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Authors: Laura Secor

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demonstrators clashed in the streets
Ibid., 176.
“I am very sorry”
Ibid., 181.
“democratic Islamic Republic”
The State and Revolution in Iran
, 160–61.
“Thank God the enemies”
Scheherezade Faramarzi, “Executions Continue as Opposition Mounts Underground Campaign,” Associated Press, June 28, 1981.
“are not merely permissible”
The Iranian Mojahedin
, 68.
“Did you ask for a defense lawyer?”
Reuters, “No Need for Defence Attorney, Iran Judge Tells Former Official,”
Globe and Mail
, March 19, 1981.
“The Americans gave us plenty”
“Still Feuding, Fighting, Fussing,”
, U.S. ed., March 30, 1981, 44.
“They have turned me into a devil”
Reuters, “Former Iran Official Seeks Defence Right,”
Globe and Mail
, April 28, 1981,
“opportunists and criminals” . . . “The time has come”
, 178.


Soroush read Khomeini’s treatise on Islamic government
Farhang Rajaee,
Islamism and Modernism: The Changing Discourse in Iran
(Austin: University of Texas Press, 2007), 226.
“We always have a duty”
Reza Khojasteh-Rahimi, “We Should Pursue Shariati’s Path but We Shouldn’t Be Mere Followers: An Interview with Abdulkarim Soroush,” June 2008,
“banishing the power of cool and critical judgment”
Karl Popper,
The Open Society and Its Enemies
, vol. 2,
Hegel and Marx
(New York: Routledge, 2003), 216.
“The dogma that economic power”
Ibid., 139.
“It is high time . . . ‘
how much
power is wielded?’”
Ibid., 178.
“we are pleased now”
Behrooz Ghamari-Tabrizi,
Islam and Dissent in Postrevolutionary Iran: Abdolkarim Soroush, Religious Politics and Democratic Reform
(London: I. B. Tauris, 2008), 127.
“Otherwise, God forbid”
Ibid., 127.
“masked dogmatism” . . . “improper” hijab
Ibid., 104.
“restructuring . . . higher education”
Ibid., 112.
“conspirators and other agents”
Ibid., 116.
“We should neither limit social liberties”
Ibid., 189.
“After a few sentences”
“The Story of the Cultural Revolution: ‘Right to the End They Didn’t Know Where They Were Meant to Be Going,’” interview with Abdolkarim Soroush, published in
, Oct. 1, 1999, available at
“He did not shed any tears”
Islam and Dissent in Postrevolutionary Iran
, 117.
“The prophets were not sent to angels”
Farzin Vahdat,
God and Juggernaut: Iran’s Intellectual Encounter with Modernity
(Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2002), 199.
“Modern man sees his own image”
Ibid., 195.
Davari believed that the political problem with the West
The explanation of Davari’s thought owes much to Vahdat,
God and Juggernaut
, chapter 5.
“the only thinker whose ideas are consistent”
Islam and Dissent in Postrevolutionary Iran
, 191.
a former student recalls
See Mahmoud Sadri, “Fardid: Passionate and Genuine but Deeply Flawed Intellectual,”
“Every spring I buy grass seed”
everything said outside Iran . . . aims with violence:
Maryam Kashani,
“Never in Iran’s History Has Philosophy Been So Political: An Interview with Abdulkarim Soroush,” Jan. 30, 2006,
“If these people attack liberalism”
In his lectures in the 1980s
Ali Paya, “Karl Popper and the Iranian Intellectuals,”
American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences
20, no. 2 (Spring 2003), 61.
“What is this rubbish they advocate”
Islam and Dissent in Postrevolutionary Iran
, 191.
“Who is Popper?”
Ibid., 190.
Popper’s pseudophilosophy served
Paya, “Karl Popper and the Iranian Intellectuals,” 61–63.
“are identical to those of Khomeini”
David Menashri,
Iran: A Decade of War and Revolution
(New York: Holmes & Meier, 1990), 218.


190,000 combat dead
Iran Times
, Oct. 17, 2014, 2, cited in Lawrence G. Potter, “New Casualty Figures for Iran-Iraq War,” message posted Oct. 16, 2014, to Gulf 2000 electronic mailing list, archived at Iran-Iraq War casualty figures are contentious and vary widely among sources. See also
Iran’s gross domestic product
Djavad Salehi-Isfahani, “Poverty, Inequality, and Populist Politics in Iran,”
Journal of Economic Inequality
7, no. 1 (March 2009), 5–24.
Decline on this scale
This radical faction
Bahman Baktiari,
Parliamentary Politics in Revolutionary Iran: The Institutionalization of Factional Politics
(Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1996), 81.
His account has been called into question
It has been challenged in Persian here:
Mousavi briefly helmed the foreign ministry
United Press International, “Personality Spotlight: Mir Hossein Mousavi, Iranian Prime Minister,” Oct. 29, 1981.
He supported nationalizing
David Menashri,
Iran: A Decade of War and Revolution
(New York: Holmes & Meier, 1990), 306, 327, 356.
“the flames of this fire”
United Press International, “Iran Warns War Could Spread,” Dec. 20, 1982.
“cancerous tumor”
Reuters, “Annihilate Israel: Iran,”
Sydney Morning Herald
, Nov. 18, 1988.
“to honor the brave resistance”
“700 Protest Prison Death of Israeli Tourists’ Killer,”
Chicago Tribune
, Jan. 9, 1986, 5. The quote is from Tehran Radio.
Mousavi spoke from the roof
Reuters, “Iran Marks Anniversary of Embassy Takeover,”
Globe and Mail
, Nov. 5, 1983.
Iran would need seven times
For Khomeini’s letter published after the cease-fire, summarizing the reports of the chief of armed forces, see
“I know it is hard on you”
Dilip Hiro,
The Longest War: The Iran-Iraq Military Conflict
(New York: Routledge, 1990), 243.
“Taking this decision . . . for his satisfaction”
Robert Pear, “Khomeini Accepts ‘Poison’ of Ending War with Iraq; U.N. Sending Mission,”
New York Times
, July 21, 1988.
a cell so crowded
Ervand Abrahamian,
Tortured Confessions: Prisons and Public Recantations in Modern Iran
(Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1999), 135, 169, 140.
most severely persecuted religious minority
Reza Afshari,
Human Rights in Iran: The Abuse of Cultural Relativism
(Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001), 119–28.
They would twist and crush
Tortured Confessions
, 139.
In 1994 he estimated
Ibid., 140.
Another former prisoner recalls being suspended
Houshang Asadi,
Letters to My Torturer: Love, Revolution, and Imprisonment in Iran
(Oxford: Oneworld, 2010).
More than 7,900 Iranian political prisoners
Tortured Confessions
, 169.
“as painful as observing an actual death”
Ibid., 154.
“something snapped inside of all of us”

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