Carl Weber's Kingpins (15 page)

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Authors: Smooth Silk

BOOK: Carl Weber's Kingpins
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“Promise I won't be long. She only wants to give us a tour.”
“She didn't mention giving
a tour, only
. The farthest I've ever gotten in her house is to the living room. I told you before that me and this bitch don't click.”
“Maybe not but money talks, bullshit walks. Leave it in the car and let's get this over with.”
Pebbles followed me as I got out of the car and walked up the concrete stairs to the porch with large white columns. Carmen was all smiles. She threw her arms around my neck, expressing how happy she was to see me again.
“I've been thinking a lot about you,” she said. “We haven't had an opportunity to talk, but I assume that you've been very busy.”
“You ain't said nothing but a word. Very busy, and then some.”
She released me. We walked inside together. A butler stood in the foyer, waiting for Carmen to give him direction.
“Pebbles, I want you to go with Clarence. He fixed you something so amazing in the kitchen. I'm sure you're going to love it. I need to speak to Bones in private about something imperative. I'm sure you understand.”
Pebbles looked at me, then released a deep sigh. Much attitude was on display, but she followed Clarence as he led the way toward the kitchen. Carmen and I headed upstairs. The double staircase was covered with a rich burgundy carpet. The long hallway was too, and many exquisite paintings covered the walls. Double glass doors could be seen at the end of the hall. When we entered the master suite, it was off the chain. A huge bed sat in the center of a marble-topped floor. Long drapes covered the double bay windows, and an entertainment center stretched from one wall to the next. A fireplace made of marble sat to the left, and two chaises were in front of it. Carmen sat on one of the chaises, then invited me to have a seat on the other one. She popped the cap on a bottle of champagne, and then poured it in two flute glasses, handing me one.
“Thanks,” I said, still looking around at the dope-ass room. “You got a nice-ass crib.”
“Yes, I do. And if you play your cards right, you can have a place like this too. I'll get straight to the point and tell you why I wanted to meet with you in private. Mango is scum. You can do better than him. I want you to come here and work for me. I can use a man with your talents, skills, charisma, and charm. Also, with your good looks. I will pay you double what Mango is paying you. And trust me when I say his money will never match mine.”
I was shocked by her offer and by her feelings about Mango. Thing is, I didn't know if this was a setup or not. This could have easily been planned, just to see what direction I would move in. So for now, I pretended I wasn't interested, even though I was.
“I appreciate the offer, but if you don't mind me saying, loyalty means everything to me. I have no complaints with Mango, and he takes good care of me. I could never see giving up my gig with him and coming to work for you.”
Carmen side-eyed me while sipping from her glass. She placed it on the table, then crossed her long legs. The sheer dress she had on had a sexy slit on the side. It slid over and revealed her silky smooth thighs that were tanned and toned, like the rest of her body.
“I'm going to allow you some time to think about my offer. It will stay on the table for now, but not for long. All I ask is that you give it some serious thought and let me know.”
“Will do. Thanks for your understanding, and again, the offer is much appreciated.”
Carmen smiled. She then stood and walked over to me. She got on her knees in front of me, then took the glass from my hand.
“Now that we took care of that, let's move on to the next order of business.”
I said not one word as she unlatched my black leather belt, pulling it from around my waist. She unzipped my pants, and when I stood, she eased them down to my ankles, along with my Calvin Klein briefs. My hard dick damn near slapped her in the face as she held it tight. She looked it over, then sucked the whole thing into her warm mouth. I pumped hard while holding her head and moving it to the rhythm of my strokes. She sucked me so good—as if she was sucking my skin off. I couldn't believe how hard and horny I was. Unfortunately, though, I had to cut her short and move on to other things. I lifted her from the floor, then straddled her around my waist. After stepping out of my pants, I carried her over to the bed, laying her on the soft silk white comforter. I parted her legs, then reached for her pink lace panties that showed her fat pussy. The sweet aroma from her pussy made me high. I needed something new. Something different. Something more satisfying. She presented herself to be exactly what I was looking for. Her legs trembled from my touch. I could tell she was a little nervous, but when I put on a condom and hit her with a gentle stroke, her trembles ceased. She wrapped her legs around my back and kept at a slow pace with me as I slid in and out of her moist hole. Her firm breasts wobbled around, and as I leaned forward to get a mouthful of them, she grabbed the back of my neck.
“I had a feeling that you would feel this good inside of me,” she whispered. “Is this why they refer to you as Mr. Bones? Your bone feels like one in a million.”
I was glad that she thought so, especially since I hadn't given her my all yet. Maybe one day I would, but today I held back a little. My mind was focused on the offer she had made me. Was there a chance for something like that to work out? Would Mango be down with me moving on and be willing to set me free, without any bullshit? I didn't think so, but I always knew how to get over hurdles. Been jumping over them all of my life. Maybe it was time for me to jump higher.
