Burning Desires (Blue Bandits MC Book 4) (20 page)

BOOK: Burning Desires (Blue Bandits MC Book 4)
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He glanced over at Hanna. She was staring at him and he wondered what she was looking at him so hard for. His skin began to itch like it did when he was caught in the crosshairs of a gun and he eyed her warily.

“What?” he asked. 

“You hurt my little sister and there will be hell to pay. People think that it’s Greta they have to worry about when it comes to her but believe me, it’s not. Greta takes things head on. Me, on the other hand, I like to get even and you don’t want me to feel that’s necessary,” Hanna finally said, her eyes cold and narrowed. She had a look on her face that worried him because it was almost malicious. Burner was a little freaked out because she was kind of scary with that evil gleam in her eyes.

“She’s a big girl and can make her own choices.” Burner managed to sound firm and he didn’t step back when she moved forward despite the chill that slid down his spine. He really needed to get a grip because he was a biker, not a damned coward. Hell, he’d spent a year with hardened criminals that had frightened him less than that nasty look did. Burner stood a little straighter trying not to flinch because he had a feeling she would pounce on it like a predator sensing weakness if he did. 

“Oh, she is but the warning still applies.” Hanna wickedly laughed when she was only a few feet from him, her smile evil and cold, and he cringed a little. “Remember that because I don’t make idle threats,” she threw at him before she turned on her heel and followed her sister out.

Burner leaned back into the counter running a hand over his head, wondering what the hell he was doing. He really should just walk away but he couldn’t seem to find the strength because he wanted her too damned much and it was all going to end in disaster.



Burner crouched beside Pansy, his gun trained on the man he was supposed to be taking out when they got the signal from Reaper. After weeks of searching, Burner had finally found the Headhunters’ president and Reaper wanted to be sure this time that they got him. In the past he’d always managed to slip away somehow and Reaper wasn’t taking any chances that it would happen again. Hacker was the brains behind most of the kidnappings and it stood to reason that if they took him out, it would be a huge blow to the whole operation and they may be able to finally get out ahead of it.

The whole club was ready for this shit to get wrapped up and Burner was no different. Hell, he was likely the one who wanted it the most. Taking out the Headhunters had become his mission. Of course, that was pre-Kelsey because since he’d met her, his only mission seemed to be watching her ass to keep her out of trouble. And by trouble he meant another man’s bed, which was truly why he stuck to her so tightly.

After that night at the bar, she told him that she agreed to his terms as long as he agreed to not flirt or sleep with other women. He’d tried to tell her that he would do whatever the hell he’d wanted and it had backfired big time. Kelsey had shrugged and said okay. He had thought that was the end of it until the next night when she had shown him the error of his ways.

Shifting in the bushes, he leaned forward a little, his eye still trained on his target but his mind a million miles away. Kelsey was seriously fucking with his head. She began flirting with other men with a vengeance that night. She’d stopped four days later when he finally told her he wouldn’t flirt or sleep with another woman after fucking her senseless against her apartment door. Kelsey had smiled sweetly and said she would do the same, like she hadn’t just forced his hand, the damned little witch.

Burner could barely think straight lately. Between the screams that were only silent when he was inside her and the need to touch her, he was silently going insane. He’d taken her more than a dozen times over the past few weeks and it wasn’t enough. He still burned for her sweetness, needing it like a drug.

“Burner, you’re thinking so hard even I’m getting a headache. Chill,” Pansy suddenly said from beside him, carving a small stick of wood while they waited. Burner turned to look at him seeing the frown on his brow.

“I’m not thinking hard,” he grumbled, his hand tightening on the gun he held as his eyes went back to the man he was supposed to be watching.

“Yeah, you are. What’s got you so twisted?” Pansy asked and Burner shrugged.

He wasn’t about to explain that he was trying to figure out what the hell he was doing with Kelsey. Having her every chance he got over the past weeks wasn’t even taking the edge off the need he seemed to harbor for her. And he sure as shit wasn’t going to tell Pansy that he didn’t deserve to put his hands on her at all with the shit he’d done. Man, this doomed relationship was too fucked up and he needed to end it. Only he couldn’t even manage to stay away from her for more than a single day. Shit, he was losing it.

“It’s the girl then, huh,” Pansy snorted, making Burner glance at him.

“No,” Burner snapped, shifting again and trying not to think about Kelsey so Pansy would shut up about it.

“That’s a yes. You’ve been with her a lot. You thinking of patchin’ her?” he asked and Burner felt a burn of anger in the pit of his stomach.

“Hell no,” he grunted, knowing that would only end in tragedy.

“Why not?” Pansy asked, the look on his face curious and he’d stopped carving the wood he’d been whittling.

“Because I’m not. What the fuck is this, twenty questions?” Burner demanded.

“Nope, just idle conversation since we have another thirty or so before this shit goes down,” Pansy grunted as he began to carve again.

“I’m not really in the mood for idle conversation.”

“That was pretty obvious,” Pansy replied, making him feel like an asshole, but he didn’t start the conversation again and the two of them sat in silence for about ten minutes before Pansy spoke again.

