Candlemoth: A Holy City Romance (14 page)

BOOK: Candlemoth: A Holy City Romance
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“Welcome to Olympus, princess!”  Casper boomed.  “Have you been a good girl this year?”

“I think you’re mixing your metaphors,” Hazel giggled, “but I’d love to tell you all about it just the same- because as it happens, I’ve been very, very good-”

“Oh? Tell me more...” he said.

Rolling my eyes, I glanced back towards Ry and his table.  Not only was Ry completely oblivious to our corner of the festivities, he was flirting with their waitress.  A
gorgeously sultry blonde.  (
What. the. fuck.) 
The waitress was leaning towards him, giggling, letting him look down her shirt.  As I watched, she took out her phone and handed it to him.

Ry started typing-

His phone number.  He was giving the bitch his phone number.

I’d never felt so stupid, so used.  I hated him!  In a hot rush, I felt the memory of his delicious hands moving over me-probing into my most secret places- and the memory made me recoil.

I glanced over at Casper, who was still flirting with Hazel.  He’d been keeping an eye on me the whole time, like a concerned older brother.  Catching my glance, he smiled at me sexily.  His mouth was red and cold from his drink.  The tangle of long hair he wore up in his hot little man bun looked sweeter and more poetic than ever.

“You all right, Lily?  Hey… come here,” Casper said, but somehow, I was already in his arms.  I put my hands to his face and kissed his cold mouth, hard. 

And then, to squeals and cries of despair from the swarm of girls around us, Casper dipped me back in his arms.


“What are you doing?” 

Ry’s voice behind me was hot and low with anger.  I ignored him, but I could feel Casper begin to break away.  He was looking at the strange, furious man who must have run across the whole patio towards us at a breathless pace. 

A secret part of me smiled.  Ry cared!  He cared after all! 

Ry grabbed my arm, pulling me away from Casper.  “Lily- what do you-”

“Hey whoa, take it easy, brother,” Casper said, grabbing my wrist.

“Guys, what the fuck,” I said.

They ignored me.  “I’m not your brother, jerk-off,” Ry growled.  I saw his shoulders stiffen and raise.  He wanted to fight. 

Casper let me go. “Do you know this tool, Lily?” he demanded.

I had to nod.  “He’s the…”

“Oh, he’s the
.  Right, I get it.”  Casper’s mouth tightened into a small, red knot, but he still didn’t turn away.  He chewed his ice, breaking the cubes between his teeth.  It was strange to see someone famous for writing poetic love songs get so angry.  And kind of hot. 

“I’m the asshole- you’re kissing other guys, Lily?” Ry said.

I exploded.  “I saw you just give some bitch your fucking phone number!”

              Ry loosened, stepping back on his heels.  “Wha-?”

But I wasn’t finished.  The booze had bypassed my brain and piked straight into my heart.  “You fucking- the instant you met my dad, you- you pulled away-”

Ry reached for me, his hands warm and strong on my forearms.  I could smell him all around me- that heady blend of lemons and wood and sex.  Even though I was flushed with anger, I couldn’t stop the little swoon that began to curl inside me, a miniature echo of the silver waves breaking on the shore behind us.

The tension between us was like jungle air.

Ry shook me slightly, in spite of himself. “Why would you ever think that?  Why would you ever think I’d abandon you, Lily?”  One of his hands went to his chest, his fingers splaying wide.  His eyes were wet: Ry didn’t care what anyone on that beach thought of him, except me.  “I was giving my phone number to the
because we gave her a scholarship, she said it’s changed her life.  I wanted to have her write something about it, let the other donors know how much it’s meant to her.”

“A- scholarship-?”

“Yes, Lily.  Christ.”

The bartender roved over.  “You guys all good here?” 

Ry leaned towards him and put in an order I couldn’t hear. 

Casper had moved away.  He was standing with the others, evaluating me with a thousand-yard stare that made me feel two inches tall. 

When Ry came back, he put a cold glass in my hand. 

I pushed his hand away.  “I don’t need-”

“It’s just seltzer.  With a splash of bitters,” he said.

