Captured Miracle (4 page)

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Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Captured Miracle
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There was a part of me that wondered if I should just accept him, and this situation for what it was. I’d always been the kind of person who looked for silver linings. I tried to make the best out of every situation I found myself in, no matter how unfortunate. But this, this was just wrong. There was a part of me that simply couldn’t fathom doing that. I just
. How could he expect me to accept him? How did he think I would ever be a dutiful wife? Oh right, he thought I would, because I didn’t have a choice.

Slowly, I turned to face him. “I need to pee.”


The limo rolled into a small gas and diner on the side of the highway, just a few miles off some unnamed dinky town. The limo had no place being in this parking lot and I stared, wide eyed, out the tinted window, comfortable in the knowledge that no one could see me.

“Well, you’d better get some clothes on.” Calix muttered, lifting the lid of a disguised compartment. “You can’t go wandering into the diner without clothing. Someone might think you’ve been taken from your bed in the middle of the night.”

I didn’t know what to be more angry with. The fact that he’s had clothing in here for me the entire time, or that he was making a joke about my very unfortunate situation. The situation he himself had forced me into.

Instead, I snatched the clothing, holding it tight to my chest. My hands were shaking as I sputtered, “You are the worst human being I have ever encountered!”

He sat back in his seat, looking satisfied. “Get dressed.”

I pointed to the door. The anger in my voice was barely restrained. “Get out.”

He folded his hands in his lap. “I don’t think so, love. I’ve already told you that you’re going to have to get used to me being around. You’re my fiancée and we aren’t one of those prudent couples who won’t be sharing a room.”

My entire body was vibrating with anger by the time I turned around. He obviously wasn’t going to leave, allowing me to dress in private. The man was a freaking Neanderthal! I wondered, quite spitefully, if he would survive a baseball bat to the head. The thought made me grin, and I couldn’t help but think that I was turning heartless remarkably fast. Shrugging off my sudden guilt, I inspected the clothing he’d brought along for me. The size was just right. I was a solid four. The realization that he knew my exact size made me wonder just how long he’d been plotting my abduction. How much did he know about me?

Peeking over my shoulder, I found that he was watching me intently. There was no shame in his eyes when I caught him staring. Instead, there was challenge.

On a huff, I turned back around. Shoving my feet into the white high waist maxi skirt, I tried to think up a way to get my shirt on without giving him a show. All I could do was keep my front turned away from him as I pulled the nightshirt over my head. I shoved my arms into the holes of the cropped champagne tank top. I didn’t have a bra, but the shirt had a nice flow, making my lack of a bra seem almost planned.

I turned around to face him, “I don’t suppose you thought of shoes?”

“When it comes to you, love, I think of everything.” Calix reached into the compartment, producing a strappy pair of gold sandals.

“What else have you got in there?” I grunted, already bending over to strap my feet into the sandals.

“Everything you’ll need until we’re home.”

. The word made me feel sick to my stomach and I felt my skin pale dramatically. The blood drained from my face in one quick swoosh, dropping to my feet. My skin was sticky, cold and clammy with sweat as I gasped for breath. I felt dizzy and my breaths were shallow as I gripped the edge of the seat, my moist fingers digging into the leather.

A frown tugged at Calix’s brow, marring his breathtaking beauty. “Nova?” His movements were slow and careful as he crossed the distance between us. His hands settled on my arms, running over the length of them gently. “Are you all right?”

“Home.” I breathed the word, trying not to let myself cry. “Where is home?”

He sighed. Sliding a finger beneath my chin, he forced my head to tilt back. His cerulean eyes found my dull brown orbs and his full lips parted. “Your home is with me, Nova. We will be living in Alberta, in the mountains. I’m certain you will enjoy living there if you’ll only accept this.”

One tear slid from the corner of my eye, but no others followed. However, when I spoke my voice croaked. “I don’t want to accept this, Calix.”

He shook his head, slowly closing his eyes. For the first time since my abduction, I saw something like regret flare in the depths of his steel eyes. My breath caught and hope reared its head in my chest. I sat still as Calix leaned forward, resting his forehead against mine. My breaths stilled in my chest and my heart raced. Feeling him so close to me, like this, set confliction loose inside my body. I ached to pull away, but I desired nothing more than to stay like this with him. I sensed a rare vulnerability within this strong, powerful man, and I couldn’t help but want to caress it.

