Cailín (Lass) (Anam Céile Chronicles) (37 page)

BOOK: Cailín (Lass) (Anam Céile Chronicles)
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Do I deserve love again
when I have done nothing but murder?

And when again I find
him, will there be anything of me left to give?


she treasures her homeland of Ireland, Aislinn only knows she must find escape
from the painful memories.  Not knowing where she is heading, her intuition
beckons her to Italy.  Perhaps, she will resume her long ago dreams of becoming
a famous violinist— such a thing would be possible there.  But that was before
her existence had been altered by her love for Donovan.  How can those old
dreams possibly even matter anymore— when she has lost everything that


sustaining herself in the underground of Florence, Aislinn is found by a couple
of stunning seasoned vampires who offer to take her under their wing and demonstrate
to her how a vampiress should be conducting herself.  While relieved to be
taken from her dreary homeless existence and to be living in their beautiful
old villa, she finds acclimating to their régime of seducing their helpless male
prey with the lure of sexual promises to be inflicting turmoil on her


is one catch.  Aislinn is truly enticed by Katja, the angelic Hungarian
golden-haired vampire.  When Katja seduces her, Aislinn is awakened to
pleasures she never imagined existed before.


she wants more.  Much more . . .


as she battles against everything that they are— and in turn, everything she is
becoming— Aislinn cannot help but be overcome with the intense sexual lust, as
well as the bloodlust of their realm.  Determined to find her love reincarnate once
again— as she avowed to him as he lay dying in her arms— she is struggling
against losing herself and preserving her virginity in the midst of these increasingly
overwhelming desires.


one day, Aislinn is certain she glimpses and catches the scent of her love.  With
this new driving force, she is desperate to be with him again.  But she knows
she must be vigilant in safeguarding her secret.  It is vital that she finds
him before they do and relish turning him into their next victim. 


her cohorts imprison Aislinn in the dungeon, she sinks into despair.  Now, how
will she ever find him?


yet, trapped there, how will she protect her love from


Aislinn does not know is that she possesses powers of which she is unaware. 

she discover them in time to save herself— and her one true love?

Excerpt of
Book II
of the
Céile Chronicles



he next
evening, upon rising from her morbid slumber, Zahrah found me and promptly
said, “Come, we are going into town!”

you, but I’ll remain here,” I said, as always I did when they went on their
frequent hunts fer victims. 

“I was
as to whether or not you
to accompany us,”
she informed me curtly.  “Now put on some decent attire so that we may depart

I did
not conceal the scowl that came across me face at being ordered about and
forced to participate in something I did not wish to.

your problem?” Zahrah asked me.  “Why do you insist upon preventing yourself
from delighting in the nature of what you truly are?  Do you not realise that
the beginning of your existence as a vampire is a time when all your
experiences are heightened, as I sense your lust is?  Never will you enjoy it
as much as you are able to now whilst still you are young.  Do not deprive
yourself, A-sleen!”

respond to her I did not.  I turned and walked away, and went to me chamber and
slipped into a fine lavender silk gown that complemented me hair nicely.

Zahrah be with me appearance.  She had decided ‘twas time to train me as an
accomplice to their seductions of unwitting men.  “I shall take you under my
wing, as somebody should have from your initiation.  It shan’t be long until
you are precisely as I need you to be . . .”

led our expedition to the nearest town to find a suitable specimen fer me
initiation to their lifestyle.  She struts down the street, seemingly ignoring
every eye she turns.  Her head she carries so high, as a sculpture; her eyes
wicked as she stretches her long legs, slinking as a feline.  Men crouch at her
feet as she passes, begging fer her consideration.  Rather it be comical

You hope to make her see you?  Do you think you’ll be the one to make her queen
of yer world?  Fortunate you should consider yourself if she chooses to
overlook you!

A-sleen, observe and see how it is done,” Zahrah declared, when she had
selected our victim fer the evening.  Not that any other undeserving person
would have been better, but particularly dismayed I be at her choice.  A right
lovely young man he be, utterly innocent; he could not have been even eighteen
years of age.  And, as was to be expected, quite easily enthralled he be by the
three of us well-formed women. 

our carriage he did climb without any hesitation, all wide-eyed.  By this time,
awful I felt fer what I knew be in store fer him.  Never before had I spent
even a few minutes of time getting acquainted with those I had fed from—
conversing with them and charming them, inspiring them to trust me, to like me,
to want me.  Dreadfully unethical it felt! 

me he did sit, his heart rate accelerating straightaway.  I smiled at him,
hoping the sympathy I felt fer him didn’t show through.  He took that as
encouragement and placed his hand upon me thigh.  I stiffened under his touch. 
Zahrah shot me a reprimanding, yet reinforcing look.  I knew she expected me to
play along.  Though, I did not know if I could.

leaned over and began kissing me upon the neck.  I did not respond, nor did I
stop him.  I only remained there, stationary while his inexperienced lips
fumbled their way about me neck.  Katja leaned forward and ran her hands up his
thighs, quickly reaching the bulge under his trousers.  His breathing quickened
as she stroked him through the material, sending bursts of warm breath upon me

Then he
bent his head lower and commenced with feverishly kissing the swells of me
cleavage as Katja opened his trousers and revealed his excited manhood,
gripping it expertly within her small hand.  Zahrah shot me a look then,
motioning fer me to touch him as well. 

