Caught Inside (4 page)

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Authors: CJ Hawk

Tags: #adult romance chick lit mature romance romance fiction womens fiction contemporary fiction contemporary romance

BOOK: Caught Inside
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Well, he did not sound intelligent,
more like a laid back Jamaican after smoking a joint. All cool
collected and relaxed, which I was not, at least not right now. I
was a heated mess internally with the sexual attraction I was
feeling for this man. I took the flower he was offering and our
hands touched. I felt a sense of electricity between us, and an
instant intensity made my clitoris want to explode. He flashed his
smile at me, and I could have had an orgasm right there. I needed
him as my man, but then again, that would only complicate things.
Instead, I held the flower he gave me in my left hand, held out my
right hand for a professional handshake and left him standing there
with this comment. "Tall, dark, handsome and professionally
intelligent. No surfer boy wannabes. I look forward to seeing who
you selected."

It sounded short, curt and very snide.
It was who I became when any man turned my mojo into slushy with a
look, touch or smile. And Trey Masterson, retired surfer boy turned
entrepreneur, had just caused me to have my own personal orgasm as
I turned my Mercedes onto the street, smelling his flower, and
remembering his smile, his touch and how damn good he looked in
just a white tee and khaki cargo shorts.

Chapter Three

Zachery met up with Trey in their
office two hours later and let out a deep breath. "That was
intense. I never would have thought this would have turned out to
be such a tough job. She seemed laid back, precise on line then
that interview. She's a rock. I'd hate to have her bust my

Trey held an identical salmon colored
hibiscus flower in his fingers and twirled it around back and forth
by the green base of the flower. Then he spoke up with a soft
somber voice. "Yeah." Then he turned his attention to his partner
and talked to him as his best buddy and partner, which he was. He
did not think he could tell him that the attraction he felt for his
client was beyond casual sex and wanting, it was more. "She was a
lot different than I expected. Not wanting a blonde in Santa
Barbara makes it tougher, but I have a few guys up in San Francisco
that I think might work. One of them is gay, but you would never
know it. That might make it easier on them. Was it me, or did that
woman have a gold medal in sexual attraction?"

Zachery laughed. "She's smoking hot
and diamond club league boss. Never would have thought that two
surfer guys like us would end up match making high-end rich bitches
like her. I was hard through half the interview watching her. Did
you catch the whole interview?"

Trey was not about to admit he not
only watched the entire interview with a hard on, but that he had
plans to watch her tapes later tonight, while home alone in his
ocean front condo. A woman like her did not come into his lifetime
very often, when they did, they usually left him with heartbreak, a
daughter they will not let him see that often, and a huge child
support bill. That was the kind he needed to stay away from. He had
a cell phone filled with numbers of available beach bunnies half
his age and tireless in bed, sometimes two at a time if he

It wasn't how he had grown up thinking
he would live out his later years in life once he turned
thirty-five and was stuck with a bad knee and jacked up hip from a
surfing accident. He had always wanted a gorgeous independent wife
and a few kids while living off the coast. Well, he got the coastal
condo; the rest of his money went to his ex in London, who was
raising their thirteen-year-old daughter. He did get to keep this
condo they bought together. It wasn't the beach side home he
yearned for, with landscaping he did himself, but it would do as
long as it had the ocean.

Now his business, well Zach and his
business, had this old empty lot, next to his building, and it
finally held the garden he loved nurturing instead of a wife or
family like he had hoped. Instead, he would settle for the life he
was successfully building. Running a male escort service had never
been in the cards, but it was how the deck of scrabble cards

Now, Jennifer Everest, corporate
elitist, was just going to have to be an unobtainable infatuation
that he would have to work out in other ways. Because she was the
last thing, he needed to confuse his already complicated life, and
he knew that he was the last type of man she wanted or was
attracted to. Yet, something in the way she reacted to him when he
handed her the flower told him otherwise.

Zachery's voice broke his thoughts.
"These are the three local finalists. I think we can contact the
San Francisco ones and set up something, which gives her a few
dates to select the finals. I've got some work to finish out on our
other client from New York that is flying in later today. Old
southern money gone east coast fashion tycoon wants a black man to
piss off her papa. This is going to take some work. I need a man
with a sense of steel to handle her prejudice southern family that
she wants to take him back to and piss off. Where the hell do these
women come from and why can't they work out their daddy issues

Trey broke out in laughter and tossed
the flower to the trash can. "If it weren't for rich women with
daddy or men issues we wouldn't be making the big bucks setting
them up with escorts. We'd be working back at Charlie's bar
wondering what the hell happened to our life as surfers." However,
a question began to nag and build in the back of Trey's brain. What
was her daddy or man issue and why did she not like men like
himself? Who hurt her so bad that blonde surfer boys were out of
the question?

He wasn't going to spend too much time
pondering on it. He watched Zachery grab his laptop and iPad and
stuff them in his briefcase. An item the two of them never thought
they would ever carry. He head nodded good night to Zachery and
watched him walk out of the office. As soon as the door closed, he
made a copy of the interview of one mysterious sexy female on a
flash drive. He had plans tonight that included a nice steak dinner
he was going to grill out on his condo balcony while watching the
sun set, and the ocean waves splash in. He was going to watch that
interview on his laptop, while he took one delicious bite of his
steak, one bite after another. He would wash it down with a nice
Corona and lime, and then he was going to jack off to his fantasy
of taking her down for the biggest orgasm she ever had and leaving
the best smile on her face. A fantasy he concocted while watching
her, knowing full well it would never happen. He did not mix
business with pleasure, and he knew that if he got his hands on
her, it would be more pleasure than either of them had in a long,
long time.

