Caught Inside (9 page)

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Authors: CJ Hawk

Tags: #adult romance chick lit mature romance romance fiction womens fiction contemporary fiction contemporary romance

BOOK: Caught Inside
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The open gate swaying in the light
breeze caught his attention. He went out to the steps that led down
to the beach. He closed the gate behind him, and just as he did, he
realized he had locked himself out. In only his brown cargo shorts,
no shirt or shoes he started down a few steps until there was a
small open deck to the ocean below. It was just a small version of
what was enclosed up above. Trey thought how if this was his place,
he wouldn't be blocking the ocean view from his patio off the back;
he would open all of it up with glass walls and some well-placed
landscaping. Then he thought quickly how the woman that owned this
place was as closed off and secluded as her house was. She was no
open book or an easy romance; she would be closed, and complicated.
All leading to eventual heartbreak, and he should know better. He
did know better; he just did not want to go that way.

He sat down in a wooden deck chair
that was in desperate need of some sanding and stain. He looked out
to the ocean and took in a deep breath of the salty air. He scanned
to his right for her and saw only other active adults out running
or walking with their dogs. He scanned to his left and saw nothing
more but the same, but no Jennifer. He leaned back and closed his
eyes, resting his mind and letting the sounds of the waves massage
his soul. Not but a short time passed before a familiar voice made
him open his eyes, and a sexy Jennifer stood before him looking
confident and desirable in her running shorts, and sports

s"You always hang back and lounge
around half naked at friends' houses?" He listened to her voice
taunting with him flirtatiously. He would take the fact that she
called them friends, more like friends with really great benefits,
but he liked that she wasn't upset he was still here.
Alternatively, perhaps he was just hoping she had not wanted him to
slip away unnoticed. Heck, almost all his sex-charades ended that
way, a quick slip away, and then he could evade the woman if he
decided she was not worth his efforts or heartbreak, which was
often. No, standing before him was one dangerous woman, tall,
tanned, sexy as hell and her skills in the sex department put her
top of his lists of 'hey let's stay and see where this can go'. But
he knew better. He remembered her 'consenting adults' comment, yet
with the smile on her face and glow of sweat on her skin from her
recent jog; he wanted nothing more than to eat a hearty breakfast,
then eat her to a molten of sexual satisfaction.

He decided to finally speak up with a
casual tone, or she would be able to see right through his desire
for something more. "I woke up and showered and went in search of
you, then locked the gate behind me by accident. You hungry,
because I am famished."

I glanced over his naked chest and
then up into his eyes, and I saw that sexual lust build and a smile
creep across his face that told me I was going to have a hard time
just tossing him aside. Hell, I had a hard time keeping myself from
flirting with him. I knew how to ditch a man, especially one that
thought something more was going to come of a bootie call. There
had been a few, and they quickly learned the silent rules. It's
casual friends, sex if I offer or call and no attachment beyond

"Come on in." I directed, and then I
bolted up the last few steps and punched in the security code to
the gate. Once inside, I turned back to him walking up the steps,
and I shook my head while smiling. He looked spectacular half
naked. Just enough naked to remind myself of what he looked like
all naked, sweaty, muscles bulging for exertion. Ah, yes, he was
the type of man physically that I could never get bored with, but
on an intellectual level, we were worlds apart. What could he know
about international business, finance, marketing? What could he
possible bring to the table in a relationship that I would want so
bad, I would actually cave to the idea of a relationship or love
ever after?

He watched her take off her running
shoes and set them off to the side of the door. She let her brown
hair out of her ponytail and fingered through it. He wanted to rub
the sweat that was glistening on her body on her naked skin. He
imagined his hands rubbing her naked skin then washing her off in
the shower. He caught her looking back at him, standing just inside
her back door from her kitchen granite counter top island. The very
same one he ravaged her body like a hungry wolf. Then he let the
smile he was showing on his face, emanate from within him as her
voice tingled his cock with mere words.

"I'm afraid oatmeal or prepackaged
dinner meals is about all I have. I need to jump in and wash my
hair. It was pretty hot and humid out this morning already. Give me
five, and I'll be back out to figure out something to feed you.
There's single cup coffee choices in the cabinet above the coffee

Trey watched her saunter off towards
her shower and wondered if she would mind if he jumped in behind
her in the shower. Maybe soap up her back, her ass, her breasts and
then gentle bend her over just enough to guide into her from
behind. He felt his cock twitch up from semi hard to hard and
thought it might be better if he saw where he stood in this some
kind of new relationship or 'friend'ship as she called

He opened the cabinet and saw several
single serve varieties of tea and coffee. He picked out something
dark and robust for him and a french vanilla cappuccino for her. He
made sure there was water in the coffeemaker and slid the plastic
individual serving into place. He pressed the correct button and
slid a coffee cup underneath. Five minutes later, she wasn't out,
and he was still hard thinking of her wet naked body and soap being
rubbed all over with his hands. He left the two cups sitting on the
counter and proceeded to walk towards the shower. He had not got
but within two feet of the door when he heard the shower stop. He
decided that knocking would only give her an excuse. He slowly
opened the bathroom door and peered in at her naked body from
behind the glass shower walls. The water had stopped; she had her
back to him, and she was starting to towel herself off inside the
glass walls of a shower that easily fit two.

He walked up behind her while
whispering her name, not sure if she could even hear the soft tone
of his voice. "Jennifer?" He had internal doubts as to whether she
would let him do anything. He opened the shower door, reached out
to her wet naked body turned away from his direction and let his
hand caress her shoulder. He watched her body stop in motion from
toweling herself off. He took the last step forward so that his
naked chest rest against her back. He slipped her wet hair off to
the side and began to nibble her neck as his right hand began to
caress every naked inch on her body, working its way to the front
of her. Letting his fingertips tease her pebbled nipple with a
wispy touch that caused her to let out a soft moan. She was moaning
the words stop but her body was pressing into him, arching her
back, letting her nipples touch out to his fingertips, then her
hand reached out and pulled his head in closer to her neck. She let
his name roll out of her mouth in a moan, and he had to have

His cargo shorts were off, and he was
searching madly for a condom in his side pocket when she turned and
held a hand out.

