Captivate Me (2 page)

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Authors: Ryan Michele

BOOK: Captivate Me
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“Bella?” is snapped into the line, and I pull myself together, focusing on his words.


“Get your shit and get to the clubhouse,” he repeats.

This time, the words click.

“Why? What’s going on?” Nervous energy surrounds me at the urgency in his voice. Sure, he has told me to be somewhere naked before, but never has he ordered me to the clubhouse with this type of urgency, maybe even fear, and that scares me.

“Bella, fucking listen. Get your shit and get to the clubhouse. Now.”

My eyes dart around my apartment, thinking of what I need to take. “Buzz, tell me something,” I say as I dart to my room, open the closet, and pull out some bags. I toss them onto the bed and unzip them.

“Shit’s going down, Bella. I need you here to keep you safe.”

I still momentarily as my chest tightens. “Am I in danger?”

“Could be. I’ll explain once you get here.”

“Is Breaker with you?”

He lets out an exasperated sigh. “Yes, he’s upstairs. Bella, get your shit and get on the fucking road.” Losing patience is another thing that is not like Buzz at all. He’s the most patient man I know.

“Okay. I’ll throw some things together and be there.” I rush to my drawers, not really looking at what I’m tossing into my bag, just scooping up several pairs of shorts and jeans, shoving them in. I wad up some underwear and bras, tossing them in before I go to the closet and begin to pull things off the racks. No folding here, just stuffing.

“Be safe,” he tells me then disconnects.

Hastily, I finish in the closet then raid my bathroom and grab all my school books. Buzz’s tone has me on edge. There was almost a fear there that I haven’t heard from him before. That right there has me propelling to get my stuff and get to him.

While I’m curious to know what’s going on, I trust Buzz, and I trust his club. They protected Casey and me before; I know they will do it again.

I lug my stuff to my car, turn over the ignition, and then fly to the clubhouse. My mind races with the memory of the first time he brought me to the clubhouse, back when shit went down with Casey and Jace. Spending a few weeks at the club then was a real eye opener.

“Come on,” Buzz’s deep, sexy voice orders me as we get out of the car.

We just pulled up to the clubhouse, which I guess is my new home for a while. The locked gates and barbed wire on top of them do not give me that warm and happy feeling.

Jace, that fucking asshole. I can’t believe him, attacking Casey so she had to fight with everything in her power to get away. She barely did. Jackass. But I have learned over my years that a lot of men are assholes. Some are just better at hiding it than others, such as Jace, the clean-cut guy who turned into a raving lunatic.

It’s usually the ones you least expect who are the biggest danger.

This entire situation is overwhelming, but Casey told me to trust these men, and I trust her.

I follow Buzz through the parking lot, my eyes darting this way and that, trying to take as much in as I can. My adrenaline pumps through my veins from my world being turned on its axis in such a short period of time. One moment, I’m going over to ask Casey to get coffee at the campus café. The next, I’m being swept away to the Ravage MC clubhouse.

My eyes move to the man in front of me, and holy hell. The glorious globes of perfection that are his ass in faded blue jeans that hang on his hips are completely visible for enjoyment. I take the brief reprieve from my anxiety-filled life to scan up and take in the leather on his back that has “Prospect” written across it. His black T-shirt peeks out of leather at the arms where tattoos are painted on his skin.

Somehow, someway, even with everything around me crumbling to the ground in a pile of ash, with one look at him, my mind feels at peace. I don’t understand that.

From the second I laid eyes on Buzz the first time he came to Casey’s apartment to get her for Diamond’s funeral, I knew he was a real man. I’m not talking about physically or any of that. No, I mean, a man who takes what he wants and expects his woman to comply. A man who knocks down walls and barriers to get exactly what he wants. A man who is strong, independent, and knows his own head. Not some boy-man who knows nothing about what their future holds, let alone how to take care of a woman. His mere presence exudes it.

I have had my fair share of boy-men while living it up during college. Most, I wish I could erase from my brain. Really, only a handful stand out, but the funny thing is that none of them had the strong dominance and confidence Buzz shows just by walking in front of me. That alone is a huge turn on, which is better at this moment in time to focus on than the freak out I should be having.

