Caught Inside (10 page)

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Authors: CJ Hawk

Tags: #adult romance chick lit mature romance romance fiction womens fiction contemporary fiction contemporary romance

BOOK: Caught Inside
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As that last thought popped into my
head, the idea that Trey would commit to me and never leave me, I
felt a light heartedness fill my soul. I let my mind continue to
wander with what ifs and could I's? Then I let my hands take over
as my body relaxed and my legs easily spread.

The slick skin of my body felt divine.
I let my fingers roam as Trey did. I let my fingers gently massage
myself up and down, then back and forth. Each light touch of my
fingertips sent my desire for Trey through the roof. However, for
now, I would have to imagine that my hands are his as I remembered
what it felt like to let my own hands wander all over his
gloriously sexy hard body.

With the fresh memories of him and the
way we were so good together, I let my thoughts of desire and
contentment from my own hand's crash together in a thunderous play
of longing to feel the orgasms that Trey left me with. I arched my
back, pinched my nipple then cupped my breast as my other hand
pressed hard against my swollen clit, spreading my legs and letting
my fingers slide deep inside myself. I rubbed in and out, pushing
harder and moaning louder, letting the storm outside cover the
scream I knew I was about to unleash as my moaning grew louder.
Within seconds, I was shattered with a full-on orgasm. My fingers
soaked, my body trembling, my toes curling into my white comforter.
I felt so alive, yet so alone without Trey.

The next morning, a storm system that
wasn't expected to provide much delay, took a turn for the worse.
Thunder and lightning were flashing out on the runway. The flight
was delayed by an hour. The storm produced sleeting rain with hail
pellets that could cause traffic to congest to a surmountable
delay. Bill was late. This was not a good sign, but I let myself
realize that with traffic delays and flight delays, it would all
work out just fine. If he did not show when the plane needed to
take off, then I would have to leave him behind and have Lorna set
him up with a commercial flight out.

The weather system matched my mood. I
had no idea how I let one man, so quickly touch my heart, that he
made me so distraught and mentally off my game. I forgot to call
Lorna yesterday with Bill's itinerary. Lucky for her, Lorna had
gotten a call from Zachery regarding Bill, acting as his secretary
was a great cover. It let me tell Lorna that my new beau, Bill was
coming and that Zachery was his secretary. At least, someone was
still thinking on their toes. Lorna sent me a text an hour ago, and
I confirmed the information. I got a cynical text back that I was
slipping in letting her know about the man department, and I did
not reply. Things were already getting too friendly. I knew that
friending around with my secretary could get uncomfortable if she
ever found out the truth.

The pounding rain against the glass
told me that this hour delay could be a bit longer. The private
corporate plane saw no reason to fly out when I did not need to be
there until Wednesday morning, for an eight a.m. meeting with the
client's staff. The first two days there were settling in and lower
end personnel meeting time. Friday night was the dinner event I
planned to have Bill attend with me, until then he was free to come
and go from the executive hotel suite in Japan. If I was him, I
would do some shopping and sightseeing. Instead, I would be in
meetings all day Wednesday and Thursday. Leaving only Friday to get
my hair and nails done.

Bill should have been here by now, the
only thing that might be holding him up was the traffic as the rain
and street flooding had been so bad. I texted his number numerous
times with 'where are you' and even tossing in a 'where the hell
are you' in between. I waited as patiently as I knew how. That
meant pacing back and forth in front of the tall glass window,
watching the rain as it fell even harder now. A huge flash of
lightning took me by surprise, and I stopped in my tracks. My phone
buzzed back with a text that stopped my heart for a

The text back simple read: 'The person
who owns this phone has just been in a bad accident, and the
ambulance is taking him away. Contact the Santa Barbara Police
department as soon as possible.'

This was not going according to plans.
I never took the time to meet the other potential candidate on
Sunday as Trey had been wrapped up in my mind. Causing me to
realize I was extremely harsh at a very critical sexual moment
between us. If Trey had done to me what I had done to him, I was
sure I would have hit more than a silk plant; I would have done a
lot more damage than burning tires out of the driveway. The entire
rest of that day, I spent exhausting myself at the gym, trying to
work out all the tension I had created. Trying to punish myself for
the deviant way I had acted while Trey's hands caressed my body
then search ravishingly for a condom so that he could prove once
more, what kind of lover he was. An excellent lover whom I had
damned him for being so.

I texted Lorna that a change of plans
with Bill. I quickly came up with an excuse that knew would not
draw questions later, one that she had lived through before and
knew better not to ask about. I texted her that I just found out he
was married. That was all I had to text. Bill would never be
brought up in conversation again.

Lorna texted back. 'What about that
Trey guy? He sounded cute.' I had to wonder if she saw through my
whole plan or was she just trying to be helpful. Maybe I should
have waited until after I had made other arrangements with Zachery
and passed the new guy off as Bill. Lorna would never have known
the difference. I guess having Trey on my brain really was messing
with my quick wit. I needed to end this and fast. I could not go on
thinking of him in any other way but the way he needed to be. A
business transaction. As I thought it, said it my head, my heart
broke into a million pieces.

