kelsey raked her nails down his back and her legs wrapped around his waist holding him to her. Burner kissed his way across her chest taking a nipple into his mouth. His lips closed around the beaded tip, his hand cupping it to push it farther into his mouth. Curling his tongue around it before scraping it gently with his teeth, he felt pure primal possessiveness grip him, pulling him under her spell again.

His body on fire, the need to get her naked assaulted him. Lifting up, he forced her legs to release him. Sitting on his knees between her legs, he reached for the buttons on her shorts undoing them in quick jerky movements. Kelsey moaned, her hands moving over his skin, her nails scraping against his shoulders and back leaving a slight sting in their wake. Tugging at the shorts, he began pulling them down her legs and when he reached her feet he tossed them over his shoulder, hearing them land against the wall with a light thump.

His eyes caressed her legs, slowly moving up, cataloging each inch until he found himself staring down at black lace panties. Burner let a slight smile curl his lips because these were the panties that had sent him running a few weeks ago. He almost laughed remembering the night he’d run out of here because of her underwear.

Shaking his head, he ran his hands up her smooth thighs towards her hips. Cupping them, he tilted her body. He leaned forward, his mouth kissing her stomach, his tongue dipping into her bellybutton. Moving downwards, leaving kisses and nips in his wake until he met the band of her panties, he pulled them off with his thumbs curled into the sides. He continued kissing his way down her pelvis working his way to her clit.

He pressed against her, hearing the little mewl she released as his mouth covered the swollen bud. Letting out a little groan of his own as the scent of apples and honey filled his head, he began licking and sucking at her sweetness, his hands cupping her hips to tilt her this way and that as he laved her slick passageway aggressively. His fingers slipped down to thrust into her over and over, seeking to make her come apart for him. He wanted her to crave this as much as he did.

Kelsey cried out, her mind shattering into a million different directions as Burner’s mouth moved over her. She couldn’t catch her breath and her hands tightly gripped his wrists which held her hips in place for his caresses, her nails digging into his skin leaving little crescent-shaped wounds. When his mouth covered her clit, she moaned, pressing up into him, her whole body shaking. As the sensations of his caresses exploded inside her, Kelsey wished that just once when he came here she could tell him no and mean it but he was very good at twisting her into a ball of gooey desires.

Those thoughts splintered, falling away when he sucked her clit into his mouth while his fingers pressed into her wet sheath. Her mind fragmented with pleasure as her orgasm flowed through, bowing her body off the bed into his caressing mouth. He held her down as she fell apart, crying out a broken croak of his name.

When her body finally stopped shuddering, she was left limp and panting beneath him. He hovered over her sitting back on his knees, his eyes dark as he tore his pants open to free his cock, his body poised to enter her. She had barely managed to recover some of her wits when she felt his thick hardness pressing into her. He entered her in one hard thrust, his darkened blue eyes holding hers as he moved inside her.

Kelsey found herself wrapping her legs around his hips and clinging to the backs of his biceps trying to hold on as he thrust into her. He grunted above her, letting out a little growl of pleasure through clenched teeth. He paused before he began to move inside her in a quick steady motion that built her own passions again. She moaned, holding on for dear life as she felt his body press in and then jerk out over and over. Her heart raced and her breathing became heavy and labored.

Her heels pressed against his ass, fighting to limit the sensations on her sensitive button because it was almost too much for her to take. Burner didn’t like the limits she was imposing and his hands moved to her thighs. Pushing gently, he forced her to open her legs and his thrust became harder, hitting her clit just right every time. His eyes bored into her, his mouth tight as he thrust into her. Kelsey tried to hold on but she felt her body quivering and knew the impending explosion would overwhelm her.

Unable to hold back the tide of pleasure, she fell apart letting out a throaty cry as her head thrashed on the pillow. Burner held her gaze as he rose above her, his body taking hers in a masterful demonstration of his skill. He was still peering down at her when she finally lay limp and sated beneath him. His face contorted as he continued to thrust in and out of her. His gaze darkened with desire before he let out a groan, his head falling forward hitting his chest. He let out a long low grunt that lingered in the air between them as he came, his body moving in hers for a moment more before he collapsed on her, his weight heavy as he labored to catch his breath.

After several moments, he moved slightly, rolling her to lie beside him before pulling her onto his chest. Kelsey rested her head on his shoulder listening to his pounding heart for a long while as they attempted to catch their breath. Her body was beginning to settle enough for her mind to circle back to what Burner had said earlier when she’d called him an asshole. She knew that he had answered her truthfully. He really did think he was an asshole and she’d briefly glimpsed pain in his eyes when he’d agreed. It brought back something Lance had told her the night Hanna was sick. She remembered he had said that Burner hadn’t always been so hard, that he had once been a jokester. She wondered what had changed him so drastically.

