Captured Miracle

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Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Captured Miracle
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Captured Miracle


By Alannah Carbonneau


Copyright © 2013 Alannah Carbonneau

License Notes: This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Authors Note

Other Books by Alannah Carbonneau


Chapter 1

My heart slammed painfully in my chest as fear surged through my bloodstream. It was so potent I tasted the bitter swell of bile. A large calloused hand covered my mouth, cutting off the piercing scream bubbling in my throat. My eyes popped open and I struggled to adapt to the suffocating darkness surrounding me. My blinds had been pulled closed - not the way I left them when I’d climbed into bed - and there was only a sliver of silver moonlight slicing the darkness.

Tears burned my eyes and I blinked rapidly, clawing at the hand held firmly over my mouth. I tossed my head from side to side, trying to tear myself from his punishing grip, but I failed. Instead, I parted my lips, tasting the nauseating salt of his skin as I clamped my teeth down on his calloused flesh.

The man flinched, “Shit!” He hissed in a deep breath, pushing his hand harder against my face, forcing the back of my head into the mattress. He leaned down over me, his breath warm and revolting against my face. “Do it again and I’ll make sure you pay.”

I whimpered as another man claimed the space on the opposite side of my bed. My eyes, now adjusted to the dark, counted three figures. All men. All dressed in black.

What were they doing in my room? What did they want from me? What were they going to do to me? And what about the rest of my family? My mother and two little sisters, would they be safe? What would happen to them?

The man standing close to the door moved quickly to the end of my bed as I started flailing viciously against my human restraints, my legs tangling in a mess of sheets. The three men moved in surprising coordination. The man whose hand held my scream from finding release grabbed my chin with his other hand, while the man standing on the opposite end of my bed caught my flailing wrists in an iron grip. It didn’t take long for the man who’d been standing beside my door to pull the sheets from the bed, exposing my bared legs. Hot hands moist with sweat locked on my ankles, stilling my movements.

A painful sob rocked through my chest, but no sound found its way into the silence. Through my misted gaze, I stared at the men as they breathed in evenly. They knew what they were doing, and I was terrified of what I
know. I’d never once thought twice about wearing an oversized shirt and a pair of panties to bed. And, I never once thought I’d be grateful for my wiry chicken legs. The way the pale moonlight touched the insipid skin of my legs didn’t make me feel all that alluring. I could only pray that these men weren’t here to rape me. I would prefer death.

My bedroom door cracked open and another man popped his head into the room. “Hurry, it’s time.”

A cry ripped through my heart as I realized there were more than just the three men in my bedroom. The man holding my mouth bent low, his breath sickeningly warm and moist against my skin. My lips trembled open as I struggled not to cry aloud, and his finger slipped into my mouth. Again, I tasted the salt of his skin mixed with my own saliva and I gagged.

He shifted his hand over my mouth. “If you wake them, we’ll be forced to kill them.”

His words turned my blood cold and my body was quick to relinquish my fight.

The man spoke again, “You’re going to be a good girl and come with us now, yes?”

My heart shattered into a billion little shards, as I nodded, finding the ability to reply silently through my debilitating fear. He didn’t move his hand from my mouth, but this time, when they moved to peel me from my bed, I didn’t struggle. I couldn’t, not when my struggling meant the death of my family.

Tears rolled down my face, dripping onto the man’s hand before rolling over his skin. He tensed, but didn’t say anything to comfort me. I hadn’t expected him to. These men were anything but noble. They were criminals. And they were dangerous. Never before had I once thought it was a possibility that I might be abducted from the safety of my bedroom, of my home. I’d heard about these things happening, but they weren’t the kind of things that happened to

But that’s what every unfortunate soul thinks when they are being carted from the safety of their home. This shouldn’t be happening to
. I don’t

The man who’d held my ankles opened my bedroom door, his eyes filled with grave warning as I passed him by. I knew what he was telling me. Don’t speak. Don’t cry out or scream or fight.
Because if I do, they’ll have to kill my family.
I heard his silent warning loud and clear.

I let the man holding my mouth lead me through the hallway I had walked thousands of times before, but this time felt so different. It felt longer somehow, and yet shorter. Every step I took was agonizing. And at the same time, I wanted to run. My emotions were torn into two. On one hand, I was terrified of walking through my little home to find myself in the dangerous situation of being right where these men wanted me. And on the other, I just wanted to get it all over with. I prayed that whatever they had planned for me was quick.

At the thought, fear pooled in my belly and I ached to fight. Need burned in the pit of my stomach and twitched in my muscles. As though he could sense my sudden burst of fight, the man leaned down, his voice gravelly in my ear. “Remember my threat. It still stands.”

And as soon as I found the will to fight, it fled my body, abandoning me to these men and their cruel intentions. I decided then, that regardless of the horrors these men had planned for me, I would accept it. I would accept every torturous moment, so long as my mother and sisters remained safe and untouched. That’s all that mattered to me.

They were all that mattered to me.

