Read Carl Weber's Kingpins Online

Authors: Smooth Silk

Carl Weber's Kingpins (16 page)

BOOK: Carl Weber's Kingpins
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He released my hand, then jumped up from the bed and stood directly in front of me. With my high heels on, I was only a few inches shorter than him.
“Don't play me like I'm a goddamn fool,” he hissed. “Yo' ass was about to flee. Tell me this, how fucking stupid are you? I thought you had a bit more sense than this, but I'm starting to think that I was dead wrong about you.”
I swallowed the lump in my throat, then backed a few inches away from him. “You can think what you want, Bones. I was just going to the car to get something.”
He caught me completely off guard when he grabbed my neck and used all of his strength to push me away from him. I tumbled over the bed and hit the floor so hard that it felt as if my back had cracked. My brows arched inward as I hurried off the floor and charged toward him. I was met by his tight grip again. He squeezed my neck, then backed me up to the wall, slamming my head against it. I felt dizzy as fuck. Sore all over, and as he lifted me from the ground, my feet dangled. I was in so much pain. Couldn't breathe, couldn't talk. Tears began to seep from my eyes, and that's when he let me go. I dropped to the floor, coughing and trying to catch my breath.
“Charge at me again,” he said, “and your life ends today.”
He didn't have to worry about me charging him again. I continued to cough and did my best to catch my breath. My whole body ached, so I crawled on the floor until I was able to stand. I could barely stand, so I moved over to the bed and plopped down. I wiped my watery eyes, then looked at the evilness staring back at me.
“I'm sorry, okay?” I said, then coughed again. “I just didn't know what to do. I figured I could leave now, and no one would ever find me. I didn't trust you not to tell Mango my whereabouts. If you drop me off somewhere, I'm sure you're going to tell him.”
“I don't trust yo' ass either, but if I was going to turn you over to Mango or tell him your whereabouts, I would have done so by now. I don't like to be played like a fucking fool, and being around slick-ass women don't work for me.”
“I wasn't trying to betray you. I was just doing what I thought would be best for me. I don't know how I'm going to get out of this mess, and the last thing I want . . .” I paused, thinking about the shit and finally realizing just how bad this was. “I'm not ready to die. We both know that Mango is going to kill me. Big L will have it no other way, and he's probably asking, right now, that my head be delivered to him on a silver platter.”
Tears started to fall from my eyes, but I hurried to smack them away. I hated to be emotional around people, especially men. That's why I played the tough role all the time. I hid my feelings well, but in this moment, and at this time, I couldn't hold back. This was deep.
I shielded my face with my hands, then wiped down it. I looked at Bones who stood with an unsympathetic, cold look on his face.
“What am I going to do?” I cried out. “Don't look at me like that, and you've got to understand why I did what I did. I don't have all of the answers right now, but go ahead and tell me what you think I should do. Mainly, where should I go.”
At first, he didn't say anything. Just stared as if he was trying his best to read me. I was in a lot of pain. Confused and ready to listen to whatever his suggestion was.
“Bones, please say something. I'll listen to whatever you say. I don't have no other choice, and time is not on my side.”
He finally spoke up. “Stop all that fucking crying right now 'cause it ain't gon' do you no damn good. You should've thought about that shit earlier when I told you this shit was serious. Too bad you had to sleep on it to realize how bad things really are. I had some other ideas swarming in my head, but now I think it's best for you to take the car. Take it and go to any other place than LA. I don't even want to know where you're going. I'll tell Mango that you stole the car while I was asleep. The money from Big L is still in the trunk so use it. Ditch the car as soon as you can and disappear. Don't call me—don't call no one.”
I blinked fast to fight back my tears, but this was too much. What did he mean by disappear? I didn't want to be somewhere in another country, all by my damn self and with no one to turn to. No one to talk to—just living. I put my hands over my face and started to cry harder. He was right.... This
fucked up. I had fucked up. And even though I didn't want to go into hiding, I came to the conclusion that it was best. All I could think of was what kind of life would I have, always being on the run, watching my back and not knowing if Mango or Big L would ever catch up with me. Nonetheless, I had to go. Had to do something. I didn't want Bones in the middle of this, and this was the best way out for both of us. Mango would give Bones hell about me fleeing, no doubt, but I was sure that Bones could handle the situation and say the right thing.
I had hyped myself up to go, but I couldn't get my shit together. I was sure that Bones was calling me all kinds of weak, stupid bitches in his head. I sobbed like a baby, but I kept my hands over my face so he wouldn't see my eyes. I was shocked when I felt him sit on the bed next to me. His arm went around my shoulders, and he pulled me close to his chest.
“It's gon' be all right,” he said in a whisper. “Stop crying and go do what you gotta do. You got that fight in you, girl. That bite. Something like this can't stop you from surviving.”