“You know that you don’t have any claim on her unless you patch her, right?” Pansy asked and Burner felt like molten lava was poured through his veins at the suggestion he had no claim on Kelsey. His hand shook on the high-powered rifle he was currently holding and his trigger finger itched. Burner turned looking at Pansy. His jaw tightened and he glared at him.

“This is not a topic I want to discuss. You should be aware that my claim is on her and if you’re thinking of trying anything you’ll be eating my bullet. Patch or no patch.” Burner held the other man’s eyes for a long moment, his own darkened with the fires of hell because if anyone tried to get between him and what he wanted, they would regret it.

“Wasn’t meaning me, boy. I don’t do nice girls but I know there are some who will and you know as well as I do that unless you’ve got her patched, going after anyone for trying to get in her pants is going to cause issues,” Pansy barked.

Burner knew that the other man was right but it didn’t mean he wouldn’t go after someone if they tried it. His head was too fucked up with the desire for her for club rules to matter. He was no longer bound by the rules the way he had once been because once you toss them to the wind, picking them up again became impossible. Someone touched Kelsey and he wouldn’t care about anything even if it lost him the only family he’d ever known. Shaking these heavy thoughts from his mind, he focused on Pansy and the task at hand again.

“Look, it’s none of your business. I’ll deal with my woman my own way and you can keep your help to yourself.” Burner turned back to the Headhunters president, lining up his shot again.

“Sure thing. Just thought I’d remind you of the rules.” Pansy didn’t speak again and the silence ate at Burner because he had too much time to think about what the man had just said. Fifteen minutes later when they got the signal from Reaper, Burner took the shot placing it right between Hacker’s eyes, taking out the man they’d been hunting for months in less than ten seconds, making it easy for the club to take out the panicked men below.



Burner rubbed the back of his neck, glad this night was almost over. He was glad they’d finally cut the head off the snake. Now they just had to hope no one was strong enough to take over the operation.

“We did it. We fucking took those sons of bitches down,” Hawk crowed walking by the body of Hacker, kicking it.

A single bullet hole between his eyes left him gazing at the sky with a dazed expression in them as if he’d seen the bullet but hadn’t been able to get out of the way before it hit him. Burner frowned at Reaper, who looked grim as he returned his gaze.

“Let’s not get cocky. We’ve taken out men like him before and another one just steps up to take over,” Iron warned, reloading his gun while the prospects started cleaning up the bodies, putting them in a pile so they could burn them.

“Yeah, but never the prez. We got this shit locked down,” Hawk insisted.

“There are still six sergeants that could take over this gig,” Pansy muttered from where he leaned on the building nearby.

“I agree. This is a big win for us but getting cocky at this stage isn’t a good idea. We need to start working our contacts over the next few weeks to see what we’re dealing with,” Reaper tossed out, his gaze rolling over the twenty or so bodies still on the ground around them.

“Death is going to be pleased this went so well. He was pissed that he couldn’t get here before the raid but shit went down over in his part of the territory that left him no choice but to handle it,” Lock said from his left and Burner turned to look at him.

“What happened?” Burner asked.

“They found a drug house operation that was on the border of our territory and needed to take it down. Juice junkies had been causing issues for the town nearby that’s actually inside our borders. Death and Max had to take it down before it created an issue. If he doesn’t call in an hour we’ll send some riders. Not you though, you’re staying here to help work your contacts,” Reaper informed him. His look was hard and it brooked no argument so Burner just nodded.

He wouldn’t have volunteered anyway, it would take him too far from his addiction. Burner snorted internally at that thought but it was true, Kelsey’s sweetness was becoming a habit for him and he needed to get it under control before it destroyed her.

“We have some guns in a room near the back they just found,” Bull said, grinning as he walked up to them.  

“Good, we can always use more. We’ll store them at the clubhouse for now.” Reaper looked over at Burner as he spoke, likely wondering why he hadn’t argued with him about heading over to help Death. Reaper knew him and since his stay with the Headhunters he went after every job that had suicidal written on it because he’d rather it be him dead than one of his brothers. He felt they were better men than he was and losing one of them was a bigger blow to the club than his death would be. Only over the past few weeks, he’d passed over several of those types of jobs because of Kelsey and Reaper was apparently starting to notice.

Shifting under the intense scrutiny, Burner decided that he needed to get out of here before Reaper started asking questions he wasn’t in the mood to answer.

“I need to go check with some contacts about some information,” he grunted and moved towards his bike. He needed to see Kelsey. It had been almost twenty-four hours since he’d buried his cock inside her and it was currently informing him that was way too damned long. Burner let out a little snort at that thought, rubbing the back of his neck to ease the tension.

“Don’t do anything stupid, Burner,” Reaper called after him as he climbed on his bike and Burner wondered if Reaper knew where he was really headed if he would have given the same advice.


Chapter Sixteen




Burner entered Kelsey’s apartment an hour later using the key she’d given him a week ago. She was off tonight and he was feeling a little possessive after his conversation with Pansy earlier. The idea of another man touching her left him with a tight pit of unease in his stomach and a chip on his shoulder. He walked into her bedroom to find her folding laundry. Startled, she looked up.

“Oh, it’s you. What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t coming by tonight,” Kelsey said, her eyes watching him warily. Her hands picked up the shirt she’d dropped when he walked in, beginning to refold it.

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