Before I knew it, I was standing before the door to my house, and the man was pulling it open. Cool night air brushed against my bared skin as I stepped from the safety of my home. My eyes widened as I took in the scene before me. There were three black vehicles parked against the curb in front of my house. They were very out of place against in the middle class suburban neighborhood. Two black SUV’s that looked like escalades were parked, spilling exhaust into the night, sandwiching a long black limo.

What the hell?
Why the hell did they need a limo for an abduction?

Another voice speaking quietly interrupted my thought. His words were chilling. “Take her to him.”

Who in the world was

I didn’t have a chance to ask the man as he pushed me determinedly toward the limo. It was then that I decided I didn’t want to do this anymore. I dug my heels into the grass on my front lawn, locking my knees. My efforts were wasted. The man simply lifted me, walking toward the limo as though I hadn’t caused him to strain. One of the four men opened the door of the limo and the man carrying me placed me on the ground outside the car.

“Get in the car.” He hovered close, his arms encasing my body, his hands clasping the hood of the car. I knew there was nowhere else for me to go. On shaky knees, I lowered myself into the limo.

I flinched as the door slammed shut behind me. The limo was dark, but my eyes were well adjusted. I found a figure sitting beside me with only a small seat between us, and I tensed, instantly bolting for the other side of the limo. I knew I was farther away from the door, but I couldn’t handle sitting so close to
. I felt like a spooked horse, and when the limo shifted forward, my moist, trembling hands gripped the leather of the seat. My eyes fastened on the little white house I had known for so long, the house I was certain I would never again set eyes on. I watched with misted eyes, until there was nothing more to see. It was gone. They were gone.

A golden light flooded the space and I saw the man for the first time. My breath caught in my throat and my lips parted on a gasp.
He was young!

The man sitting - or claiming - the other side of the limo couldn’t be any older than his late twenties. He was the most striking man I had ever laid eyes on. And I instantly hated him. Loathing for him pulsed in my blood, poisoning my once gentle entity. His body was large, and I knew he was exceptionally fit. I had a feeling he was also uncannily strong and harsh. I didn’t particularly want to test my theory - yet.

My eyes swept over the length of him, taking in every miniscule feature of his being. He was sitting back in the seat, appearing at ease, but I knew he wasn’t. I could see by the curl of his fingers into his palm, forming large fists that he was anything but. A steady pulse pounded in his throat, where the first two buttons of his black dress shirt was left undone. The shirt was rolled up onto his firm muscular forearms, and every few seconds he flexed, his wrist mass straining the heavy gun medal gray watch links. His long, dark jean covered legs were slightly parted, and a thick black leather belt hugged his hips. The buckle was bulky and silver. His feet were adorned in worn black leather dress shoes. Everything about him exuded confidence, but I had a feeling he was a ticking time bomb. Not nearly as in control as he’d like to be.

My eyes flickered up to examine my captors face, and my heart paused its beats. The most intense blue eyes I had ever seen were staring at me without an ounce of reticence. It appeared my captor was just as intrigued by me as I was him. The only difference was that I hated him.

But hey, maybe he hated me. I mean, why else would someone do this to a person?

Shaking the thought from my head, I allowed my eyes to analyze his face. I wanted to memorize every shadow, every flaw, perfection, and quirk. Not because I was hypnotized by this man, but because one day I would escape. When that day came, I would be fully qualified to give a statement about my captor. I would be able to draw his face to perfection and he would pay for everything he put me through.

His hair was thick and inky black. He styled it messily. As though a woman had just run her slender fingers through the mass in a thrall of passion. It fringed the sharp frame of his face perfectly, giving him an air of harsh, unchallenged command. His cobalt eyes were piercing, bordered by the thickest, longest ebony lashes. His cheekbones were high and even, his nose sharp and straight. Strong. His lips were full and slightly quirked in a lopsided grin and his chin was firm. His jaw was square. The man didn’t appear to have any flaws. He was complete and utter perfection - an Adonis. But no one was perfect. I was certain that his ugliness lived inside him, rather than outside. And that made him all the more dangerous.

At the thought, my heart broke.

Obviously, I wasn’t above crying. Tears were rolling determinedly down my face, freefalling from my chin to hit the bare skin of my thighs. My only saving grace was that I was a silent crier. I didn’t sniffle, or sob, or hiccup. Not once did I make a single sound. I just cried, my body falling subject to soft shudders.

“Interesting choice of attire.” The man spoke for the first time and I noted, much to my displeasure, that his voice was deep and smooth. The sound crawled toward me, declaring the space I had so desperately tried to put between us.

I didn’t reply. He didn’t deserve a reply.

He sighed, “When I speak to you I expect a response, Nova.”

How did he know my name? The thought was short-lived. The man knew where I lived. He’d just had me stolen from my bed in the dead of the night. The fact that he knew my name was the least of my worries.

I still didn’t bother to reply. He’d taken me away from my home and my family. He had nothing left to bargain with for my compliance. I had no intention of making this easy for him. I would fight him at every corner and if the opportunity ever presented itself, I would kill him.

The man chuckled and I wondered fleetingly if he could hear my thoughts. I dismissed it quickly for the ridiculousness it was. My fingers curled over my kneecaps, my nails biting into my skin.

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