“Oh, goddammit.  Will you stop being so-” But I took a sip.  Ry smiled at me, calm and infuriating, and so beautiful.  He was so close we could have been dancing.  Or something else.  “God
it, stop being so perfect.  You’re an asshole, I
you’re an asshole!” 

“Oh yeah?  I guess that’s what you like, then,” he said.  He leaned closer.  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you drunk, Lily.”


“Yeah.  I know enough about girls,” he said, pulling me to him, “to know when one wants me.”

“I’m not drunk,” I muttered, pouting into him.  We fell into a hot, slow kiss.  We were both stiff with anger, with adrenaline and lust, our eyes locked together hotly.  Ry bit my lip, dragging his teeth along my skin.  I curved into him, my core fluttering with need.

“I do want you,” I whispered.  “You fucking asshole.”

He released me just long enough to show me his open palms.  “I’m yours,” he said, and then he held me again.  “You crazy, beautiful girl.”

I laughed.  “We aren’t dancing to the music any longer.”

“I don’t care,” he said.  “Do you?”

“Mm…” a familiar high, nasal voice broke in.  “I know this one.  I’ve seen her before, right?  That’s a first for you, Ry, right?  Hahaha!”

“Hi, Madison,” I said, coolly.  I almost couldn’t remember how she’d been able to get to me so much at the wedding; right now I had her number.  She was one of those girls who’d dreamed all her life about her storybook perfect wedding day.  And yet she was still desperately in love with the one guy she’d never have.

Because he was mine.

“You know my name!  That’s so sweet, bless your heart… but I’m sorry, sweetcheeks, I can’t remember yours.  You all look the same to me!” Madison said.

“Mad, you’re drunk too!” Ry said, swatting at her.  “You girls.  Here, take this, it’s seltzer-”

“No!  I wadn’t finished,” Madison said, swaying.  She looked like a hissing snake, uncoiling slowly from a basket.  “I mean, all you squinty eyed- you all look exactly alike-fucking

I looked up at Ry, shocked.  We stopped dancing.  Ry shoved the seltzer into Madison’s hands and wrapped her fingers around it brusquely. 

“Get_out_of_here,” he said.  “Before I do something I might not regret.” 

Stunned, Madison swayed back towards Ry’s family.  I noticed an additional chair at their table was empty-his mother’s.

“There’s things that happen in the South that are inexcusable,” Ry said to me, softly.  “The very same thing that makes it so lovely and romantic is our resistance to change.  But that also makes some of us hateful.  I’m sorry, Lily.  I’ll talk to her about it in the morning.  When she’ll remember.”

“Will you?” I said, quietly, looking at him.  “You don’t have to tell me about white supremacists; I’ve met them before.  I was born here, remember?  Even if I am half Japanese.  Does it bother you, how I look?”

Ry’s eyes were warm, thawing mine.  He was quiet a long time, watching me.  I was quiet, too.  I saw the depth of emotion that was caught in his eyes.

I couldn’t stand it any longer.  “What do you want to say to me, Ry?” I said.

But when Ry finally answered, it was in a voice so quiet I had to lean close to hear it.  He smiled.

“I don’t trust myself to say it,” he said.  “I’ve done so many things.  But losing you scares me more than anything… I’ve ever done…”


Suddenly, a wave of ice-cold seltzer splashed over my back and hair.  I leapt into Ry, startled.  Behind me, Madison stood grinning at us, drunk and triumphant, waving her empty cocktail glass in the air like a broken sword.

I couldn’t help it; I’d had to prove myself more than once in schools that were so gritty you could hardly shower yourself clean. 

Without thinking, I leapt at her, throwing clawed punches at Madison’s startled face.  She shrieked, ducking away from me into the crowd, but I looped her thick, silky blonde hair around my wrist and yanked her back towards me. 

She screeched, falling down hard.  I didn’t let go. 