I pounded the phone against my skull
and grimaced at what I had just done. My whole plan went down the
drain. Just then, my phone beeped with a message. It was my credit
card texting me that an unusual amount was just charged to my card.
Trey's escort service but the charge was under the name of TZ
Limited. I dialed my credit card company to let them know that the
charge was accurate. Then I knew what I had to do next, it was
something that was going to be difficult for both parties. I dialed
Trey's cell and realized when he did not answer that I could not
blame him. Therefore, I left him a message he should check with
Zachery. Then I dialed Zachery, and he answered on the first

"Does Bill match your ideal man? I
made sure he looked perfect before he headed to the airport." His
voice held hope, and I did not know if what I was about to tell him
would affect him or his business. I was sure his first thought
would be replacement, while my thoughts constantly lingered on

"Zachery?" I held my breath then let
it out. "Bill got into an accident on the way to the

"He did?" Zachery's tone held concern
that my own voice should hold, yet that stone cold professional
person was in play. I was beginning to hate that person; she had no
heart or soul. Or at least, no room to love a man like Trey, let
alone be concerned about the true well being of my new friend Bill.
However, I knew deep inside me; a part was worried and sad for him.
The part that pushed any caring emotion far away. It was starting
to want to ebb its way back into my heart. I was sure this had
something to do with the fact that I knew this cold emotionless
life I had been living, was not how I wanted to continue. I tried
to let my voice hold the emotion I was starting to feel, and as I
talked to Zachery, I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"I got a text from someone on his
phone. I texted him because he was not here yet and should be. Oh
Zachery. I am so sorry. He's such a nice guy. If I didn't have to
be flying out for Japan today, I would head straight to the
hospital." My voice held the sounds of distraught and tears, and
even though I was not one to cry in public, with everything that
was going on, I decided I could be human after all.

Zachery knew he had to calm her down
and find a replacement and fast. Only problem was; the only other
available candidate on short notice with the required
qualifications just got set up with a Southern Belle from New York.
After spending the entire day with Trey on Sunday, he knew that
something was going on between them. He knew, because Trey had
actually cried over her as if he had more emotion for her than any
other woman before. Trey is a man who kept his heart hidden, yet in
such a short time; he watched his boss and best friend open up and
fall hard in a matter of twenty-four hours. He knew it could
complicate things, but Trey could pull this off if he could put his
emotions aside and perhaps in the planning of it all, the two might
actually find love. A love, that Zachery sensed from Trey the
minute Jennifer's profile and request landed on their doorstep. His
mind began reeling with the conversation he would use to convince
Trey as he spoke up to comfort Jennifer. "Jennifer. Don't worry.
How important is it that you have someone there Friday

I paced back and forth then noticed
the pilot gave me an indication that they would prepare to load the
plane in five minutes. The rain was misting now, but my heart was
pounding just like the rain earlier.

"Zach. I would like to say it is no
big deal, but I would really like a replacement. We are flying out
in five minutes. Not enough time to get someone here. Listen, it's
not like anyone has seen him. I just used the cover with my
secretary that I found out he was married. So, it's not like I have
to have anyone there. I do want to proceed with the plan. I have
some things coming up. Let me get to Japan, get settled in and you
and I can communicate my schedule and what you have that might
work. This can still work Zachery. And Zachery... can you tell Trey
I am sorry for being an ass."

"Will do Jennifer. Have a safe flight
and we'll be in touch. I'll let you know how Bill is

I hung up just as the pilot motioned
for me to load the plane. There were three other I.N.Zime employees
going along on this trip. Not my boss this time or she might notice
what an emotional mess I am right now. However, the four of us were
flying out with every intention of coming back with the client's
marketing and promotional business. We were up against two other
great companies, and I really thought that coming in like a power
duo team that Bill and I would make, could make a more powerful
impact than just me as a single woman. It would have helped if
Lorna could have come along. With her Japanese heritage and looks,
I could have flirted side by side with her. Instead, I was left to
think that just my business skills would have to win this client

The takeoff of the plane always felt
exhilarating. Some people hated to fly, but I was not one of them.
I loved the way the thrusters boosted the plane forward, and the
feel of the seat pressed into my back. It made me think it felt
like a roller-coaster ride just about to ride over the

Once in the air and electronics could
go back on, I booted up my laptop and decided I needed to email
Trey an apology. Ten minutes later, only his name appeared on the
screen. I just could not find the right words to convey how foolish
I had acted. I am sorry was a great start, then I typed in I'm an
ass. I back spaced to delete it all and left staring at his name
for ten more minutes. Finally, I gave up and just sent him a text.
Simple typed: I'm sorry. He could take it anyway he liked; I just
knew it was needed after the way I acted.

Chapter Nine

Zachery knew exactly what he had to
do. First, he had to get over to Trey's place, open his curtains
and sober him up. Because ever since Jennifer laid down the
professional rules, after she got her fill of him, he was hurt.
Zach had never seen him like this in a long time. Not since the ex.
Trey had a way of dating young women who weren't serious, women who
were already spoken for, or women whom he could easily escape from
before the light of the day - the kind who had no idea who he was
or what kind of fame he had acquired in his younger days as a
champion surfer.

Some days Zach felt as if he was the
glue that kept them and the business together. However, if he was
going to get real with himself, he had to acknowledge that he
himself had felt the after effects of heartbreak.

Trey was the man who fronted the
money. Sure, it was Zach's idea, but it was Trey's connections to
women that got the ball rolling. Starting it off with just a few
friends as escorts and they quickly realized where the real money
was and the real need for corporate or 'rich bitches' as he liked
to refer to them as, ever since Trey's ex left him high and dry. It
was almost an iconic revenge to Trey's ex. Perhaps it started out
that way, but as they got to know and help these women, both of
them admitted that heartbreak runs both ways.

Just as Zach had figured it
would be, Treys place was closed up from any ounce of sunlight.
When he used Trey's spare key to get into his condo. There were
empty beer bottles placed randomly, and the TV was still on the
weather channel. The storm passed, and they should be spending
their Monday afternoon heading out on some gnarly waves to soothe
their vibe. Instead, being the professional business man he swore
to be to Trey, he was here to figure out a way to solve their
client's recent issue. That, and Zach would like to see Trey give
it one whirl before he decided to do a
duck dive
on Jennifer

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