Cailín (Lass) (Anam Céile Chronicles) (22 page)

BOOK: Cailín (Lass) (Anam Céile Chronicles)
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Never taking me eyes from him, I scrambled up to kneel
beside him, leisurely kissing his neck, shoulders, and along the length of his
side to his belly.  I moved to kneel between his legs.  As I stretched me legs
back out and lowered meself to place kisses along the front of his chest, the fullness
of me breasts pressed into his swelling manhood.  An intriguing sensation ‘twas! 

Where at first ‘twas immersed in me breasts, soon it be
working its way right through as wouldst a snake, seeking to point straight out
from between them where it had nestled. 

I rose up a little, and taking in the full view of it, I
inhaled sharply. 


Observing the breadth of it, me insides responded
accordingly with an aching shudder that vibrated through me.  Surprised I be with
a sudden urge to kiss upon it, which I thought to be a most curious idea. 

Hmm . . .
  I smiled deliciously to
meself, the notion inviting me.

I glanced up to his face, expecting to find him awake by
this point, yet still he was not. 

Hmm, I wonder if he only pretends to still be asleep.

Caressing his chest with me hands, I lowered me head and cautiously
placed me lips around the bourgeoning crown of his organ.  I marveled at the
uniqueness of the spongy feeling of it between me lips, as I squeezed it
between them, before popping it out with a vigourous suck.  I then went back
and swirled me tongue all about it, becoming quite engrossed in the rhythm of
this newfound activity.  I felt as a young lass again sucking on me first piece
of toffee!

I began to hear little moans coming from him, but when I
raised me eyes, his remained closed.  I could not be certain whether he still
slept or not, not that it mattered to me either way.  I be delighting in this,
and I hoped that he be as well— asleep or not!

I returned to exploring his fascinating instrument.  To me
delight, it had grown larger as I amused meself with it.  I wrapped me hand
around the larger, stiffer shaft to raise it upright, just staring at it before
me face fer a moment. 

Unhurriedly, I let me tongue glide up the entire length of
it, back up to the top.  Anxious to see what other exciting spectacles I could
do with it, I scrambled back up to me knees, and me head directly over it,
plunged me open mouth down upon it.  A deeper groan emanated from his throat,
provoking me only further.  I slurped me way back up to the top, and then set
to repeating these motions.

At that, Donovan opened his eyes.  The light of the morning
reflecting in them, the expression in his iridescent blue eyes heated.  He
grasped me gently by the hair, tilting his head back as I took the honoured
liberty of continuing me feat on him, bringing forth a whole new arrangement of
groans from him.  Most pleased I be when I felt him begin to move his hips in
sequence with the motions, encouraging me to persist with me ambitious mouth upon
his flesh of stone, and I did so fervently. 

Continued as this we did fer several magnificent minutes, me
delighting in devouring his organ with me mouth as Donovan stroked and oft times
tugged at me hair, and occasionally reaching down to fondle me breasts.  I
could feel the warmth of the wetness relentlessly streaming out from within me,
soaking me thighs thoroughly.  It gratified me to please him in this way, yet
also did it enrage the smoldering within me.

So then, most disenchanting ‘twas when— just as we seemed to
have a steady rhythm in sync— abruptly Donovan jerked himself from me mouth.  Holding
me head, he twisted away from me to curl up on his side, groaning with his eyes
closed tight as though he be in some sort of pain.

Why does he turn away from me?  Have I done something wrong? 
I do not understand it at all!  If it felt so good, then why does he force me
to cease me pleasuring of him?

I arose from the hard ground that had been me bed fer that
one blessed night with him, and stretched up tall, raising me arms high, me
body elongating, me breasts rising up high and pert with the exhilaration of
the feeling.  Naturally, I made sure to do this once he had rolled over onto
his back again, standing directly in view of him and certain that I had his
full attention.  A breeze whispered across me body, instigating me nipples to

The lust returned to Donovan’s eyes, setting them afire once
more as his mouth hung open.  I detected his tongue dart out the corner of his
mouth to catch the drool that be escaping, not of his own volition. 
this would do the trick!

Donovan stepped forward and placed his hands upon me scant
waist, gliding them along me sides slowly, before pulling me to him in a robust

strength in yer hands . . .  melt me with yer touch you do.” I muttered as Donovan
kissed me neck vigourously, the rigidity of him pressing against me belly.

with me into the meadow,” I suggested friskily, me hope restoring.  “We’ll lie
upon the grass together.”

sauntered out of the cove, me bare feet sinking into the moist sand, the breeze
tickling me skin.  I be reveling in me nakedness, as ‘twas, unhidden there in
the light of day.  And follow me readily, Donovan did.  Reaching the edge of
the grassy area, still blanketed with the morning mist, I indicated fer him to
sit.  He did so compliantly, and I took another step to stand right before him,
the lower half of me body in direct line with his face, easily within his reach.

stepping forward once more, I placed one foot to the outside of his crossed
legs, the other on the other side, so that me legs were spread as I stood there
ever nearer, me sex so close to him, all Donovan need do was stick his tongue
out to light it upon me flesh.  The thought of it elicited from me a quiver. 

