Caught Inside (5 page)

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Authors: CJ Hawk

Tags: #adult romance chick lit mature romance romance fiction womens fiction contemporary fiction contemporary romance

BOOK: Caught Inside
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Today was exhilarating, a bit like my
first date. Zachery was ever the adorable surfer boy trying to act
professional in a three-piece suit, that I could tell he would much
rather be bare chested, hair grown out and surf shorts. His tan
body told me he still surfed, most likely with Trey. I had read up
about the two before the venture. I was detailed that way. I even
knew what to expect of the looks of Trey. Perhaps that was why I
could not help myself but flirt with the reflective mirrored
window. I knew he was back there; I knew he was watching. I knew
more about him than he probably could comprehend. Having good
friends among the intelligence business made that convenient. None
of that made it any easier the minute Trey handed me the flower. I
still had an orgasm humming through my body, waiting to come out of
me, but the rest of my day after that interview was

"Dial Lorna." I commanded into my
phone after I selected the connection button. Lorna is my most
valuable assistant out of the two I had working for me. Lorna, not
only handled personal work related items but household business as


"At your service." She joked then a
light laughter escaped her teasingly. Normally, she was all
professional, but lately I have noticed a new light heartedness to
her personality. I actually preferred it, yet did not want to
encourage it too much, or I might run into another incident of
having my secretary thinking we were BFFs. That is the first step
on corporate no-no. You need your secretary on their toes not
leaning against your shoulder.

"Terrific. I'm about fifteen minutes
out. Is Henry coming by today?" Henry was my personal chef who
delivered to my house every two weeks with healthy frozen
prepackaged labeled meals.

"He's on his way. You two should get
there about the same time."

"I have to call Japan tonight. Did you
get those numbers together?" I had my eyes on the road with half my
brain on work, and the other half on Trey and the reaction he
caused out of me. This was a new exhilarating feeling that I was
experiencing from a man. I had to work it out soon.

"On your email. By the way, a Trey
Masterson called for you today. Wouldn't say what for, and asked
some personable questions about you."

So much for discreet. "He's just some
guy. Listen. I have a few days off before I fly out to Japan, and I
have them packed with personal to do's." Hopefully getting my
potential escort squared down. "They are letting me take someone.
Want to tag along? Karaoke and Saki?" I let the sound of my voice
tease flirtatiously about the karaoke. I knew that was Lorna's
favorite pastime.

"Damn it Jennifer. You know what? I've
got that stupid cousin of mine getting married the weekend you get
back. I'm her freaking bridesmaid because she's pissed off too many
of her friends to get anyone else to do it." The sound of
irritation quickly diminished out of her voice. If there was one
thing that Lorna promptly understood was my intolerance to female
drama affecting our business relationship. I heard the cheery sound
in her voice return. "Sorry. I would have loved to go with you. We
had such a blast last time."

Lorna had told me all about the
wedding, but I forgot it was coming up. I did not fret over her
personal calendar. "I guess I'll just have to find me a

"Maybe that Trey guy. He sounded

She had no idea. I knew Trey would fit
me perfectly in the sexual sense. I also knew his surfer boy looks
would also make me look incompetent for dating such a laid back
looking man, versus the career sharp dresser I was looking for. I
needed someone educated and worldly. I doubted that Trey got that
with not finishing high school and just surfing around the world
did not make him an educated sophisticated man at that. However, he
could definitely make the women swoon and perhaps with a haircut
and a suit the men would take him seriously. Although his speech
was simple, too simple and his mannerisms were too laid back. I
needed a man who walked in a room and demanded

Trey might be excellent in bed; the
man should check his social network once in a while. There were
some twins bragging about his skills in bed. Two at a time,
pha-lease. It just takes the right woman to make a man feel like he
had it better than the whole two at a time gig. I had to get my
mind off Trey and back to work.

"Lorna? Did you sync my new

"You're set. Put much thought into
taking a man on some of these? I booked you at two for most social
events. I've got a male cousin who's cute, but my next week is
chock-full of crazy wedding crap. Don't get married." I heard her
laughter through the car speaker and smiled. I had no

"I've got a man in mind to attend some
of these social work functions."

"Is he hot?"

"Hot, sexy, worldly and totally
comprehends this is business only. I'm too busy for a boyfriend."
Lorna was about the only woman I knew I could trust with this whole
escort business, after spending two years to convince everyone I
was just as great an employee single as I was with a hot guy on my
arm. It did not last long that I realized that my socializing was
easier if my clients were enthralled not only with me sexually but
the arm candy I brought. It kept sexually attracted clients away
from expecting that my sexual services would be included with them.
Going back to using an escort service, seemed like a necessity.
However, I was not going to let on about it too soon, only if the
time required it. Lorna was good at not getting too personable in
my life, and I was excellent at skirting the truth when need be. So
trusting her or not, now was not the time.

Lorna teased back. "A woman should
never be too busy for what a boyfriend can supply. However, I know
you got that covered. Just text me if you need me. Lorna out." She
hung up with a giggle, which told me she had some man there
tickling her and was about to get lucky. No doubt with her latest.
She had been stressing for over a month on who to take to this
family wedding, when Mail Room Mark appeared one day. I was pretty
sure the janitorial closet got used for more than cleaning
supplies. As long as her work was done, and she was there when I
needed her, I didn't care.

The sunset was breathtaking as I
pulled into my driveway and parked in my carport. My house on the
beach was simple and clean, not state of the art, or over the top,
but still expensive for the neighborhood. Only one celebrity lived
down the block, and he was way past his prime but still trying to
recapture the old days.