Carmen's moans and groans echoed loudly in the room. I was so sure that somewhere behind all of the mirrors on the wall, we were being either watched or taped. I didn't have shit to hide, so I stepped up my game and gave Carmen some more action. My thick fingers entered her pussy, and I used my thumb to tickle her clit. My dick tackled both holes, and she rode the shit out of me during anal sex. She was highly experienced, and she handled my strokes like a pro. I soon resumed in her sopping wet pussy that had cream boiling over it like hot lava. This was no virginlike pussy she was serving me, and she was all woman. My length let her know I was all man. My steel was far up in her, causing her whimpers to turn into loud cries. Her pussy thumped fast, and that's when another orgasm erupted. She pulled at her hair, then snatched my hand away from her swollen pearl.
“Nooooo,” she hollered out. “I mean, yes yes yes! Fuck me some more! Give meeeeee more, Bones, mooooore!”
I honored her request, but within the hour, we wrapped it up in the spacious shower with waterfall faucets. Water sprayed our naked bodies all over, and after I finished bending her over the seat while fucking her brains out, she'd finally had enough. She looked beat, but I looked and felt fresh as ever. I put my clothes back on, and once Carmen slid into a silk robe, we returned to the lower level. Pebbles and Clarence were hollering at each other in the kitchen when we walked in. A tray with shrimp cocktail, seafood dip, and crabmeat was on the table. So was another tray with an array of fruits. I was sure that Pebbles appreciated Carmen's generosity. Then again, by the look on her face . . . maybe not.
“I see the two of you have been enjoying yourselves,” Carmen said to Pebbles.
She didn't respond. She narrowed her eyes and looked at me with a mean mug locked on her face. Carmen, however, had a look as if she'd just been fucked—well. Nothing could wash the smile off her face.
“Did I say or do something wrong?” she asked Pebbles.
“No,” Pebbles said, then looked at her watch. “But we need to go. We're running way behind schedule, and people don't like it when we're late.”
“I understand and most definitely agree.” She looked at me. I picked up an apple and bit into it. She touched the side of my face, then shot me a wink. “Don't forget to give much thought to what I said, handsome. And this time, I look forward to hearing from you sooner.”
She left the kitchen, and we followed behind her. Pebbles barely looked my way, but I didn't trip off her attitude. The only thing it was going to get her was left behind.
I couldn't believe that Bones had fucked that nasty bitch Carmen. I don't know why I assumed he wouldn't, but I now knew that he wasn't all about business as he pretended to be. He was doing the ho thing too. That disappointed me. Disturbed me to the point where I didn't have much else to say to him right now. I was ready to take care of this little situation with Big L, then get to LA, where I had plenty of family and friends. My plan was to leave Bones and let him drive back by himself. Being in his presence wasn't where I wanted to be. I hated that he'd made me feel this way—it had been a long time before any nigga tampered with my feelings. I was jealous. And it wasn't a good thing for a woman who was as confident and sure of herself as I was to show my weakness, especially in front of another woman. I didn't like it. He made me feel that since I wouldn't give up the pussy last night, the next bitch was just as good as me. The glee in Carmen's eyes made me ill. She hated my guts, and she knew that fucking Bones would mess with my head. Bad. I regretted my reaction, but I couldn't ignore the numerous suck marks on her neck and breasts. Her wet hair and change of clothes let me know they must have showered together. She looked overly satisfied, but the look on Bones's face I couldn't read. He was always so nonchalant. Serious. Very cold too. I wanted to ask him why he lied to me about not wanting to have sex with her, but I decided against it. It wasn't my business. He wasn't my man, and I was sure that he never would be.
Bones pulled in a parking spot at Big L's place, then shifted the car in park. I sat there, still quiet as a mouse.
“You don't need to come inside unless you want to,” he said. “All Mango told me to do is pick up a package. That shouldn't take long.”
“I hope not because we need to get back on the road. Tell Big L I said what's up. Hurry back and bring me back a joint. I need something to smoke.”
He nodded, then got out of the car. I watched as he checked his surroundings and smooth walked toward the apartment complex to go up the stairs. As soon as I saw him go inside, his phone vibrated. I picked it up to look at who was calling. On the screen was a naked picture of Carmen with her legs wide open. The text message she sent said:
I'm already eager to feel you again. Hope you can make it back this way soon.
I started to send that bitch a fucked-up message, but instead, I deleted her text and picture. I flipped through some of his other pictures, shaking my head at the numerous trifling bitches who wanted to show him what they could serve him. One chick had her pussy so close to the camera that he could damn near taste it. I was appalled, so I tossed the phone on the seat and rolled my eyes. I waited impatiently for Bones to return, until I had to pee. My legs were held tightly together, so I exited the car to go look for a restroom near the park area. The one that was there was locked, so I headed toward the car. I didn't feel like climbing several stairs to Big L's apartment, but before making it back to the car, I didn't have a choice.