lingered as that fer an exaggerated moment, knowing how I must be teasing him,
teasing meself perhaps more, as I felt me juices within rapidly warming,
seeping nearer to the opening.  Oh, how I yearned fer him to take advantage of
the situation, fer many a night had I fantasized of Donovan’s mouth there upon
me tender flesh, melting me body into total surrender more with each lap of his

lowered meself into his lap— attempting not at all to avoid his unrelentingly
rigid organ— and thrust me arms about him, crushing me mouth to his.  First, in
passive resistance, Donovan just sat there and received the assault of me lips
upon his.  Then, he responded ever so carefully, with lips warm and soft
persuading mine to move in a more reticent manner.  Still I persisted with me
passionate kissing, striving at a last attempt to entice him further.

last, Donovan unleashed himself, reciprocating me kisses unrestrained, and even
challenging me own intensity, something I could not have believed possible. 
Then I dipped me head back, me chest rising to meet his face. 

me cue, Donovan took me breasts in his hands, and brought his face to them, the
overnight growth of soft stubble upon it tickling me, and covered them with
kisses before focusing his mouth upon the centre.  When he drew me nipple into
his mouth, certain I be never could I know any greater pleasure. 

suckled me, one and then the other, and then revisiting the first again, until
I thought stand any more I could not.  The throbbing ache within me pleaded to
be alleviated, in the only way it possibly could be— by him.

organ had grown ever more rigid, the pressure of it firm against me softer
flesh.  I could still feel the heat of me juices flowing, moistening us with
the slickness of it, me flesh liberating to him, his organ haunting it

nearly insane from his vigourous mouth upon me breasts, I began squirming, and
I could feel him gliding effortlessly among the midst of the folds of me flesh
which had opened and enfolded him.  We were both aware that either of us need
do was shift in the slightest and it would vanish within me quite easily. 

And, oh
how I did yearn fer that! 

I did not, waiting instead fer Donovan to initiate that next colossal step fer
us.  Yet still caught up in me frenzy, I wiggled meself back and forth along
his rigidity, establishing a lovely rhythm that be sending me higher and
higher, unbridling within me a covetous pursuit fer self-indulgence. 

At long
last, me motions created a succession of far-off ripples emanating first from
me nethermost inners and spreading throughout me body as waves of pleasure far
grander than ever I had fathomed possible!  I locked eyes with him, panting

clenched me arms tighter and grunted long and low several times, and fer a
moment me hope escalated that he was acquiescing.  I needed him now more than ever
I had before!  I yearned fer him to plunge himself deep within me and reveal to
me the dominant side of him never before had I seen, yet still be certain
existed within him. 

to me intense misery, Donovan gently pushed me back, restraining me lips from
kissing him, and lifted me off of him.  Shattering me hope with it, he left me
achingly empty, me insides in a frantic attempt to clutch him, pull him in and
hold tight to him.

Pull away you cannot . . .  Oh,
do not stop!”  Trapped in me
yearning, I virtually came undone.  “I must have you . . .  within me . . .
please . . .  I need to feel you in me . . .  
!” I shrieked at him

I felt
as though I be burning alive from the inside out!  I decided that, if he would
not, then I must take matters into me own hands— or, well . . . into somewhere
actually!   Primed to receive him, I made that all too easy shift in me
position and . . .

he pulled his pelvis back and grabbing me by the arms, lifted me up as he stood
in one motion.  I believe I must have looked at him as though he had slapped me
hard across the face. 

please do be sensible,” he said ruefully.  “You know do this we cannot.”

As a
swarm of jellyfishes, his biting rejection stung at me everywhere at once.  It
made me heart ache, the tears well up. 
Why does he not want me?

of those conventions matter to me in the least!” I screamed raucously.  “So
cruel you be, Donovan!”  

I slapped

preserved his composure surprisingly well.

you kiss me in that way, you must know you make me so

but Aislinn, so very kissable you be!  Far too irresistible, delicate and
elegant!” Donovan retorted too sweetly, kissing me innocently, apparently
trying to downplay the whole thing.  Quite irritated I be, being not in the
disposition fer his sugary attempt to humour me.

not irresistible
,” I pouted against his lips. 

everything I did to rouse him beyond his sensibilities, easy it should have
been fer him to give in.  So why then does he not?  Obviously, he does not
yearn fer me the way I yearn fer him.  Perhaps he is not attracted to me— at
least in that way.  Perhaps he still thinks me a child.  Will I forever be
doomed to be that ‘cute’ young lass in his mind?  Perhaps he cannot get over
that image of me . . .

overturn me whole world you do!” Donovan assured me, his eyes shining with
sincerity.  Still he held me by the arms.

“As you
have told me before,” I reminded him, smiling an obligatory smile.

“So I
have, than . . .” Donovan smirked knowingly.  “Well, I pray you’ll not tire of
hearing it, fer true ‘tis!” he declared, his eyes burning into me.

do not know what you do when you look at me that way!  Each time we kiss, how
you steal a piece of me soul,” I whispered to him, pouting again.

 “Oh Aislinn. 
How you do make me heart smile,” Donovan murmured, tucking a loose tendril of
hair behind me ear
and kissing me gently upon the
neck to take the sting out of his staunch refusal.

silent, I merely smiled back at him affectionately in surrender, as he caressed
me hand tenderly, lifting it to plant a soft kiss upon the inside of me wrist,
sending shivers through me once more. 

I want
yer scent to float in me head as this forever!  Oh, that we could stay just as
this forever, never returning to the real world!  Never do I wish this to come
to an end!

The sun
‘twas brilliantly visible now in the vast blue sky, the billowy white clouds
forming a daisy chain.

I brushed me fingers through the dew moistened grass.  As though to cheer me,
just then a silken black butterfly alighted upon me shoulder.  I looked at it
cross-eyed and smiled.


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