“Why do you do that?” she found herself asking him.

“Fuck you senseless?”

“No, I know why you do that, you idiot. I meant why do you always agree when I call you names like they’re true?” Kelsey ran her hand in a little circle on his chest ringing his nipple lightly with her fingers.

“Because it is,” he replied flatly, his voice filled with dark hatred that she was almost sure was directed inward. Lifting up, she rested her chin on her arm, looking up at his face as he stared back at her, his face contorted with self-disgust. She watched him as he grimaced and glanced away from her. Silently studying him, she waited for him to say something.

“It’s not something you really want to hear, Kelsey,” he whispered after a long pause where they just surveyed each other. She frowned at him as she contemplated that because she did want to know and the fact that he didn’t want to tell her meant it was something he needed to talk about.

“I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t want to know, Burner,” she replied and waited. Just when she thought he wouldn’t say anything, he spoke. This time his voice was wooden as if he wasn’t even aware he was talking.

“I’ve told you before that I’m not a good man. It’s why I warned you to stay away from me. I’ve done things. Things I’m not proud of.” Burner paused, his hand running over her hair, seemingly soothed by the gesture. Kelsey lay there watching his eyes, which stared at the ceiling above them, and she felt the slight tension that coiled his body. He glanced at her then, his expression bleak, almost somber.

“I hurt people.” He closed his eyes before adding in a raspy whisper she strained to hear, “Women.” She felt his hand clenching in her hair and her chest ached for him.

“I doubt that.”

Kelsey had come to know Burner after the past few months of his constant presence in her life and she knew he wouldn’t have hurt a woman unless there was a damned good reason behind it. It also explained his self-hatred.

“It’s true. I did it. Not because I wanted to but because I had to. I would have died if I didn’t do the things I did. But I should have just refused to do them,” Burner grumbled, his arm falling over his eyes, likely trying to block out the words he’d just spoken.

    “That’s not true, you did what you had to do to survive. I can understand that but I didn’t know that the Blue Bandits were like that.” Kelsey felt a shiver of fear run down her spine as she wondered how close to danger she’d really been with the Bandits at that party she’d gone to with Hammer.

“Not the Blue Bandits, I was with the Headhunters.”


“You heard me. I was part of the Headhunters MC for almost a year,” Burner spat out, his arm moving so he could stare starkly at her. Kelsey felt shock roll through her; from what she knew of that club they were little better than animals. They kidnapped women from nearby towns and terrorized the ones surrounding the Blue Bandits’ territories. Why would Burner ever be a part of their club?

“Why?” she found herself demanding, her hands pushing her up so he was forced to meet her eyes fully.

“Because I was asked to,” he finally told her, his chest rising and falling in a deep sigh. “They needed a mole.”

Suddenly a sickening sense of clarity hit her and she knew that he was mad at the things he’d done to protect the only family he had. It almost broke her when the pain that held him in such a death grip became clear to her. A man who had such a strong protective streak would be destroyed by the depravity he must have seen. She knew that this was the darkness she sensed inside him, the part that didn’t fit with the tenderness he had shown her at odd times over the past few weeks. She knew that this was the thing stealing the man she glimpsed every now and then, the man who held her close while she slept, the one who caressed her very soul at times.

“I see.”

He growled at that and rolled her beneath him, his face inches from hers as he spat the words out at her, almost roaring them. “No, you really don’t or you’d be out of this bed commanding me to get the fuck out. I had to hit a woman more than once, Kelsey. I watched as they were raped right in front of me and didn’t lift a finger to help. I let them be tied up and beaten bloody and I just watched. I didn’t stop them from doing any of it and that’s why you shouldn’t have let me anywhere near you. I told you, I’m not a good man.”

Kelsey felt every word like a blow. Her heart ached for his pain because it was in every word he spoke, in every lie he’d had to tell, and every bad thing he’d been forced to do for his family. It made tears spring to her eyes and she clenched her eyes shut to prevent him from seeing them.

“That’s why you shouldn’t be with a man like me. Why you should keep those little girl fantasies of me being a prince who’s going to sweep you off your feet far away from me. I am just here to fuck you, that’s it,” Burner growled, his mouth crashing into hers hard, his teeth tugging at her bottom lip until her mouth opened.

Kelsey allowed him to thrust his tongue into her mouth, realizing that this type of healing was all he would allow her to give him, and it broke her heart all over again because he deserved better. He just wasn’t willing to allow her to help him come to terms with what he had experienced yet. Determination filled her as that thought burst into her mind, echoing with the need to heal him. He was beginning to matter to her and she wasn’t going to leave him wallowing in a pit of self-destruction.

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