Before I knew what was happening, Calix lifted his head from mine. His hand cupped the side of my face, his touch warm and soft. I forced myself to remain still as the pad of his thumb swiped across the delicate skin beneath my eye. “I can’t let you go, Nova.”

My heart broke. Again. “Why?”

“Because this is bigger than just you and me.” He whispered and my heart thudded. I searched his eyes frantically, hoping to find an answer lurking in their depths. I didn’t. The vulnerability I’d seen in them only moments before had vanished to be replaced by the cold hard man who’d taken me. My captor was back.

I had to try. “What’s bigger, Calix?”

He dropped his hand. “If you have to pee, I suggest we go now. If not, I’ll let the driver know we’ll be on our way.”

I let my eyes fall to my shiny blue painted toes. This was the last thing I’d done with my sisters. We’d given each other pedicures last night before bed. Only last night, I’d laughed and joked with my family - the family I would never see again. My breaths were sharp and shaky as I tugged my gaze from my toes.

“I have to pee.” I stated for the second time in a matter of ten minutes. “Are you staying here?”

Calix snorted. “I don’t think so, love.”

I moved to the door, but Calix caught my wrist. His other hand settled on my hip, guiding my body firmly into the seat. I hissed in a deep breath before slapping his hand away. “What are you doing?”

“Enough.” He barked and I flinched. “You’ll not question me in public, Nova. Ever. Do you understand me? Do you know what I’ll do if you make a scene?”

I nodded numbly. “You’ll kill someone I love.”

“I’ll start with Amy.” His words were cold.

“My little sister?” I gasped, clutching at the pain in my chest. It wasn’t tangible, but I don’t think there was anything I’d ever felt more. My fear for her surged inside me, willing me to obey him completely. “Why would you target her?”

His eyes didn’t even flicker. Not a spec of remorse resided in the glimmering blue, and when he spoke, his tone was filled with fact. “I know you love her. You’ll do anything to protect her, Nova. So I know that when we go into the diner, you’ll do as you’re told.”

I couldn’t even find it within myself to
. There was no anger, no hurt, or fear. There was nothing. “I will.”

He nodded, pressing his lips to my forehead. I watched as he dipped his hand into the pocket of his jeans, pulling out a sparkling diamond ring. The diamond was round and solitaire, the band thin white gold. It called for gasped breaths and glee. Sadly, it received neither. I almost felt sorry that something so beautiful, a symbol of affection and love, would be on my finger, binding me to a man I loathed. “You’ll wear this.” He lifted my hand into his, quickly sliding the ring onto my finger. No surprise, it was a perfect fit.

There was no emotion in my voice. “Is that all?”

“No.” Calix’s blue eyes were hard. “You are my fiancée, Nova. You’ll appear in love with me, or you will suffer the consequences.”

“I understand, Calix.”

He sighed, nodding stiffly. “I trust you do.”

I watched as Calix tapped on the window and the door opened. He slid from the car before me, holding his hand out for me to take. Gritting my teeth, I slid my hand into his, letting him help me from the car. I knew that if I refused him, someone I loved would pay for his wounded pride. And I couldn’t allow that to happen.

Calix’s hand moved to slide around my waist as he led me across the parking lot and into the diner. I felt his finger’s slide against the waistline of my skirt before skimming, butterfly soft, against my skin. I tensed, but I didn’t move away.

Calix leaned down. His lips close to my ear, his breath warm. “You passed my first test, love. Congratulations.”

“Hmm.” I nodded, forcing a smile to my face as Calix opened the door for me. I caught sight of the sign for the bathroom and had to stop myself from running for it. I never thought I’d see a public bathroom as an escape from my world, my life. But that was all I could concentrate on. I just needed a moment. I needed to feel a moment’s peace away from Calix, even if it was only a brief illusion.

“Come,” Calix’s hand against the small of my back made me feel stiff beneath his touch as we crossed the distance from the exit to the bathroom. Only a few steps until I found reprieve, long fingers slid from the small of my back to my belly, holding me in place against a firm, long piece of man. I gasped, my hand instinctively moving to his against my stomach. My fingers curled around the tip of his fingers, itching to peel his hand from my belly, but I didn’t. I knew that such an action would force him to act on his threats. And I couldn’t handle that.