I turned to go up the stairs, but halted my steps when I saw Big L's right-hand man, Keith, pull his car beside ours. He was on his cell phone, looking highly suspicious. I wasn't sure what was up, so I put my piss on hold and walked toward his car. He lowered the window to speak to me.
“Damn, you too fine to have that mean look on yo' face. And I know you'd better speak.”
This nigga knew I didn't have no love for him, so my tone was dry. “What's up? I didn't recognize you.”
“Sure you didn't. But, uh, what you doing here?”
“I'm waiting on Bones. He went inside to pick up something from Big L. I'm surprised you didn't know we would be stopping by.”
“He told me, but I had several runs to make. You know that nigga Big L always got me on missions and shit.”
I put my hands in my pockets, then leaned against Bones's car. “What's the word on those white bitches and the chief? I know people been talking around here, haven't they?”
“That shit has been on the news almost every day. But you already know how it goes around here. Ain't nobody seen or heard nothing. You and Bones did good.”
Speaking of Bones, I wondered what was taking him so long. I turned to reach for his phone inside of the car so I could call Big L. As I bent over, Keith reached out to grab my ass. I swung around displaying a frown and snapped on his ass.
“Don't touch me, nigga. Shit like that will get you fucked up.”
“Bitch, please. You know you like it. Stop acting like you don't.”
“I just told you I didn't like it. Do you need me to confirm it?”
He laughed, then reached out again. This time, he squeezed my right breast and tried to pinch my nipple. I slapped his hand away from my breast and quickly reached for my Glock that was tucked behind me. I aimed it at his face, but all he did was release a cackling laugh.
“Calm down, bitch, and stop trying to act all tough and shit. All I did was pull on those tiny titties to help them grow.”
Insulting me was only going to get this nigga dead. I didn't hesitate to pull the trigger. The gun jerked me backward, and I watched a bullet pierce the air and go right into the side of his fat, greasy neck. His eyes bugged. He gasped out loudly, then reached up to squeeze his neck. Blood seeped through his fingers, and as he attempted to speak, it sounded like his ass was gargling water. I shoved his ass to the side, causing him to fall over on the seat.
Checking my surroundings, I saw one dude with several trash bags in his hand walking to a Dumpster. He kept his eyes focused on me, so I eased into Bones's car and slumped down. I tapped my feet, hoping that he hurried the fuck up, especially when I saw the dude reaching for his cell phone. I thought about getting out of the car to lullaby his ass, but as I placed my hand on the door handle, I saw Bones coming down the stairs. He had a brown paper bag in his hand, and when he looked at the dude by the trash can, he tossed his head back. Bones put the package in the trunk, then got in the car, and shut the door. He looked over at me, immediately asking what was wrong. I wasn't sure if I should tell him that I had just murdered Keith or not. But my mind was made up when I thought about the consequences.
“Nothing,” I rushed to say. “Let's just go. I want to get away from here.”
Bones sped away, and as soon as we hit the highway his cell phone vibrated. He said that it was Mango, then answered.
“What up?” Bones paused. His face got tight, and he gazed ahead without a blink. “What?” he yelled. “Hell, nah, man. She's with me, so I know it didn't go down like that. Them niggas tripping.”
He paused again, but this time he shifted to look at me. I bit my lip, then turned my head to look out of the window.
“Hold,” Bones said, then gave the phone to me. “Here. Take it.”
I put the phone up to my ear. “Yes.”
“Yes, my ass!” Mango yelled. “Bitch, please tell me that you didn't just do anything that stupid! Did you shoot that nigga Keith?”
At first, I was going to lie, but since that muthafucka by the trash can had already snitched on me, I had to fess up. I knew I should've gotten out of the car to smoke his ass. Big mistake.
“Yes, I did. He groped me while I stood by his car, then called me a bunch of bitches and hoes. I didn't appreciate that shit, Mango. Don't no nigga diss me like that, and you already know how I am.”
There was a crisp silence, but then I heard Mango breathing heavily into the phone. He cleared his throat, and then yelled into the phone. “You are a bitch, Pebbles. As well as a dumb ho! You done fucked up, baby. Done fucked up real bad. Big L wants yo' ass dealt with, and I don't blame him. Brang yo' ass back here right now, so we can discuss how to stop the muthafuckin' bleeding!”
The phone went dead. I guess that sucker was mad. He was sadly mistaken if he thought I was going to come back right now and talk. Talk, my ass. Mango was pissed, and I was sure that he had something real wicked in store for me.
“Please tell me you didn't do it,” Bones said calmly.