Buzz swings a large door open, holding it for me as I pass through. The smell of cigarettes and stale booze instantly assaults my nostrils. The space is gloomy in that dark wood paneling and tiled floors kind of way, but the lights are bright, showing every cigarette butt and beer stain around. Some tables are turned upside down, and chairs are propped up against the walls. It looks like someone had a hell of a party, and judging by the women with only enough fabric on to barely cover the essentials, looking totally passed out, it was recent.

“Your stuff is going down here.” Buzz motions to a set of stairs, and I descend them, giving Buzz a swish of my hips as I go.

The wide space I walk into has couches, a television, and what appears to be a hallway full of doors that my first assumption believes are bedrooms. As Buzz opens one of them, I see I’m right. The room has a nice sized bed, dresser, and two doors.

Buzz goes to one door after dropping my bags on the floor. “Bathroom.” He points and moves to the next. “Closet.” A man of few words.

“Thanks.” I brush by him, my long hair sweeping over his shoulder flirtatiously as I check out the bathroom. It’s clean and has the essentials. This is more than I need. I’m a simple woman. Always have been; always will be.

When heat presses into my back, my body reacts immediately as my pulse thumps. I reach out for the doorframe on either side of my body, stabilizing myself, or at least trying to.

Strong hands grip my waist, and I’m thrust back hard against Buzz, noting the solidness of his body.

My breath catches as his lips come to my ear.

“You want this?” He presses his hips into me hard, allowing me to feel his strained erection nestling in the crook of my ass. “Don’t fucking start something you can’t finish,” he growls, biting his fingers into my flesh, the pain turning into warm heat moving up my body.

I shouldn’t want this. Not now. Not when everything is a mess. But when he shifts, hunger burns through my veins. I need this. I need this reprieve from the last few hours, just to feel alive and free.

I give my ass a shake and listen to his intake of breath. “You couldn’t handle me, biker boy,” I taunt as I turn my head mere inches from his delectable mouth and inhale him. The scent of his pheromones and leather set me aflame.

?” His breath is hot on my lips, and I feel the sudden urge to lick them.

Buzz watches me, his sexy blue eyes flashing in lust. Nice to know I affect him, too.

He snakes his hands up my body: first, around my waist; then, my abdomen; up my chest between my breasts; then, to my throat. His grip isn’t painful, but it’s tight and demanding, leaving me no room to move.

A twinge of fear hits my gut from the possession I feel in that one touch, but the arousal outweighs it.

He pulls my head back so it rests on his shoulder, his other arm coming around my waist as he thrusts into me twice with a suggestive promise.

My breaths elevate as I fight for control, keeping my desire from reaching a fever pitch. The pressure of his hand, the feeling of his large, hard body and erection, the quickening of my pulse has my heart beating fast as I try to contain my lust and fear all in one. It’s an intoxicating combination that I find irresistible.

“See? I like things that would scare the fuck out of you, Bella. You sure you want to open that shit up?” he growls into my ear, sending shivers up my spine.

Heat pools as images flash through my head. Some of my deepest and darkest fantasies make their appearance, and instead of a faceless man, it’s Buzz who fulfills them.

I groan, unable to hold it in as wetness pools in my underwear.

“Yes,” I whisper softly, needing him to erase everything.

Buzz tightens his grip. “You don’t seem to get what I’m saying to you, so let me make it clear.” He moves his hand from around my waist, coming up and cupping my breast roughly.

I arch into his touch as he begins to tweak my erect nipples through the fabric. I stifle a groan as shots of pain and then pleasure hit me.

“I fuck hard, rough, and deep. I’ll take exactly what I want from you, and you will only be able to come if you please me. You will follow every command I say, never refusing me. If I want you down on your knees with my cock down your throat, you will do it willingly and love every fucking second of it.”

I quiver at his words, my knees almost giving out. It’s as if he dug into my mind and pulled out those images that flashed only moments ago. I’m not giving in that easily, though.

“Been told that before, big guy.” I have, by two other guys who came off as so domineering I thought I found what I was looking for, only to be let down and discouraged.

I push my ass backward and forward, trying to gain some space as my frustration grows. He doesn’t allow that, keeping me locked in place.

