Captured Miracle (7 page)

Read Captured Miracle Online

Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Captured Miracle
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“It’s a nice house.”

She beamed. “Calix fell in love with the land as soon as he saw it, but I fell in love with the house.”

I didn’t want to know about Calix - or anything he loved. I didn’t know how to reply, so I said nothing.

Gabriella continued. “You must be famished.”

I shook my head. “No, I’m not.”

A frown distorted her ever-constant happy face. “You have to eat!”

“I’m really just tired.” I protested. “I’d like to lie down.”

“Oh,” she nodded, her eyes lifting over my shoulder to focus on Calix. “If you’re sure you’re not hungry.”

“I’m not.” I assured.

Calix moved from where he’d leaned himself against the wall of the upstairs sitting room. “Would you like to be shown to your room?”

I didn’t look at him. “Yes.”

To my surprise, Gabriella leaned in to plant a kiss on my cheek. I flinched back away from her, my eyes wide. She clasped her hands before her chest, looking down at me as though I were nothing more than a wet, frightened animal she’d adopted. “I know this is difficult, Nova, but you’re going to have to accept your reality here.” She reached out to caress my cheek. “Make the best of it, darling.”

Emotion raged in my chest as I watched Gabriella turn on her heel and walk away. Tears blurred my vision and anger poisoned my every breath. How could she say something so ridiculous? How in the freaking world was this happening to me?

I wanted to scream, kick, fight, scratch and bite. I wanted to tear out my heart so it might stop hurting so damn bad!

“Come, Nova.” Calix placed his hand against my lower back and I jumped away from his touch.

“Don’t touch me!” I hissed unbecomingly. Tears that had pooled in my lids were now pouring from my eyes. “I hate you!”

“So you’ve told me.” His eyes were hard. When he stepped toward me, my every sense told me to run. I felt as though I were nothing more than prey for this predator of a man. “And never tell me not to touch you again.”

“It’s my body.”

“That is where you’re wrong, Nova.” He cocked his head. “You belong to me. Therefore your body belongs to me. The sooner you accept this, the easier your life will be.”

“I will never accept that.” I snapped angrily. I felt cornered. I felt caged.

“Then you’re in for a world of hardship.” He reached out to clasp his hand around my wrist. His hold was tight, but it didn’t hurt. Not physically, anyway. Mentally, his touch was like a beating.

Calix moved through the halls with a speed that frightened me. Obviously, he was mad. And I knew I was the one who had made him this way - but honestly, what had he expected? When he’d stolen me from my home and family, had he honestly thought I’d be welcoming to his touch? Had he thought I’d swoon over the idea of marrying him?

Throwing open a door at the end of the hall, Calix pushed me inside. As soon as I caught sight of the room, I knew it wasn’t mine. It was Calix’s. The room was warm like the rest of the house, but it was used. Everything was clean and ordered, but it was also worn. And the scent was all Calix.

Dark wooden furniture stood against the walls and a massive bed was positioned against the wall to my immediate left. A black duvet covered bronze sheets and not one throw pillow existed in the vicinity. A black leather couch set had been strategically placed before a fireplace that peered into the bathroom on the other side of the far right wall. Straight ahead, there was a wall of windows. Gently billowing bronze curtains let me believe the windows weren’t just windows, but patio doors.

Dumbly, I stated. “This is your room.”

Calix slammed the door shut behind me and I flinched. Whirling around, I found Calix staring at me with his arms crossed over his chest. He didn’t look happy. He didn’t even look slightly amused.

“It is.”

Pulling in a deep breath of air, I replied. “I would like my own room.”

He laughed, but the sound was strained. “No.”

“I don’t want to share a room with you.” Another burst of panic was climbing quickly through my chest and up my throat. “Please,”

At my plea, his blue eyes blazed. “You’ll be sharing my room, Nova.” He moved closer to me and I stepped back. “And you’ll get used to being near me. You have two weeks to accept this for what it is.”

“Why two weeks?”

His eyes swept over my face. “In two weeks you will become my wife.”


Chapter 6

Two weeks.

Two weeks and I would be my captors wife?

Oh God, no. No, no, no, no, no.