His words provided just a little comfort. And sitting here crying wasn't going to do me any good. I pulled away from his chest, then cleared my wet face with my hands. Bones handed me the keys, and I took a deep breath before standing up. My legs felt weak, and my back was still aching from when he'd tossed me on the floor. A headache was trying to come too.
“I guess I'll see you when I see you,” I said, reaching for my purse. “And how are you going to get back to Chicago?”
“Don't worry about it. I'll get there. Just go. Now.”
I made my way to the door, but quickly turned around to give Bones one last look, just in case I would never see him again. I loved the way I felt when I looked at him. Protected. The same way my father made me feel . . . before he was killed. I was eleven years old, and watched in a closet as he was murdered right in front of me. He was my rock. My everything. The only man I had ever looked up to and loved dearly. Bones had a lot in common with my father. He was, without a doubt, the kind of man I had waited a lifetime to find. Unfortunately for me, my timing was off.
“Go,” he said with a frown on his face while cocking his head to the side.
“I will. But I need to take care of one last thing.”
I rushed up to him, then leaned in to kiss him as he sat on the bed. At first, he wouldn't open his mouth. I forced my tongue between his lips, and shortly thereafter, he opened his mouth wide. My tongue went further inside to dance with his. Juicy. Wet. Stimulating and pleasurable. So intense that I forced him back on the bed and lay on top of him. He secured his arms around my waist, then lowered his hands to massage my ass. I wanted him so badly. Needed to feel him inside of me. Wanted to feel his dick sliding down my throat and also offer him a taste of my sweet, wet pussy. But Bones stopped me. He pushed me away from him, then sat up.
“No,” he said. “I'm not doing this with you.”
“Why? Just let—”
“No!” he growled. He yelled so loud that I jumped.
“Okay,” I said in a calm tone. “I'll go.”
Bones lay back on the bed. He placed his hands behind his head, stared at the ceiling for a few minutes, then closed his eyes. I wanted to say something else to him, but I figured I would set him off. I walked to the door again. This time when I turned around, he was still on the bed with his eyes closed. I wiped another tear that had fallen, and then made my exit.
* * *
I kept driving until I couldn't drive anymore. My eyes were tired from crying so much. I couldn't even think straight. Bones advised me not to go to LA, but the truth of the matter was, I really had no other place to go. My cousin Sabrina would help me. I trusted her. She would make sure I had a safe place to hide. With that in mind, I filled my body with caffeine, put more gas in the tank, and against Bones's wishes, I headed to LA.
When I returned to Chicago, alone, Mango was acting a goddamn fool. His money was gone, and so was his car. Not to mention Pebbles.
“I'ma find that bitch if it's the last thing I do,” he yelled, then slammed his hand on the table. “How dare her do some shit like this? Do you know all that I've done for that cock-sucking ho? I wish she was right here so I could beat her ass and break her fucking neck!”
I sat at the table listening and not saying a word. Yes, Pebbles had fucked up, but Keith shouldn't have gone there with her. Did he deserve to die? In my book, no. But Pebbles had a temper that she couldn't control. I was sure that her past had a lot to do with it, but I really didn't know much about her. All I knew was, I had some feelings for her. Nothing serious, no love, but there was something there. Something that I wanted more of, but now, it looked as if I would never know what that was.
“I gotta pay for that nigga's funeral, send his family some money, and send Jake his money in LA 'cause that trick stole it. Why in the fuck did you let her steal his money?”
I remained calm. I didn't get down like that with niggas like Mango. Raising my voice would set off a firestorm in here, so I was careful not to push the wrong buttons.
“I didn't think she would roll like that. Since you were the one who introduced me to her, I thought she was someone I could trust to a certain extent. I must say that I'm disappointed myself, but if you mad at anybody, I think you may need to take a look in the mirror. You're the one who kept sending her out there, knowing that she was a hothead. She was trigger-happy, and she didn't know how to think before she acted. I'm sure that was something you've known about her for quite some time. Unfortunately, I didn't know, until the shit hit the fan. So what I'm basically saying is, this ain't on me.”
. I threw that shit back on Mango. He didn't have nothing to say. All he did was grunt and continue to rant about how much money he was going to lose, and how badly Pebbles had damaged his reputation. That only meant he'd send me on more missions to help repair the damage.
“I don't have no problem with helping to repair the damage, but let's allow things to settle down for a while. In a few more weeks, I'll hit the road and see if I can mend some fences. If not, so be it. We'll just keep doing what we do and see what more we can do to open some other doors. Big L and Jake ain't the only elite niggas in the game.”
Mango nodded, then lightened the mean mug on his face. As he poured a drink, I cracked my knuckles.