He knew when a woman could turn his
world upside down, and he would never let it happen to him again.
One ex was enough and there was no need to go through life with
this new desire building within him. He would simple work this one
out himself. Then maybe, call in a favor from the twins later to
make his world a better place.

The sound of the ocean waves from his
balcony beckoned him into the water. It was the smell of the New
York strip steak on his grill that kept him on his balcony. Trey
flipped the half-cooked steak over and took the last sip of his
beer in the long neck bottle. He turned and walked inside from his
balcony and tossed the glass bottle in the recycle bin. As he
opened the refrigerator for a second bottle of beer, his mind went
to Jennifer for the tenth time that day. She was all he had thought
about since her interview. The way her eyes lit up with a sexual
flirtation each time she looked at him towards the mirrored window.
She was a smart woman, and he knew that she figured out that she
was being watched, examined, and that intrigued him.

The way she looked down then up into
his eyes each time showed a bit of submission that he was sure was
locked deep down inside of her. After his research, he knew she had
been in control of not only herself but also the company she worked
for. She was organized, thorough, and could memorize facts about
anyone to recall later. She was an incredible force to be reckoned
with if you tried to cross her. However, she had executive
connections in most major cities. All this by the age of thirty-two
was quite a feat, which meant; she had no down time for a social
life. That would be why she came to him.

The way she played with her brown hair
and crossing her legs seductively while looking towards him mind
you, not the cameras, told him she was taunting him. Teasing him to
come play, yet when he brought her the flower, he felt the chill
she instantly tried to put between them, and yet her nipples
through her sheer top told him otherwise. She was turned on by him.
Tall, he was. Handsome, he knew. However, the dark hair, well that
he wasn't and there was a reason behind the fact she didn't want
any man with light colored hair. Some man must have hurt her bad
that she could never let another blonde-haired man seduce her

That thought of hurt he knew all too
well. He thought of his own personal reasons for why he chose to do
what he was doing now. Falling in love with a woman with a rich
family is one thing. Being told, after your surfing career had
crashed, that you were not worthy of her love or able to provide by
her father was another. The proverbial, add salt to the wound, was
when she stood behind her father, holding his daughter's hand and
agreeing that this was for the best.

He could have easily crashed and
burned if it weren't for Zachery. His best friend growing up and a
man he could always count on to watch his back out in the water, on
the surf, or in life in general. Zachery came up with the idea but
had no way to back it financially with his job as a bartender. Trey

He sat down at his small balcony
table, scooted his chair in, and took another long drawl of his
beer while he watched the surf. He let his steak rest for a few
minutes before eating it. The first cut into his steak made him
think of Jennifer's smile. The way she could toss a sexual hint
with just the corners of her mouth turned upwards. The first tender
bite of his medium-rare steak, he thought about some of the words
she used to describe herself, and he mentally added a few more to
that list: tease, flirt, sexually dominate in the corporate world
and in dire need of some sexual submission in the bedroom,
preferably with him in command.

He took the bite of steak and let the
juices slide out from each chew. The thought of her naked body came
to mind. Spread out on his bed, with her dark hair a mess and that
sexy flirtatious smiling urging him on. He envisioned her with a
bald pussy, wet and waiting for his tongue to lash out at her
clitoris, and felt his fingers ache to thrust inside that wet cunt
of hers. His cock twitched inside his shorts, and a smile grew upon
his face. Each delicious bite of his steak made him think more and
more of her, and how badly he wanted to fuck her until she could no
longer deny that what she really wanted was this particular blonde
surfer boy.

The sun was setting over the ocean
with glorious brilliant colors dancing together while the waves
crashed against the shore. There were a few people walking along
the public beach below. Trey took his business inside, leaving his
empty beer bottle and his empty plate on the table.

The pulsation of the hot shower on his
chest beat against him like a drum. The image of Jennifer and her
enticing copper brown eyes made him harder as he envisioned her
kneeling before him letting her hands roam up his legs. He let his
hand wrap around himself, and he began to stroke up and down as if
it was Jennifer doing the stroking. He felt her hot wet mouth slide
over him, and he placed a hand against the tiled shower wall as he
felt himself about to come. The hot shower water now pulsed over
his face as his hand stroked harder, faster. All it took to go over
the edge was the vision of her sultry sexy body laid out before
him, and he was gone.

Trey did not need to watch the
interviews of her again, knowing full well what it did to him, but
he did any ways, well past midnight. He studied every aspect of
her, and what her responses were. He finally decided that the last
thing he needed was another rich woman to break his heart. Because
even if she did give him the chance, he was sure she had such a
protective barrier guarding her heart that she would only push him
away and leave him broken hearted. His first wife had shattered his
heart into a million pieces, and he had not let another single
woman come close. However, for Jennifer, he felt this intense need
to be with her, to watch her, see her naked body and then there was
this undeniable connection he felt the first time he saw her
through the mirrored glass window. Something deep and personable
grew inside of him and made him want to sweep in on a jungle vine
and carry her away to a private cave and pound his chest. That was
a feeling he had not had since his ex. It was a primal feeling he
did not want to succumb to again. He knew what he had to do. He had
to find the perfect match for Jennifer and forget all about her.
And he knew exactly how to do that. Two texts later and he would be
seeing the twins come Saturday after he got some surfing in with

Chapter Four

Driving to my home along the coastline
while the sun was setting was the reason I had selected the
beachfront home I had bought. It was a forty-minute drive in bad
traffic, but when did I ever work normal hours that would put me in
rush hour.

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