I shook my head, raising my hands to my temple before letting them fall back to my thighs. All right, so I was panicking. But who wouldn’t? I mean, marriage? And to the man who kidnapped me? Was he fucking delusional?

“I can’t handle this.” I breathed. Before I knew it, my feet were carrying me determinedly to the bathroom. I could hear Calix behind me, but it didn’t matter. Wild horses couldn’t have stopped me.

As soon as I caught sight of the toilet, I dropped down to my knees and lost the contents of my stomach. Loud retching filled the room as I continued to heave into the porcelain bowl. To my surprise and horror, I felt warm hands swipe the hair off the back of my neck and away from my face.

Calix, my kidnapper, was holding my hair back as I threw up.

Finally, when there was nothing left to toss, I leaned back against the wall.

“Are you done?” Calix asked.

Weakly, I nodded. I watched through half lidded eyes as he leaned forward to flush the toilet. Bending down, he scooped me into his arms.

“What are you doing?” I demanded, feeling my stomach lurch again. “Put me down.”

“Enough, Nova.” He snapped his command, and I stilled in his arms. Calix carried me easily across the large ivory and bronze bathroom to the sink. Gently, he placed me between the two sinks and I watched as he set to rummaging about through a drawer. Unwrapping a toothbrush, he loaded it with toothpaste before handing me the brush. “Here,”

“Thanks.” I murmured as I took the brush.

Calix didn’t move away as I brushed my teeth. Instead, he watched me through suddenly guarded eyes. The cocky demanding attitude he’d sported since I met him had vanished only to be replaced by this silent, brooding man. I didn’t know which I preferred.

When I finished, I handed him the toothbrush. I watched silently as he tossed it into the trashcan beneath the sink. Calix moved to open a door on the far side of the vanity. I realized, as he plucked a cloth from a stack, that it was a linen closet.

Calix walked back to the sink beside me, wetting the cloth with warm water. He squeezed the cloth before wiping it across my forehead, over my neck and shoulders and down my arms. His actions were so gentle and caring, I found myself confused. Maybe I was just delusional after my episode.

Finally, setting the cloth aside he spoke. “Are you ill?”

I thought about lying. Would he leave me alone if I told him I was sick? No, I didn’t think he would. “No.”

“What was that then?” He asked, gesturing to the toilet.

“Maybe I’m pregnant.” I shrugged. I knew I wasn’t. That wasn’t even a possibility, but Calix did not need to know that.

His eyes darkened and his jaw tensed so tight, I feared for his teeth. “You’re not.”

“How do you know?”

“Because never, in all the time that I watched you have you entertained another male.” Calix ground out the words. “Don’t lie to me, Nova. I don’t appreciate it.”

“How long have you watched me?” I demanded.

“Why did you get sick?” He asked again, ignoring my question.

Suddenly filled with anger, I replied. “Because of you. Because I have to marry you!” I yelled. “The thought alone makes me sick!”

Lifting his chin, he blinked. Other than that, there was no sign that my words had any affect on him. “Get used to it.”

“Never.” I shook my head, covering my sob with a hand. “I’ll never get used to the thought of being your wife.”

“You have two weeks, Nova.” He gripped my wrist, pulling my hand away from my mouth. “If you haven’t found a way to accept this in two weeks, I’ll have to force you.”


“Amy.” He spoke my little sister’s name as though it were nothing. And to him, she was nothing. She was a bargaining chip and nothing more.

“You’re a bastard.”

He shrugged. “That doesn’t change the fact that you’ll be my wife.”


He frowned. “Why what?”

“Why do you want me?” I shook my head. “Why do you want me to marry you?”

“It had to be you, Nova.” He said quietly. “It always had to be you.”

“You’re crazy,” I breathed. My heart was racing. “You’re fucking insane.”

His hand moved to catch my chin in his grip so fast I couldn’t have avoided contact if I’d tried. “I told you once to abstain from using that language, Nova.” His eyes were dark. “I will not tell you again.”

I spoke through the grip he hand on my mouth. “So don’t.”

“That kind of language is anything but becoming.” He dropped my chin. “I don’t want to hear it again. Next time there will be consequences.”

“You aren’t my father.” I rubbed my chin. “And you have no right to touch me.”

“You’re right. I’m not your father. I’m your fiancé. And that does give me the right to touch you, Nova, any way that I like.”