“I wanted to mention something else to you too,” I said, trying to change the subject and get his mind elsewhere, just in case he doubted my loyalty. “Carmen offered me a job. Asked me to work for her. I turned her down, but I just thought that was something you might want to know.”
The room was soaked with silence. I wasn't sure if that was the right move or not, but I didn't want him to suspect any wrongdoings with me and Pebbles. There was also a chance that Mango told Carmen to secretly get at me, so I wanted to come
“Fucking bitch,” he mumbled. “Man, I tell you some of these hoes out here ain't shit. What in the hell did she expect you to say? Did she think that you would say fuck me and go work for her slick ass?”
“Yeah, she did. And she offered me more money. Double what you're paying me, and then some.”
Mango shook his head. “This a dirty-ass world. And all that whore was gon' double up on was that used-up pussy of hers. She thinks her money can buy her whatever she wants, but I'm here to tell you that money can't buy you everything. I'm glad you let me know what she's been up to. There's a reason I always watched my back with her, and if you think I'm bad, trust me when I say that working for her ass won't be no picnic. She'll stab you in the back in a minute. Catch you off guard and you'll never see the bitch coming. I'm just warning you, just in case a small part of you is giving this shit some consideration. I know the money is tempting, but if and whenever you want more, all you have to do is speak up. Just don't ask now because that bitch Pebbles got me in a rut. When I find her ass, I'ma call you. And trust me when I say I'ma find her soon.”
I hoped not, but I didn't say it. And by now, I hoped that Pebbles was long gone.
* * *
Later that day, I was at home when I got an interesting text message from Alexis. She'd been calling me for a few days, but I'd been so caught up with what had been going on that I ignored her. Her text message said: I need to come clean. Call me.
I didn't know what that was all about, but when I called her cell phone, she didn't answer. I chilled with my shirt off and sat back on my bed to watch TV. As my eyelids started to flutter, I heard a soft knock at my door. I got off the bed, removed my gun from the nightstand, and made my way to the door. I looked through the peephole, saw that it was Alexis. I wondered how she'd known where I lived, and when I opened the door, I questioned her.
“Bones, I followed you here one night after you left my house. I was just curious about where you lived and who you were living with. Can I come in?”
I really didn't feel like being bothered, but I let her inside. She took off her coat, and underneath it she wore a pair of thigh-high boots and a multicolored minidress. Her hair was full of long curls, and the makeup she had on made her skin look smooth and caramel, instead of pale.
“I got your message earlier, but I figured it would be best for me to come by so that we could holla.”
“About what?” I walked to the fridge, then opened it. Grabbed a container of orange juice and started to drink it. Alexis sat at the table. She crossed her legs and started to fidget.
“For starters, I know, or at least I think I know, what happened at Red's place the day Nate shot himself. That he did, but Red was killed by you, not him. I also know that you killed Theo because Brianna told me that you left her in the car, and minutes later, she heard a gunshot. She said that when you returned to the car, blood was on your hands and that you stopped at a gas station to wash them.”
Alexis waited for me to respond, but I didn't. I shrugged, then drank more orange juice from the container. She continued.
“I said all of that to say that your secrets are safe with me. No one will ever know what really happened, but I do need some serious cash in order for me to keep my mouth completely shut. The cops keep coming around asking me questions, and Nichelle has been harassing me about spilling the beans and telling her what I know. But I haven't said anything yet. She suspects something, and the last time I spoke to her, she said that she was determined to talk to the police about the last time you saw Theo. See, that little suicide thing didn't work for her. She knows for a fact that Theo wouldn't have ever done anything like that, and when you didn't show up at his funeral, it kind of rubbed her the wrong way.”
I released a deep sigh while staring at Alexis. “Anything else?”
“As a matter of fact, yes, there is. A couple more things. I need one million dollars. Soon. And another million for back child support. Brianna is, without a doubt, your daughter. The only reason I had that paperwork manipulated to show that she wasn't was because I was going to let you off the hook. I felt as if I had caused you enough pain and suffering. I wanted you to be free from everything that had happened in the past, and I felt horrible for damaging your friendship with Nate and Theo. But when I saw you with that other bitch at the gas station, I realized how stupid I was. You've been using me, Bones. Just like Nate, you used me. But not anymore. I won't let you do it anymore. It's time that I got something in return from niggas who don't give a fuck about me.”
I pulled back a chair, then straddled it backward. While cocking my neck from side to side, I held my stare at Alexis. “I'll ask again. Is there anything else you would like to say?”
“No,” she said, rolling her eyes. “I'm done.”