He dropped his head into the nook of my shoulder and my heart raced as his lips moved slowly over the skin of my throat. I knew he was doing this for the eyes watching us, but my body couldn’t seem to stop itself from responding to him. I felt hot despite the shivers claiming my body. “You have three minutes, love. A second longer and I’m coming in behind you.”

“I don’t have a watch,” I protested.

“You don’t need one.” He stated factually, nipping my earlobe. “Get your business over with quick and you’ll have nothing to worry about.”

I nodded crisply. “Yes, Calix.”

Without looking back, I moved into the bathroom. The door wasn’t swinging closed fast enough behind me, so I kicked it. Before it latched shut, I swore I heard Calix laugh. Crossing the tiled floor, I disappeared into one of three stalls. I hadn’t been lying when I said I had to pee. My bladder felt as though it was seconds from bursting now that there was a toilet in sight, and I didn’t waste any time pulling my skirt up and lowering myself. As I peed, I felt tears mist in my eyes. Balling up a piece of tissue, I wiped my tears away before finishing my business. I flushed, opened the door and moved to the sink. I turned on the water and it seemed to take forever for it to warm, but I used it regardless. I washed my hands before splashing my face.

My eyes were puffy from the crying intervals I’d suffered since the men woke me in the night. I didn’t know how many hours had passed, but I assumed it had been around six or seven. The sun was high in the sky, but I’d noticed people sipping coffee in the diner. So I didn’t figure it could be too late into the day. Pulling a piece of paper towel from the dispenser, I wiped down my hands and face. I looked a ruin. My creamy skin, a soft tan color, looked paler than usual. My brown eyes were dark, the whites red. My mother had always said my eyes were my best feature, and I agreed. I loved my eyes, the color of spun gold. But today, they looked like dirt.

My dark hair was messy. The soft waves framed my face haphazardly. I was pretty. That was something I had never denied. I had great genes and I had a knack for eating healthy, so my body was tight. My only fault was my height. I was a short five foot two. Most people, male and female, towered over me. I was always looking up, and although that had never bothered me before, I absolutely despised the thought of looking up at Calix. He was a massive six foot four and if I wanted to stare into those hypnotic eyes of his when he spoke, I had no choice but to look up at him.

I sighed heavily, chewing the inside of my cheek as I stared at myself in the mirror. Why was I thinking of Calix now? Why was I thinking of him in my moment alone? Surely, for the rest of my life, I would long to be away from him.

A tap sounded against the door and I jumped, remembering my three minutes. As soon as I thought about leaving the small sanctuary of this bathroom, my heart raced and I felt queasy. The door opened and Calix stood beneath the threshold.

“Your time is up, love.” He crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes taking me in.

“I’m just finishing.” I didn’t turn to look at him. Meeting his eyes in the mirror was enough for me. Even looking at them indirectly made my blood warm and my heart race. “I was washing my face.”

“You’re beautiful.” He stated as though I was fishing for a compliment. I wanted to knock him on the side of the head.

“Can I have another minute?” I asked quietly, looking into the bowl of the sink.

He shook his head. “Already trying to bend my limits.”

“Is that a no?” I peeked up at him.

“Come,” he held his hand out to me and I knew his answer without him having to voice it. “We’ll have breakfast while we’re here.”

“I’m not hungry.” I looked down at the sink, wishing I could slide like the pebbles of water down the drain. I wanted to escape him.

He cocked his head to the side. “I know you are.”

“You don’t know a thing about me.”

“That’s where you’re wrong.” I thought for a moment that he was about to step into the washroom with me. The thought had my cheeks stained red. If the diner’s patrons saw that happen, I would never be able to eat here. “I know a lot about you, love. And I know you always eat breakfast.”

“Alright,” I walked quickly to the door. Slipping past him, I was careful not to touch him. “I’ll eat.”

He caught my hand, lacing his fingers through mine. My heart leapt and I cursed the insistent fluttering. “We’ll grab a table in the back by the windows. That way we can talk.”

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