"Trey. Stop. We can't. I've got work
to do. You've got whatever it is you need to do today. This can't
go on. It was fun last night, but this is business between us.
Anything more and it would just ruin it for us. I need your
business. You need your twin bunnies and a surfboard. Our lives are
two completely different lives that we live. If I could wrap you up
in a short professional haircut, three-piece suit and an
intelligent conservationist to attend my social business events, I
would. I would in a heartbeat. I would toss my anti surfer blonde
attitude out the window because of how incredible you were last
night, but I can't. I need a non-sexual relationship next to me
while I handle my business affairs. If you weren't the owner of
this escort service, I would gladly put you top of my booty call
list. It would work out nicely since we live so close and damn,
Trey. We fucked so incredibly well last night, I think you ruined
me for all my other social fucks."

The last word resounded through his
brain and felt like a shotgun went off in his head. He wasn't just
a social fuck last night. He was wound up intense and totally into
her as the woman she is. Everything else she just said might have
made complete and utter sense if he wasn't admitting to himself
that with just an interview, a background check, and one hell of a
night together he was falling for her and falling hard.

He didn't even bother to grab his
shirt or shoes, just tossed his wet cargo shorts back on. He
stomped out of her place like a toddler throwing a fit. He punched
a fake silk plant on his way out her front door, hearing the alarm
he just set off into motion, and he reached inside his cargo shorts
for his car keys. A single condom fell out onto the ground, and he
left it there as he hit the unlock button on his silver Subaru with
his surfboard still attached to the top of it. He gunned it out of
her driveway and did not look back. He couldn't. He felt his heart
break into a million pieces for the second time in his life, and he
knew he had screwed himself into this one.

Chapter Eight

I had replayed my time with Trey over
and over, trying to tell myself that I did the right thing.
However, nothing about it felt right at all. It felt as if my heart
ripped into two as I said those things to him in the shower. My
tone dripped with acid and hatred. My stone-cold wall of defense
had gone up faster than I realized how shrewd I had been with my
words. How cold and callous I sounded. This was something I was not
proud of. I had asked myself the rest of that day and well into
that night, if what I had done was worth it. Had I pushed away the
one man who made me think that giving all this up would be worth
it? He had to realize why I did it. However, worse thoughts crept
through my mind that sickened me to my stomach. Had what I done,
hurt him emotionally as I was sure it had? Had he fallen for me
just as hard as I had for him? For the first time in my entire
adult life, I was actually concerned and sick over how a man felt
after we had sex, and I had pushed him away. Which, I did not just
push away; I pushed hard and fast, leaving him no time for

Bill's call came in later that night
to distract me. We talked in length about what was to happen in
Japan. He was to meet me at ten o'clock tomorrow morning at the
private airstrip where the corporate jet was to take off. I felt
reassured when I asked him to answer questions to all the
information I had supplied him, and he could ramble it off as if it
was the truth. He was going to make a great actor; hopefully, he
did not get a call in for any acting gigs until I was through with
him. That thought in itself caught my mind thinking, how did I turn
into such a cold and calculating business woman in need of a career
without men? At least, the type of man I could commit to, a man
like Trey.

Later that night, I found myself
relaxed from the conversation that I had with Bill. I felt
confident in my choice, yet my heart ached for the touch of Trey's
strong hands one more time. I took a sip of red wine and let it
tingle in my mouth before I swallowed it down. I thought of Trey's
kisses and how sensual they would start, and then quickly turn
carnal, for both of us. It was as if our mouths could not get
enough of each other.

I sat starring at a picture of him on
my laptop as I lay in bed in nothing but a simple large cotton tee
shirt. I let my mind wander with what if's and remembering how good
he was in touching me in all the right places. I stared at the
picture of him standing on the beach, holding his board during a
spectacular sunset. I looked out the large glass tinted window of
my bedroom that afforded me the privacy to look out and not have
someone look in. I watched a flash of lightning dance across the
sky as I felt my hand instinctively brush across my hardened
nipple. The memory of Trey's hands on my body was still too fresh.
I had to work him out of my system. I had to forget everything that
took place between us and get back to business. I thought of the
notion that battled against my will. Two ideas swirling around in
my head, causing its own storm to brew as the storm outside seemed
to intensify.

I looked out at the night sky as a
crackle of thunder lashed out and then compiled a continuous roll
of thunder. It was intensely sexual in nature or perhaps my mind
just wanted another dose of Trey Masterson to erase the emotional
fears I was having of falling for a man who would only bring me

I took one last look at my laptop's
full-screen view of Trey in the sunset, holding his board, and I
closed it. I turned off my reading light, slid my tee shirt off and
tossed it to the floor. I lay there completely naked, freshly
shaved and skin slick with body oil that smelled like coconut lime.
I let my hands wander over my body while thinking of Trey's
beautiful face, his thick dark blonde hair that ached for my
fingers, his intense green eyes and how they lit up a room when he
looked at me. I knew, deep down; he wanted me, wanted to have me
again. It was evident in the way he approached me in the shower
before I so blatantly laid out the rules and dismissed him with
plenty of hasty words. Words that I would take back now. Words that
would have changed to yes. Yes, Trey. I want you. I want you to
fuck me and make me feel special. I want you to make that scared
little girl filled with rejection to disappear and tell me you will
never leave me.

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