“Lily, stop!”  Hands snatched at me, but not before I’d fish-hooked my nails inside one of Madison’s dewy cheeks and raked the soft, warm flesh that I found there.  When they dragged me off her, my nails were dripping blood.  Madison’s eyes were wide over the perfectly manicured hand clapped over her face. 

Well, spare the rod, spoil the child...

“Jap that!” I said, as Beren spun me away before I could get into any more trouble.

“Get the fuck out of here before I get in there for seconds!” he yelled at Madison.  She scurried away from us so fast she almost fell down again.

Then Ry seemed to be everywhere at once, yelling at Madison, yelling at me.  People were swaying in and out of focus all around us.  That was when I noticed the cell phones.

People held them in the air, training them on me, on Ry, on Madison screeching through the crowd.  We were on candid camera, and the footage was airing live.

His father appeared through the crowd, red-faced but patrician none the less.  He crooked Ry’s arm briskly in his, yanking him away. 

But not before Ry leaned over to me, kissed my cheek in farewell, and then yanked his shirt over his head for privacy.  They disappeared instantly through the crush of bodies and screams.

Now people leaned into my face, breathing up all my air.  Little white dots from their cameras and flashes blinded me from all directions. 

And then suddenly came the voice of a professional journalist:  “What just happened?  Are you dating the candidate’s son?”

Another: “Why the altercation?  How was Ryland Calhoun involved?  What’s your name, miss-?”

But Casper was already dragging me away, putting his hand out to try to shield me from the cameras.  “No comment!  She’s got no comment, you shits, get back!  Hazel-? Come on!”

“Are you kidding?” Hazel squealed.  “This is awesome, I’m staying!  Buh bye!”

“Candidate?” I said to Beren blurrily, as we raced up the dunes to Chandler’s car.

“Baby, I love you,” Beren said, “but you live under a rock.  Ry’s daddy announced his candidacy for the House last week.” 

We were tumbled into the car, still skittering with adrenaline.  The crowd behind us began to sound scary and wild, and even as we sealed up the windows we could still hear them through the glass. 

I felt the adrenaline turn to ice in my veins as the full import of Beren’s words hit me.  “Oh, you guys.  What the fuck did I just do?”

The car was silent. 

I watched our headlights flare over the sides of the embankment as we drove along, their light swallowed up by the unimaginable darkness at either side of us.  It was a relief when we got off the narrow road and into the cozy neighborhood where Chandler lived.  As we rolled beneath the alternating light of periodic streetlamps, I saw Beren’s hand slide over and take Chandler’s.  They gazed at each other deeply, their fingers twining together.

Casper nudged me.  “Hey, I can take you home, bae,” he said.


“No, it’s okay,” Chandler said, looking back at us. “I don’t mind driving-”

“Nah, we’re good,” Casper Graham said, tinkering with his phone.  “I wanted to go downtown anyway; I’ll Uber Lily home on the way.”

“Uh, well…” Chandler said.  He smiled shyly over at Beren.  “I guess, um- that’d be okay.”

We pulled in and got out.  The car ticked with heat as Casper and I milled a little ways down the sidewalk, giving Beren and Chandler privacy as they stood leaning against the car, talking, their hands still dancing together.  But Chandler’s street was so quiet, we couldn’t help hearing their first kiss. 

“I- don’t know what happens next,” Chandler said, sultrily, after a long pause.

“Now is when you invite me in,” Beren said to him, in a low voice.

Casper grinned over at me.  “Your boy’s got game,” he whispered, as our Uber pulled up.  “Here’s our car!  Bye guys!”


In the car, he tugged down his hair and bound it up again, his tattoos flashing. 

“Damn, what a day,” he said, serenely.  In the life of a touring musician, it probably hadn’t been all that strange.  Casper sprawled out in the seat so that our thighs touched.  Testing the waters one last time, probably. 

I moved away.  After that, we both looked out the windows, each of us melting back into the upholstery.  It had been a long, long day.  Finally, I broke the silence.

“His family’s going to hate me forever,” I said.

“Maybe.  But...” Casper squeezed my knee.  “If anyone can handle it, you can, kid.”

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