I caught an attitude because I didn't understand why they thought it was okay for that grimy nigga to put his hands on me and for me not to do anything.
“I did it, and I'm glad I did. Keith had that shit coming. I told you before that I was gon' get that ass, didn't I?”
Bones got off the highway to slow down.
“Why are you slowing down? What's up?”
He pulled over to the curb, then put the car in park. As he looked at me, his eyes showed much seriousness. “I don't think you understand the severity of what you just did. And I'm not saying that it's okay for any muthafucka to touch you or call you names. But when it comes to business, you have to choose your battles carefully, or else you'll lose. That wasn't a battle you were going to win. Bottom line, you fucked up. You should've waited and told me or Mango how Keith disrespected you. We could have notified Big L and let him handle that fool.”
I waved him off. “Bones, please. You and Mango wouldn't have done shit about it. I chose my battle carefully, and that nigga needed to die. I don't care who disagrees with me on this, but too damn bad.” I looked straight-ahead, then crossed my arms in front of me with much attitude. “Now, let's roll. I have places to go and other people to see.”
Bones shook his head. He squeezed his forehead with the tips of his fingers, then cracked his knuckles. I could tell he was in deep thought. We sat in silence for a few minutes, and when his phone vibrated, he answered. Instantly, I could hear Mango yelling through the phone.
“Do not go to LA! Brang that bitch back to me now!”
Bones sighed, then shut his eyes. “We on our way,” he said, then hit the end button.
“I'm not going back there with you,” I said. “Take me to LA.”
He snapped his head to the side, giving me a hard stare. “This ain't no goddamn game, Pebbles. Wake the fuck up! I can't take you to LA, and if you think they won't turn you over to Big L or Mango, you are fooling your damn self.”
“My peoples won't do that. I got some loyal connections there who don't give a fuck about Mango. They got my back, and after the dust settles, then I'll deal with Big L and Mango. Not now, though. Everybody hot about what happened, but one day they'll understand where the fuck I was coming from.”
“It'll be a cold day in hell when they do. You are living in fantasyland if you think this is going to smooth over. I don't know what else to say to you, but I need to go somewhere, chill, and get my mind right. I can't see myself taking you back to Mango, nor am I driving you to LA. I need to think about some other options.”
I already knew what I was going to do. That was get the fuck out of Dodge and get to LA as quickly as I could. But since it was late, I remained in the car with Bones and stayed with him as he got a room for us at a hotel. His phone had been ringing off the hook, but he didn't answer. I hated to put him in the middle of this shit, but that muthafucka Keith shouldn't have ever touched me.
Bones sat on the couch with his hands clenched together. A cigar dangled from his mouth, and his foot kept tapping the floor. He was in deep thought, just as I was as I sat in a chair across from him.
“Don't go to LA,” he said. “If you go there, you die.”
“And if I go back to Chicago, I die. You already know that Mango will do some serious harm to me. I don't really have a choice. Besides, I have family in LA. I need to get there soon. If you don't take me, I'll get there the best way I can.”
Bones laid his head back on the couch. “I'm not taking you there. I think you should go somewhere else and chill for a while. I'll tell Mango that you hopped out of the car at a gas station and ran off. All you need to do is figure out where else you can go, other than LA.”
Where I intended to go wasn't for him to decide. But I told him I would think about another place, even though LA was my next destination. He didn't say anything else to me. Was real quiet and pondering like a muthafucka. A few minutes later, he picked up the phone and walked into the other room. I listened in. I heard him tell Mango that we were on our way back, after he got a few hours of rest. I wasn't sure what Mango said, but Bones didn't reply. He sat on the bed, and that's when I went into the room where he was.
“I appreciate your help, and by morning, I'll decide if LA is in my plans or not. Regardless, I'll let you know.”
Bones shrugged. I could tell he was highly upset with me, but deep down, he had no idea how afraid and confused I really was. He picked up the remote to turn on the TV. I left him at peace and went to think this shit out on the couch.
A few hours later, I woke up, realizing that I had slept too long. Thank God for the loud thumping in the other room. I could hear somebody fucking. The headboard was banging against the wall, and her moans let me know that the dick inside of her was pretty damn good. I glanced at the alarm clock. It showed five minutes after three in the morning. I got up and tiptoed toward the bedroom. Bones was lying on the bed knocked the fuck out. I could hear him snoring. My eyes shifted to the keys on the nightstand, and I thought about my plan from earlier—taking the keys and driving to LA myself. That appeared to be the best thing for me, so I moved further into the room, hoping not to wake Bones.
While holding my breath, I went for the keys. But as soon as I had my hand on them, Bones reached out and grabbed my hand. He squeezed it tight. Looked at me as if he could kill me.
“What in the fuck are you doing?” he barked.
“I . . . I was going to the car to get something. I didn't want to wake you.”

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