“Good. Because I need to hit you with a wake-up call. If I thought for one minute that Brianna wasn't my daughter, you would've been dead. I would've killed you years ago, but I spared your shitty life because I didn't want my child being raised without her mother. And even though yo' ass has been a lousy-ass parent, I know that I ain't done right by her either. I can't give her the kind of life that she deserves to have right now. One day I will be able to, and when that day comes—trust me, it's coming soon—you better have your shit together. If not, I will cut yo' ass up in a thousand and one pieces and feed you to the dogs. Money ain't what you need. What you need is some goddamn brains and parenting classes. You need to get your priorities together and put my fucking daughter above all. Now you got two muthafucking minutes to get the hell out of my face with this bullshit about money and exit. Go rethink some shit and get at me when you're ready to put your big-girl panties on and leave the thongs for hoes who don't have kids and who know how to concoct a better plan. I'm not moved by your threats, and your assumptions about who I done killed are fucking laughable.”
Alexis clapped her hands and sat with a fake smile on her face. “This
laughable, and how dare you talk about my parenting skills. If you've known all along that Brianna was your daughter, you must ask yourself what exactly have you done for her. I can tell you what I've done . . .”
As Alexis continued to go on and on, I kept my eyes glued to the clock. She was fifteen seconds away from getting the shit knocked out of her. Ten . . . five . . . four, three, two . . . When the minute hand touched the twelve, I tightened my fist and punched her clean in her mouth to silence her. It pained me to do that shit to her, but it had to be this way sometimes, especially when a bitch tried to play me like she did. She hit the floor—hard. I didn't give a fuck about no tears, I ignored the loud cries, and I tuned out her pleas for me to let her go as I dragged her across the floor and to the door. She kicked and screamed, but I threatened to punch her ass again. I opened the door and tossed her ass outside. With a heaving chest and thick wrinkles lining my forehead, I pointed my finger at her.
come back here again unless I invite you. And if you knock on this door after I shut it, you
regret it.”
I slammed the door, then headed back to my room. After lighting a joint, I wiped sweat from my forehead and got back to the movie I had been watching. This time, there were no more interruptions.
* * *
The next morning, I got up early, showered, and put on my sweat suit to go for a jog. But just as I touched the doorknob, my cell phone rang. I looked to see who it was. Mango. I quickly answered, but his words on the other end made me stagger.
“I got that bitch,” he said. “Get over here as soon as you can.”
I wanted to be sure he was talking about Pebbles. “Who? Pebbles?” I said. “If her, where did you find her?”
“She was hiding out at her cousin Sabrina's crib. She let somebody know that Pebbles was there. Now hurry up over here so you can help me deal with this unfortunate situation.”
Mango hung up. I was mad as hell at Pebbles for going to LA. Why in the fuck didn't she listen to me? Since she hadn't, her ass was on her own. I wasn't sure what Mango was going to do with her, and why did he need me to help him with this? I kind of had an idea about what he wanted me to do, but I didn't have the guts to do it. And since I didn't, I suspected that shit was on the brink of turning real ugly.
Mango hadn't replaced the car Pebbles had taken to LA yet, so I drove around in a rental. Within forty-five minutes, I was at his place. This time he seemed upbeat. He asked me to follow him to the basement where a lot of dirty work had been done. The second he opened a heavy steel door with several locks on it, I could see that Pebbles had found herself in the same predicament as those white girls. She was bound, but not gagged. Instead of sitting, she was standing naked. Her hands were tied above her head, and nothing but filth surrounded her. Her hair was a tangled mess, and the numerous bald spots I saw let me know someone had yanked it. Dried blood was caked underneath her nose, and her eyes were bruised. As her thin body quivered all over, I took a hard swallow. It pained me to see her like this. I could barely look at her—Mango had done quite a number on her. Then again, he didn't have the guts to do all of this. Somebody else had to be involved.
Her eyes fluttered as she looked at me. Much sadness was trapped inside of them. She didn't say one word until Mango walked over to a corner and came back with a long wooden stick and a leather whip.
“Pleeease, Mango,” Pebbles cried out. “Don't do this. I am so sorry for everything. I will do whatever I have left in my power to make things right with you and Big L.”
Mango winced, then pulled the stick back. He swung it like a bat, cracking it across her bare back. As she screamed out, my heart sank to my stomach.
“You ain't got no power left,” he shouted. “And I don't need you to make shit right for me, especially when I can do it myself. I haven't had my turn with you yet, and I wanted Bones to see how I get down on bitches who betray me.”
“I . . . I didn't betray you,” Pebbled shouted. “I would never do that, and you know it. Why won't you listen to meeeeee?”
Mango responded with several more strikes from the stick, this time across her ass. Welt marks appeared, and the stick broke in two from him hitting her so hard.
“Ahhhhhhhh,” she hollered. Spit oozed from her mouth, and her weak body was limp.
BOOK: Carl Weber's Kingpins
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