I cannot!  Another man than me Donovan never have I touched!  Nor do I wish to!

Yet I
did, knowing better than to displease Zahrah.  I grasped it and he groaned. 
‘Twas warm . . . no, hot within me hand.  I noted Katja stroking it up and
down, so I mimicked her action.  As I took over the motion, she knelt down and
took him within her mouth.  Louder he did groan and suddenly grabbed me face,
covering me mouth with his, attempting to slice his tongue into me mouth. 

so hard I be to push down the urges that were rushing their way to the top! 
Instinctively, I stroked him firmer as he kissed me, feeling him thickening in
me hand.  So powerful I did feel!  Besides me desire threatening to overtake
me, the scent of his blood racing through his veins with his arousal be calling
to me. 

rose up and placed herself beside him upon the other side of the bench. 
Sensing movement, I glanced to see what she be doing and saw her removing her
bodice, freeing her breasts.  The boy turned his head then and upon seeing her
ample bared breasts gaped in astonishment.  Sweetly she smiled to him, touching
his head and gently guiding it to them.  He did not hesitate to draw her large
nipples into his mouth and suckle as an infant.

watched, partially intrigued and partially jealous, while continuing to stroke
him.  Zahrah looked at me, motioning fer me to do something I did not
understand.  I stared back at her in confusion.  Quickly she did become
exasperated with me and resorted to using words.

astride him, A-sleen!” Zahrah ordered, her voice just a whisper.  I stared at
her stupidly, hoping she did not truly intend what it sounded as.  “Sit upon
his shaft!” Zahrah commanded again, more impatiently.

shook me head in refusal.  Trying to coerce me, she shot me a harsh stare. 
However, waver I did not.  Again I shook me head, more vehemently this time, a
staunch expression of determination upon me face.

As I
knew where this all be leading fer him anyway, I made the decision to get it
over with— fer him as well as meself— and picked up his hand and brought his
wrist to me lips.  Still immersed in the physical pleasure Katja be
administering upon him, not a smidgeon of attention did he give to that which I
be doing.  Me lips brushed across his wrist as I deliberated.

This be
the first time ever I have killed someone against me own inclination.  So young
he be . . .  Yet his death is certain, regardless.  What he thought to be an
unbelievably lucky occasion with three beautiful women instead will show him to
his death.

only to have this over with, I opened me mouth and sank me teeth through the
flesh of his wrist into the vein beneath that had been teasingly pulsing
against me lips.  ‘Twas then his eyes connected with mine.  They ripped away
from his lust filled gaze on Katja’s breast to shoot a look of shock at me, the
pain registering upon his face.

his eyes I did gaze as I drank him, reading the fear there— as well as sensing
it— the flavor of it invading, altering the taste of his blood.  But I strove
to ignore it, concentrating instead upon the delectable taste of his young
blood going down me throat.

must have felt somewhat uneasy about it as well, fer with a pleading look to me
she whispered, “At least let us give him his full pleasure as never before he
has experienced . . .”

discerning ‘twas too late fer this boy to reap any more pleasure from her
efforts, she grabbed his head, guiding it back to her breast.  ‘Twas then I
first noticed the translucent white liquid flowing from them, and me curiosity
piqued.  A bit shocked I be to see sweet Katja in her role: luring him to his
death, offering her ample breasts fer the boy to suckle upon the whole time,
apparently as a means to soothe and distract him from the reality of his
imminent death.

realization at what be taking place overrode his pleasure, and the fear
remained in his eyes as powerlessly he watched me drinking from him.  Seeing
his bewildered and pleading eyes, I could go on no longer. 

young he is!  No right have I to end his life this way!  I will not be the one
to do it!

I broke
me suction upon his flesh, and turned away from him, striving to halt me
bloodlust, to drive the thought of it from me mind. 

shot an angry glare at me.  “What are you doing, A-sleen?  Finish him!” 

Me eyes
closed tight with me strenuous effort as I ignored her.  Delay she did not, the
scent of the blood still flowing from the vein I had punctured calling to her. 
Zahrah lunged forward to his throat, flinging his head back and sinking her
teeth in recklessly.  Katja took his bleeding wrist to her lips and delicately
suckled the blood from it as he had suckled her.  Moments later, his gasps
choked off to silence.

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