I cringed away from him. “Are you threatening to rape me?”

“No,” he shook his head as though I was pathetic. “I won’t take you until you beg. I’ve told you that as well.”

Again, I had the urge to tell him I hated him. But this time, I refrained. It was a waste of energy.

“I’d like to be away from you.” I stated bluntly. “Please leave.”

He shook his head. “What will you do?”

“I don’t know and I don’t care.”

“Then I’m not leaving.” He crossed his arms over his chest.

I felt like crying for the billionth time today. “I’d like to have a shower.”

He nodded. “Very well,” he took my hand in his. “I’ll show you the closet and then I’ll leave you to shower.”

Sliding off the counter, I followed Calix across the bathroom to another door. He opened it before stepping into a large closet. The room was bigger than my living room at home. I was freaking massive and the walls were lined with clothes and accessories. Any woman would think she’d died and gone to heaven at the sight of all the clothes.

“These are for you,” Calix said. “They should all fit. I made sure everything was in your size.”

My mouth felt dry. Looking more specifically at the clothing, I realized every article was something I would have chosen for myself. He knew my style exactly. As though trying to prove myself wrong, I plucked a maxi skirt from the mass. It was simple and light and flowing.

Turning to face Calix with the skirt still firmly in my hand, I asked. “Exactly how long have you been watching me?”

He lifted his chin, shoving his hands deep into the pockets of his jeans. “Why?”

“I need to know.” I replied quietly.

For a moment, I thought he was going to deny me an answer. But at the last second, he spoke. “Two years.”

I don’t know what I was expecting - but his answer definitely wasn’t it. Two years? Calix had been watching me, lurking in the background of my life for two years? How hadn’t I seen him? How hadn’t I noticed? The truth in his response made me feel hopeless. If he had said a few months or even six months, I might have been able to hold onto the belief - the hope - that I had a chance at being released. But two years? No, he’d committed to me long before he’d taken me. He knew what he was going to do and now I knew there was no chance of him releasing me.

If I was going to find freedom from Calix, I’d have to kill him.

“Say something, Nova.” Calix commanded.

I blinked, “I don’t know what to say.”

“Anything,” his tone was tense. “Tell me how you’re feeling. Tell me what you’re thinking.”

At a loss, I shook my head. “I feel violated.”

I watched as his eyes closed slowly before he replied. “I never wanted to make you feel that way and I’m sorry that I have. But I can’t change it.”

“You can.” I whispered.


“Let me go.” I pleaded. “I’ll never tell anyone you took me. I’ll never breathe your name to another soul.”

The little emotion I’d seen in his face vanished. “No. I’ll never let you go, Nova.”


“If you want a shower, I suggest you take it now.” He turned to walk from the closet, calling behind him. “Dinner will be ready in an hour.”

And then he was gone.


Chapter 7

Steam floated around me as I sat in the stone shower. I was slightly afraid that Calix might barge into the bathroom and see me naked, but I’d locked the door. I could only hope he didn’t have a key.

Pushing the thought from my mind, I tried to cook up a plan. I had to find a way out of this mess I was in. No matter what happened, I couldn’t spend my entire life with Calix. I just couldn’t. The man was a monster of the cruelest kind.

The thought brought about a new round of tears. Despite the heat of the water washing over my face, I felt my tears roll from my eyes. Thankfully, they mixed with the water quickly and washed down the drain.

I’d been sitting in the shower for the better half of an hour and in that time, I’d cried on three separate occasions. If my life weren’t in such a ruin, I would think myself pathetic. But I didn’t bother putting myself down - not with the horror that I was already facing. I didn’t need to be any more distraught than I already was. Putting myself down would only heighten my emotional turmoil.

A heavy knock sounded on the door and I jumped. My heart pounded relentlessly in my ears and I could have sworn it was louder than a drum.

At my silence, Calix spoke. “It’s time for dinner, Nova.”

“I’m not hungry.” I called in answer.

“You’re not starving yourself.” He barked through the door. “If you’re not out here within the next five minutes, I’ll be coming in.”

I wanted to point out that I’d locked the door, but I didn’t feel like challenging him while I was sitting naked on the floor of his shower. That was just asking for trouble. No thanks!

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