“The difference is my actions are louder than my words.” He turns me unexpectedly, and I reach up and grab his broad shoulders as I face him. I have to look up because of his height. His face is so intense that I believe him all the way down to my core.

He threads one of his hands through my long, dark locks while the other is on my ass, kneading back and forth with growing pressure. “I’ve wanted to fucking do this since your tight ass was in front of me on the stairs at your apartment.”

“Why didn’t you?” I say in a breathy shiver, letting the entire day melt away.

His grip on my ass tightens to a delicious pain. “Wasn’t the time.”

“Since when does a man wait?” I know I’m egging him on, but with each word one of us says, the air in the room crackles with an electricity I have craved for so long and never experienced. I can’t stop myself, not wanting the feeling to end.

His sky blue eyes flame. “Not good to poke the tiger,” he warns, giving my hair a yank back so my head is straining just on the side of slight pain, but I keep my position. “Guess I’m gonna have to show you. It gets to be too much, you say red. Everything stops at red.”

I gulp, remembering what I looked up online while in search to find what I needed, what turned me on. It’s like Buzz knows exactly what’s in my brain, and I love it.

“Answer.” His sharp voice cuts through my thoughts, and I jump.

“Yes,” I whisper as he pulls my hair harder, my head having no choice but to fall back a touch.

He crashes his lips hard on mine, stealing the breath from my lungs. His kiss isn’t like one I’ve had before. There is no uncertainty in his movements. Instead, it’s like a well-choreographed dance. He moves; I follow. There is no guessing as he leads.

His hand is still laced in my hair, turning me exactly where he wants me, and I fist his shirt at the shoulders, holding on for dear life.

He isn’t sweet or coaxing when his tongue enters my mouth. No, it’s fierce as he sweeps in and his taste explodes inside me. I drink him in.

I keep up with him, movement for movement, my body turning into a live wire, every nerve ending igniting.

He tugs my hair and pulls my lips from his, and I gasp in, feeling the cool air invade my lungs that I desperately need but don’t want.

“Clothes off.”

I stand there, dazed from the kiss, unable to quite focus on his words.

He pulls harder to the point of pain, his eyes dead serious, and a shiver moves up my spine.

“Now,” he demands.

Only when I nod does he release me from his grasp.

When my fingers fumble as I try to get the button to my jeans undone, he puts his hand on top of mine, halting me.

I look up, wondering if I’m doing something wrong.

“Slow,” he instructs as he sits on the bed, which means my tits are at his eye level.

I suck in deep trying to find some balance after his onslaught. He wants slow and a show. By all means, who am I to disappoint?

I step back, putting a bit of distance between us, his eyes never leaving me. Each swipe of them on my body feels like a hot caress.

I kick off my flats. Then I place my thumbs in the band of my jeans at my sides and bring them slowly up to the front, the trembles gone. A flick of my finger and thumb and the pants are unlatched. I slowly draw down the zipper and bring my thumbs back to the sides. I turn around and bend at the waist as I pull my jeans all the way down my long legs, exposing my bare ass in only a thong.

Buzz says nothing, but when I turn and look, his eyes are ignited, which only spurs me on. I am a very sexual being. Always have been. I just never found the right guy to open that fully up, someone who can give me exactly what I crave. I really hope I’m reading Buzz right, and he doesn’t disappoint.

I kick off the pants and toss them to where my shoes landed. I turn back toward the wall so my back is to Buzz. Gripping the hem of my shirt, I peel it off my body in a dramatic whoosh. Then I reach behind me and grip my bra strap, ready to unhook it.

“Stop,” Buzz commands, and my fingers still instantly. It’s so automatic it’s almost scary how my body listens to him. The command in his voice makes my thighs quiver with need. “Turn around.”

Slowly, I do, and the sight before me is one to behold. Buzz’s jeans are open, and he has his hand on his throbbing cock. His strokes are hard, according to the white of his knuckles.

There is something about a man touching himself that is one of my triggers. I fucking love it. Wetness coats my pussy as my clit throbs, and the man hasn’t even touched me yet.

“Like what you see?” He smirks arrogantly, knowing damn well that I obviously do, but he wants words.

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