I got out and locked my car. I walked
the side path to the backdoor and sat down on my back patio to
watch the last of the sunset. Sure, there were days I wished I had
a man to come home to, eat a nice home-cooked meal and then watch
the sunset. However, there were more complications, then I cared to
deal with that came with that. Finding a man as well off in his
career as I was, was not an easy find. Finding a man like Trey,
would be nice, but he just would not fit into my corporate social
setting that required entirely too many functions that a man had to
be extremely well-adjusted and educated for. Trey was simply a hot
fantasy that needed to stay that way.

I pulled my laptop out and flipped it
open. I typed in my security code and then was about to check my
emails but decided to search Trey on the Internet again. There was
something else I was missing. I could feel it. Why would a man like
him, with his skill in surfing, do a one eighty? There were plenty
of after surfing careers he could participate in. Why an escort
service? Maybe I was just curious for curiosity sake. Or maybe...
there it was. A picture of Trey with his surfboard, half-naked,
tanned, beaming a smile only an orgasm should bring, standing on
the beach looking like sin ready to be had. That was why I decided
to search him again. He was the type of man who could steal my
heart away, and that was not something I wanted to deal with right

"Jennifer? Love? You back there?
Nobody answered the front door." There stood Henry with his
portable rolling cooler full of my healthy prepackaged home-cooked
meals for the next two weeks. He was worth every penny he billed my
credit card. I didn't have to deal with grocery shopping or cooking
- which was not my thing, and I didn't have to live off of fast
food and spend extra hours at the gym burning it off.

"Watching the sunset, Harry." I stood
up, setting my laptop on my outdoor dining set and kissed him on
the cheek while hugging him. "How are you my good friend? Looking
lean and mean. Got a hot date later?"

"I do, if you can get me a date with
Trey Masterson. Honey, you got something you haven't told me
because there is only one reason I would have a picture of him like
that in full view on my laptop while watching the sunset. Five
minutes later and I might have caught you with your hand down your

I laughed and turned to close my
laptop. "Trey's not gay but if there was a man who could do it, it
would be you."

"You say that to all your gay

Our banter carried inside where I
watched Henry pull the food out of his cooler and then arranged
into my freezer, which was basically empty. We chatted about his
business starting to boom and the possible date he had later this
week. We talked about my trip to Japan, and then I finally had to
squeeze in there that a man was coming on to the scene. I didn't
want to lie to Henry but having an escort in private was going to
have to be part of this whole business.

"So... I've got this guy I'm starting
to see. Tall, dark and handsome. Educated and well bred. We are
both very busy business people but how about you double my orders
next time, just in case."

"Just in case, things end up here, and
you need to feed the man. What would you do without me?" He

"Starve. So keep to our same schedule.
Just maybe do a few manly like meals. Meals with meat."

"So he can keep up his

I laughed. Our banter always turned
sexual. It was who we liked to be. "Before I forget. I've got
another name of a gal who said she would be interested in your
cooking services."

"You're a doll. Now what do you want
to eat tonight? I know you haven't eaten a thing."

"Chef's choice. I'm

By the time I sat down at my patio
dinette table, I had a large glass of red wine and a really great
smelling pasta dish in front of me. Off to the side was a 'special'
brownie Henry had made me. It had a little something extra in it
that basically was illegal unless you had a doctor's prescription.
After the day I had, trying to work but kept seeing Trey's image in
my head, I needed that brownie.

I drank my second glass of wine while
reading up on Trey, learning all about him, his past and his
daughter - which was a shock. But mostly, I looked at pictures of
him half naked posing on the beach. Making me yearn to get my
slender fingers over that chest with a bottle of tanning

By the last bite of the brownie, I
felt a bit better. I heard the timer of the hot tub bubbles kick on
and the smell of sultry aroma of vanilla waft through the air. I
took my laptop inside, kicked my heels by the backdoor and had my
dress off, and a plush towel wrapped around me in less than five. I
poured one more glass of wine and then let the ocean air caress my
naked body as I dropped the towel next to the side of the hot tub
and crawled in.

The smell of vanilla was relaxing. The
sounds of the ocean waves competed with the bubbles. I hit the
remote for the stereo to turn on some calm meditation music on as I
lie back in the hot tub lounger and let the bubbles tickle me in
places I liked a man to touch. I set the half glass of wine off to
the side. Between the special brownie and the wine - I was feeling
it. I let my hands wander over my naked body under the water while
conjuring up the image of Trey with his surfboard on the beach. The
one Henry busted me practically humming over.

His green eyes were so intense
competing against that bright white smile that popped off his tan
skin. His hair was a bit longer and blonder back then, with just
enough curl to make me want to wrap my fingers up in it. His hair
was shorter now, but still too long to pass for an executive. Crop
that hair off and gel it forward, black sleek business suit and I
could have me my very own secret agent. That tingled my parts,
causing my hands to wander between my legs.

I felt the swell of my clitoris under
the water as I slowly separated my legs. I reached out of the water
and lifted my towel to uncover my waterproof vibrator I had
grabbed, knowing full well where my intentions would end up this
evening. I had a Trey to work out of my system, because a man like
him was not part of my career plan. A man like him would just steal
my heart and wreak havoc on my life, causing me to make career
mistakes I did not need to make. Trey was my eighth-grade
heartthrob all over again, in a wicked way. He was the
blonde-haired surfer boy I tried to date many a times after and
realized they were only interested in two things. The surf and
casual sex. Trey was obviously known for casual sex. I needed to
woman up and work him out the only way that was safe.

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